U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

558K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


18.3K 481 96
By curvaparabolica

     "Just get me whatever Toni drinks usually". Kate decided to answer him. She didn't like beer and she guessed the bar didn't make any fancy drinks like a Cosmopolitan or some other cocktails. "Alright". Sweet Pea's arm briefly pulled away from her as he easily leaned over the counter to contact the bartender. "Where's Toni anyway?". He asked as he shoved her glass her way. "Toilet". Kate said and was about to grasp for the straw in her drink as she realized it wasn't in there. Right, Kate, shove your goddamn high class side out of the way and get used to this.

Sweet Pea looked down at her face that was dimly lit up by the lights of the bar, showing her smokey make-up that made her eyes stand out even more. "I wasn't playing when I said you looked stunning, Kate". He repeated and Kate her eyes darted back to him, finding even the nonchalant way he took a sip of his beer attractive. "Thank you". She softly replied, unsure what to do with the compliment. Kate brought her straw to her mouth again and took a sip of it, feeling her throat burn as the liquor went down. She hoped she could loosen up a bit after a drink, not wanting to feel shy all evening.

Toni came back from the restroom and grinned at the sight of Sweet Pea and Kate standing together. "I see you found each other". She subtly mentioned and Pea cocked his eyebrow at her. Kate didn't say anything and just took another sip of her drink. She looked at the remaining liquor in her glass and decided to down it completely, causing Toni and Sweet Pea to give each other a surprised looked. "What?". Kate asked, looking between the two. "Nothing, just never thought you'd down a whiskey that fast, Northie". Sweet Pea clicked his tongue and she shrugged.

"You can order a new one for me if you want to see me doing that again". A giggled slipped out of her mouth and Toni chuckled at what she said. "Watch her, Pea. She's going wild already". The Serpent nudged Kate's side and took her glass to march through the people as she saw someone familiar. "Yo, Pea". Kate and Sweet Pea both looked up to see Fangs and Tall Boy with pool sticks in their hands. "Are you in?". Fangs asked. "What do you say, are you in for a game of pool, doll?". Sweet Pea's hand brushed over her lower back and she briefly zoned out.

"Okay, I've never played it before, but okay". Kate let out a breathy laugh and felt soft pressure of his hand to usher her forward. Her fingers sparkled with electricity as his fingers suddenly laced through hers. She looked at him over her shoulder, his eyes flicking down to see if there was something wrong, yet Kate looked back in front of her again to walk up to Fangs and the man she hadn't met before. "Nice to see you here, Kate". The other Serpent greeted her and she gave him a small smile. "Take care of the table so we can play straight away when I come back with some more drinks".

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes as Fangs patted him on his shoulder. He let go of Kate's hand and grabbed onto the pool stick. Tall Boy gathering the pool balls in the middle of the table again, in the triangle shape. "Losers can start". The Serpent joke as he grinned at Sweet Pea. "Sure". He shrugged and grinned back. Kate watched how he gently held the stick and leaned over the table, letting the tip knock against the white ball that caused the others to spread as they clashed together. Meanwhile, Fangs got back with a plate full of drinks and the game could really start.

Tall Boy let a couple balls roll into the corners, which made him and Fangs take the lead. "Do you want to try, Kate?". Pea asked and she looked over at him. "Come". He smiled and held his hand open for her. Kate slipped out a breathy laugh and felt her face heating up, taking his hand as he pulled her in front of himself. She was very aware of his figure towering over her, his chest against her back as he adjusted the pool stick in her hands. His arm was easily wrapped around her and his warm breath fanned on the side of her face. "We're going for that one right there...". He nudged towards the green ball.

"And with a bit of good luck, we'll get some into the holes". Kate gasped as he moved even closer to her, letting the stick push the ball away and indeed knock the others towards the corners. She briefly looked over her shoulder, meeting his dark eyes, the small smirk on his lips and she sucked her lower lip into her mouth. The next time, he let her try for herself and Kate... Well, she tried, yet she had no idea what she was doing. At that moment, she didn't feel bothered by it, she was having fun and that was the most important message of it all. Kate just knew Sweet Pea loooking at her when she was slightly bended over the table.

The Serpent's dark eyes glided over her legs, scanning the lace pattern on the black tights she wore, the denim skirt that smoothly covered her curves. His teeth dug into his lip, pulling slightly on the skin as his mind started to run wild with imagines of those endless legs wrapped around his waist, his hand feeling her silken skin, fingers running through those long strands and her pretty, plumb lips upon his own. "Pea?". The abbreviation of his name she was using more often lately, rung through his ears and blinked a couple times before looking up at Kate. "It's your turn". She smiled sweetly and oh he swore she was becoming his weakness.

