Rose sister series Book 1 - R...

By crazyshana

273 23 1

Raven was a girl born to a father who was abusive and harsh. He believed everything needed to be done through... More

Chapter one
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

16 2 0
By crazyshana

Hana on the side picture ------------------>

We continued to the house where we showered, ate and all those fun things. We brought the younger ones to their schools. Hana who stuck her thumb into her mouth as she entered going to her seat in the middle near the window, as soon as her butt pressed on the seat she was surrounded by other children like wolves around a pack of meat, Hana didn’t seem bothered by them she seemed extremely comfortable. Shana when she walked in her own class went to two girls and sat in the middle they greeted her but she gave a simple nod she answered a couple of questions then shut up and fold her arms watching them chatter.

Jessica and I however, mostly me, had no such luck. We kept more to each other than anyone else; if she wasn’t around I kept to myself. We were two lone wolves walking the halls together, my misery countered her misery. I wasn’t as lonely with her by my side, she was my rock and U like to believe I was hers.

We broke apart to go to our classes I had Mathematics, she had English. I pulled my long sleeve over my arms and continued into my class avoiding everyone as best as I could, not that they would notice me any way.  I went inside slowly and made my way to the back sticking myself in a corner. Each classmate was in their seat when my teachers entered.

He was short, overweight, wearing a brown jacket, white shirt black pants and leather brown shoes. He scribbled “pop quiz” on the board and then shifted to face the class who now looked utterly miserable. They groaned and some even banged their heads on the desk while the others panic, one girl began pre test cramming. I could almost see them pull pitch forks from their desk and form an angry mod to run our teacher screaming and out of class down the halls.

I couldn’t help snicker and giggle. I place my books in my bag pack taking out my pens and pencils to do my quiz. No I wasn’t a nerd, it was just that father insisted we all study for 2 hours then train or we would be punished severely. Trust me, he knows if we slack off and I avoided unneeded punishments, my back was still a bit sore internally from last night’s punishment.

I watched as our teacher, Mr. Randal, sat at his desk after he placed the final paper on the student’s table. “You have one hour, No borrowing, No cheating…. If caught doing any one of the above you will fail and sent to the principal’s office… BEGIN!” he barked he pushed back against his chair and stared at us with piercing blackish beady eyes arms folded around his chest. He occasionally slammed his feet into the floor impudently to intimidate us and wrinkle his nose with disgust of seeing us stress over a few questions.

I finished my quiz just as the bell rang to signify the ending of our session here. I gave up my test as the students did the same, some grumbled and mumbled about how hard it was, I thought it was rather entertaining.

I pulled my knapsack over my shoulders and made my way out of the doors to the lunch room to find Jess. My baggy shirt was black and worn, yea I looked like trash, but I hated shopping like cat hated water. My father didn’t bother to force me knowing how stubborn I was and Jessica sometimes dress me ….this was not one of those times…. Besides clothes are for comfort right?

Jessica was standing with a group of girls, she was in her short red dress, pull ups red sneakers and unlike my messy hair, her hair was neatly drawn into a long black pony tail with a red ribbon. When I approached the girls casted me a look of disapproval and vanished from her, but Jessica kept her smile and greeted me warmly like she had no idea what just happen. I couldn’t help but love her, we fought but no one could hurt my Jess as long as I was around. Jess circled her arms around my waist kissing my cheek.

“Lez!” shouted a jock from the table behind.

“Twincest!!” shouted another.

Jessica flipped the bird and smirk holding me tighter. “You just want to be included John and Mark, you want some twin action and you know it…. But she is all mine!” she teased and everyone in the cafeteria laughed shaking their head at my sister’s comment.  John and Mark flushed to the tip of their ears and shook their head holding their hands up in defeat.

“Well sweet thing what shall we do?” she cooed in my ears seductively. I shifted and flashed her a smile, something I hardly ever did, yes I laughed but smiling was almost fully alien to me.

“Why not eat? I am just starving….” I answered in an old soap opera voice that usually belonged to the over dramatic curly hair blonds with red lips in long white dresses. Jess laughed so hard she choked on her saliva, not very gracefully I might add. I shook my head and went along with her to the lunch line while she rants about Shakespeare, who she thought had a horrible idea of love.

“I mean! Why must they die? Romeo and Juilet shows just how hard it is to survive during love! Nope not for me… Let me not even start on that idiot Macbeth! Omfg!!!” she paused shortly to order and then allowed me to order before going back to ranting and raving. “Ok let me get this straight some witches, not fairies, not prophets, not oracles, BUT WITCHES comes up and say you are going to rule suddenly you get mad with power BEFORE YOU GET THE POWER!!! How stupid is that! What the hell was he even thinking!! Trusting witches...” I lifted my hand to her mouth and covered it since she went higher during her anger.

