Killian Jones x Reader Insert...

Od opalscorpion

951 13 3

A place to upload all my reader inserts that are currently up as OC stories. Decided to give you, the reader... Více

The Crush

No Longer a Villain

560 6 3
Od opalscorpion

Summary: You go to Storybrooke in hopes of getting revenge on the woman who destroyed your life.

Warnings: Implied sexual situations, language

Rating: T

Notes: Y/N = Your Name

"Welcome to Storybrooke."

You dust yourself off and stretch, cracking a few joints in the process. You hate portals, more specifically, the landings. You follow what you assume is a road, though you have never seen one like this, black like the seas at night, and you're hoping it will lead you to where the curse brought everyone. You grasp your necklace remembering too late that you had traded your ring and one night of, in your words, hell, for a magic bean. You reach for your flask and again, you swish the liquid around then spit it out. It makes sense that he needed to bribe the tavern wenches to give their attention to him, let alone warm his bed. Repulsion hits you again just thinking about it, you drink from your flask enjoying the heat spreading down your throat.

You have no idea how long you have been walking when you finally reach what appears to be the center of this village. You look around not having a bloody clue as to where to go, you turn to your right when you run into someone, a very solid someone. A mixture of that and the slight buzz from your rum causes you to fall, but instead of landing, a hand grasps your forearm.

"Easy, love." The man chuckles as he helps you right yourself. Your eyes are level with his chin, then travels up to familiar cerulean eyes and your breath catches in your throat, "Y/N?"

Remembering you were angry with this man, you bring your hand up and slap him none to gently on his left cheek causing him to take a step back, his head whips to the side.

"You never came back, you ass!"

"Bloody hell." he rubs his cheek, a smirk appears on his lips. You really want to punch that mouth of his, "If I remember correctly, darling, I told you to stay put."

"You were taking to long." you shrug your shoulder, "Next thing I know, these purple clouds or smoke was coming, then there was some sort of barrier. I panicked." You rub the bridge of your nose, wishing you hadn't had so much rum. "I thought you left. That the curse took you." You look up at him, only to find him less than a foot away.

"We were protected, it was Cora's doing." he explains. Turns out, everyone had been frozen for 28 years due to the Dark Curse, and on top of that, wondering where your Captain had disappeared since you were no longer where her told you to stay.

"I'm... I drank too much." you bite your lower lip, shifting from foot to foot while he raises an eyebrow and slides his tongue across his lower lip. You roll your eyes and close the distance. He wraps his arms around your waist, your head rests against his shoulder.

"I've got my ship here, what do you say we go there now?" You feel his hot breath against your ear and a shiver runs down your spine. He chuckles lowly and presses a kiss to your temple.

"For sleep, Captain. I'm too exhausted for anything else."

"As you wish, love." He whispers, keeping his left arm around your back, leading you back the way he had come.


When you wake in the morning, you feel incredibly warm, almost too warm. You open your eyes, the smallest amount of light that's shining through the curtains, hits your eyes, you close them immediately. You feel Killian's arm around you and said man spooning you from behind. Your Captain definitely needs a bigger bed as you try to move to stretch. Killian's breathing changes and you feel his arm tighten around you.

"Morning beautiful." he murmurs into your hair.

"Morning." you move away from him to stretch as he does the same. You turn onto your back and look at the ceiling. "I need a bath."

He rolls onto his side, his arm laying on your stomach. You can feel the heat of his gaze on your face. "We can get a room at Granny's, share a bath together." He presses his lips below your ear, biting back the moan.

"If you knew why, you wouldn't wish to join me." You push his arm off of you and slide down to the foot of the bed. You grip the wood frame tightly with your shoulders slumped forward.

"Why? What happened back there?" You could feel him sit up, but he didn't come closer.

You shake your head. No, you weren't exclusive, but he has always turned the tavern wenches away at night to warm his sheets, whether you were there sharing drinks or not and stayed on the ship. But if he knew what you had done and who with to get a magic bean, you have seen him angry and didn't wish to see it at the moment, or again.

"Lass?" You close your eyes at the way he gritted it out and hated when he called you lass or anything other than the sweet pet names he called you.

"To get something, especially with how rare the object is, you need something worth trading. I didn't have enough coins, so the offer was one night." you whisper the last part. You know he's angry, you can hear it in his breathing and the grinding of his teeth.

"Who was it you were trading with, Y/N?"

"Who do you think?" you breathe out shakily knowing you could lose him after what you had just revealed.

