The Billionaire's Substitute

By ShafiraSardar

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Book 2: Hunter and Starr Rachel is falling hard and fast for Ethan Hunter, wanting to believe he is her Princ... More

Rough, Fast and Messy
Emma's Haven
One Fine Piece of Chocolate
The New Rachel
The Break-Up
The Godfather
Ethan's Surprise
Desired and Loved
All of him
Their Little Family
Rachel's Passion
The Lovely Lucille
Rachel, The Tease
Ethan's Dirty Little Game
Secure Relationship
Proud Sister
Romantic Bubble Bath
Maddison Hunter
Rachel's Dream
Mrs. Hunter
End Note

Fluffy Ball of Happiness

7.9K 410 15
By ShafiraSardar

Rachel paced back and forth, annoying the hell out of the anxious-looking Gabriel. Valerie sat beside her husband, not looking like she was doing any better. Once in a while, Valerie tried to sneakily shoot a glance at her husband, but it never went unnoticed by Rachel. When Rachel then looked in her sister's direction Valerie quickly tore her gaze away from her husband, glancing at her feet in embarrassment. She didn't regret making Valerie and Gabriel feel this embarrassed, this way they could probably understand how embarrassed she'd felt when Ethan refused to meet her that day. She made an effort despite the doubts she had and he pushed her away. Ethan Hunter was the king of making her feel worthless and unwanted. He sealed his faith when turned her away like that. No one could change her mind about her decision, not even the couple before her. Inhaling deeply Rachel stood right across the couple and started her rant.

"Ethan ignored my calls and texts for about a week even though I mentioned how important it was for us to meet up-"

"I asked him about it and-"

Rachel held up a finger, telling Gabriel kindly to shut up, "Then I went to the office hoping he'd have the decency to meet me because you know, Ethan is a gentleman and all that." She rolled her eyes at that, finding it very hard to say those two words out loud in the same sentence, "But he simply told the receptionist that he couldn't clear up his schedule to meet with me and I should quietly leave the building." She pointed at Gabriel who raised an eyebrow at her in question, "When did I ever start to scream like a banshee? You guys know very well that even when I'm upset I try to stay as quiet as possible."

"True." Valerie agreed, "It's why it's so hard for me to figure out what you need."

Rachel shook her head at her sister, "That's not the point right now, what I'm trying to say is that I tried very hard to make the first move yet Ethan Hunter made it very clear to me that he doesn't want to see me."

"I'm as stunned by this as you are." Gabriel told her, "I have no idea what had gotten into him, but you also made me give you my word not to talk to him about it. I don't understand why, because sooner or later you do need me to interfere to get the conversation going."

Rachel folded her arms across her chest, her look darkening as determination washed over her. She had made her decision about her future that afternoon, there would be no convincing Ethan when he behaved like a jerk. He had his chance and now she was letting it go. Since Gabriel was the one who convinced her that talking to Ethan was the right thing to do, the man had to give her his word not to once mention their secret to Ethan. Gabriel owed her that much.

"I've decided that Ethan has no right to be around my child."

"You've decided?" Gabriel asked, disbelief clear in his eyes and voice. This time she wasn't going to cave in. Gabriel had no say in this whatsoever, he was a mere bystander.

"I've decided." Rachel confirmed, "He is not worthy of raising my child, therefore there is no need for him to know about this. As far as I'm concerned Ethan is the sperm donor. Nothing more and nothing less."

Gabriel scowled, "You can't be serious?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I'm deadly serious about this."

Valerie tried to diffuse the situation, wanting to please both parties. Neither Gabriel nor Valerie could convince her to stay and let Ethan be a part of her life again. The arrogant asshole could forever ignore her, she couldn't care less anymore.

"Okay, let's just all calm down and think this through-"

"I've made my decision, Valerie." Rachel told her sister firmly, "I'm going home, my child will have a happier life there. Away from the city rush and the crazy ex-girlfriends who seem to follow Ethan and Gabriel around."

