I'm Fine(ONE SHOT)

By Domasstan

938 27 9

Evie has always been in the shadows of the afamed royal couple. So what happens when she struggles to control... More


938 27 9
By Domasstan


The familiar smell in the air reminded me of the night just before today, when her hair had splayed out behind her on my pillow like a crown, her hands gripping my bedsheets as her lips formed my name over and over again.

"She was drunk." I had to repeat to myself. "Ben gave her too much wine. She wasn't used to it. She won't remember anything." I forced the memory out of my head, the need to vomit over whelming as I stood and turned, only to run smack into the small girl. My heart dropped and my eyes flicked past her, avoiding her gaze.

"Hey E."

Her voice climbed into my heart, stabbing the wound that was already open and bleeding.

She won't remember.

Just act normal.

Forcing a smile on my face, I glanced at the purple headed girl that was studying my face. "H-Hey Mal.. How are you feeling?" I asked, feigning concern. "You were pretty tipsy last night."

A wide grin split onto the girl's face and I visibly flinched. I knew that grin. Back on the isle, it was the thing most people saw in their nightmares.

"Apparently, wine hits me pretty hard." She says laughing.


"Lucifer, Auradon has changed this girl." I thought to myself as she continued to ramble about her night activities. "My Mal wouldn't care if she spilled curry on her dress in front of a prince. My Mal wouldn't get drunk off a few sips of wine and dirty dancing," My face soured as she continued to talk. "My Mal is gone." I whispered more to myself then anything.

Then I realized the silence.

Her green eyes scoured over my face, wrinkling her nose in thought. "What did you say?"

I jumped back clearing my throat. "I said, Mal was gone, last night. You were out of it, M." Forcing a chuckle, I felt my stomach flip, reminding me of the time. "But I really need to go M. I'll see you later. We have girl's night tonight remember?" I looked up at her face, confused at the nervous expression I saw on her face. "Err Mal?"

Mal cleared her throat awkwardly. "Well I kinda made plans for dinner with Ben tonight. I didn't think you'd mind." Her eyes flickered up to me, worry in her gaze.

If I wanted to ruin her relationship with Ben, I would've told her right there that, No I did in fact, mind and that girl's night was our night and how could she possibly want to spend it with Ben while her best friend sat alone in their shared dorm.

But she was happy.

So instead, I forced a smile on my face, nodding quickly. "I don't mind. Have fun. I'll probably call Lonnie or Jane, see if they want to hang out. They have better fashion sense anyway." I said teasingly, but the small girl inside me, the one in love with the nasty purple haired girl cried, covering my heart in tears that stung like salt being rubbed into the wound.

But her happiness was worth it.

The wide smile that broke onto her face, as she pulled me into a tight hug, something that would have never happened on the Isle, as she whispered a quick thank you into my ear.

That was worth it.

I ignored the tears that threatened to slip out of my eyes as I turned away, unable to watch as she curled into his arms, content and happy.

Something I would never be, because the love of my life loved a king. He could give her the world and I could only give her myself.

I wiped my eyes, sniffling as I headed back to my dorm, pushing past a concerned Jay and Carlos.

They wouldn't understand. They wouldn't at all.

Back at my dorm, I was met with throngs of requests, the royal dance that was coming up had attracted attention, especially after the world had seen the dress Mal had worn at Cotillion, courtesy of me. Letting out a heavy sigh, I shuffled through the endless envelopes, unconsciously chewing my lip as I thought through request after request, but my mind kept wandering to the dress in the corner, draped with sheets in an attempt to cover it up.

I knew Mal's measurements by heart. They sat right next to the note from when we were 12 and she had confessed her love for me. Well, not exactly but a, "I hate you less then the rest of the world." Letting out a heavy sigh, I stood, smoothing my skirt before wandering to the corner and revealing the blinding white fabric, littered with pins.

Her wedding dress.

Ben had come to me, two weeks after Cotillion, asking for me to make a dress. No questions asked, the minute I heard what it was for, I knew I had lost.

I had lost her and this dress sealed my fate.

My fingers were itching to tear it to shreds, destroy the thing that stood between me and my dragon. But it would be of no use. Someone else would make her dress. At least Ben was allowing me to design the most important thing of her life.

