Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


75 13 105
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Okay, just a warning, please brace yourself because this will contain a lot of emotions! Get your tissues and stress ball!

^^ Niall could never be angry even if he tried, he's just too cute!


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Thursday evening>>

After coming home from work, after a few weeks break, since my boss rewarded me for my hard work, I decided to go see Zayn. I texted him first of course, in case his parents wouldn't let him go out. I've never actually met Zayn's parents, but from what he's told me, they love him, but they let their personal values get in the way. But when I received a mysterious response. It was just 'no'. I immediately knew that Zayn was in trouble. Every single one of Zayn's text was very punctual, had perfect spelling, punctuation, and were full sentences. He never used any shorthand such as 'idk, atm, rn, &, wby or ttyl'. And also, almost every one of his text had an emoji. This could mean only one thing. His parents had his phone and were filing through it.

"Mom! I'm going out!" I yelled. I had to make sure that Zayn was alright. I'm not sure how many times that we've texted. And I don't know how many times he deletes his messages.

"No you're not, Niall, you need to do your homework first, if you want to have a good spring break, you're going to finish your extra credit assignment for pre-calc because you're on the verge of failing." Mom said as she walked into the living room.

"Mom, I think it's Zayn, I think he might be in trouble." I said, worried.

"What do you mean?" She asked, perplexed. I quickly told her what was going on.

"Well, I should go with you, get into my car." She said, kicking off her stilettos and putting on her converses. She got her shawl and I got my jacket. It was March now, so the snow had melted. I directed her to Zayn's house and I also sent Harry and Liam a text, explaining my worries. I didn't have Doniya's number, but I had her instagram, so I sent her a private message. In about ten minutes, we were at Zayn's house. His two sisters, Waliyah and Safaa, were playing in what was left of the snow. From what I heard, they were quite sheltered and innocent.

"Hello, who are you?" the younger one asked. She was about eleven or twelve.

"Safaa! You're not supposed to talk to strangers!" Waliyah scolded. It kinda broke my heart that even Zayn's sisters didn't know who I was.

"I'm Niall, I'm a friend of Zayn and this is my mom, do you know where Zayn is?" I asked.

"Oh, he's inside, having a discussion with mom and papa." Safaa explained.

"Oh, well, may I see them?" I asked.

"I don't know, mom was pretty angry when she told us to stay out, so maybe later?" Safaa suggested. I knew what that meant. Zayn was probably cornered and they found out about something. My mom heard this and parked her red sedan and got out.

"Excuse me, but I think that this is very important." Mom said. "Do you know why your momma got angry?" She asked, calmly, to Waliyah, who seemed to be around fourteen or so.

"I don't know, they took his phone though." She told us.

"Can we go inside, I know you just met us, but we need to speak with your parents."

"Um, okay, we're probably not supposed to let you guys in." Waliyah said, anxiously. "Just come back later, is that okay?" She asked me.

"Umm, mom?" I asked. "Mom?" I looked around, she wasn't there. Then I saw her, she ran up to the door and already opened it. It was unlocked.

"Hey! You can't just do that!" Safaa yelled.

"Hey girls, this is complicated, but if anyone else comes, and says they're here for your brother, let them in." I instructed.

"No, you can't just do that!" Waliyah sassed. But it was too late, I quickly ran in. the house was eerily completely empty.

"Where do you think Zayn is?" Mom asked.

"I don't know, but he's probably very scared." I whispered. It was like a horror movie. We crept up the stairs to the bedrooms. We heard voices from the master bedroom.

"Zayn! How could you do this?" We heard a strict female voice.

"Who is this disgusting boy who raped you?" A male voice asked. I could feel my mom get angry.

"Calm down, wait," I whispered. "Start recording your phone. " I whispered. Mom nodded and took out her iPhone and started to record. I took it and slid it by the door on the carpet. Thankfully it was on the side of the door, not right in front, or else it's gonna get busted when the door opens. Thank you hockey practice.

"He, he, he didn't rape me, please, don't do anything to him!" I could hear Zayn sob.

"Well, we're going to press charges whether you want it or not, and you're not getting the abortion, you're going to raise your baby." Zayn's mother said, sternly.

"It's not my fault!" Zayn wailed.

"So you're saying then that you were raped?" Zayn's father asked.

"No! Fine, it's my fault, but dad, please, promise me that you'll just leave him alone." Zayn pleaded. My heart broke. Zayn was willing to risk everything for my safety.

"Well, let's see, you were sneaking out without permission, I don't even know where you got a pregnancy detector kit, I have no idea how you found a gynecologist or made an appointment with the abortion clinic or how you forged our signatures, is Doniya in this? You can't possibly have done this all by yourself!" Zayn's mom yelled. "You were going to get an abortion, you were going to kill another child because of your mistakes, and you had sex, and not only that, but with another man, you are in big trouble, I don't know what to say, but you're going to regret this all."