She however being the graceful sister she is continued speaking behind my hands and it came out so muffled I couldn’t even tell what she was saying. I began to laugh at her when she finally stops and I removed my hands. She flashed me a smile and we made our way to a bench in the far back.  

 We ate our lunch in peace and I continued to listen to her rant about things I had no clues what she was yapping about half of the time but I agreed and disagreed with her just the same. I wanted to be like her, it was obvious she had other friends, but she was always there for me and always made time for me.  

We went to pick up Shana at school she met us outside nursing a small wound on her hand, Jessica immediately began to treat it. “What happened?”  I asked my voice void of all emotions as I cocked my head. I naturally had a rather monotone voice, even if I was concerned, my face and voice was normally black. Only Jessica could bring me back into that smiling and emotion showing person, I think it was a twin thing, not that I didn’t love my sisters because I did, Just wasn’t sure how to show it. I once tried to smile at Hana and she panicked in shock wondering if I was sick, didn’t try again after that.

“A guy said I had a weird family…” Shana was saying through fresh tears Jessica began cleaning as she continued to cry and speak “and we were freaks because……because we…because we live in the woods and daddy marry mommy….and…and…” she gave Jessica a pleading look as if to confirm if he was right but Jess shook her head and smiled cupping her chin and she continued settling down now. “Because mommy is still 14 and Rave’s twin and Rave is my sister. I got mad and he…” before she could finished her sentence a red head woman in a short dress and fiery blue eyes came charging out the school doors charging towards us dragging a small child with her hair and freckle face behind her.

She came to a holt in front of us dragging the child to her side. Jessica held Shana to her legs protectively as she stood. The woman pointed an accusing finger at us “Your bratty sister punched my son in the nose…”

“Your bratty son insulted my family and is lucky he survived…” I deadpanned giving her a over look and shrugged unimpressed. She looked like she would implode and Jessica lifted Shana so she wouldn’t be able to hurt her if she decided to attack us. She rocked Shana as she child watched me in awe.

“You little bitch! How dear you speak to me like that! My son is only telling the truth about you freaks! And your freaking father is paying for Jr. medical expenses!” she growled viciously.

At the mention of my father Shana paled and fidget ready to wail again in the horrific fact that dad would know of her actions and probably punish her. I kept my face blank and tilted my head to look at Jessica who sighed. We both know very well if dad gets involved into this it’s going to be very ugly however I went into my pocket and took out a card with our address and gave her. Jessica went to speak but she already dragged the paper from my grip almost giving me a paper cut before she stormed off.

“You know she is going to die right?” Jessica asked still calming Shana.

“Yes…But she pissed me off…” I returned.

“But…. The child will be without a mother…”

I said nothing at that just sighed and walked onwards to Hana’s school. Hana came to greet us and I lifted her to my side as she went on about her day and we smiled and listen all the way home. Once home we informed dad about the incident with Shana and I. Shana looked frighten expecting to get spanked but dad told us to study and prepare for a family meeting while he went to his lab to work on something.

The woman came later that night at sunset which I thought was dumb as hell, what’s worse was she came alone. Dad gave her a heart melting smile and invited her inside her features soften as she giggled and blush rather feminine like. He gave her a hot gaze and I swear I saw some sparks flying. Father apologized to her and insisted we did as well, of course we did and she seemed please to the bone.

He begged her to say for dinner and she quickly agreed, I wondered to myself if she was brain dead however remain as polite as possible when she gave me rude comments and looked at Jessica victoriously as if to state I got your man and you can’t do anything about it. My sister however kept herself calm and encouraged them like she was told to do.

I went back to wondering how can she feel safe here with my father... I slowly over the facts, so lets see, you think his family is one of freaks, his kid went Bruce Lee on your child, he lives in the middle of nowhere, you came to visit and the kids are all in long black dresses and he was making them be polite to you.  He was practically screaming serial killer, all he had to do was tattooed it onto his face, yet somehow I believed she wouldn’t have noticed.

We made our way to the set table dad had let us set down for our meal; she was offered a seat at the head so she could face dad who praised her and coaxed her into conversations. We as the children however stayed silent when we ate, the woman clasped in her plate half way through the meal. We continued eating as dad’s smile vanished and he smirked at her body a servant came into the room and removed her from the table and place her into her car.

“Is she dead?”  Hana asked.

“No just a new medication I was testing, I’ll be home late, no training tonight…” he finished his meal and left.

“Should we be glad he didn’t test that on us?” Shana asked looking at me.

“Probably… I would not want to know what he is going to do with her…” I replied.

Jessica shifted looking at the spot where the girl had been “I hope not kill her… she have a child…”

Hana seemed confused at that and Shana shifted looking away before we finished and tucked them in not talking anymore about this woman we know was now probably owned by my father.

