the real monster (rwby x god...

By gasktask

309K 2.5K 4.8K

(y/n) (l/n) aka 'the Grimm god' is a dangerous enemy towards all known kingdoms of remnant, for centuries ozp... More

character info
(y/n)'s forms
Chapter - 1
chapter - 2
chapter - 3
chapter - 4
(b/n) info.
chapter - 5
thank you all!
chapter - 7
(y/n)'s army
thank you so much!!!
chapter - 8
20 watchers
chapter - 9 part - 1
chapter - 9 part - 2
10k reads?!!!
(b/n)'s army
(y/n)'s new assassin
should i do oneshots?
chapter - 10
Christmas special
R.I.P. Thanatos
chapter - 11
chapter - 12
new name
chapter - 13
chapter - 14
last change of armor for (y/n)
Valentine's day special
chapter - 15
what if...
chapter - 16
chapter - 17
chapter - 19
chapter - 20
so tell me...
'the good path' is out!

chapter - 18

1.7K 23 62
By gasktask

(a/n): I don't own RWBY rooster teeth does

I only own the story

You own yourself



(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

You scream in pain as all your powers are sucked away back into the wooden box leaving only your aura and semblance

After the bright light dies down your steaming, heavily bleeding and badly burned body can be seen standing as you struggle to breathe

Abductor: MY LORD!!

Abductor quickly slithered to you but before he touched you you held your hand up

(Y/n): n-no... L-leave...

Abductor: b-but... My Lord we mus-

(Y/n): LEAVE!!!!

You yelled as abductor nodded and with Gezmond walked into a portal abductor created

Yang: are you ready to die (y/n)...

You chuckled and looked yang in the eyes

(Y/n): I may be a human now but I won't die without a fight

You said transforming into the only most powerful creature you can

You raised your greatsword and smashed it into the ground created a earthquake making yang and others fall on the ground

(Y/n): I'm ready...

Yang charged at you as you barely dodged

Yang: not so fast huh?

You growled picked her up and throwed her into a tree knocking her up, you looked behind you and see the others with shocked and angry expressions

Suddenly you transformed back into your human form with these clothes

You are still badly burned and you're still heavily bleeding

(Y/n): f-fuck

You quickly runned into a forest holding your side hearing them running after you

(Y/n): i must hide somewhere

You quickly hide in a tree and waited for them to leave

Jaune: where is he?

Qrow: with the injuries he has he can't be that far, let's go before he gets too far

You heard they're footsteps getting quieter until it's completely silent, you exited the tree and hold onto it

(Y/n): great... now I'm gonna die...

You sat down with your back pressed against the tree

You searched for your wallet and to your suprise you found it, you opened it and grabbed a picture from it

You looked at the picture and see yourself,cinder, Lilith and Salem with happy faces and you noiticed there is a ghost of your first wife Lilith with happy face

(Y/n): l-lilith...

You tried not to cry but failed and cried a lot until you blacked out from blood loose

Sienna: (y-y/n)?... (Y/N)!!!!

[Meanwhile in Grimm realm]

Salem: h-he can't be dead....

After abductor and Gezmond got back into Grimm realm they went to say Salem what happened but they quickly regretted saying this to her after her reaction


Abductor: my mistress, my Lord said to us to leave, we just followed his orders

Salem: grrr get out of my sight before I kill you

Abductor and Gezmond quickly runned away leaving a crying demon

Salem: h-he can't be dead *sniff*

Salem said crying falling on her knees

[With cinder]


Abductor: my m-mistress I already told you that my Lord is d-dead

For cinder it was like the whole world shattering into pieces as she finally realizes it. (Y/n) is... Dead...

Cinder: get.out.

Abductor: b-but-

Cinder: GET OUT!!!

Cinder yelled pinning abductor to a wall and beat him up

Cinder: I don't want to see you again...

Cinder said entering you're room closing the door as she suddenly hear crying Lilith

Cinder: l-lilith?!

Cinder quickly runned to Lilith picked her up and comforted her

Cinder: shhhh it's g-going to b-be okay...

Lilith: d-d-daddy?

Cinder: please Lilith , if you understand me ... Please stop crying *sniff*

Lilith stopped crying and looked up at her mother with tears Wich were whipped away with Cinders thumb

Cinder: *sniff* thank you

Cinder then walked to your and hers bedroom and lied on the bed with Lilith close to her chest as the two of them fall asleep

[Back to (y/n)]

(Y/n): ughhh what's h-happening?

You said holding your head in pain sitting up

???: Carefully those bitches really beat you up big guy

(Y/n): that voice...

You turned towards the voice and see ...












Thanatos: heya you fuck, how's it going oh wait you lost all your powers ahahaha!!

You are looking at Thanatos with wide eyes

(Y/n): h-how are you a-alive?! I saw your mask and dust!!

Thanatos: well I was really lucky that small part of me menage to escape, anyway it was kinda hard to create a new mask you Know

(Y/n): but why didn't you recover in Grimm realm?!

Thanatos: because I wanted to have some time alone you dingus

You sighed and lied back on the comfortable bed

(Y/n): what now? When my brother discovers that I'm not a god anymore he will find me and kill me!

Thanatos: well we will have to find those kids before they gave it to ironwood in atlas

(Y/n): WHAT!?

Thanatos: SHUT UP and go to sleep!

Thanatos said forcefully making you sleep with chloroform

Thanatos: goodnight princess!

(Y/n): f-fuck you *snoring*

1 week later

After one week of fast recovering (thanks to Thanatos) you are finally available to get your god powers back

(Y/n): are we ready Thanatos?

Thanatos made and ok sign not looking at you, he then turned around and handed you a weird looking sword

Thanatos: I created it! Do you like it?!

(Y/n): uhh yeah it's cool

Thanatos glared at you before heading outside

Thanatos: let's go, who knows how close to atlas they are

You nodded put the sword to your left hip and walked outside seeing the shining moon

(Y/n): alright let's get to work

You said starting running while Thanatos flies around you

Thanatos: go faster or I'll...

You stopped running and looked at him

(Y/n): or what?

Suddenly Thanatos is standing on lettuce

Thanatos: number 15....

(Y/n): STOP! Alright I'll run faster just please never say that shit again

You shouted running faster the way Thanatos is showing you

[Hours later]

Thanatos: stop, I see them... Oh no...

(Y/n): what?

Thanatos: we're too late, atlas already got the box

You quietly groaned and looked at him

(Y/n): what now?

Thanatos: *shrug* I dunno

You sighed

(Y/n): we will get inside, kill everyone who will try to stop us and get the box alright?

???: Hmm it's a good plan, too bad you are going to die before it happens

You slowly turned around and see your brother jack


You fall on the ground in fear and backed away from him

Thanatos: how about you go fuck yourself jack the cocksucker

Jack growled and throw a punch at Thanatos but he Dodged with ease

Thanatos: (y/n)! Quickly go get the box! I'll try to hold him off! QUICKLY!!!

you immediately stood up and runned towards the entrance of the atlas military there are two guards Wich you killed with ease with the sword

You kicked down the door as everyone inside stopped in their tracks and looked at you surprised

(Y/n): [insert a badass entrance line]

Everyone pulled up they're weapons and pointed them at you as you smiled nervously under your hood

(Y/n)'s thoughts: oh oum, please don't let me die!

You pulled out your sword and started to kill the atlas military forces

To be continued...

(A/n): in next chapter we shall see who will survive. jack? Or (y/n)? Anyway until next time bye!!!

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