"Mom! How am I supposed to raise a child at sixteen?" Zayn wailed.

"Well, that dumb, dirty father can help out, do you think I wanted to raise your sister at age nineteen?" His mom asked. "Your sister was a huge burden, she is an ungrateful brat, but we raised her, so you can raise your baby!"

"How dare you call Doniya an ungrateful brat!" Zayn screamed. His emotions turned from fear to anger. "And how could you call him dumb and dirty!" Then I heard a smack.

"Now!" I whispered. Mom nodded. I got up and jiggled on the door. Shit, it was locked.

"Safaa, I told you to go outside, I'll be with you soon!" His mom yelled. I didn't know what I should do. I tried to do my best girly impression.

"But mommy, I have to come in right now, some weird people are in our front yard." I said, in a falsetto. Immediately, the door opened. A large, middle aged pakistani man looked at me.

"Who the heck are you?" He asked.

"Niall!" Zayn gasped. He was sitting on a tan bed, with two chairs. Another woman, who was white was standing up. She had on yoga pants and a pink sweater. She was holding Zayn's phone and looked very angry.

"You know him?" She asked.

"I'm that 'dumb, dirty father' that you were talking about." I replied. "No disrespect, but nobody says what you said about Zayn, how could do condemn him for this?" I yelled. I was very angry and heartbroken at Zayn's condition.

"Who let you in?" Zayn's mom asked

"I did, and I knew that you were hurting him!" I yelled at her. Zayn's mom didn't waste any time. She came up and slapped me.

"I don't know who you are, but young man, you don't come in someone's house and tell us what to do!" She yelled.

"You don't hit my son!" Mom yelled. She came in from the corner, took her iPhone and slapped Zayn's mom. There was a full on woman fight. They were rolling on the floor, slapping, pushing, pulling each other's hair. There were hair, legs and tits everywhere in the mess.

"Stop! Mom!" I shouted, trying to stop my mom.

"Trisha!" Zayn's dad yelled, trying to break up the fight. I looked for Zayn, but he wasn't there. But I had to get my mom off of the she-devil. My mom had a cut lip and torn hair, and Zayn's mom had several scratches on her chest and neck because of mom's sharp nails.

"Where's Zayn?" Zayn's dad asked. I think his name was Yaser. We heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Zayn?" Yaser called. But it was Doniya.

"You cunt! I told you never to show your face here ever again!" Yaser yelled. He went up to her and slapped her to the ground. Then, out of another room, Zayn came back and jumped on his much larger father and kicked him.

"Don't you dare ever call him that!" He screamed. Zayn's father got angry and pressed his skull onto the carpet. Had it not been for the carpet, his skull might be fractured.

"Bastard!" Doniya screamed and kicked her father in the crotch with her heel. Then Trisha went and joined the fight, and there was a full on Malik family fight in the hall hatred and violence was in the air. Mom and I went and stopped and broke it up.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" I yelled as I broke it up. After a few minutes of hatred, we all calmed down.

"Why the hell did you come back? I told you never to come back again!" Yaser yelled.

"Because Zayn was in danger because of you!" She yelled back.

"Don't you dare yell at your father like that!" Trisha pointed.

"You know what? I'm taking Zayn with me until you get things settled!" Doniya screamed, stomping her heeled boot. "And that is final!"

"Uh, no! You are not taking him, I need to know more about this abortion, because he is not getting this, you immoral brat!" Trisha spat.

"Why?" Doniya asked

"Because, I should've aborted you, but I didn't, because it was against my values." Trisha spat.

"How dare you? She's loved me more than the both of you!" Zayn yelled.

"Really? Doniya? The one who goes out as a prostitute, a stripper, the slut? Your sister, who sleeps with men every night for a few coins." Zayn's mouth dropped. That's how she knew so much about sex and sex safety.

"Just because you've gotten abortions doesn't mean that my son will!" Yaser added.

"It's his choice! You're not giving him a choice, that's even more immoral!" Doniya yelled, rage bubbling like a volcano.

"Mom, Dad, as much as I understand your values, I don't agree with you, I'm going with Doniya!" Zayn yelled. He went to his room and got several duffel bags filled with his things, along with several coats on. That's why he was gone, he was quickly packing.

"Well, I can't stop you like I couldn't stop that bitch, but I swear, if you leave, you're never welcomed back, I never want to see the two of you again, ever!" Yaser said.

"You can count on that!" Doniya spat.

"Go to hell!" Trisha condemned. "God never loved people like you anyways!"