"Blackbeard." He gets up from the bed, quickly dresses foregoing his vest and long coat, then storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The entire cabin seemed to quake from the impact. You gather yourself, walking to the cabinet in front of you and open it, searching for anything you could use to barter a room for. You find the necklace you had acquired when you left your home to travel the lands with Killian. You dress and grab a clean set of clothing, pocketing the necklace and leave the ship.

You walk towards the town, Killian having told you what it was called after you said it was village, and see a sign reading 'Granny's Diner.'

You walk in and look around and not seeing your Captain, you breathe out a sigh of relief. You are greeted by a woman with long brown hair, "I was told I could get a room?"

She gives you a nod and you follow her to the back of the diner through a few doorways to the other side. "Are you new?"

"Yes, arrived last night from the Enchanted Forest." you readjust the clothing in your hand, "I don't have any form of payment, except for this." You hold out the necklace. She shakes her head.

"Don't worry about it." She gives you a smile, "How did you get here?"

"Magic Bean" you shrug your shoulder.

"Huh, that's how Hook got here." She brings a book out and has you sign your name. "Y/N, I'm Ruby, welcome to Storybrooke." She gives you a smile and hands over a key telling you your room number. You look to where she's pointing and walk up the stairs to your room.


Now that you're clean, all traces of that bloody bastard gone, you leave your room and walk down to the diner since you hadn't eaten in over a day. Walking through the doorway, all eyes fall on you. You know it's because of what you're , you quirk an eyebrow and release a breath through your slightly parted lips and walk to the bar-stools taking a seat. Luckily it was Ruby who addresses you.

"Thought you were a pirate." You raise your eyebrows, "I could smell stale rum and Hook." She winks at me, "I'm a werewolf."

"Can't say I've ever met one. Thought they were a myth."

"Nope." she popped the 'p', At the sound of bells, she turns her head to the door then returns her attention back to you with a smirk. "So, what would you like?"

"The lass will have the same as me." Killian stops behind you. You can feel his chest pressed against your back. Ruby nods and disappears through a door. You feel his breath against your ear, "What's done is done, love."

"My Captain would still be angry with me and punish me as he sees fit." Your eyes lock on his in the mirror across from you on the wall. "So tell me, what have you done with him?"

"I'm still angry, darling, and seeing as I can't run Blackbeard through with my hook, we'll have to come up with a different form of punishment." He raises an eyebrow and slowly traces his lower lip with his tongue, all the while keeping your eyes locked. You watch in the mirror as he brings his hook up to your neck to pull your hair away and traces the vein from the bottom of your ear to your collarbone with the tip of the cold metal. You shiver at the contact and barely contain the moan that wants to escape.

Ruby came out from the back, "Hey, she has a room, so don't be doing that here."

"Yes, she-wolf." Killian grins at Ruby giving her a wink. He grabs your hand and leads you to a table.

"Behave, both of you." Ruby points then went to help other tables. You lift your foot placing it next to Killian's leg, hoping the wolf can't see. Killian places his hand on your shin, rubbing gently as he sits back in his seat.

His heated gaze is taken away to the entrance when the bells above the door sound again. Seeing the look on his face, you assume he knows who they are, "Swan, Neal. Where's young Henry?"

"With Regina. Who's this?" A man stands next to your table, figuring it's 'Neal'.

Before Killian can reply you hold your hand out, "Y/N, the Captain's first mate."

You shake hands with him as he introduces himself. The blonde woman, Emma, then comes over. You notice she has a badge on her belt, obviously meaning something, but you don't ask. "Seriously? She's your first mate? What happened to Smee?"

"I assure you, mate, she's more than qualified." Killian clenches his jaw. He hated when men didn't think you were good enough to be a member of his crew, let alone his first mate, and he especially hated it when they thought you had slept your way to the promotion.

"What's going on?" Killian continues to glare at Neal as you turn your attention to Emma.

"I'm Y/N." you hold your hand out for her to shake as well, which she's hesitant to take.

"She's Hook's first mate." Neal gives Emma a smirk, and her eyebrows shoot up.

"How did you get here? I don't remember seeing you." Emma crosses her arms over her chest.

"By way of magic bean. Arrived last night and bumped into my Captain." you nod your head to Killian.

"Are you two - you know, together?" Neal point to Killian then to you, going back and forth between the both of you.

"Aye." the simple word catches your attention. When the hell did that happen? He never said as such when asked, only that you were always off-limits. You don't know how to respond and continue staring at him when you feel his hand travel under your leg to your calf, squeezing it gently. "Not that it concerns either of you." The bell rings again and Killian sighs heavily, his eyes snapping to you with a look on his face. You should have paid attention to the look instead of thinking about what he had just confessed.