I was deep in thought when Carlos crept in, his eyes on the ground as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Carlos? Do you need something?" I asked curiously, covering Mal's dress. When the silence continued I looked up. "Is everything ok?"

"Err I tried talking to Mal and she told me to talk to you before going to giggle with Ben..." He mumbled. "So I was wondering If you could help me...relationship trouble?" His words came out in broken sentences as he mumbled, his eyes trained on a crack in the floor. Rolling my eyes playfully, I leaned over, tilting his chin up.

"Is this girl trouble? Because I have enough of that." I murmured, tapping his cheek. "But..." I studied his face. "I'm guessing by your dull reaction that it's boy trouble you're actually here for."

His head shot up. "Um what? Boy trouble? N-No boy trouble. I-I'm straight." His brain moved faster than his mouth, causing his words to slur.

"Slow down Carlos." I said, laughing lightly. "You don't have to lie. I've seen the way you looked at Jay. You're hopelessly in love with him." Nudging him gently, I turned, shuffling through my jewelry. "And I'm guessing you want my advice?" At his sheepish nod, I smiled, sitting on my stool and starting to spin slowly, pinning pieces of fabric on the white lace. "So you obviously like Jay, Right? And I'm guessing he has no clue?"

Another nod.

Sighing, I pricked my finger, watching the blood swell. "I think your first problem is accepting the fact that you, Carlos Deville, are very much in love, and very much gay, for Jay."

He blushed furiously, toeing the ground, his hands behind his back. "I-I...He won't like me that way." He whispered. "He has Lonnie. He likes girls. And me? I'm...I'm a boy..." He mumbled, chewing his lip.

Sighing, I brushed his cheek. "Carlos, Jay is hopelessly in love with you. Do you not see it?" I asked gently, studying the boy's expression. He opened his mouth to speak but I covered it with my hand. "Listen. This is what you're going to do, ok? Fool proof plan. You have a tourney game tomorrow. Corner him in the locker room. Confess your feelings and then leave. Don't talk to him. Let him think it out. Three days after, hit him up, ok?" My words came out quickly, my tone smooth.

The smile on his face told me what I needed to know.

"Thanks Eves. Y'know, you should take your own advice." He said, a knowing smirk on his lips.

My head snapped up. "W-What do you mean?" I could hear the stutter and silently cursed to myself. "I-I don't like anyone."

Carlos eyed me, his brow raised in suspicion but he finally shrugged. "Ok. Whatever you say. Thanks for the help." He murmured, hugging me lightly before stepping out.

I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt water drip off my chin. Hastily wiping my eyes, I blotted my face, gently reapplying my makeup. "Perfect." I murmured to myself, feeling my mother's invisible gaze on me. She got to me, even here, when a barrier separated us. "It has to be perfect." Dissatisfaction flooded me as I gently set the eyeliner pen down, studying every flaw.

This is one of the times I needed Mal.

Her soft hands, wrapped around my waist.

Her raspy voice in my ear, telling me how proud of me she is, and how wrong my mother was.

But this wasn't the isle.

And she wasn't here.

A choked sob escaped my throat as I leaned my head against the desk, tears dripping down my face for the third time that day. I couldn't breathe as the reality of loosing her, as both my lover and my bestfriend, hit me hard. The dress that sat in the corner simply mocked me, teasing dreams that drifted around my head, stolen kisses and secret promises from long ago.

That dress was something I could never have.

Tears dried on my cheeks as a heavy weight sat on my eyelids. The events of the day hit me suddenly, and I fell asleep, dreaming of a purple haired girl with emerald green eyes, who kissed my forehead and whispered soft promises in my ear.

I jolted awake hours later, slightly confused. My neck ached from the position I had been awkwardly laying in and I fumbled around, my eyes burning as I glanced at my phone.

3:30 AM.
My eyes flicked around the room blearily, but my gaze sharpened as I caught a glance at Mal's neatly folded bed.

She hadn't come home.

Surprisingly, irritation and frustration hit me. I had given up our girls night, but I still needed to talk to her about wedding plans, invitations, and dress ideas, etc. Pulling on a quick emergency outfit I kept for, well, emergencies.

This was considered one.

