Normalcy of The Big Four

By smurffedup

12.3K 553 162

The big four at a modern day American high school. Probably mostly Jackunzel but I'll definitely try for an e... More

Early bird gets the worm
Second mouse gets the cheese.
The Welcoming Committee
Just an ordinary day
Girly overthinking.
Does four even count as a party?
Spirit Week?
Unofficially unofficial
I don't know.
Lousy Truth
Letting go
Not a chapter.-.
Sorry for the wait, guys

Halloween problems

757 43 19
By smurffedup


Work? On Halloween? They cannot be serious.

I sighed, and desperatly tried to come up with a valid reason for why i couldn't come into work today. Rapunzel was throwing a party, a proper party that I was not going to miss, but I couldn't just tell them that.

I had the day off already, but that Australian douche called out 'sick' so they needed me to fill in. Aster was a real piece of work. I knew he wasn't sick, he was going to the party and had to screw me out of it.

'Jack, he's not so bad.'

I could practically hear Rapunzel scolding me for my rude thoughts.

I fumbled with my phone. Maybe I'll just not call them back.. I mean, they already gave me the day off. They can't be upset if I'm busy. Whatever, that's just what I'll do. Not my problem they let Aster suddenly take the day off.

With my decision, I shoved my phone into my back pocket and threw on a hoodie. Rapunzel had taken control of my costume fate, and demanded I get to her house early. I didn't want to think about the torture I was going to go through once I got there.


It was official. I was never going to get use to Punzels house. How did I ever become friends with someone so well off? How was it that she didn't at like a snob? I better her parents are snobby. I had yet to meet them yet, some how they were never there when we all got together. Mother Gothel always was. She usually left after we got there but I always saw her at least once a visit.

Today the gate was left unlocked, so no one would have to sit and constantly be letting people into the house. Pulling up, I saw Rapunzel leaning up on the balcony above the front porch hanging decorative lights. Her hair hung loose, the way I preferred it. A pink top hugged her in all the right ways and had shifted up, showing just a bit of her hip bones. Light blue jeans topped it all off, they were ripped and worn down.

I yelled to her when I got out of my car. She had yet to acknowledge my presence, which was very unlike her. Rapunzel was always the first one to greet anyone.

"For crying out loud, settle down!" She seemed to sing the words at me. Settle down? What was she talking about, I was perfectly calm.

"You know I can't be found with youu", what is going on? She twirled a bit then, and I caught sight of the ear buds she had in. I felt the smirk find it's way on to my face. She was singing.

"We get back to my house,

Your hands, my mouth.

Now I just stop myself around yo-"

She noticed me watching her then. She ripped her earbuds out and instantly blushed.

I smirked, "great show, Punz".

She nervously tugged on a piece of her hair, "h-how long have you been down there?"

I shrugged, "long enough".

She bit her lip, "I'll uh, get the door",

She quickly climbed back inside a window.

I took in the full front of the house then. She'd really gone all out with the lights. Orange wrapped up the pillars on the porch, purple strung up across the top. Little pumpkin lights hung in some of the trees. It looked good, definitely more cute than scary. She should have done a haunted house.

Rapunzel opened the doors, leaving them open as she skipped outside. She smiled at me, "ready?"

I groaned, "ready as I'll ever be".


"Really, Rapunzel?"

"Yes, Jack. Now sit down and cooperate."

I groaned and sat on the seat for her vanity. How was it that she had me completely whipped and we weren't even dating?

"What exactly is my costume? Why do I need make-up?" I watched her dig through a yellow box for whatever torture devices it was that she needed.

"You don't need any makeup, Jack. I just want to try something.", she stood in front of me and turned my face to the side, "now hold still".

"You didn't answer my othe-"


I felt something cold touch my neck, behind my right ear. My brows furrowed in confusion. What is she doing?

One hand held the back of my neck, fingers tangled in my hair, while the other seemed to be drawing something on my skin. I glanced over at her, feeling her warmth radiate towards me. She was so beautiful, it was infuriating. Did she not realize how hard it is to not kiss her every time she's just in the same room as me? The way she smiled, the way she laughed, her blush, her love of painting, everything about this girl was intoxicating. It would be so easy to just kiss here right now, so why couldn't I?

"Jack? Are you okay?".

Shit, I had missed what she said. This was why I couldn't. She was so perfect and I continuously made myself look like a fool around her.

"Sorry, what did you say?", I noticed then that she was done drawing on me but had yet to take her hand out if my hair. She was looking at me, smiling as usual.

"I'm done," she held up a little mirror, showing me a light yellow sun on my skin, "it doesn't really go with your costume at all but i-idunno, I just wanted to do it".

I smirked, "is this your way of marking your territory, Corona?".

Her face went red, "I- uh, n-no". She skipped away from me then, and into her closet, "okay, okay. Its not really anything special".

She came out with a blue hoodie, with little white snowflakes painted over the top. After throwing it towards me, she smiled.

"I knew you'd wear your tan pants here, so I didn't worry about that, but I think they need just a little something at the bottom. I did find a pretty good staff though."

I wrinkled my nose, "what? what is this?"

She smirked then, hands going on her hips, "Jack Frost. Duh."

I laughed. Of course, of course she wouldn't let this opportunity pass. "You just think you're so funny, don't you Corona?"

