Various!Character X Reader!!!

By kawaii_bunny_pop

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Hoi I can do any anime except a few but its ok! Heres a few anime you can choose from Also if you want lemons... More

Jealous!Karma X Reader
Yandere!Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader
Neko!Ciel Phantomhive X adoring!reader
Cheater!Maehara X reader
Perverted!Popular!Kagamine Len X bullied!reader
Popular!Komaeda Nagito X Ugly!reader
'Taller'Kokichi Ouma X reader
Mafumafu X reader

Airdrop. Akechi Goro X reader

432 6 7
By kawaii_bunny_pop

~~~Y/n POV~~~

I'm sitting in a cafe waiting for my order. I heard they serves THE BEST pancakes. Which I have to agree on cause they really are THE BEST pancakes.

In my sitting position I move my feet back and forth, back and forth until-

"Here's your order ms."

The waitress said.

I squeal happily as I stare at the hot pancake, it's drooling maple syrup, the perfectly melted butter and the beautifully laid out fruits. My point here is- ITS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IVE EVER SEEN.

I grab my fork and knife, delicately slicing the pancake to a smaller piece. Then placing it inside my mouth. I moaned with such perfection it was absolutely delicious. The salty yet sweet flavor and the sponge like texture just made my mind satisfied for hours.

~~~Akechi POV~~~

Oh dear, I'm gonna be late for work! I must rush before I get in trouble!

I rush through the busy streets of Shinjuku till I stop at a coffee shop- not just any coffee shop. But one with a beautiful gi- I mean, pancake. It had all the perfect features, nice and cooked, eyes that I could melt in, face as soft as butter... wait what. My mistake, I'm not even describing the pancake anymore!

I just stopped and stared at the girl- pancake from the window. People started gossiping about me and yet that girl didn't notice. What an airhead.

I chuckled to myself. I took a of her eating her delicious pancake (with me in it as well if I might add) and might I say, the picture looks beautiful. Soon, a few girls approached me.

"E-excuse me... b-but are you THE Akechi Goro?...? The detective prince???"

I smile at the girl who called up to me. I believe that she was a year younger then me.

Akechi: Why yes! Its a pleasure to see that you know me.

I say with my charming smile. They don't call me the charismatic detective for no reason!

The girl and her friends squealed. I glanced back to the window only to see the girl still staring into space while enjoying her delightful pancakes.

Oh how I wish I could get a taste of that right now.

The girls called back for my attention and said.

"Y-you must be very busy, with the Phantom thieves and all but m-may we get your autograph?"

They said, opening up there notebooks.

I grab my pen out of my chest pocket

Akechi: Why of course.

I smiled while quickly writing my signature on each of their notebooks.

"T-thank you!"

They all said in unison.

Akechi: They are a delightful bunch. . .

I say to no one in particular.

"Man, does he ever get tired of fangirls..."

I heard a male say in disrespect.

Akechi: Of course not.

I turn around smiling at the male.

He, well, if I must say, 'flipped' me off and walked away.

What a rude person.

I looked back at the female in the window who was still eating her fine pancake.

I wish I could say hello but I believe I've been spending too much time here, and that I must take my leave.

~~~Y/n POV~~~

I clapped my hands together and say

Y/n: Thank you for serving this delicious meal to me!

(Thats something we do in Japan, I didn't want to write in Romaji cause I wouldn't be able to convey the message like that fyi)

A few looked at me oddly, the elderly smiled at me, while the chef smiled at me and said.

"No problem miss! Come back here again and ill serve you for 50% off!"

I stared at him with stars in my eyes.

Y/n: Really sir??? Thank you! I will gladly take your offer tomorrow!!!

I say as I'm paying off my meal to him.

"hey did you see Akechi staring at that girl earlier?"

"Yea! No fair I want Akechi to look at me like that!"

"Wasn't he just hungry for the pancake?"

I accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation, but woah! Akechi!? That guy is absolutely amazing! I really admire him. Not for looks like other girls, but just in general with his accomplishments and such.

Ill cheer him on in fulfilling his job to catch the Phantom thieves.

Damn though, this sounds like stuff you would see in manga!

Id also really like a talk with Akechi sometime! I feel like we could really get along.

With the chime of the door, I walked outside.

~~~Next day...~~~

I was skipping cheerfully to the same cafe I went to yesterday after work and stopped when I heard a notification on my phone. I stepped to the side, towards the window of the shop and read the notification.

Mom: Y/n! You airhead! You forgot your wallet at home!

I face palmed and frowned. Great now I cant eat my delicious pancakes! It takes 30 min to get here...

I text my mom back with-

Y/n: T-T

Sighing, I was gonna walk away from the cafe until I heard another notification-like-sound on my phone. (It sounded a little different but I didn't really pay attention)

' "Akechi Goro" would like to share a photo.'

My eyes widened and blushed.

He sent me a photo of me eating the pancakes from yesterday with him and his charismatic smile in it.

What is wrong with this guy!? How could he take a photo of someone with him in it, let alone with someone he doesn't know at all!? Obviously, I know this guy, he's been talked about on the internet, newspaper, tv, literally anywhere! Its gotta be rare to find someone who doesn't know him!

Heck this photo even has his autograph on it! Maybe I could sell this... Nah people would think I'm joking.

If he REALLY sent me this, and that this is not a cropped photo from some kind of stalker then he must be around here somewhere...

I whipped around looking all over the place, then I get sent another photo. This time, it only had me in it.