I fiddled with a loose nail as I walked down the dark hall. It was definitely past curfew and I would definitely be in trouble if I was caught. Which could very possible still happen.

Standing in front of Ben's dorm room, I took a deep breath and opened the door. Idiot didn't bother to lock it.

The scene in front of me caused tears to quickly flood my eyes.

Small breathy moans, joined by a creaking bed echoed throughout the room. A nude Ben, his toned skin shining with sweat, loomed over her porcelain body, her head thrown back against the pillow as she arched her body toward him, mewling in weak protest.

At that moment, something inside me snapped.

My empty stomach was revolting against me as I turned quickly, a hand over my mouth. I could hear the surprised gasp release from her mouth as I slammed the door, sprinting down the hall. Vomit threatened to spill as I threw open my dorm room door, barely making it to the bathroom in time to throw open the toilet seat and heave bile into the bowl. Tears sprung in my eyes and I let them fall, spilling my feelings into the murky water below. Just like my stomach contents, they would be flushed down the sewers, never to be known.

Taking a deep breath, I stood shakily, my eyes flickering to the drawer that held my personal items. My practically vibrating hands searched through the neat drawer, messing up the pristine order but I didn't care.

I needed release.

My hands closed around the blade, a breath of relief escaping my lips as I pressed it to the perfectly covered skin. Lifting my sleeve, I drizzled make-up remover on my wrists, wiping it away and watching the cuts appear slowly. Pressing the sharpened blade into my skin, tears flowed down my cheeks. I replayed the scene of Ben and Mal over and over in my head as the sharp knife blade etched patterns into my smooth skin. I cried hard, but the pain felt good and I was eventually reduced to sniffles. Gradually, I was able to wash the clotting blood away, wincing as it stung. Glancing at my watch, I wrapped my wrists tightly, applying pressure. My fingers found the light switch and flicked it off, a sigh escaping my lips as I headed to bed, alone in the darkness.

A tentative knock woke me early the next day, filtered sunlight bouncing off the mirrors that were scattered around my dorm. Yawning, I wrapped a blanket around my chilled body and opened the door. Internally, I sighed at the sight.

An apologetic Mal.

"Hey Eves." She said smiling softly. "Ben said you needed me for wedding plans?"

I bit back the sharp reply as her voice melted the hard shell I had put up to guard against her. "We need to figure out where you want certain things and venue and food.." I started to chatter, filling up the awkward silence with endless ideas of huge weddings. She smiled, going along with it, inputing on a few things and such. As the day went on, I felt like I had my bestfriend back. Unlike the recent times we had hung out, it felt like she was enjoying our time together instead of pining for Ben. Finally, when we were mostly done, she glanced at her watch, something she had been making a habit to wear.

"Can we talk about last night?"

The words dropped the smile from my face and I pretended to neaten up a pile of fabric in the corner of my room. "What's there to talk about?" I asked, my tone shorter then I meant.
Her smile wavered as she cautiously stepped toward me.

"You walked in on me and Ben. And I guess I wanted to apologize. I was in the moment...we both were. No one was supposed to see us." She whispered, studying my face.

She was close, too close. I could feel her breath on my face. Most people imagined it smelling like fresh strawberries and freedom but it smelt like something different.


It smelt like peppermint and apple, a bit of sugar sprinkled on top, shared with her bestfriend.

It smelt like endless nights of staring at stars on rooftops, whispering impossible dreams of places far away.

It smelt like her.

It was an impulse. I could feel my eyes close, my body leaning forward. My lips could practically taste hers as anticipation built up.

And then the image of her and Ben, legs entwined, flashed through my head. I snapped my neck back, bashing my skull on my make up stand.

"E? You ok?" Her voice was soft with a hint of worry. "Is everything ok? You were zoning out." She said quietly, concern in her tone.

I nodded quickly, ignoring the tender bump on the back of my head. "I just remembered I have...dinner. With Jay and Carlos. It completely slipped my mind. You probably have stuff to do with Ben anyway. I'll see you later?" The words were rushed as I pulled on my jacket. Avoiding her gaze, My eyes flicked to the ground.

"I-I.. You guys are going to dinner? Was I invited?" There was hurt in her voice, but I needed to get away before I did something I regretted.

