Marked by the Omega, Mate to...

By kawaiifoxx77

225 20 23

The only thing Kyrie's ever known is survival, after a life of hell she tries to look on the positive side of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

25 3 4
By kawaiifoxx77

I open my eyes, all senses on full alert as a low growl drifts its way across the pitch black room.

I try to quietly roll over to try and see something but the cage swings slightly making a creaking sound. The growling keeps going at a steady pace thank god.

I look around in the darkness and spot two sets of eyes near where I imagine the door to be. 

A pair of silver eyes and a pair of red eyes looking in my direction. I gasp as I finally see them for what they truly are as my eyes adjust.

Two giant wolves standing near the doorway.

The one with the silver eyes is the one growling, the one with the red eyes is just staring almost as if it's... thinking.

I'm clearly dreaming, if I tell it to go away and it's not real it will right?!

"Go away... You're not real." I squeak out quietly and I am answered with laughter to my left. I look over to see golden eyes belonging to a large wolf right beside the cage. 

Did that wolf just laugh?!

It turns its attention away from me back towards the two wolves at the door and I realize it's two against one.

"I will rip you limb from limb, I will laugh in pleasure as your intestines are ripped open with my teeth." I make out a horrific threat under the sound of growling. The wolf with the Red eyes just.... spoke.

That wolf sounded like...

"Give her back to us, you know this won't end well." The silver eyed wolf speaks between growls and I feel black spots start to take over my vision as my head spins and I put it between my knees.




I let out a groan as I try not to throw up. Adaria and Sol are the two wolves at the door... Which can only mean the one with the Golden Eyes is obviously Dalar.

"It didn't take much to be able to spot what she is to you Sol." Dalar growls out but I barely hear it as my head continues spinning and my breathing picks up. 




How is this even possible?! Is this the secret?! They really are monsters!!

The sound of Sol growling causes me to snap my head up and I find myself moving towards him, I reach my hand through the cage towards him and beg him for help with my eyes.

"This speck of dirt is clearly your Luna." Sol let's out a howl that causes goosebumps to shoot up my body and my spine to tingle with pure terror. Whatever Dalar said to him, it clearly got him upset.

I hear the sound of metal creaking and before I can scream Dalar drags me out of the cage by my hair then lifts me up in front of him like a shield. My back is pressed against him and I quiver with fear as I feel his hot breath on my neck.

"If you do this I will hunt down every relative of yours and destroy them! I will find every person you ever shared a good moment with and obliterate them from the face of this Earth. I will erase every piece of proof that you ever fucking existed!" Sol screams out in a fear inducing tone that causes me to whimper. I feel Dalar laugh from behind me and I cry out as his lips press onto my exposed neck. His kiss leaves some saliva behind and it feels like fire.

"I know damn well you can't hurt me." Dalar says in a confident tone before biting down onto my neck.

Death... This feels like death.

My eyes roll back in my head and my mouth opens into a silent scream of pure horror, his massive teeth sink into my flesh causing a white hot pain so powerful my mind breaks.

I open my eyes and gasp in delight at the sight of a vast, beautiful, snowy forest in front of me. I look myself over to see I'm wearing a silver silk dress that falls loosely to my lower thighs. I have no shoes on but the snow feels comfortable and soft rather than cold.

I look back at the forest in front of me and find myself starting to walk toward it, the full moon lighting up the snow and causing it to sparkle all around me. 

A long cry of a wolf breaks the silence and I smile at the sound. I need to go to him.

I take off in a sprint, my lungs burn in the cold air but it only makes me feel more alive, pure ecstasy takes over my body as I continue to run full speed through the trees.

I reach him finally after what feels like a lifetime. A large black wolf towering over me, he turns his head and I gasp as I stare into his eyes and become lost in them.

Those dark, deep, red eyes stare into my soul.

Like a rubber band being stretched out, my mind snaps back into reality. My own scream reaches my ears as the pain takes over my body and I start to convulse in Dalar's arms. I gasp as he removes himself from my neck and warm liquid begins to freely flow down my body. 

His tongue begins to lick the bite, at first I cry and whimper at the pain. He continues to lick and it transforms into moans as his licks begin to make my skin hot and a fire light up deep inside of me unlike anything before. 

I push myself into him and whimper, begging for more contact. 

A shattering sound brings me back to reality and I am left in a confused and exhausted state as I fall to the ground. I quickly turn to see a large blonde wolf with Dalar in his jaws, clearly fighting being there as it's teeth dig into him.

"No leave him alone!" I scream out and I run towards them feeling a strong urge to rip the wolf in half. The wolf looks at me with surprise but before I can reach him I am knocked into the cage, I bounce off of the bars and fly across the room landing in a broken position.