"Right". Sweet Pea coughed and took the pool stick from her hands, stepping forward to take his turn. Kate was slowly feeling a bit bored at the table. The game was pretty much the same and she couldn't really understand why the guys loved it so much. "I think I'm going to head over to Toni". Kate looked up at Sweet Pea and he placed his hand over his heart. "Are you leaving the game now? Are you leaving the team?". She laughed at his overdramatic tone and nodded. "You can beat them on your own". She smiled over her shoulder and walked up to Toni, who was at the bar. Toni pulled a stool for her aside when she saw Kate nearing.

"His eyes were all on you the whole game". The Serpent girl spoke. "Bet he banged you in twenty-four different ways in his mind already". Kate gasped and swatted her arm. "Toni!". She shook her head, feeling the tomatoes on her cheeks heat up again. "Need a refill?". Toni ignored her previous call and nodded towards Kate's empty glass. She just shoved her glass Toni's way and was about to speak up again when the door open, a cold flow of air moving through the pub. Jughead Jones was the one to step inside and it seemed as if all eyes were on him. Even Sweet Pea managed to look up from the pool table.

People gave Jughead dirty looks as he was wearing the Serpent jacket, making Kate slightly raise her eyebrows and shot a questioning look at Toni. Sweet Pea looked down at the table again, letting the ball roll over it. "Is this Northsider lost?". He asked, a sarcastic tone to his voice that still cut through the air like a knife. "No, I'm not". Jughead stopped in front of the table to look at the taller Serpent. "I'm over being half a Serpent". He added. "Wow, you'll do anything to protect your Northside buddies". Sweet Pea replied, moving around the table and bumping into Jughead with his shoulder.

Fangs came to join Toni and Kate, looking between the two before letting his eyes wander over the scene in front of them. "My father was a Serpent, he led you. I'm with you guys". Nobody said anything, some Serpents already started on their drinks and continued their conversations with one another. "Tallboy was the one who gave me this jacket". Jughead's voice had a bit more volume now, drawing the attention back to him. Sweet Pea's jaw clenched as he fiddled with the top of the pool stick and Kate swore the thing would break under the crushing power of his wrist. She subtly slid of her stool, taking her place beside him to prevent him from starting a fight he might jump into if Jughead made things worse.

Sweet Pea was surprised to feel her hand sliding over his arm, looking down into her sky blue eyes that radiated a certain calmth. Jughead was startled by what he saw, clearly lost in the words he wanted to say. "It's finally time I start wearing it". He pulled on the lapels of his leather jacket. Tall Boy looked at the teen for a couple seconds and slowly made his way towards him. "So, now you want to be a Serpent?". It was a question, however it sounded more like a statement. "Let's see if you survive the initiation first". With that, Tall Boy turned around, ready to continue the game as if Jughead never set a foot into the Wyrm.

"You have to be kidding me". Sweet Pea shook his head and threw the stick in the corner where it stood at first. "I'm going out for a smoke". He muttered under his breath and Kate let go of him, assuming he'd want to be alone for a moment, yet her heart skipped a beat as his fingers laced through hers and pulled her after him through the people in the pub. "Take your jacket, it's cold outside". He mumbled and she just hummed in response, taking her jacket from the coat rack. He didn't wait for her as he now knew she was following him anyway. Kate pushed her arms through the sleeves of her long, black coat, glad she brought the one that was meant to be worn in winter.

Sweet Pea's back was turned to her as he stood outside, blowing the smoke into the cold night air. Her eyes glided over the Serpent that was stitched onto the leather of his jacket before she neared him. "What makes you so mad when it comes to Jug?". Kate softly spoke up. Sweet Pea's anger melted even more at hearing her sweet voice, looking down to meet her eyes. "It's just hypocrite, wanting to have barely nothing to do with us and now he's joining the Serpents so he can keep his Northside friends out of all the shit that happens here". He let out a pathetic laugh. "And all because FP is in prison". He added and it made her eyebrows knit together.

"Why is he in prison?". She hesitantly asked, not sure if she had the right to ask or if she was allowed to know. "Do you mind if I tell you that later, doll?". Sweet Pea replied and she nodded silently, her insides tingling at the nickname he gave her. Kate looked back up at him as he was still loking at her. Pea's eyes were sparkling with amusement and it made her wonder what was so funny at the moment. "You up to do something stupid?". He asked and just the question alone made her giggle. "Depends if it's 'ending up in jail' or just some 'mischief' kinda stupid". Sweet Pea just grinned in response.

"Wait here for me, princess. I'll be right back". Kate didn't even had the chance to ask what he was going to do as he barged back into the Wyrm again, only to return a couple minutes later, having something in his hand she couldn't see as it was too dark. Sweet Pea threw her his helmet and she barely caught it, a laugh erupting from her throat as he was in a sudden rush. She climbed on his bike to sit behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She squeaked as he left the parking lot with an already above-the-speedimit speed, driving out of the Southside to reach the Northside.