"Yeah. You've barely had two minutes to talk to us without being sucked in with Ben so...yeah. We made plans without you. Sorry." I was short and she visibly flinched.

"I-I'll just go I guess."  She mumbled, turning away and stepping out of the now open door. The minute she left, I crumpled against the door, silent tears slipping down my face.

I almost kissed her. I almost kissed her and ruined our friendship. How could I be so fucking stupid?

I was done holding everything in as sobs wracked through my body, violently shaking. I could barely see through the tears as I struggled to text Carlos to tell him I couldn't make dinner. Finally, the message sent, and my phone clattered to the ground with a thud. My hands wrapped around my knees and brought them close to my chest as I cried for the girl I could never have.

After crying myself to sleep that night, the days leading up to the wedding passed quickly. I barely saw Mal, either she was busy or anytime she was in our dorm, I made up an excuse to leave. Frankly, I had been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to prepare everyone and everything for the arrival of guests to Auradon. I barely had time to think. I didn't eat, barely slept, my mind racing with new plans and different decorating schemes. By the time the day before the wedding rolled around, I was burnt out. It had become a habit of mine, snapping at anyone and everyone who even questioned my decisions.

I felt like my mother.

In no way did I miss the Isle. That place was hell. But I missed the familiarity of it. I missed the way I knew where everything and everyone was. I missed the fact that on the Isle, I knew where I belonged; as part of Mal's crew.

In Auradon I felt out of place.

I didn't know where everything was. I constantly had to ask. People looked at me in either disgust or pity. And being part of Mal's crew...that didn't matter here. I was no longer her best friend.

And I had to accept that.

A sort of peace had settled over me for the rest of the day, even though everything was going into disaster. Decorations hadn't arrived, the priest was going to be an hour late as his train got delayed, and Mal apparently refused to come out of her room.

I knew she was freaking out.

All I wanted to do was rush into her room, wrapping her in a tight hug as she cried; something she did only when she was with me, and comfort her.

But I couldn't do that. I couldn't. It would only be hurting myself, knowing she would cling to my shirt like a child, and shrink away from everyone else.

So I didn't. I ignored her requests to come that were given to me by different advisors, instead peacefully busying myself with odds and ends that needed to get done before tomorrow's events.

Finally, the day came to a close and I headed to my dorm. I frowned when I realized the door was locked and it dawned on me that she had locked herself in my room. 

Not Ben's.

A small flutter of triumph streamed through my body, spawning an unfamiliar warmth. Taking a light breath, my heart in my ears, I unlocked the door, stepping inside and shutting it behind me.

A small figure launched itself at me, clutching my shoulder tightly as small sobs wracked the dark Faerie's body. I dropped my bags, embracing her.

"It's ok M. It's ok. I'm here, I'm not leaving. Ok?"

She simply nodded, her wet tears seeping through my shredded tee.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I whispered soothingly in her ear. "If you don't, it's ok." I lifted the light girl up, her legs automatically wrapping around my waist. My lips drifted across her ear, humming softly as she started to relax. "It's going to be ok."

She didn't respond and I let out a small sigh. Slowly, I pulled her onto my bed, and she automatically curled into me, her hands still clutching my shirt tightly. My hands ran through her hair, stroking the light purple strands.

This is what we did on the isle.

When she would come to me, her face unrecognizable and her body bruised from a little bit of  "tough love", I would sneak her into my room and simply hold her. Even though she put out the big, bad villain, she craved affection. We would simply sit there, cuddled up for hours as she tried to calm down. Some days she would talk about it, other days she would be silent. The days she was silent were the days I knew she was hurting; mentally and physically. Those were the days that she would wake up in a cold sweat, struggling to get away from me, in a form of unknown fear.

Those were the bad ones. And today seemed like an example.

Her body was still shaking and her eyes were tightly squeezed shut. Her lips were forming incoherent words, mumbling to herself as tears streamed down her face.

"Mal." I whispered. "Mal, Look at me. What's wrong?" My voice was calm, my hands soft as I tilted her chin up, brushing the hair from her face. "I promise. I won't tell anyone."

She momentarily opened her eyes, studying my face. I could tell she was looking for some sort of fake sweetness, a sign I was lying but she shut them again when she realized I wasn't.

