It Was Always There

By kcollins720

26.8K 409 21

Victoria and Prince Harry have been best friends since their birth. Victoria has had deeper feelings for Harr... More

Her World Crashes Down
She Will Not Break You
Only Do What Your Heart Tells You
If You Find Someone You Love
It Wasn't A Dream
Happily Ever After
Shameless Plug

Friday Night Silly

3.2K 51 2
By kcollins720

One Week Later
It's been a week since Harry told me he was going to propose to Meghan. One week since I last talked to the ginger Prince. Well not really he did text me the day after that night, asking if I was feeling better. Of course I lied and said yeah that whatever it was, was gone as quick as it came. He said he was glad to hear that, that he was worried about me. There was no mention of Meghan or their engagement. No mention of it on the news either. Which means the Palace is choosing to wait before announcing it. It's not that I am ignoring Harry no, in fact I literally haven't heard from him. I did however hear from William and Kate just one hour after Harry left my flat that night. He must have told him he told me because the first thing out of the Duke and Dutchess mouths were, are you okay? It has been no secret from them about my feelings towards Harry. Wills was actually the first person to know. He has been like a big Brother to me for over twenty years. Kate well she has been like a big Sister to me since we first meant. Oh wait I didn't explain how I know the Duke of Cambridge and my best friend Prince Harry. See my Mum and his Mum were best friends. My Mum actually being one of Diana's ladies in waiting. My Dad later became William's private secretary. Harry and I are only a year apart and have been best friends since we were born. We have been there for one another through thick and thin. It was somewhere over the course of this 33 year friendship, I would say around the age of 18 I figured out my feelings for Harry run deeper then friendship. Of course Harry doesn't know. Why oh because he doesn't feel the same way. Better to leave well enough alone then to break apart a 33 year friendship. I would rather have him in my life as a friend then not have him in my life at all.

"Prince Harry was on a engagement today in the small city of Inverness on the Northeast coast of Scotland." My head snaps up from my book to look at the TV. Harry is doing his walk about of the crowd that has gathered to welcome the popular Prince.

"The Prince was there to open a new wing decated to his Mother the late Princess Diana, at the local daycare. The daycare is owned by one of his late Mother's ladies in waiting. Lady Elizabeth Carlisle. That name might sound familiar to some Royal Watchers as the Lady Victoria Carlisle, Elizabeth's Daughter, happens to be friends with the Prince. The two are photographed often together. The British people once thought that one day she would be the new Duchess." I roll my eyes at that statement. Ha me a Duchess. In my dreams.

"But now it seems that we might have a American Duchess. Harry has been dating the American Actress Meghan
Markle for over a year now. Some people speculate that the Prince will propose soon." If only they knew.

"But it seems that the people in Inverness love Lady Victoria. She was asked about quite frequently on his walk about. Inverness has been the Carlisle family home for centuries and the two have often taken holiday there. One girl asked why Lady Victoria wasn't with Harry." They show the clip of a little raven haired girl ask Harry about me. His face lights up at the mention of me and chuckling he kneels down to her level. Telling her I couldn't make it but he would let me know she asked for me.

"It seems no one asked about Ms. Markle but wanted to see Lady Victoria instead. I wonder how that makes the American feel." I grab the remote and quickly turn off the TV. Some times I hate the media. I look around the living room of my parents small cottage in Alfriston, East Sussex, just an hour and fifteen minutes outside of London. I needed some fresh air and some time to myself so I packed up some things on Monday and been here ever since. I sigh and decide that a night time walk through the village will help my melancholy mood. Its only a half hour walk from the cottage to Alfriston. I go to the closet to grab a jacket when there is a knock at the door. Who the hell could that be? This isn't Mum and Dad's weekend here so it wouldn't be one of their friends. Going to the door I make sure the letter opener is on the small table by the door. What? I don't know who could be on the other side of the door. I open the door and I almost fall over at who I see on the other side.

"Hello Victoria." It's been a week since he's said my name but my God I have missed it. There Harry stands wearing the same blue jeans, beige sweater over a white button down and black pea coat that he wore in Inverness.

"Harry." I say with disbelief in my voice. A smile comes to his face and he steps into the cottage, taking the door from my hand and closing it. The next thing I know I am pulled into his arms for a hug. My arms wrap around his waist and I breath in his scent. Oh how I have missed him. Harry has his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face is buried in my hair.

"My god I have missed you." He says pulling me away from him and running his fingers through the ends of my strawberry blonde hair. I look at him and notice a different spark in his eyes. I guess being newly engaged will do that to a person.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I watch Harry pick up a medium size black insulated food carrier and walk towards the back of the cottage to the kitchen.

"It's Friday night silly. Dinner and movie." He says and I stay put by the door, not knowing what to do. Harry comes running back in.

"Forgot my overnight in the car." He says and runs back outside. Okay what do I do? He can't stay the night here. That is so inappropriate now that him and Meghan are engaged. Harry comes back in with his usual black duffle.

"Harry listen I don't think." I say but he grabs my hand and leads us to the kitchen.

"I had the cook at Kensington make your favorite. Chicken marsala." He says opening the food carrier and unpacking the food.

"Harry." I say but watch as he rushes around the kitchen getting everything ready. There's something different about him. He seems like he's on a mission or like he's trying to keep himself busy.

"Harry." I say and he doesn't respond so I say his name again. Still nothing he's just rushing around the kitchen.

"Henry Charles." I yell which gets his attention. He stops and turns to me.

"What?" He says with his hands full of food containers.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask.

"Yeah why wouldn't it be?" He says coming over and kissing my cheek. Then reaching behind me and grabbing plates.

"Meghan." Was all I said. With his back to me he stills. There is a stiffness in his shoulders. I know that stiffness all to well. Thats how he used to get whenever you bought up his Mum. Walking over I place my hand on his back. My touch as always relaxes him. He turns his head and looks at me. The look is something I have never seen him give me. A look of devotion shines brightly in his eyes.

"What is it?" I ask and he turns taking my hands in his left one. It barely fits in his large hands but yet it feels like his hand was made to hold mine. He reaches forward with his right and runs his thumb down my cheek then his fingers through the ends of my hair. He loves to play with my hair ever since we were little.

"Lets just have a normal Friday night Vicky. Just you, me, a good meal and movie." The tone in his voice gave nothing away but I know something is wrong and so help me if it has something to do with Meghan. I nod my head okay. He places a kiss on my forehead and goes about finishing heating the food and setting the table for dinner.

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