The Vampire Assassin Friend B...

Autorstwa AramisY

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Skyler and Tyler are best friends since they were little kids. That is until Tyler bites Skylar truing him i... Więcej

The Vampire Assassin Friend BoyxBoy
True love
Love You Enough To Turn You
End Of Time

Visit From God

248 9 5
Autorstwa AramisY


Sleeping was the first thing on my mind and the last thing on my mind with all this information I got I needed someone to explain what was going on because I was freaking it's like reading an unfinished book and I'm at the beginning and everyone is at the end.

When I finally fell asleep I had the craziest dream and it didn't fell like a dream it felt so real.

I was walking it was white I had to close my eyes and let it adjust it was bright white there were long shiny gold gates at the end. I had white wings on my back I was afraid of walking because I knew where I was and what I am a vampire and I was scared but I ignored it and I walked forward.

The gates opened and I went through there were many angels some were flying, some were walking and some were even gay that made me happy gay people do go to heaven. They all stared at me some smiled and even bowed to me I didn't fell that I deserved it I was part vampire and I knew that but I was happy that they saw past that.

I walk forward until I saw a little girl she had blonde hair blue eyes and was wearing a dress that let her wings free but she was crying my heart went out to her poor girl I walked over to her and say down she didn't notice me at first but then she looked up.

"Why are you crying your in heaven" I said to her her tears her they were sad lonely tears.

"My husband .... couldn't make it to heaven I didn't even know it was him but when I saw him knew it was him"

She said it was hard because of her sobbing.

"Why didn't he make it" I asked my curiosity was getting the best of me.

She looked at me her eyes were looking at my soul finding every secret or thing that was hidden.

"He had a an addiction to abuse he would hit our child I couldn't let that happen so I ran away but he found us and then he killed us slowly but he killed us of course we came here we were never bad people but he was we watched him kill and kill more people they came here we talked to them and helped get past it then he died of lung cancer he was always a heavy smoker he begged god to forgive him give him another try at life god said no he was going to see how it felt for us"

I hugged her story was sad but it had a happy ending somewhere I was glad of that but sad she hurting on the inside I wanted to help her but I had no idea how.

"You may be hurting but look at this way you are safe from him and his wrath and if he truly loved you then he wouldn't have hurt your child you can find someone here that will love you and your child"

She looked at me she was a little girl but then her body grew her blond hair got longer and slicker her dress grew and was now blood red her wings grew the most they were thin small yet big on her.

She hugged me and let go she kissed me on the cheek and flew away until she was out of site.

Then comes a man he was taller than me he was so far away but I felt the love come off of him and warm my heart.

I walked towards him more like ran my wings took off I was going so fast in the air it was magical.

Then I stopped my wings closed and I was on the ground I went up to him and hugged him he hugged me back and whispered to my ear.

"My beautiful son o how fast have you grown"

I felt his words of love they made me fell safe in his arms in a son kind of way.

I looked at him his brown eyes stub on his chin his hair flowed down to his back.

"Why am I here father I know that there is a reason"

"Yes my child there is you are a vampire and an angel which has never happened before but I'm not saying that I hate it but it doesn't sit well with me and that boy Alexander I know him Skyler and I love you so I say this for your own good please stay away from him he his bad news.

A part if me knew that he was saying the truth but the other part knew he was lying there was a good side of Alexander.

"Son you are the next Jesus but you can't be a vampire or know Alexander to be one are you ready to give it up or will you still be with him"

It was a big deal do I say yes or no I mean Alexander was sweeter than Ty but that doesn't change the fact that he turned me into a vampire.

"I need more time it's not a easy choice which way I go can't I get more time"

"I understand all you have to do is say my name 3 times and say what your choice is and it will happen I can't answer anymore"

He gave me a hug and then I woke.

I woke up in the arms of no other that Alexander cry yelling at me to wake up.

Alexander's POV

I watch Sky sleep in my arms his breathing his face was beautiful I wanted to kiss him.

1:00 pm

It was one a clock I tried to wake up Sky like crazy it was like he was in a coma.

"Kat what's going on do you have a spell for this"

"Yea I do let me see if it can get me anywhere"

I was pacing back an forth I already broke a wall so who cares what happens I need him I can't live with out him as corny as it sounds.

I heard her chant in Latin a spell that should have token minutes took seconds she was getting better with my blood in her body.

She looked up fear in her eyes.

"What is it don't you dare hold back" I was already fuming and if she even dare held back.