"What if I'm not cut out to be a queen?" Her voice was small, barely audible and hoarse from crying. "W-What if I destroy this country? A-And Me and Ben's relationship?" She clutched my arm tightly. "What if I become like my mother?"

My heart practically broke at the fear that resounded in her voice and I instinctively pulled her closer, rubbing her back.

This was my chance.

I could ruin their relationship. Mal was vulnerable, she wouldn't second guess anything.

But looking at the heartbreak on Mal's face, of possibly having to call the wedding of her and her soulmate off, I couldn't. I couldn't ruin her happiness.

So instead I forced a small smile on my face, kissing her forehead. "Mal, you're going to make a great wife. I've told you this a thousand times." I whispered softly, my breath in her ear. "Ben is lucky to have one of the bravest women I know by his side, ruling his kingdom. You guys are gonna get married and live in this huge fucking castle, something my mother would have killed for," I joked feeling her chuckle slightly. "And you're going to have a massive amount of kids because no one is going to get sick of tiny Mals running around the palace, and I'm going to babysit them so you and Ben can have date nights and reminisce under the stars. Ok?" I tilted her head up, my finger fitting in the crook of her chin. "I know you can do this." I heard myself whisper. "I know you can."

Her body relaxed, her breathing steady. She had fallen asleep. I knew how exhausted she was and how my voice had a tendency to put her to sleep. A small sigh escaped my lips as I repositioned myself on my bed, her tiny body in my arms. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, and I gradually gave in, sleeping soundly for the first time since the announcement of Mal and Ben's engagement.

I was jolted awake by my alarm. Groaning, I rolled over, only to come face to face with a blinking Mal.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Her eyes were bright, but puffy and red from crying last night. I sat up, swiping the sleep from my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" My voice was raspy from sleep and I glanced at the purple haired girl.  She still looked mildly upset, but her face had relaxed a bit. "It's your big day." I heard myself whisper. "We have to get you ready." She nodded, chewing her lip nervously as she slid out of bed and extending a hand, helping me up.

"I can't breathe."

She had been saying the same three words for the last two hours as I struggled to zipper her dress. I had began to become irritated with her complaining. First it had been how I had done her hair, that it was too tight and she was going to get a headache. Next it was how pale I made her look, that her lips were too red and her cheeks too pink. Her shoes were a size too big and now her wedding dress was too tight. I had had enough.

"Mal shut up before I shove my heel down your throat! Yes not everything is going to be fucking perfect and it's killing me, but you don't have to fucking complain about every little thing!" Everyone in the room that had been busying around froze, their eyes wide. Mal turned to me, chewing her lip.

"I-I didn't mean it Eves. I-I'm just stressed...." She mumbled, studying my face.

"And I'm not? I've had to sit here and listen to you whine and complain about every little fucking thing since we arrived in this place! And you're the one who's stressed? You just have to marry a stupid king and then you're all set but a lot of other people still get looked at like were garbage! Not everyone has an easy life like you Mal!" My breathing was heavy as I glared at my shell shocked bestfriend. "Now suck in so I can zip this up."

She did as told, her jaw slack as I zipped her dress. As the adrenaline that had been flowing through me slowly faded, I realized what I had said. Pursuing my lips, I turned, mentally hitting myself. "You know she's fragile Evie." I muttered to myself as I pulled out the necklace I had given her when we were 12. She had given it to me for safe keeping since she left it practically everywhere. I had found it in bathrooms, under beds, tangled in sheets. Everywhere.

Her eyes were downcast as I slipped behind her, my fingers brushing her neck as I pulled the necklace onto her skin, quietly fastening it in the back. I heard her breath hitch as my nails scraped her skin close to her jawline and the tension grew in the air as I slowly turned her toward me.

She was finished.

Her dress was snug around her chest, holding her breasts in place. As it traveled downwards, the sleeves fluttered with lace, the ends slightly open, to give her a flowery appearance. It hugged her waist, accentuating her curves and hourglass figure I longed to have. The dress eventually flowed off her body creating a thin lace train that was on the longer side, but short enough so she wouldn't trip on it.

I bit back tears.