"Stop, you've been so closed minded, just, stop!" I yelled. I couldn't take this family hatred anymore.

"You should get out before I call authorities." Yaser warned us. I just simply gave him a glare and walked out.

"Hey, do you mind if you can come over to my place? I think that Zayn's gonna have a panic attack." Doniya asked as Zayn got in his car.

"Yes, of course." My mom said. She and I quickly got in her car and drove over to Doniya's flat. Safaa and Waliyah stood there in confusion. I don't know how I feel about the fact that Zayn left his parents. And that Doniya was a stripper? Well, she's a kind stripper. It doesn't matter if she's a sex worker, but she's got a hella big of a heart.

"I'm sorry mom that you got hurt." I apologized. I didn't mean for violence when we went to get Zayn.

"Oh are you kidding? Oh, those people need to get their stuff together and open up their minds." She ranted. "I'm glad I was part of getting Zayn out of there." We quickly went to Doniya's apartment. Zayn collapsed onto her couch and started to sob. I quickly dialed Harry and texted him to get his ass over here.

"Zayn," I said, I got down and hugged him. I slowly took off his excess coats and jackets. Zayn didn't say anything, he just sobbed. And it's reasonable. He just got abandoned by his family. He was going in for an abortion tomorrow. And he is sixteen and has to go through all of this.

"Zayn, I know that this is a huge ton ass shit that's going on, you just do what you must." Mom sighed, patting Zayn's back.

"I can't believe they did that!" He wept

"Me neither." I agreed. My father leaving me was hard enough, but I can't think of what he had to go through. There was a knock on the door. Doniya went and opened it, it was Harry and Louis. They came in and I explained to him everything that had happened.

"Families," Zayn sighed, "My enemies, my healer, reckless behavior, it's our paradise, and it's our war zone."

"I know," Doniya hugged. We all gathered on the couch and supported Zayn. I put on one of Zayn's favorite songs, "Born This Way" and "Million Reasons" by Lady Gaga and "Fly" and "Regret In Your Tears" by Nicki Minaj. After about a half an hour, Zayn calmed down and threw away the last tissue.

"Doniya, why didn't you tell me? That you were a sex worker? I was so confused as how you had a pregnancy test and all other tools of the trade, and why our parents never wanted me by you." Zayn asked. I quickly filled Harry and Louis what Zayn was talking about.

"Because Zayn, I didn't want you to think any less of my, whether I'm a pole dancer, a drug store saleswoman or your sister, I'm still the same person." Doniya sighed.

"Oh, Donnie, even if you were an assassin, I'd still love you." Zayn replied. There was an intense moment of sibling love. They hugged and Doniya replied.

"Oh, Zayn, thank you so much." She told him. "The same goes for you too."

We went out to Red Lobster for dinner that night. Zayn and I shared a lobster platter, while Harry got some salad and Louis got coconut shrimp. Mom said that even though I was almost failing pre calculus, I didn't have to go to school tomorrow. Harry and Louis said that they would also come with Zayn to his procedure. I got to stay with Zayn that night.

"I'll be back with your PJs and night clothes, then I'm going to go home and rest, it's been a long day, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She said.

"No, it's okay, I'll just sleep in my underwear and Zayn said that Doniya's got extra toothbrushes."I smiled and was so grateful for a mom like her.

"Oh, okay, I'll bring some nicer clothes though before Zayn's surgery tomorrow," She told me and left.

I wanted to have some dessert, but Zayn couldn't eat anything twelve hours before his procedure. Harry and Louis left and wished Zayn the best. It was just me, Doniya and Zayn.

"Hey babe." I whispered. We were in Doniya's spare room. She used to have a roommate, but apparently she moved on to work as a secretary in Manhattan. We found a ten dollar bill under the bed and a five dollar in the closet.

"Hey, wanna make love tonight?" I asked after we brush our teeth and shaved. I knew that we wouldn't be able for two to three weeks after the procedure.

"No, I'm sorry, but I'm super tired, just hold me, baby." Zayn said, stripping down to his underwear and getting into bed. "I need to rest for tomorrow."

"Of course," I stripped down and cuddled up. I turned off the lamp and had my hands on his belly, feeling something I hoped to feel again someday.

Okay, so 'Vas happenin' ! ? 

So this was quite a chapter to write! I'm probably not going to update much next week because it's Spring break for me. So I'll be doing a character ask! How about that? Sounds good? 

Rules: Ask up to three questions per character, you can ask five if you're one of my followers!







Trisha & Yaser:



Me (the author) :

Fire away!

QOTD: Who is your favourite actor and favourite actress? Mine are Harry Styles and Nicki Minaj

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