
By isedua

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when you have always known something about yourself but.... girlxgirl More

Reunion 2


101 8 0
By isedua

"And then he just tackled him!" I explained in detail as i shoved pringles in my mouth. I was retelling the story of the fight last night to Ada, Omasan and Abel who weren't present. "And he just started punching him!"

'"Seriously?" Omasan asked with interest facing Chika.

"Yeah!" I responded. "And then when Chidi pulled him off of the guy and asked him what his problem was he said, 'He hit the love of my life!' It was crazy I swear".

Ij choked on the sprite she was drinking as she stared at me, who looked amused "The last part didn't happen" she told Omasan, recovering from her coughing fit.

"Love of your life" Omasan laughed. "That was epic"

Ij was still giving me a mean glare that prompted me to raise my hand in defeat "Ok... ok. Maybe I twisted the story a little bit"

"A little bit, really?" she questioned me

"Jeez, chill. Is not like he's the love of your life" I said as I munched my pringles "or is he?" I stared at her raising an eyebrow at her.

"I am" Chika responded absentmindedly as he has been on his phone all these while typing away with a serious look on his face.

Ij snorted "Of course you are"

'" Baby girl, am the butter on you bread, the sugar in your tea even you can't deny that" he said dropping his phone on the table.

"Hmmm...of cos." More like pain in her butt, cockroach in her cupboard" Chidi remarked

"At least am something to her." Chika winked at Ij causing her to roll her eyes at him.

We were presently at the restaurant at our regular booth. It hadn't been long we arrived. Last night was lit. The party was one of the craziest I have ever been to. And yes our dear friend Omasan decided to pull a fast one on us into making us believe that she was coming to Calabar the next day and surprised us last night. So that was practically the icing on the cake the night. The party died down around two, three in the morning but we decided to continue the fun in our rooms. We didn't go to bed till around six in the morning. The morning past us by as we slept like logs of wood through it and when our stomachs decided it was time for us to pay her dues, we upped and came here.

I kissed a girl and I like it,

The taste of her cherry chapstick.

I kissed a girl just try it,

I hope my boyfriend don't mind it

"Whose phone is ringing" I asked searching their faces

"Oh, sorry. That will be my phone" Ada faked innocence "I changed my ringing tune last night so..." she trailed as she searched for it in her little black bag, but it stopped before she could get to it. She placed the phone on the table giving me a knowing smile as I squinted my eyes at her.

Something was not right... as I was about to ask her what that look was for her phone went off again

I kissed a girl and I like it,

The taste of her cherry chapstick.

I kissed a girl just try it,

"Aren't you gonna answer that" I huffed already feeling frustrated.

"Oh, no" she smiled at me. "I just like hearing my phone ring...besides it's Chika that's calling me"

"Wow guys, really" I said as I dropped my head on the table.

They busted into laughter gaining a lot of attention from other people in the restaurant. It took them about a whole minute to finally calm down.

I raised my head up, "I kissed a girl, big deal" I whispered.

"So what... you just go around kissing girls" Chika questioned.

"Nope, this is actually her first time" Ada said pretending to be dusting pringles crumbles away from my top. I pushed her hand away.

"I would hardly call that kissing" Omasan said with a big grin to her face. "That was a make out, you made with a girl"

"Are you...umm... a...you know" Chidi shrugged

"No, am not a... 'you know'" I mimicked him "It was a one-time thing and please don't make this weird when she comes to take our order" I pleaded

"Weird, why on earth are we going to make it weird" Chidi put his hand on his chest as he faked an innocent look.

"Oh my god, please guys am begging. Don't do this to me" I pleaded once more

"No problem baby girl, we gat you" Ada said patting my back with a stupid gin on her face.

I hate them.

"What can I get for you guys?" we looked towards a different waitress who was taking out a small pad from the pocket of her apron.

"Hey, where is the girl with the blue eyes" Chika huffed and I could clearly hear the disappointment laced in his voice making me smile.

"Sandra is running late" she answered as she chewed on her gum. Did her mama not teach her to close her mouth while chewing? She took our orders except mine. Don't give me that look, excuse me for wanting to take my time to decide what was going to enter my stomach. I love food but if there was something I hated doing, it was coming up with something to eat. I always have a hard time doing that. That was why when I saw her walk into the restaurant and nod at me in understanding of what we talked about last night I dropped the menu down and joined in the on-going conversation. The waitress came rolling the plates of food in the cart. She placed each of ours on the table and then asked me if I have come up with anything.

'No worries" I waved her off "Sandra's got it"

"What do you mean Sandra's got it" Ij asked

"She's going to bring my food" I said tapping my fingers on the table as I waited for the meal

"But you didn't order" Omasan said with her mouth full

"I know"

The table fell silent leaving everyone to their thought. They were probably trying to figure out what I just said.

"Ooooh, I get it. You guys already have inside jokes and inside discussion" Abel poured out nodding his head as this got all of them looking at me for an answer. This was actually the first time Abel was speaking ever since we got here. All this while he had his head on his table and am guessing its cos he was more hung up than all of us from last night. Let's just say last night was a very wild one for him and this is me putting it mildly.

I shrugged.

"I just want to say" he said gesturing his hands towards us. "The two of you, kissing... was...hot.. hottest thing I have ever seen in my life"

"I wish I was there" Chidi huffed like a child

"You missed, am telling you" Abel pretended to be sad as he patted Chidi on his back.

"Ok guys, stop it. For real" I said. I gave Chidi a glare as he was about to say something and that stopped him right away. "Don't act normal guys just be yourselves, she's coming this way" I whispered the last part in a pleading tone. The last thing I want them doing was 'acting normal'.

She came and placed a plate of food, the cutleries and a bottle of water on the table giving me a small smile while I returned the gesture.

"I'm Abel!" Abel blurted out randomly making us turn to him as he smiled at Sandra. She smiled in response.

Great... just great

But Abel didn't stop there as he decided to do the honours of introducing everyone on the table to her which not necessary if you ask me but leave it up to Abel to make everything awkward. "We were expecting you would be the one to take our orders, but that girl that chews like a goat took it"

"I had a test to take and the lecturer was running late hence...'she trailed off.

What school do you go to? What level? What department? They are bombarded her with questions at once. I saw her stiffen at their outburst. She looked at me for help as they were throwing questions her way.

"She's goes to University of Calabar, three hundred levels and she's studying Nutrition and no she's not the only child. What has even got to do with anything" I questioned them. Sandra used this opportunity to escape. "Enough about her, please" I said diving into my food.

After telling them off, we just focused on our food silently. Everyone to their thoughts. Ij and Chika were engaged in hushed discussions that eventually lead to everyone teasing them about how they were going to be the next hot couple. Omasan took it further by saying that very soon they will be struggling for competition with Jay-z and Bey in the spotlight.

... these people are weird. Well it takes one to take one

"But she's not bad, you sure know how to pick them" Chika said in a teasing tone as he motioned his head looking over my shoulder.

My brows furrowed as I turned to look to see Sandra serving another table. Everything seemed to slow down as I watched her place plates of food on the food. My eyes trail up and down her body that was hidden under her apron. She turned to back us giving me a view of her back side.

She looked over at our table, completely catching me by surprise and I saw a smile tug on her lips. I nod and quickly turn back in my seat and continued eating the little food I have left.

"Stop staring at her," I grumbled when I notice they are still watching her. They turned their attention back to our table. Can this day get any worse? That was going to be the last time am stupidly letting myself act so foolish. All this is causing too much drama and making me think too much. This was meant to be a fucking vacation to clear my head and kick start my life with a fresh start for when I get back to work not 'an Adesua turn lesbian trip'.












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