"You're beautiful Mal." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. "You look like a devil in an angel's disguise."

She laughed at the comment, dabbing her eyes. "Thank you. I-I hate crying." She mumbled. "B-But I have to get it out of me before I do get married." At her words, my head snapped up.

"What? The crying? Mal it's ok. You're supposed to cry." I murmured taking out my own napkin and gently wiping the tears from them.

But she shook her head.

"N-No. Eves, I..I have to tell you something...and I've been bottling it up for so long. And now..now the wedding's here and I have to tell you before it's too late-."

She was cut off by a knock.

"The music's playing. Are you ready Lady Mal?" The attendant asked kindly, peering into the room.

Mal inhaled sharply, turning to me with an apologetic look. "I-I guess it can wait." she mumbled, hoisting up her train. I forced a smile on my face, smacking her hands lightly.

"Let it flow Mal. It looks prettier."

She nodded, the worried look on her face prominent. "E?"

"Mhm." I mumbled, brushing out the wrinkles as Mal started to walk.

"Nothings going to change between us once I say "I do" right?" Her voice trembled and her fingers nervously twiddled with the engagement ring that sat on her hand mocking every thought I had about Mal and I.

I bit by lip quietly. "No Mal. Nothing's going to change. Stop worrying ok? I'll be by your side the whole time. Just because I'm not up there with you doesn't mean i'm not going to be in the crowd. You know I wanted to be your maid of honor. You know that." I said softly. In reality, I had turned down the offer when Belle had inquired, saying that I would be far too busy  making sure the wedding ran smooth. Most of it was true, but the small part of evil that still ran through me had coursed with jealousy and I had forced myself to stand in the back so I wasn't tempted to jump to drastic measures.

Mal hesitantly nodded. "You'll always be my bestfriend." She said softly, her lips brushing my forehead gently. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment before feeling her pull away. I kept my eyes closed as I heard her inhale sharply and walk out, music enveloping her. Tears spurred in my eyes as I turned, hurriedly walking to my seat in the back pew. The crowd went silent as the priest cleared his throat, watching Mal start to walk down the aisle. My eyes trained on her face as she slowly walked and I had to stifle a laugh. She was concentrating, I could tell, on not tripping. Her fingers fiddled with her ring, but she walked slowly, a wide grin on her face. Her purple hair contrasted against the white dress, causing her face to pop with color. Her skin was a pale porcelain white, but flashes of silver and gold bracelets could be seen on her wrists. She finally made it up to the alter, and I watched her exhale sharply at Ben's slightly smug look. The priest looked at each one carefully before starting to speak, his low voice booming throughout the church.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of family and friends to celebrate the joining of these two in the unity of marriage." He paused, looking out into the crowd.

"There are no commitments on earth more sweeter or more tender than those you are about to make to one another. There are no vows more solemn than those you about to state. There is no human institution more sacred than that of the home you have formed. True marriage is the holiest of all earthly relationships. The state of matrimony is based in this deep union of two person who seek to find completion in one another."

You could practically hear a pin drop as the crowd watched. The tears were already dripping down Belle's face and I silently scoffed. She had no reason to cry. My head lifted once again as the priest started to speak once again.

"Benjamin Florian, will you take Mal Bertha, whose hands you hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Will you live with Mal, in the state of true matrimony, meaning will you love and comfort her, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor her at all times, and be faithful to her?"

Ben nodded, clearing his throat. "I will," He said, his voice resounding throughout the church. The priest turned to Mal, who was struggling not to cry.

Mal Bertha, will you take Benjamin Florian, whose hands you hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you live with him in the state of true matrimony, meaning will you love and comfort Benjamin, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health, honor him at all times, and be faithful to him?


My head snapped up as Mal stared at Ben through tear filled eyes, struggling to get the words out. The crowd started to murmur as minutes passed, and her tiny voice could barely be heard as she squeaked out her reply.

"I will." She said quietly, not meeting his eyes. I studied my bestfriend face, but I was too far away to analyze the lies that were slipping through her teeth. I was deep in thought as the priest continued.

"I would have you to remember, To love is to come together from the pathways of our past and then move forward... hand in hand... along the uncharted roads of our future, ready to risk, to dream, and to dare... And always believe that all things are possible with faith and love in God, and in each other."

