Living in the Shadows

By Bluepants53

448 44 4

****IN EDITING**** Liza was used to living in the shadows. By day she works in the cafe on the corner of 6th... More

1) Blackbird
2) Penny Lane
3) Help
4) I am the Walrus
5) When I'm 64
6) Mr. Moonlight
7) I've Just Seen a Face
8) Ticket to Ride
9) Eleanor Rigby
10) And Your Bird Can Sing
11) Any Time at all
12) It Won't Be Long
13)Hello, Goodbye
14) I'm Happy Just to Dance With You
15)The Fool On The Hill
16) We Can Work It Out
17) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
19) Strawberry Fields Forever

18) Here Comes the Sun

5 1 0
By Bluepants53

Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

And I say, it's all right

It had been over a year. Liza's dreams had been filled with the image of Lucas' fallen body, a bloody mask lying beside his head. She had seen no trace of her brother that night, but for all she knew he was dead too, her father too busy to unmask the new nobody on the street. Liza now spent each week in a new town, her father finding joy in replacing the word hero with villain. She was no longer alone in her father's abuse. Now a young girl sat with here every week, the only victim in the town. Once she died, they upped and moved.

New town. New victim. New name on the list.

Halloween came and passed, the one night Liza felt relefe as she dremt of her previous Halloween. The lights, the music, the dancing, she could remember all that night had in store for her. But it was all memories because he was dead.

Lucas was dead.

For weeks Liza tried to convice herself otherwise. That it was all a trick and that Lucas would fly down to rescue her any day. But the weeks turned into months and she felt hope fly away with each new town. While she may not have been alone in her pain she was alone. She had nothing but solitude.

"Liza? Hey, Princess, what do you want for lunch?"

Liza looked to her father. She had long since stopped talking to anyone, to anything. Her hope was gone. She looked into his eyes and opened her mouth, but held back any words that she could've said. She looked away, ropes biting into her wrists. Glass shattered in the kitchen.

"Why do you make me act like this Liza? We could be happy, just you and me. We could be a team, showing the world the wrath of the Queens. But no! You force me to tie you up and beat you." He began to walk towards her, glass shards still in his hand. "If only you could be a good daughter, an obedient one." He pulled her to face him. "All I need is your word."

She looked up, he face set in stone, unmoving. Love and kindness had left her months ago. Getting an answer from her would be pointless. She was finally broken.

He slapped her.

"I used to love you. Now I wonder why I don't just kill you. You're a parasite, a nail to be removed from by shoe." He turned away from her and resumed working on lunch. "All I want is my daughter back." She turned away and tried to sleep. That was the only release she found. It was her escape. Her way of pushing back the darkness.

"You used to love the snow when you were a kid," Robert spoke again, pointing to the open window. "You used to drag Damion out of bed as soon as you saw the little flakes. For a while, I believe that you would have powers of ice. But no, you had to be disgustingly human and musically inclined like your mother." He used a long knife to slice away at a piece of meat. Stopping, he took a long look at the piece of metal, examining every millimeter of it.

"That's who I blame for all of this, your mother. If she would have never left, all would be ok. I would have another son who has powers. The death of your brother wouldn't have been so crippling and I would have remained on top. And maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be such a disappointment." He began to clean the knife, Liza falling faster and faster into nothingness.

"Well, I guess it's time to welcome our guest, don't you think child?" He began to slap a girl across the room with the flat of the knife, blood already caked onto her shirt.

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right

Her screams were muffled by a cloth. Liza just shook her head. If the chick just stopped making a noise, if she just quit fighting Robert, it would all be over and she could run along. If she just stop fighting, she wouldn't be just another name on the growing list of victims.