"God made a deal with him if he would be the next Jesus or be with you"

What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran over to his body grabbed his shoulders and blood was in my eyes I was desperately hoping for him to say no.

Then his eyes were open and I hugged him like crazy.


Sky's POV

He hugged me his I could smell the blood that he cried.

"Thank god you said no don't do that I swear Sky you give me a heart attack"

I pushed him off rage was in my body who the hell was he to actually tell me that I said no.

"I didn't say no"

He looked at me.

"Then how are you here"

"I said I needed time to think about it it's not that easy you know having to choose"

I walked up to hug Kat she huged me back.

"I still need answers Alexander"

He looked up at me shock that I knew his real name.

"How do you know my name" he asked in shock.

"Its simple god said you name and if you put 2 and 2 well it makes sense"

"True ask me anything Sky I'll answer anything"

"How old are you"

"I was born when time began so I'm pretty old"

"Why are we running"

"My dad and me are assassins my last mission is kill the next Jesus which happened to be you but I couldn't do it the day I turned you I was suppose to kill you but I fell in love with you I know it sounds crazy but I couldn't do it"

I was shocked he was going to kill me I backs away fear hit my eyes he was going to kill me and I trusted him.

"Sky I'm not going to please now let me explain" he said as he got closer to me his hands were up to show surrender.

"When I came back the night you found me was the day my mission started I had 5 weeks to get it done but when you hugged me it was something that warmed my cold heart I always told my self when the 5 weeks were up was when I would kill you but I knew that I couldn't I then fell for you it's like everything you did seem to make me want you more soon I couldn't even go with out seeing you when I was wrapped around your arms I was in love with protecting you I still had the memories of Ty the good the bad and even the best but I was making my own memories with you he hurt you I saw it all I would never do that I love you so much Skyler"

I was shocked all that came out of his mouth I knew that he loved me but he knew that Ty had hurt me he knew my pain the fact that he knew was to much and he tried to kill me.

He got closer I didn't move I just stayed where I was he wrapped his arms around me our chest were touching he moved forward I stood up he cupped his hands around my check.

"Skyler you have no idea how much I love you"

The door broke open he let go of me and got behind me protectively.

"Let go of him you sick son of a bitch" said KIM.

I walked over to Kim and looked at at her Kim was all about pink but she was head to toe covered in black clothes.

It worked for her the was it made her have mystery.

"Are you okay looks like I got just in time your not a vamp" she said laughing and hugging me.

I let go and laughed at her and the whole thing.

Once I stopped laughing I showed her my fangs.

"You're too late Kimmy but you can tell me what the HELL IS GOING ON"

"It's really simple your an angel so am I but your half vamp and Alexander is a vamp too and Kat is a witch and vamp that's not right I have you smell how come it took so long to find you"

"Thanks Kat you really do know how to come through"

"Any time Alex any time" she said while laughing Kimmy shot her death glares.

"Your all assholes" I said to them.

"No we are not Sky we just have a sick sense of humor" he said getting closer.

When his arms are wrap around my waist he's not joking there was a seriousness to him a loving touch almost as if he was afraid to hurt me.

"Are you afraid to hurt me Alex"

He didn't look at me anymore the room had gone cold he didn't say anything and actions speak louder that words.

"You are I'm a big boy Alex I can handle my self"

"Your so small and fragile I fell like I'm going to hurt you"


That one word was how I felt my world was going red with anger he thought he was the big bad wolf.

I ran at him and hit him with all my strength.

"You think I'm weak you sick son of a bitch who the hell are you to tell me I'm weak"

I roared like a Dino but at this point fuck it.

I pushed him with all of the strength I had he flew across the room and hit the wall.

Then in a second he had me pinned on the floor he broke it the floor I felt the wood go into me as it hit my back and spine.

"You are asking for it Sky I'll show you how strong I am", he made a fist I saw it get so close.

Kimmy kicked his face which sent him flying.

I jumped up and snarled at him showing my fangs he did the same.

"Bring it on Sky show me what you can't do"

I jumped at him he grabbed my shirt and threw me into the window I broke the window and was going to hit concrete until my wings open and flew me up he jumped and did a front flip on to the window.

"Oh your not the only one with wings Sky" he said while pulling out his wings they were midnight black and big by the way they looked.

He flew up and looked at me his mouth was open he looked at my wings.

I pulled my wing to cover me and looked at them one was black and one was white thats not possible.