He started to drive slower at the beginning of a street, gently driving up the pavement and parking his bike close to the bush of someone's garden. "What are we doing here?". Kate giggled as she was thrilled for this stupid, childish thing Sweet Pea had probably came up with. "Ssh". He shushed her and she just had to see what they were going to do. He pulled an aerosol out of his jacket and shook it a couple times. Kate followed as they walked past some houses and he finally seemed to find the right one. "Sweets, I'm not so sure about this...". She whispered, hesitantly standing on the porch.

"Just look out if there's anyone coming, okay? I promise we won't get caught". He whispered back and she rolled her eyes, nodding anyway. Kate looked over at the mailbox, squinting her eyes to read the name that was painted on there. "This is Archie's house?!". She whisper-yelled now. Sweet Pea waved her away and started to spray something on the house. Kate turned her back to him to peak around the corner, still not feeling relaxed, even though there was no one out here at three in the morning. She glanced over her shoulder at Pea, her eyebrows raising in disbelief as he had drawn a gigantic penis, yes, a penis on the house.

"What the hell, Pea". She said. "That's because he's such a dick". Sweet Pea responded, not really bothered by it all. Kate snorted and had to clasp her hand over her mouth to not laugh too hard. "Shit". The Serpent cursed and dropped his aerosol. They both jumped as the dog started to bark inside of the house. Sweet Pea quickly grabbed the thing he dropped and stood straight up. "Run, Kate, Jesus don't just stand there". He whisper-yelled now. "Do you see the shoes I'm wearing?". She shot back as he was already ahead of her and she tried to come after him as fast as she could.

"My god, woman". Sweet Pea was back at her in three steps, easily lifting her up and running back to his bike. Kate felt an uncontrolable laugh coming up and she tried her hardest to keep quiet, but she simply couldn't. Her laugh was so contagious and he had to make sure to keep running and not drop her on the pavement. She barely had the time to put his helmet on her head as he already sped away from the street. Her fingers wrapped around the leather of his jacket as they drove through the night, back to the Southside of the town. The adrenaline rushed through her veins as something maybe as simple as drawing with an aerosol, secretly, past midnight, had been very exciting for her.

Kate dared to breathe again when Sweet Pea parked his bike somewhere she had never been before. She hopped on the ground, her knees barely holding her as her legs were a bit shaky. "I ehm... Took you to the trailer as I assumed your parents wouldn't allow...". "Oh, they think I'm sleeping over at Betty's". She blurted out and he blinked in surprise as he hadn't thought she'd lie about where she was spending the evening. "Well, this is MTV and welcome to my crib". He joked and unlocked the door of his trailer, leading her inside and mentally hoping he didn't have too much of a mess inside.

"You all live in these kind of homes?". Kate asked as she looked around for a bit. A home, that she put it way nicer than Sweet Pea did himself and he couldn't help but admire that about her too. "Yeah, most of us Serpents do". Sweet Pea shook his jacket off and took hers too. "Mind if I take a look around?". She asked now and he nodded. "Sure, take your time. And don't mind the mess, I'm a guy and I don't have enough money for personal cleaners". He added with a chuckle, which made her shoot him a short glance. Kate looked around the small kitchen, some empty beer bottles still on the counter, a couple glasses on the side, washed, but not stashed in the kitchen cabinets yet.

She opened a door, guessing it was his bedroom. The sheets were messed up and pushed to one side, not made up after he woke up this morning. The walls were full of posters, mostly bands and some pictures of cars between them. "It's very personal". She mentioned and she jumped slightly as he had apparently followed her. "It's my room, it'd be weird if it didn't look like anything I liked". Sweet Pea shrugged. "No, I mean, it really reflects you. Messy, hard rock, cars...". Her eyes flickered to a picture of a half naked woman with a guitar in her hands. "Chicks". She finished, which made him clearly tiny bit uncomfortable, yet a grin curled his lips.

"You must be a magnet for young girls". She closed the door behind her, her back against it as he was still behind her. Sweet Pea studied her face, the way her lips moved as she spoke. "Having such a bad boy vibe around you, the leather, the tattoo...". Kate didn't know where the nerve came from, but her hand reached out to let her fingertips wander over the Serpent that was inked into his neck. "How ridiculously tall you are". She continued, her voice getting a bit shaky as she felt her shy self coming back, rushing to pull her hand back as she swallowed hard. Sweet Pea still didn't say anything, just kept looking at her.

Kate looked down at her feet, she was a bit taller than she normally was, since she was wearing heels, but she came nowhere near Sweet Pea's skyscraper height. His fingers under her chin forced her to look into his eyes again. His other hand leaned against the door, blocking her from any way out of his cage. He slowly leaned down and she felt hypnotized by his brown eyes, feeling his hot breath fanning over her face. "I'm going to kiss you now, Kate". Her eyes almost fluttered close at his words, feeling his lips brush over hers. Her fingers curled around the collar of his blouse as he leaned further down to capture her lips between his own.

A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA They kissed omg I was dying to write that. Oh and I also edited the playlist, you can check it out in the chapter of the book which includes the playlist :)

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