Gabriel snorted, clearly still upset by her, "That's a low blow."

"Since you're the one who made me relive all of this heartache again you owe me." Rachel told Gabriel firmly, "You're not going to tell Ethan about this, ever."

Gabriel moved forward, sitting on the edge of the couch, "You expect me to lie to Ethan?"

"Like he'd ask about me." Rachel laughed, "A pregnancy is the last thing on his mind so the topic would never come out of his mouth. You're not lying to him, you'll simply avoid the topic entirely."

The man didn't look pleased about it, but he nodded anyway. Valerie placed her hand upon her husband's knee and gave it a tight squeeze. Rachel could tell that the gesture gave Gabriel the support he needed. The man was loyal to Ethan and she knew it was the other way around as well. Right now his loyalty was a pain in her bum though. It was exhausting trying to convince Gabriel to keep his mouth shut. She figured she managed to convince him despite the lack of words.

"Then I'm going to make the arrangements. There is a lot I need to do before I can go home."

"You sure you're not running?" Valerie asked her when she was about to leave the living room.

Rachel stopped in her tracks, letting the words wash over her. She knew it could be seen as her running away from it all, but going back home had been on her mind for a while. Ethan was the one who gave her that push to go through with her plan. She didn't feel like she was running away, but if Valerie wanted to see it that way she wouldn't change her sister's mind.

"I'm not." Rachel quietly told her sister and then headed to the guest room.

She closed the door behind her and finally let out a tired sigh, all the tension left her body yet she still ached all over. She doubted it was the pregnancy, it felt more like her body being tired of it all. The fact that she already needed another spa weekend told her the environment she lived in wasn't working for her anymore. She wanted to be surrounded by positivity, her heart was telling her to go home, so she for once followed her heart instead of her mind.


Two weeks later without hearing anything from Ethan made Rachel all that more determined as she dragged her suitcase with her. The airport was crowded, everyone's voices becoming a blur while she could barely focus on Valerie who came to see her off. Valerie quickly caught up with her and linked arms with her, they quietly walked to her gate and then faced each other. Her sister wasn't happy with the decision she made, but she knew Valerie would never hold it against her. Her sister got hurt by Ethan as well. The woman believed that Ethan would make a statement by coming over and demand of Rachel to stay, that they could figure it out, but none of that happened. Ethan distanced himself from her completely, when he was done he was so done that other person didn't even exist in his eyes anymore. Ethan really tested her pride and sanity, but she managed to keep it together. She had to for her baby. She smiled when her sister pulled her into a big hug, holding her very close.

"You can always come back to stay with us, Gabriel is actually pretty upset that you're leaving."

"No doubt it's not only because of my dazzling personality."

Valerie gave her the evil eye, "You know very well that the man grew to like you."

"I'm aware Gabriel and I became friendly enough, but in the end, it's Ethan who he's really concerned about. But I'm not changing my mind about that one, the guy had plenty of opportunities to reach me, to make some sort of effort on his part. But he never once did. It's his loss, Valerie."

"I'm not taking Ethan's side." Valerie told her, looking quite disgusted by the idea, "He ruined it the minute he turned his back on you like that. I get that he's angry and wanted some space as well, but the way he handled things are beyond me."

Rachel chuckled, "I'm glad you still have my back."

Valerie grabbed her hand and tightly held onto it, "Always." She promised.

With a smile Rachel left the city behind, feeling relieved to go back home to the safety of her family. She didn't regret a thing. The ones she truly cared about had her back no matter what. The minute her plane landed her phone got flooded with tons of text messages from her sister, Ryan, and Emma. It showed her that they truly cared about her. With a smile on her face, Rachel approached her mother who awaited her with a warm smile.

"There's my girl." Amanda greeted her, pulling her into a big hug, "I'm so happy you're back." Amanda whispered to her.

Pulling out of the hug Rachel met her mother's gaze, "Glad to be back, mom."