I cough and try to breathe, I can't move my body anymore it's definitely broken. Black spots begin to take over my sight and my head starts to spin again.

"It's already too late Sol, she is mine now. I've marked her." Dalar's words are the last thing I hear before finally succumbing to the darkness.


I wake up in a cold sweat immediately crying out from the burning pain in my right neck and shoulder. 

"Kyrie!" Adaria enters my vision, she leans over me and looks at me with concern. 

"A-Adaria what happened?" I ask still in a daze from the events of what I assume to be the night before.

"Dalar marked you." My eyes widen in shock and I turn over with a whimper to see Sol sitting in the corner of the room staring at nothing, looking as if he is in a daze as well.

I've never seen him look so vulnerable before, his face is relaxed and he looks young and sad. 

"Kyrie, this is going to come as a shock to you. But we are werewolves, all of us Masters in the house including Dalar... Because he bit you last night on a Full Moon that means... You will change into one too." Adaria's statement causes everything around me to melt away as I repeat the word in my head over and over.


That's the secret.

They really are all monsters and now they've corrupted me. 

I'm going to become one of them, the monsters under my bed have dragged me down into the darkness with them. 

Silent tears begin to fall down my cheeks as I realize how real this situation really is. 

"There's some things you really need to know Kyrie." I nod my head numbly as Adaria begins to explain stuff to me.

"There is a difference between genetic wolves and bitten ones. You and I are bitten ones, Sol is genetically born to be one. Since you are bitten you will have less control. You'll change against your will in a few days and will probably lose all control to your wolf. You won't be able to take charge for a while and with a lot of practice you'll even be able to change at will." Adaria explains and I close my eyes and breathe heavily through my nose as the pain in my shoulder continues to pulse.

"I'm sorry for the pain you have to experience right now Kyrie, unfortunately when you are bitten the further away you are from the one who bites you the more pain you experience. Biting someone is considered a very intimate thing to do... You'd even feel ecstasy if you were with... Dalar right now." I look over at Adaria to see her staring down with her jaw clenched, she is clearly angry over what happened.

"If it's so intimate then why did he do it?" I croak out and she sighs in response and shakes her head.

"That's not important right now, I still have more bad news for you. Because of this bond between the two  of you, if he is injured you will feel it. If he is killed you'll completely lose yourself to madness. The pain you will experience will break your mind beyond repair. Because of this intimate mark as well... You will be... attracted to Dalar. You'll find yourself wanting to be around him and to physically touch him. You'll crave it even like a drug. This bond will fade over time hopefully, sometimes it lasts a few months and sometimes... A lifetime." A growl erupts in the room and I look over to see Sol smash his fist through the wall beside him and he looks at us with Red glowing eyes.

He stands up slowly and stares at me, unblinking.

"She was supposed to be MINE!" He screams in anger and his body shakes with fury causing me to tremble in fear, my muscles locking causes the pain to worsen and I cry out.

Sol storms out of the room and Adaria begins to caress my cheek.

Everything Adaria said swirls in my mind and I am swallowed by the horror of it all. 

Why was I dragged into this damn nightmare? 

"I'm sorry Kyrie, Dalar escaped last night after you were knocked unconscious and because he is far away right now your pain is going to only get worse until you finally change." She tries to comfort me but the fear of even worse pain causes my breathing to pick up and I begin to hyperventilate.

black spots take over my vision again and I fall into darkness.

I awake again in a dark room, my blankets are gone and so are my clothes as I sweat and a fever burns through my body. 

I scream out and feel someone take my hand.       

"It's okay Kyrie, I won't be leaving your side." Adaria's voice cuts through the pain and I focus on her hand holding mine. 

I lay there for what feels like an eternity but she doesn't let go of my hand.

The next few days I throw up everything I am given but Adaria stays with me through it all. 

Sol doesn't return to the room and Adaria has the servants bring everything to the door but doesn't allow them to enter to see me.

My body doesn't get the chance to adjust to the pain as it only worsens the longer it goes on. I feel like tearing off my own skin to reach the burning underneath it. I need to expose it to the cool air. 

The third day finally comes, I roll over after throwing up again and a deep growl comes out of my throat, guttural and animalistic. I scrape my fingers across my arms but I break through the skin and howl in pain.

I look down to see my fingers have long claws now, I begin to start carving my arms up even more, ripping through the skin and seeing fine fur poking through.

As I continue to tear through my own body to reach my wolf my eyes roll back and I howl as we become one and I am lost in my own mind.

