#the gang

By angelica--hamilton

7 2 0

makayla was just taking a stroll down the park with her best friend Serena, when out of nowhere they got kidn... More

chapter 1...

7 2 0
By angelica--hamilton

   Do not read this book if you are
   Going to complain, do not steal
    My ideas, because I will know.
     This book is for 15 and older.
         Do not attack me when...
         Your reading MY book!
     Because honey I got claws too.

       And I'm not afraid to use it!
    Thank you for reading my book
            and before we start...
      The girl on the top is makayla!
    That was it, now on with the book.
                      {Chapter 1}

"Your so pretty" Serena said to me as she played with my wavy blonde hair.

"Are you crazy? I am not pretty, I look like a rotten frog that has had nothing to eat for 1 year" I said as i shook my head at her in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes at me "oh, whatever, just get ready, I wanna go to the park I'm bored" I sighed but stood up anyways.

I went over to her drawer and opened it, to only see clothes that show too much skin, what the hell is wrong with her? How are we best friends?

I looked over at her and glared "Rena, what is there for me to wear?" I asked her and she just glared back at me.

She stood up from her bed and walked over to her drawer, were I was standing.

"Go sit on my bed, I will get you clothes" I gave her a warning look before walking over to her bed and smashing myself down on it.

I crossed my legs and reached over to grab the remote controller, I searched what was on to watch and that's when my life had just became brighter.

Hollyoaks was on, hallelujah to that.

I got my half empty Doritos and put it on, as soon as Serena heard the intro, she turned around real quick.

"Bitch budge over, I am finna watch my shit, oh and here" She dashed clothes at me and practically jumped on her bed and her eyes were locked on the tv screen.

I laughed at how weird she was and looked over to the clothes she picked out for me, she picked out a fricking short top that was nearly up to my boobs and short shorts.

"Are you serious right now?!" I asked her as I put my hands on my hips, she looked over to me and shrugged "just put it on, it compliments your figure" She said as returned her concentration back to the screen.

I rolled my eyes at her and took of my pyjamas and put on the clothes she picked out for me, I don't mind getting changed infront of Serena or my friends that are girls since we all know each other, I mean I do it all the time.

I went over to her mirror to look at myself, and the top was so tight around my chest area, the shorts were squashing my booty and it did compliment my body but the problem is I don't wanna look like a stripper.

I decided to put my hair into a high ponytail and I put on my coat that was knee lengthed, I put on my sandles and I was ready to go.

"I'm done, let's go" I said as i shook her shoulders, She sighed and looked up at me "damn mami, looking like a model." I rolled my eyes and I pulled her up from the bed so we could go.

"Wait, I need to pause it" She got the remote and quickly paused it before putting on her boots.

"Finally, let's go" she laughed and linked her arms in mine as we walked downstairs slowly since we didn't want to wake up her sleeping parents.

As we reached the bottom I got a packet of sweets and a bottle of water and I quickly put them in my bag before we headed out, Serena took a massive bottle of orange juice and chocolate and put them in my bag.

When we were outside I felt the wind slap me across the face, I don't know how Serena is wearing a bra and what looks to be boxer's in this cold.

She closed the door slowly and we began our walk to the park in the cold night, "Rena how was your date with bob" she shrugged, "nothing really happened, we just had a one night stand" I scrunched my nose "eww".

She just laughed at my reaction, "whatever, your just jeoulous i am not a virgin like you" She said playfully.

I shook my head "no, I am actually happy that I am still a virgin at 17 years old" I said proudly.

"I can't believe you are a virgin though" I rolled my eyes, "why?" She stared at me as if that was the most dumbest question ever "because you are beautiful" I shook my head.

"I.am.not.pretty!" I said as i sighed in disbelief, She just chuckled "keep telling yourself that".

We finally got too the park over forever about talking about Hollyoaks and food.

"We are finally here" I said as i sighed in relief, Serena nodded in agreement, "let's sit down on the swings" I nodded and ran to it and sat my ass down on the swing to the right, as Serena sat on the one on the left.

"Let's have a swinging battle" she nodded in agreement, "3.2.1...GO!" We began swinging so high but of course she was going higher then me.

And that's when I heard a noise that was coming from the bushes "hey, did you hear that?" I asked her as I looked over to the place I heard the noise coming from.