Alexander was still in the same position so I spin round and round then aimed my self at Alexander he was still wondering why my wings were black and white I hit his chest and he snapped out of it but it was too late we were going hyper speed at the ground.

I was spinning even faster then I heard a crack it was the ground his wings closed up he looked pissed but happy he got up I could see the pain on his face.

I quickly turned around and looked at his back there was one big rock stuck to his back I pulled it out he yelled his body slowly started to heal he wrapped his arms around me and kissed him.

I was taken back by how incredibly amazing of a kisser he was my mind and his connected and made and created a bond of love that will never break.

I pulled back he was still caught in the wonderful moment.

I walked back to the hotel I jumped in the window to see Kim and Kat looking at us like fan girls.

We all took a shower and put our old clothes back on.

"What are we going to do Alex we can't stay here"

"Were going to run my father isn't happy I didn't kill you and god isn't happy am even with you and he wants me dead but I can't do that because with out you I'm I just fell empty your my love as soon as I saw you and you have the right to be mad but please let me make it up to you"

I looked at him there was no joking about him he was for real and what he said he has a good heart it's just he has a way of dealing with things and yet I couldn't fully forgive him I mean he was sent here to kill me.

Kim and Kat were at a standing waiting do what I was going to say.

I walked over to him and shook his wet hair and gave him kiss on the cheek and whispered.

"I still can't forgive you and you know that"

"I know just come with us"

"I will"

We went to the front of the hotel to pay .

"What are you kids doing here any ways this is just a run down motel" said the stranger blocking our way his smile had evil written all over it.

Alexander got in front of me.

"Nothing sir could you please move"Alexander said a clod harsh tone in his voice.

"No can do sir the boy comes with me got it Alexander" he said his voice was no longer human it was vamp.

He looked at me there was a spark of

interest in his eyes.

"What if I don't want to sir"


Alexander blocked him he looked at me I ran the other way with Kim while he and Kat took care of him.


There were more in our way.

We looked at each other fear hit our eyes then rage we knew what to do.

They went for us but I kicked punched and snapped at many necks as I had to they kept coming.

Kim was more train she would kick punch and snap as many necks as me her kicks had more power her punches were harder and she snapped twice as much necks as I.

"Catch she said as she tossed the dagger at me I caught I and worked faster.

I looked behind me at Alexander he was biting kneeing and kicking and biting them.

Kat was using magic the were on fire while she stood there.

Soon there weren't any more for us I stopped to catch my breath.

Kat and Alexander only had the one person left and it was that guy in the beginning we all slowly walked over to him.

I kissed Alexander I needed some love the I felt something jab me do hard it threw me across the room.

Slowly it stared to go black.

Alexander's POV

He has Sky I ran over and took his neck and snapped it.

"Burn it Kat burn it"' I said I sounded like a maniac.

I ran over to Sky and pulled out the knife.

Kim came over and pulled out yet wrist.

"I promised to protect him and if I knew to shed blood then I'll do it" she said.

I took the knife and cut her wrist and place it on the tip of Sky's lips at first he didn't move but then he grabbed her wrist and suck she moaned how good it felt.

His eyes opened and looked at the wrist and pulled it out.

"Thanks Kim you didn't have to do that "

"Yea I do I'm your angel so I have to"

He looked at me with those brown eyes they were so beautiful I grabbed him and kissed him his arms were around my neck my hands were around his waist.

It was like a dream and a good one his lips fit with mine and connected that bond we had I pushed him towards me .

"Ugh" I heard him say as I touched the place where he was stabbed.

I let go and look at him Pain and pleasure were written on his face.

"Ok guys you love each other fuck later lets get out now" said Kim.

Sky's POV

He kissed me again the pleasure he gave me was perfect our bodies connected again but in a deeper level Kim and Kat weren't even in the room to us.

I think we both moan yet I don't know.

"Am I forgiven Sky"

"Nope but your a nice kisser I'll give you that"

I walked away making sure I didn't touch the dead bodies.

I walked to the front desk with K and K while Alexander payed for it all.

We got in the car and then we heard it.

Beep beep beep beep


We got out but Kim wasn't out.

I ran to the car.

"No Skyler you won't die too" he said as he grabbed me and ran.

The car exploded with Kim in it tears we're at my eyes.

Kim's dead.

Alexander held me as I cried.

She was gone.


So how that for a book I fell happy with this chapter hope its long but don't know so yea.

Is Kimmy dead or alive tell me.

What u think A out

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