I transform into a monster and it feels amazing.


I smile as a soft humming awakens me, my eyes open and I see Adaria sitting beside me on her bed reading a book. 

"Adaria?" I manage to choke out and I cough at how dry my throat is. She stops humming and looks at me with relief. I reach out and grab my throat, she sees this and hands me a glass of water. I empty it in seconds causing her to giggle.

"What happened?" I sit up and sigh in relief to feel no pain anymore. The last thing I remember is  seeing my fingers turn into claws. I look down at them and release a deep breath to see they're normal now.

"You changed, we hunted and had a good night. Theo, Aldin and Sol managed to capture Dalar. He's being kept in the basement of the castle far away from you." Adaria states and she focuses on my face looking for a reaction.

My stomach swirls with different emotions at the mention of Dalar.

Why do I want to see him so bad? Is this the bond?

I take a deep breath and nod in response to her.

"You have to promise me that you'll never try and look for him, if you speak to him or even look at him he will be able to influence you." She warns me in a stern voice and I look at her seriously.

"I promise I won't look for him." I say and she gives me a small warm smile. For the first time since this nightmare started I feel relief wash over my body.

Adaria doesn't hate me.

Before I can relax more Sol enters the room, he doesn't look at me but instead addresses only Adaria causing me to involuntarily growl at him, his attention turns to me with a surprised expression on his face that matches my own.

"Did you just growl at me?" He asks with a dark smirk and my surprise changes to fear.

"I... I didn't even realize-" I start to stutter but stop when he scoffs and looks back at Adaria.

"She is going to be staying with me now for her own protection." He commands and Adaria nods her head without questioning him but I feel fear wash over me.

"Why can't I stay with Adaria?" I ask as she helps me out of bed and pushes me toward him.

"Stop speaking." I swallow the lump in my throat at his cold answer and begin to follow him through the castle.

I expected to feel weak and exhausted after the past few days but my body feels stronger than ever before. It's like my muscles have been rejuvenated and transformed, I feel like I could sprint a whole marathon.

He opens a door for me and I step into a grand bedroom, I freeze in place when I see a white cage exactly like Dalar's hanging in the centre of the room.

My fight or flight instincts take over and I turn to run but hit Sol's hard chest causing me to fall to the ground. I look up at him with pure anger and a growl erupts from deep within my throat.

He responds by growling and staring me in the eye, he bends over so our faces are mere inches apart. As he does this I find myself staring deeper, wanting to defy him and push that invisible boundary between us.

"Submit to me." He growls through his teeth and this causes my growling to get louder. a heat lights up between my legs as I defy him and I smile at the exhilaration. 

I gasp as he grabs my arm and lifts me to my feet pulling me into his chest. The longer his skin is on mine the better it feels and I find myself whimpering with pleasure. He responds by shivering and looking at me with deep raw lust. He pulls me even closer against him and I feel his breath on my lips causing my legs to go weak and my core begin to pulse with pleasure. I moan at the new feeling between my legs, I lean in to connect our lips but am ripped away from his touch.

I growl and fight against their grip on my arm, I turn and claw at their face then stare in shock to see the damage.

"I-It's okay Kyrie." She says with blood flowing from her face, she winces when she speaks.

"A-Adaria I'm so sorry!" I cry out and cover my mouth with my hands. She smirks at me in response.

"it's okay I've had worse really." She grabs ahold of my arm again and dealing with the shock of my own actions I let her lock me in the cage.

"W-What just happened between us Adaria?" I ask her quietly but my head snaps to Sol as he growls. He definitely heard me.

"Make sure she is locked up properly!" He yells in a rage and he storms over to a desk in the corner and slams his fists down onto it causing it to break and shatter, wooden splinters flying across the room and hitting the cage.

"I'm sorry Kyrie, this is for your own good. We can't have you wandering over to Dalar, promises or not." Adaria says and I see tears in her eyes as she looks at me with pity, the scratches on her face already gone. 

But at the mention of his name I find myself blushing and the fire between my legs from before returning, I squish my thighs together and bite my lip. Adaria clearly notices my reaction and she shakes her head causing me to feel embarrassed and sick.

Why am I feeling this way towards a total psycho? I'm so ashamed.

"For your own good, don't touch Sol again." Adaria says softly before leaving me alone with him. 

I watch him silently, frozen and feeling terrified after seeing what he did to the desk. After a few moments without looking at me though, he storms out of the room after Adaria.

Leaving me all alone trapped in yet another cage.


Alrighty Chapter 5 is now finished ^^ I really hope you guys enjoyed it! 

Lot's of D R A M A!

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