Amanda reached for the handle of Rachel's suitcase and slapped her daughter's hand away when Rachel tried to take charge again. Not risking getting slapped again Rachel just followed after her mother. They left the airport and met up with her father who was sitting in the car, looking happy to see her as well.

"Hi, dad."

"Hello, Rachel. Good to see you're doing well."

"Valerie and Gabriel did take good care of me." She joked.

Her mother nodded, "They're lovely."

"That they are." Rachel agreed, "I did get the chance to meet a lot of nice people who move around in their circle. I'm glad I took this chance, no matter how it ended."

"It's good to stay positive like that." Her mother agreed, "It might seem like the world is ending, but it's not. Life is filled with chances if one door closes another opens again. Trust me."

Rachel couldn't help but to laugh, it was so like her mother. It made her feel better already. Coming back home was the best decision she could have made concerning her child. It was going to be difficult not having Valerie or Gabriel around all the time, but she'd be surrounded by her parents. They were just as welcoming as her sister and brother-in-law. With her mother's strength, she'd get through this.

"Love your hair by the way." Amanda continued.

"Yes, it does suit you." Her father added.

"Thank you, you guys are full of compliments today, aren't you?" She asked jokingly.

Her mother glanced over her shoulder, meeting her gaze, "Just so many things happened in such a short period of time."

Rachel couldn't agree more, a lot of drastic changes were made in a short period of time. But it was nothing they couldn't handle.

"We'll be fine." Rachel quietly told them.

"You two will be fine." Amanda agreed.

It was odd hearing her mother refer to her child as well, but it was the truth. Smiling Rachel looked out the window taking in the familiar scenery. It truly felt like home, warm and inviting. She'd be happy here, a new door opened for her and she'd embrace the changes.


Rachel was curled up on the couch, a fluffy blanket covering her while her mother sat beside her. They were sipping hot chocolate while watching a family movie which was filled with heartwarming scenes. It did her good, she felt like a fluffy ball of happiness. Her parents were so understanding it made her cry twice. Her mother then demanded that she pulled herself together, enough with the crying already Amanda had firmly told her. Her mother then reminded her that family always had your back no matter what. It was the same Valerie told her before she left. Her sister was on her side as well. So many people were supportive of her that she couldn't help but to turn into a fluffy ball of happiness.

"Are you okay with how things ended, Rachel?" Her mother asked all of the sudden.

All day Amanda stayed away from the topic at hand. Her mother did remind her that a break-up didn't mean it was the end of the world. But now that they were all cozied up, watching a feel-good movie her mother couldn't help but to ask about Ethan. Rachel couldn't even blame her, knowing how fond Amanda was of the guy.

"I wanted things to end differently and I really tried mom, but he kept pushing me away. Till the very end, I hoped he'd at least send me a stupid text to let me know he was also thinking about me. Even when he contacted me that way I would have told him because this baby has done nothing wrong."

"It's so sad, I always thought the boy had it all figured out."

Rachel knew where her mother was going with this, "More so than Gabriel."

"Your sister's husband seemed like a difficult man to approach, but as it turns out he might be a closed in person, his heart is at the right place."

"Gabriel is truly a good person." Rachel agreed.

Her mother reached for her hand and gently held it, "I know you'll hate me for it, but even now I still have hope that things will work out with Ethan."

"Don't get your hopes up like that mom, you'll only get hurt. Trust me."

Rachel knew when it came to Ethan he really caused her to lose faith. While her mother secretly wished for things to work out Rachel was mentally preparing herself to raise her baby on her own. If she set her mind to it she could do it. She'd find a nice, steady job in their little town. Maybe she could help out at the café which her mother's friend owned or work at the local bakery. She'd figure it out and give her baby everything they needed. They'd have supporting grandparents and an aunt and uncle who'd spoil them rotten. Ethan might not be in the picture but she'd do everything she could to make sure her baby would never feel the loss she'd felt. 

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