It was a Saturday, I pushed my head against the wall, and sweat ran between my breasts, my short pasted itself to my butt and my shocks soaked. It was one hot summer day. I was panting and struggling to keep myself doing my pushups but I did not stop “40!” Jessica shouted as I finally beat her own score of 35. I groaned and clasped on the floor as she fed me water. I shivered and drank thirstily like it was the greatest thing since canned meat.

I closed my eyes as the pain numbed me slowly going away before I opened them feeling less sore. I picked up my sword turning to face Hana, yes we were living in modern times but the sword thought you how to use a blade properly guns where too easy. Jess took up her own struggling to stand and stumbled back placing some space between us.

I lifted my blade and ran at her swinging it as she struggled to regain balance, I slammed the sword down onto her head aiming for the middle, Jessica gasp and brought her sword  to meet mine as the clash caused sparks to fly. I grind my teeth and shoved her back some more going at her again, she deflected all of them and kicked me hard into the stomach.

I stumbled and topped over to receive a fist coming for my face I moved away and swept her feet from below her she feel on the floor with tears in her eyes. She quickly hid it behind a mask similar to my own, which was back to dead and emotionless, I grabbed at my sword.

We stood upright ready for another round, I slammed my blade after her, she lifted her blade and it sparked against mine. I grinded my teeth pushing against her, she cupped her fist and got ready to punch it into my diaphragm but I knee her in the stomach first. Before I could reach her the moved away and I stumbled forward into her fist causing me to groan, I fell on my back with an “oof” the air knocked out of my form. The sword falling to the concrete and she made for the sword.

I grabbed her ankle hauling her roughly forward causing her to squeal and land on her ass beside me. I laughed as she began to gasp for air together. The door bell rang and we glanced at each other wondering who would be at the door with dad gone. Father didn’t tell us to expect company so we were confused.

She shook her head and ushered me to my feet, then stood by me. What was it this time? Did daddy order something? Not likely he allowed no one here but the workers. If he ordered, it was in cash or one of those cards you by at walmart with the exact value and no one touched it but one of his personal servants.  This was so it would be harder to track since he had a million other addresses.

We made it to the door in time for the 4th ringing of the door bell, we where sweaty and dirty. We opened the door to meet the gaze of the cops. Oh man what did we do this time? Dad would kill us for making them come here.

“Mrs. Rose?” he asked question and hesitantly, the cops couldn’t lock my father up base on some religious bullshit law he used to say it was legal to be involved with Jessica and marry her.  I grunted as he looked at us trying to know which one was the right twin. My sister elbowed me into my already sore ribs before giving an award winning smile she learned from dad to impress people.

“We are, how may we help you fine men…” she asked politely

The men seem baffled at she said we not I, she smiled innocently and offered no explanation.

“Actually we came to regretfully inform you…..both….. your father is in custody and I need you and your sisters to stay in a foster home until he is released…”  he stated it calmly obviously recovered from the momentary shock.

I sighed holding my sister’s hand, chills went through us at the thought of leaving our home. And as for my father, he was terrifying if he got angry so we would just have to wait till he gets back.

“I am afraid we cannot do that sir,” Jessica explained. Her voice sweet and soft but I knew she was in a panic.  She was tensed so I gave her a little reassuring squeeze. If we left father would not be pleased and that meant we would be punished in his own unique ways. Not just a slap on the wrist, not a baby time out, no it would be cruel and painful.

“Little girl you have no choice…” He growled and made to grab Jess but she ducked away. I used that opportunity to slam the door into his wrist. He hissed and clenched his teeth together but I saw the impending tears at the force of his injuries, as his partner shoved the door backwards pushing me in.

We ran off into the house, Shana and Hana came inside from around back to see us bolting pass them from the men. When we saw them she stopped and began to call them, confused they didn’t react and Jessica went to get them to move faster when the men caught her.

“NO!!!” I barked reaching for her as Shana and Hana stayed shocked before running off to hide behind me. To my horror the cop placed a gun to her temple glaring at me.

“Now brat! Where is that fuck of a father???” He shouted at me I opened my mouth to answer as a shot echoed through the house. The cop’s mouth became filled with blood as he dropped the gun and fell backwards away from Jess. Jess squeal and ran to my side where Shana and Hana peeked from my legs.

“I am right here asshole…” My father’s cold empty voice filled the hollow room. I realized the other cop had his neck broken laying in the door. He lowered his gun. “Jessica as punishment pack your things as punishment you are banished from this house….” He told us walking over the men as if they were just toys in the way.

He wasn’t dress like he was last night now he just wore a black suit similar to the one Will smith wore in Men in Black he even had the shades. The gears of what happened turned into my head before it finally clicked.


I turned to Jessica as she looked to stunned to speak Shana and Hana blinking rapidly not sure what to say. My mouth became dry as I broke down into tears kicking the body of the men. No No No NO I couldn’t let this happen… She couldn’t leave me….

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