She looked at me and nodded "yeah, let's check it out" I stared at her as if she was crazy as a rat.

"Are you crazy? I am not about to die" I said as i jumped off the swing.
She just laughed at me and stopped her swing with her foot and got off too.

"Fine, let's go" she said as she reached over to my bag and took out a jawbreaker and put it in her mouth.

We started walking when we heard a noise again but this time it was louder, "you know what, fuck it, run for your damn life" she looked at me and finally agreed with what I was saying.

I didn't even wait for her to reply, we both began running like there was no damn tommorow, and there won't be if we get killed sooo....a bitch gotta go.

I didn't even get the chance to look back before I felt a hand on my mouth, I looked over at Serena from the corner of my eyes to see that she was passed out cold.

I saw a shadow approaching us and I did what I had to do, I stamped on the guy foot that was behind me.

Damn it, I should if worn heals today.

I felt another person hand put something in my mouth, and that's when everything around me was starting to go blurry, is this how I'm gonna die? Atleast I am gonna die a virgin.

The last thing I saw was someone walking over to me and picking me up, they walked over to a car and placed me and Serena in the back, that's all I saw before I let the darkness take over me.


When I woke up I was in a different place, at first I thought it was heaven but it couldn't be since there were alot of people here and if was dark and gloomy, was I in hell?!

I looked over to my left and saw Serena laying next to me, yep, I'm in hell, what have I done?!

I shook her and her eyes sprung open so fast I could've sworn she was speed itself.

"Where are we?" She asked with worry in her voice, I looked around "I don't know, I just woke up now too" she rolled her eyes and sat up.

"There are only female's here, let's ask some of them if they know why we are here" I nodded and looked over at 2 girls, they looked around our age so  we walked over to them.

One had short ginger hair that was straight and the other had light brown blondish brown hair, they looked more frightened then we were.

"Hi" I said and they both looked up at us" do you know why we are here?" I asked hopefully.
But the both of them shook there heads, and started sobbing.

"We all got here either today or last week, we have been here for 3 days now and we have had nothing to eat" they said as i realised there belly were rumbling.

"Wait here with them" I said to Serena, "where else would I go dummy" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag, luckily the food and drinks were still inside it.

I walked back over to them and sat down, I cleared my throat "can everyone please come over here?" I asked, everyone looked over at me and slowly made there way over here.

"I presume you all are hungry?" They all nodded and looked down sadly.

"Well we have some food" Serena said and there eyes lit up, I grabbed the orange juice and I had plenty of cups in my bag, don't ask me why, I just do.

I started pouring juice in some of them, there were about 80 girls in here and I only managed to poar 50.

The girls who I didn't poar juice in looked down but then I remembered, I have my water bottle still.

I took out my water bottle and poured the water in the other cups and gave them out to them.

I then realised I forgot about the two girls we were with and ourselves so I got out the sweets and handed the chocolate to the other girls for them to share.

We began eating and I'm half a minute the food and drinks were devoured, I wasn't finished with the sweets I had and I saw a lonely girl sitting at the corner by herself so I walked over to her.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked her as I tilted my head she looked at me with sad eyes "I don't have any friends here so I thought you wouldn't want to share with me" when I heard those words come out of her mouth my heart broke for her.

"Well, you can be mine and Serena friend, here, take it" she smiled at me and she began to cry of happiness.

I can't believe the bastard who kidnapped us didn't give these girls anything to eat, dickheads.

"What's your name, mine is hannah, I'm 19" the girl asked, I smiled at her "mine is makayla and I'm 17, my best friend here is Serena she just turned 18 this year" she was shocked when she heard our ages for some reason.

Then the girl with blondish brown hair talked "my name is Alex and I'm 20" I nodded, then the girl with finger hair talked "I am Trishla and I'm also 20, you guys are the youngest here and especially you, it's usually girls that are 19 and oldest" I nodded, now realising why they were shocked when we said our ages.

"When I see that good for nothing dickhead I will be sure to smash his head into a brick" I said angrily and Serena agreed, "I wonder why he kidnapped us still though" She said as she sighed.

And all of a sudden the cage doors opened and In came 6 men who were dressed firmly with guns in there hands.

Me and Serena glared at them and the other girls didn't even look at them, strange.

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