He glanced at the two separately. "I believe you two have written your own vows?" He questioned as he took a step back. Ben nodded and inhaled deeply, tilting Mal's chin up.

""I promise to encourage your compassion,
Because that is what makes you unique and wonderful.
I promise to nurture your dreams,
Because through them your soul shines.
I promise to help shoulder our challenges,
For there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together.
I promise to be your partner in all things,
Not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole.
Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust,
For one lifetime with you could never be enough.
This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things." Ben exhaled as he finished, tears slipping down his face. Mal had been crying since the words had started flowing from his mouth. Most of the chapel was silent, besides the sobs and heavy breathing of people struggling not to cry.

Mal wiped her eyes, a small hiccup escaping her as her trembling hands pulled out the crumpled piece of paper she had written her vows on the night before.

"I used to be afraid of falling in love; of giving my heart away. How could I ever trust a man to love me? How could I love a man and wish he loved me back the way I needed him? But when I met you, I realized that it's possible to meet a man I could trust; a man who could love me the way I wanted to be loved. You've renewed my perception in life. Today, I join that life with you, forever." The last words were choked out as she broke down, tears sliding down her cheeks. The crowd was less reactant to her speech, politely clapping. I inhaled sharply as the priest continued, silencing everyone,

"Benjamin, please repeat after me: I, Benjamin Florian, take you Mal Bertha, to be my wife, to love and to cherish from this day forward. And I promise to always be there for you, as long as we both shall live."

Ben smiled down at Mal, repeating what the priest said to him word for word. The priest then turned to Mal.

"Mal, please repeat after me: I, Mal Bertha, take you, Benjamin Florian, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish from this day forward. And I promise to always be there for you, as long as we both shall live."

Mal choked out the words between silent sobs, but happiness was radiating off of her. You could feel it even in the back row.

When a small boy brought up the rings, I silently stood. I couldn't watch anymore. The tears were threatening to spill as I hurried out. I was ignored and I could still hear the ceremony booming outside as I got into my car, starting to drive. Eventually I got to one of her favorite Diners and I stepped out of my car, locking it and opening the door to the tiny building.

A small bell rang signaling my arrival as the door shut behind me. A bus boy lazily wiped down tables as I ordered a strawberry milk shake. It came out quickly and I shakily slid into a booth where I could see my car through the window. More tears threatened to spill as I stared at the thick pink liquid in front of me.


Her favorite.

I was deep in thought as the faint sound of church bells rang, signaling the unification of a couple.

They were married.

My Mal, the women I was supposed to marry, the women I would have loved till I died.

The women I would love no matter who she was married to.

The women who was now married to the love of her life.

My breathing was shaky as I inhaled between silent sobs that wracked through my body, spawning more tears as my stomach cramped.

I wanted to die. The feeling was horrible but I wanted to die. My fingers absentmindedly traced the scars that lined my arms, more tears springing to my eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye, headlights shined into the window I was sitting in front of. Slightly confused, I peered closer as a familiar dress stumbled out. My jaw slightly dropped as I realized who it was.

Mal, her dress torn. Her feet were bare and her makeup had run down her face. Tears had soaked into her skin and she stood, staring hopelessly into the window.

My milkshake was left alone as I hurried out, stopping only a few feet away from Mal. Drops of rain had already started, sinking into my clothes. The small whimpers that escaped Mal pained my heart and I stepped closer. "M? You ok?" I whispered softly, my hand going out to cup her cheek.

She didn't respond, her eyes boring into my face. After A few minutes, I felt slightly uncomfortable and leaned closer, trying to figure out what was wrong. "Mal?"

My face was suddenly wrenched forward and rain poured down onto our faces as the girl of my dreams messily smashed her lips against mine.

She tasted exactly how I thought she would, how she had tasted on the isle when we had both taken a bite of the so called forbidden fruit of love.

For the first time in our lives, she was mine and I was hers.

And the only witness was a lonely strawberry milkshake.

HEY GUYS! Did you enjoy it? This has taken me awhile lmao but I tried really hard. Just wondering what you guys think? Drop a comment and a vote if you want! I love you all. If you want more, comment!

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