Emma's parents are now here and so was someone you weren't ready to face just yet. You drop your foot onto the floor causing Killian to relinquish hold on your calf, and stand up. "Excuse me." you push your way through the group, sending a death glare to the woman you wanted revenge on. You can hear Killian yelling your name, but the anger and memories come rushing in a tidal wave and the need for air pushes you to seek refuge outside.


You have no idea where you were going, but you would not go to the Jolly Roger, as that would be the first place he would look for you. You need and want to be alone to quell the memories and focus on the hate and anger you felt towards that woman. You are so lost in your thoughts you end up on a beach. Ever the pirate it seems. You sigh heavily and sit down on the sand, staring out at the horizon. You start thinking about Killian's revenge, has he already accomplished it? How did it feel when he ended the Crocodile's life? When will you get yours?


Your Captain made port in your parents' village as it's been over a year since you had left. He and many of the crew went to the local tavern, you were to join him when you were done in the market. He sent Smee and a couple of his most trusted men to accompany you to the market for a replenishment of supplies you needed. You had just grabbed a few articles of clothing when there was a commotion."It's the Evil Queen, she killed everyone!" you look up at the woman who is crying out as she stumbles down the cobbled street of the market. You recognize her as one of your parents' neighbors. You drop everything you were holding, Smee yells after you to slow down, but you continue running. You hear crackles and see the black billowing smoke before you step foot into the village. You run around the trees and shrubs then immediately stop as you see see the flames roaring with life as they lick at the roofs, the fires clawing their way out of doorways and windows as they sought more air of every home. You look everywhere for your parents, calling out for them.

You near a ravine and collapse. The bodies of the villagers are piled on top of each other, looks of pain and horror forever etched on their faces. There, towards the bottom, are your parents. You scream, tears fall down your cheeks. You continue to scream long after your voice is gone. You feel a warmth, that has nothing to do with the burning homes, around you as arms envelope you pulling you into a leather-clad chest. You have never hated anyone as much as you hated the Evil Queen. You want her dead and vow to have your revenge with her head on a platter and her heart crushed to ashes.

"I've got you, love," his voice breaks as he cradles you against his chest.

When your tears dry, you feel him move his head as though to look behind both of you. What he says has you nodding in agreement and you were filled with overwhelming appreciation towards this man, "Start digging two holes. They deserve a proper burial." You don't hear anything in reply, but knew the crew were there and gave their acknowledgment. The Captain refuses to leave your side, holding you as your parents are carefully lowered into the freshly dug earth. He relinquishes his hold on you when you walk over to them, grab two handfuls of dirt to toss onto both of their parents bodies.

Killian and the crew do the same, then Smee and another crewman bury your parents. You look around for flowers that weren't burnt, needing something to do, and Killian of course helped. Neither of you uttered a word, as there was nothing that could be said.

End Flashback

The smell of leather surrounds you as you tug the leather coat closer. "Who's Henry?" there was no emotion in your voice.

"The Savior's lad, as well as hers. She adopted him." You clench your jaw. After what Killian had told you about Milah's boy, and that he had surrendered him to Pan and the lost boys, the guilt that ate at him, he never wanted another to suffer as he and the lad had.

"What of your revenge?" you kept your eyes on the horizon.

"He lives. We called a truce to rescue the lad from Neverland."

"Neither of us got what we deserve, nor will they." you whisper.

"Do you believe villains don't get happy endings?" You lay your head on his shoulder, watching birds soar above the water.

"We're not villains. I guarantee you our hearts are not as black as theirs." you lift your head and grasp his chin forcing him to look at you. "Yes we're pirates, we pillage and plunder, but we are not villains. And I for one don't give a damn how people see or think of us as."

He turns slightly and presses his lips to yours, lightly sucking your lower lip between his. You pull back, laying your head back onto his shoulder. He wraps his arm around your waist and presses a kiss to the crown of your head. You place your hand on the inside of his thigh and squeeze, breathing in the sea air, leather and rum.

"Perhaps it's time to make a decision, love." He leans his head against yours, "If it is true, villains don't get happy endings -" He takes a deep breath, "I don't want to lose mine."

"What is your happy ending my Captain?" you rub your thumb along the seam of his leather trousers. Your heart stopping momentarily, not knowing if you truly wish to hear what it is.

He moves, takes your chin in his fingers and looks you in the eyes, "It's you." Your eyes dart between his, a single tear slipping down your cheek. You press your lips against his.

"As you are mine, my love."

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