Soon Liza closed her eyes, and sleep over took her. This was now her world. Forget the masked marauders who saved her. Forget the best friend and mother who drove off into the night. Forget the past.
Another week passed by. Another name added to the list of dead girls. The blond chick was dead and her screams added to the ones already filling Liza's head. She looked at herself in the mirror of the new motel room. She lost weight from lack of eating. Scars grew where the ropes had dug into her skin. Her hair had lost all glow and laid greasy and flat against her scalp. And her eyes...

All life was gone. All hope was gone. Her eyes were as dead as the girls scattered across ditches. Her own death was coming soon. She could feel her own heart beating; each second becoming slower and slower. She could feel the strain in her lungs as each breath was taken. She could feel the warmth leave her body. trapping her in the cold. Yes, death was imminent. She could feel his presence growing closer and closer with each passing day.

"Soon," she whispered. Her father walked into the small room, a familiar smell plastered on his skin.

"Did you go home?" she asked in a tentative voice.

"You must forget that place Princess," was his only response.

" How can I when you litter this room with the smell on it?" she replied meekly.

The doors stayed open, causing his shadow to grow across the room.

"Because I will finally end our connection with that cursed place."

And with that he disappeared outside, only to come back in carrying a body in his arms.

He laid the woman on the bed away from Liza's view. Her arms were soon tied to the posts before the chance of her waking up became reality. The pattern never changed. He always tied the girl to the bed before setting up the chair in front of Liza. He wanted to make sure Liza saw everything, even getting a drop of blood to stain her body.

But this time it was different, and Liza felt something that she had not in months: Fear.

Instead of one chair there was too. As Liza turned around, she realized her mistake. One the bed laid two woman. Two woman she home she would never see again.

"Finally realize what's happening," her father mocked.

Liza didn't say anything as she watched her father tie her mother and best friend to the equivalent of the electric chair. She let the tears silently fall as she knew there was nothing she could do.

Robert turned to scoff at her before slapping her mother awake; a bruise already appearing from earlier.

"He sweetheart," he said lovingly. 'Ready to receive your own death sentence."

Eleanor was not gagged, but she did not speak. She just hung her head in shame.

"Aww, no sassy remark like last time." He laughed, looking down at his pitiful wife. He kissed her cheek softly. "I've always loved you Eleanor, and I always will. But I have to move on."

She nodded her head. "Can I say some last words to our daughter?"

"Of course."

Eleanor looked at what was once her light of the world. She felt unbelievably guilty for leaving, she always did. She felt sorry for not taking her kids with her when she had the chance.

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

"I'm sorry Liza for ever leaving you. I hope you find peace soon and know that I will be waiting for you with open arms on the other side."

And with that she closed her eyes, letting her husband stab her in the heart, his sign of letting go.

He looked up at Liza pity displayed on his face. For the first time in years he cried. He cried silently with his daughter, already missing the love of his life.

"I should've showed you your friend some mercy and killed her while she sleeps. But she deserves the same rights as your mother. She should be able to say her last words."

And with that, he woke up Becca, guilt is showing on his features. These two kills were not a release of anger as all of his others had been. It was the letting go of the past by hurting the person you love the most and by hurting the person Liza love the most.

Becca woke up at calmly, already knowing that this was bound to happen.

"I have nothing to say to you girl other than that you can say your last words to Liza."

Becca looked to her friend honestly surprised she was alive, and found yourself wishing that she wasn't.

"It should have been you," she said with venom.

"What?" Liza asked shaking.

"It should have been you,"Becca repeated.

She took a large breath.

"It should have been you that died, not Lucas. He loved you so much that he sacrificed everything for you. You should've never come to Rose city and I hate you so much for it. You and your brother. You should have never come back and you both deserve to die."

Becca regretted the words as soon as she said them, but she didn't voice her regret as Robert slashed at her throat with the knife.

He looked at his daughter with anger in his eyes.

"What did she mean he should have never come back?"

No answer.

"Liza, answer me!"

No answer.

"Liza Queen," he grabbed her face. "Answer me," he screeched.

"Damion's alive."

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

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