This must have been taken today... Im wearing the exact same things. I looked towards the position it MUST have been taken from. Only to see a male who looks EXACTLY like Akechi to whip around so that I don't see his face.

Look, I may be a bit of an airhead but I at least know that, THATS Akechi in the cafe right there.

I walked into the cafe and sit across from him.

Akechi looks at me with his usual smile.

Akechi: Oh! Why hello there miss. You look fine today!

I stare at him and show him the first photo he sent me.

Y/n: This is not a dare is it.

I say staring at him.

He then smiles widely, then bursts out laughing.

Y/n: H-hey! Whats so funny!?

I say pouting.

Akechi: Oh! Its just- so- funny!- To see you- so oblivious- haha! Of what I did!-

He says laughing between his words.

I pout a bit more.

Y/n: Its not funny!!! I thought you were some kind of stalker who was trying to get my attention by using- well- you!

He laughs a bit more then says.

Akechi: I can see why you can miss interpret that, but no. That was me in the flesh taking a selfie of myself and this beautiful gi-- pancake.

Ignoring his small stutter, I sighed.

Y/n: W-well now you owe me!

Akechi: Owe? Oh I see, you want me to do something for you now that I've played with you enough.

I blushed a bit. Goddamn miss interpreted words..

Y/n: Please don't say it like that... Wait I'm getting off topic.

I stood up abruptly from my seat and pointed my index finger at him.

Y/n: Akechi Goro! You will pay for my pancake!!!

Akechi only smiled at me.

Akechi: Well thats not a big request. Your asking me this because you forgot your wallet correct?

I stared at him.

I looked towards everyone else in the cafe

Y/n: Everyone, Akechi Goro may seem like a charismatic prince but he's really a st-

The moment I said 'but' he stood up from his seat and covered my mouth.

Akechi: Ahaha... Sorry to bother all of you. My friend here has nothing important to say.

He said emphasizing on 'friend' as he sat me and himself down.

Their was a long pause between us as people started to gossip about us, while others were either chuckling or saying something along the lines of 'Otp'...? Not too sure what that means but whatever.

Akechi then abruptly said

Akechi: 2 large fruit topping pancakes please. With creamy butter, whip cream, and maple syrup.

I smiled cheerfully, almost about to burst with happiness.

Akechi sighed placing his elbow onto the table with his hand supporting his head holding onto his chin. Smiling, might I add.

Y/n: What you looking at stalker.

I stared at him, narrow eyed.

Akechi: Thats not a nice thing to say to someone who is treating you to beautiful, delicious, pancakes.

Y/n: Hmph, and thats not something to say to a girl you basically stalked.

Akechi: Well I can't help it, the pancake was just too beautiful.

I blushed a bit then paused.


I slapped the top of his head.

Akechi: ouch!

He smirked a bit in a mischievous way.

Y/n: What! is! wrong! with! you!

I say punching him lightly each time.

Akechi: Y/n chan! I can fine you for harassment you know!~

He says in a teasing way. Oh how I wanna wipe that smile off his face.

Y/n: How dare you trick me!!! And- hold up.

I think for a sec and stand up again, facing everyone else. 

Y/n: You know what everyone? I just must tell you all the Akechi is- 

He stands up once again and sits me back down as well as himself. 

Akechi: Now your going to ask me how I know your name right?

Y/n: Yes.

I say with my poker face. 

Akechi moves a bit of his hair off to the side.

Akechi: Well, they don't call me charismatic detective for no reason. 

He says with his damn cheeky smile.

Y/n: Well more like charismatic stalker. 

Akechi: Well at least I'm still charismatic.

Akechi smirked once again. 

"Heres your pancake you two..."

The waitress gives us our pancakes while glaring at me a bit. She probably jelly that I am able to talk to THE Akechi Goro! But she can try talking to him too... he's a nice guy. Well then again a guy like him probably gets tortured with a bunch of girls after him each day. Poor stalker. 

Akechi: Aren't you going to eat your pancake Y/n?

Y/n: Yes I am Mr. Charismatic Stalker.

Akechi takes a bite of his delicate pancake. 

Akechi: Well, I'm YOUR charismatic stalker.

I seriously hate that stupid grin on his face right now. 

I couldn't help but blush just now. 

Y/n: God damnit.... 

I take a bite of the pancake and none of the less squeal anyways.

Y/n: I love the pancakes here!!!~

I say taking multiple bites.

The idiot across from me chuckles. 

Y/n: Wot?

I say, mouth full.

Akechi: Oh nothing, just admiring your beauty.

I blush again.... great.

Y/n: W-wot!?

I say almost choking on pancakes. You know what? If I were to die I think I would wanna die choking on pancakes. 

Akechi: Yea your just as beautiful as a pancake!

I gulp down the pancake.

Y/n: What kind of comparison is that!?!? In fact I don't even know what your complementing anymore!

I say pouting.

Akechi smiles and lifts my chin, getting closer to my face.

Akechi: Of course I mean you~

He says with his maple syrup, sweet breath.  

Then finishes off with a kiss on my lips. 

After kissing for a bit we separate. 

Y/n: I think I know why they call you the charismatic detective now. 

I say smiling with a small blush on my face. 


Damn that was absolutely beautiful.

Prey to the pancake boy. XD

Thx for reading and yea sorry for not doing ur request (u kno who you are) 

Had an AMAZING idea for akechi so I just had to do it ya kno? Ill try to get to your request, just I haven't watched that anime in a while so I sorta forgot how that person is like, but ill try to fix something up.  (again, you kno who u are) 


Feli: CIAO!

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