A Dragon Rider's Element

By Trash_Queen_33

311K 13.3K 1.9K

When dark armies and evils of the past awaken in the 21st century, anicent powers choose four new dragon ride... More

Dreams and Dragons ( 1 )
The Egg ( 2 )
One Hit K.O ( 3 )
Sardis ( 4 )
Athena ( 5 )
Sparing with Ty ( 7 )
Librarians ( 8 )
Kill it with Fire ( 9 )
Elemental ( 10 )
Wildfire ( 11 )
Beautiful Dreams ( 12 )
Deadly Nightmares ( 13 )
A Cruel Past ( 14 )
Taking Flight ( 15 )
The 4th Rider ( 16 )
Delicate Storms ( 17 )
My Saviors in Blue and Ivory ( 18 )
I Hate Plants ( 19 )
This is why I Don't Socialize ( 20 )
Thunder and Lightning ( 21 )
The Void ( 22 )
The Dual ( 23 )
Lies ( 24 )
Stepping Stones ( 25 )
Don't Forget The Sun ( 26 )
Tenaglia ( 27 )
The Vacuo ( 28 )
Fires and Shadows ( 29 )
A Life For A Life ( 30 )
Fires Brun At Midnight ( 31 )
Arial Battle Royal ( 32 )
Hotel Ecstasy ( 33 )
Scars ( 34 )
The Search ( 35 )
Orthrus ( 36 )
Friendly Fire ( 37 )
Jail Break ( 38 )
Desert Snowball Fight ( 39 )
Kyra's Library ( 40 )
The Gift ( 41 )
Death of Dreams ( 42 )
Eyes On The Horizon ( 43 )
The Beginning Of The End ( 44 )
Bad Dog ( 45 )
Ophelia ( 46 )
The Awakening ( 47 )
The Black Knight ( 48 )
Me and My Shadow ( 49 )
The Fall of Thunder ( 50 )
The Final Dawn ( 51 )
Only One King ( 52 )
How We Fall ( 53 )
Confessions ( 54 )

Alex ( 6 )

10.6K 438 47
By Trash_Queen_33

We landed at camp and Ty told me to follow him. As we walked through the camp people made faces and started whispering to one other. It seemed like Ty didn't see them as he kept walking.

We stopped at a medium-sized cabin with a large stable next to it.

"Your the second rider to be chosen so you get the option of which cabin you want, but this one has the biggest stable and Athena is a Flamezephyr so she will get pretty big pretty fast. So I suggest you take this one.", Ty said.

"Thank you, Ty, it's perfect."

"Anytime. Tomorrow I want to meet Alex the other dragon rider okay."


"I will see you in the morning. My cabin is just down this path if you need me." Ty said before waving goodbye and walking off.

I entered my new home with Athena on my shoulder. When I opened the door I was met with a small but very cozy sitting room and in the back was a kitchen fully stocked with food and other things.

I walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor and enter the bedroom. Athena jumped off my shoulder and laid on the pillow. I soon joined her after I unpacked my duffel bag and took off my shoes. As I laid on the bed I heard paper crinkling. I reached into my pocket and pull a note. The note was signed with only a name:

Sardis <3

I had forgotten he had given it to me. I felt guilty for keeping it, but I folded it up and put it on the nightstand.

I was confused as I tried to sleep, but one thing I knew for sure was I had a had a choice to make. My thought raced as darkness pulled me into a sleep like death.

. . .

I woke up to something heavy on my chest. My eyes shot open to see Athena on my chest looking up at me with her big Amber eyes. I gently pushed her off and got dressed.

Athena got up and preached herself on my shoulder like a parrot.

"Aren't you just a cutie?" I said bopping her snot.

She crimped happily as I went down the stairs and out the door.

It was a beautiful day outside the sun was shining the birds were singing and I hear Raikou roar in distance. I walked down the path looking at all the different types of cabins.

There was a medical cabin, weapon storage, and a library. I made a mental note to visit it later. I would need to know what I kind of monsters made up the dark army and how to kill them.

As I came to the training grounds I saw Ty and someone else sparing with their one-handed dual blade swords.

The other man was tall and had midnight hair and brown eyes on his hand was a dragon marking.

He must be the other rider.

I could tell that Ty was holding back a little as they spared. However, the other rider he was sparing with looked like he knew what he was doing. He was using his sword to block Ty's attacks then he would drop an attack on Ty's weak spots that were hard to protect like his ankles and legs. He was able to land a hit on Ty's left leg causing Ty to lose his balance and fall, but as Ty fell he rolled to the side and hit the other rider with the hilt of his sword. This caused him to fall instead of Ty, making Ty the winner. Ty put out his hand to help him up which he took. Then he pulled him up.

"Your getting better Alex. Nice move looking for my weak spots like that. Keep it up." Ty said as he put his sword back in its sheath. The other did the same before saying thanks.

Ty then looked around and saw me standing at the edge of the ring watching.

"Hey Larisa come here and meet Alex," He said putting a hand on Alex's shoulder.

I walked up to the pair. The boy named Alex looked at me up and down before saying anything.

"Hi I'm Alex. You must be Larisa the new dragon rider."

"Yep that's me and this is Athena," I said gesturing to the dragon on my shoulder.

"A pleasure to meet you."

"Ok now that we have 2 of the 4 dragon rider here we must start preparing you for the real fight" Ty explained, "Larisa chose a weapon and we'll get started before I leave."

"Where are you going?" I asked a little sad that he was leaving.

" I have to track down the other 2 dragon riders before does, but I should be back soon."

I nodded and walked over to the weapons and pick out silver one-handed dual blade sword and a shield.

Both the sword and shield were very light but strong. Happy with my choice I walked back to Ty and Alex.

"Nice choice a sword for offensive and a shield for defense," Ty told me before telling Alex to pick up his own shield and his sword.

"Okay, you two spar with one other," Ty said as he leaned on one of the tables.

Alex was the first to say something," Um... No offense Ty, but I can't fight a girl."

"Why not", I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Well you're a girl it's not right, Ty help me out here." Ty only smiled and put his hands up in the air.

"What's wrong Alex scared you going to get beat by a girl."

"What No."

"Good. Shall we?",I said getting ready.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this," Alex said as he got ready too.

He was the first to make a move. He charged at me. I rolled to the side like I saw Ty do just before. I went to hit Alex with the hilt of my sword, but he moved his shield to block it. I took a step back to regain my balance. Alex swung his sword at me, but I raised my shield in front of my face to block it. With my shield in front of my face, I had a clear view of Alex. An idea came to as I saw this. I put my shield down and krat-wheeled to the side of Alex.

Thank you 5 years of gymnastics.

When Alex brought his sword down I raised my shield like before as I swung my sword at his legs knotting him to the ground. Making me the winner.

I put my hand out to help Alex up and he took laughing a little.

"Well that was fun," I said laughing.

"For you maybe. You just killed my pride.", Alex joked.

I heard a slow clap as I looked over at Ty who seemed impressed.

"Well done Larisa. Now, are you ready to spar with me?" Ty asked.

Oh crap.

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