Rapunzel smiled, "the funniest. Now get out, I need to get dressed."

I held back the pervy comment that so desperately tried to free itself from my mind and left the room. I wanted to know what she decided to wear. Hopefully something hot, like some sort of lingerie and animal ears. Girls always do that kind of stuff, right?


I cracked the door open, "yeah? can I come in?"

"Yeah, ..I'm clothed, I just.. need some help ..tightening this", she sounded out of breath. Tighten what? I pushed the door open and held back my laughter.

"A Princess? Really, Rapunzel?", I smirked. I should have known after the Jack Frost thing. She just couldn't resist being completely cheesy.

Her hands found her hips, she blow a piece of hair out of her face. "Isn't it perfect?", she smiled.

It was perfect. The short lavender dress was something I'd seen her wear before, but the light pink corset was new and apparently hard to do up.

"You uh, need help?", I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. How did I end up the bitch boy that had to help her with all these girl things? Surely Merida would be better at this. But I wanted to help her. I wanted to always be the one she asked for help, never Merida or Hiccup. I wanted her to want to be the only one helping me. I want her to want me.

She bit her lip and nodded, "sorry, I should have waited for Merida to get here"

I rolled my eyes, "whatever, Corona. You just wanted me all close and personal before everyone was here".

She laughed, "you see right through all my plans".


The party was in full swing.

Hiccup and Merida had arrived before everyone else, they had also arrived together. They were so obviously together but refused to officially admit it.

Merida dressed as some kind of Robin Hood. Green tights, light brown puffy shirt, renaissance style vest, old boots. She actually brought her bow and arrows, and threatened pretty much everyone who bothered her. Meaning she just threatened everyone. I'm pretty sure she gets a kick out of it.

Hiccup was a viking. Red and black clothing, covered in some kind of armor. He looked completely badass, and the red clashed perfectly with Merida's Robin Hood.

I recognized majority of the people but I didn't know many of them properly. The girl, Tooth I think Rapunzel called her, did some kind of fairy thing. Skimpy and colorful. Sandy was dressed in all yellow, maybe he was the sun? Idunno. Aster didn't look dressed up at all, still looked like a prick to me.

Everyone was getting drunk, grinding on each other, and playing various party games. I didn't drink, never saw the fun in it. I found it much more fun to watch everyone act stupid once they got smashed. I danced a few times with Rapunzel but I didn't want to dance with anyone else, leaving me solo when she got pulled away.

"Are you not drinking?", Rapunzel appeared in front of me then. Cheeks flushed from dancing so long.

I twirled a piece of her hair around my finger, "I haven't seen you drink anything either, Princess".

She smirked, "stalker".


The party didn't die down til around 4am. A few people passed out around the yard and house, most getting rides home from friends.

I could have sworn I saw Merida pull Hiccup upstairs but I might have been mistaken. They weren't anywhere downstairs though, and I knew they wouldn't have gone home.

I was getting tired but with Rapunzel leaning on my side I couldn't get my mind to relax. We were sat on the couch, listening to the music that had somehow gone Christmas-y within the last hour.

"Jack?", she whispered like she wasn't sure if I was awake still or not.

I moved alittle, looking down at her head on my shoulder, "Punz?"

She sat up, smiling tiredly, "Can I show you something?"

I nodded, suddenly wide awake. Show me something? At this time of night? My mind went crazy with possibilties, most completely inappropriate but I wasn't getting my hopes up.

Rapunzel stood up and took my hand. When she pulled me outside, my curiosity grew. I took note of where we were going. Into the backyard, the trees. The trees grew thicker and thicker but there seemed to be a small path worn into the ground. Not big enough to notice without a guide but there definitely was a trail.

The trees never let up into a clearing but eventually Rapunzel stopped at one.

"Follow me up.. and don't look up my skirt", someone had nailed a makeshift latter up the side of the tree. I couldn't make out where it led to, the sky hadn't started brightening yet.

I did as she said, climbing up until it ended and a rope hung in front of me. Rapunzel must have already gone up it. Where were we?

It was a tree house. It was amazing, and really high up. I hadn't realized we'd climbed so far until I saw the view from inside. Around the tree tops, you could make out the beach from up here. It wasn't anything special, just an average treehouse. The walls and ceiling had been painted, painted completely top to bottom.

I looked at the girl that had brought me here. She was watching me, looking nervous. Biting her lip.

"Rapunzel, this is beautiful."

She smiled, "thank you". She scooted closer to where I sat, "I've never showed anyone this place before.. Its always been my safe spot, like my own hidden tower."

I couldn't stop myself from smirking, "Rapunzel has a tower. How Disney of you."

She nudged me playfully, "I'm trying to be serious here, Jack". She looked at my hand, and put her hand on top of mine, "I just wanted to take you here because.. Idunno, it's stupid but you make me feel safe and so does this place".

Rapunzel finally looked up, green eyes meeting mine, "I've never felt safe with anyone. Like, with you around, no one can hurt me".

I smiled and pulled her to me then. One hand on her waist, the other on her jaw, I brought her lips to mine and finally did what I'd been dying to do. After months of waiting, I finally kissed Rapunzel.




I hope this was good. I like it.(:

I might go M.I.A for like all of July. Vacation and what not but I'll try not to.

Happy reading, lovelies.



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