From the start

By HotAirBalloonSunsets

22.7K 545 88

Avi's experience of Pentatonix and of falling in love. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18


1.1K 33 13
By HotAirBalloonSunsets

A/N: so here it is then guys, the end. Thank you so much for all of the support it's been so amazing. I don't have a sequel planned but I will still be writing my other story which I have a feeling is going to get pretty long. Enjoy!

Avi you need to get up!' I groan and stay exactly where I am. 'Babe? Avi, come on.' She sighs and I start to try and get back to sleep but then I feel the mattress sink as she climbs onto it. 'Avi.' She whispers in my ear. 'Wake up.' I feel her gently kiss my cheek and then my jaw. When she moves down to my neck and starts to apply more pressure I can't take it anymore. I spring up and grab her wrists, rolling us over and pinning her to the bed. She squeals and I grin sleepily. 'Morning Kirstie.'

I lean down to peck her on the lips and even though it's been four months now, it's still makes me so happy that kissing her like that is something that I can do as much as I want. As soon as I pull away she kisses me and it's difficult to ignore the fact that there's only a fairly thin sheet between us. She smirks against my mouth and climbs off the bed. 'We are not allowed to get carried away Avi. We have to be there on time, it's important.' I pout at her but she just rolls her eyes and starts throwing my clothes at me, pausing when she picks up my t-shirt. She pulls it over her head and grins at me, knowing that I love the way she looks in my clothes. 'Come on, we need to shower.'

After a pretty exceptional shower we go back into her room to get dressed. 'So is it definitely today then?' She smiles nervously at me. This isn't the first time we've said we were going to do this. This is the closest we've got without chickening out though. 'Yeah. We have to do it. It's getting ridiculous.' She still looks nervous so I walk over and wrap my arms around her. 'It's going to be fine Kirstie. Don't worry about a thing.' She lies her head on my chest and I gently stroke her hair. 'What if it's not?' 'It won't change anything between us I promise.' She nods and snuggles into me for a second before moving out of the hug and grabbing my hand. 'We'll have time to get food on the way if you're quick'

We don't talk much throughout the car journey but she hums along to the radio like normal so I'm not too worried. I occupy myself with watching her. The way she taps her fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music and the way she occasionally reaches up to push her glasses back into place. Everything about her is strangely fascinating to me. It always has been. And now I can tell her. And I can kiss her and hold her and fall asleep with her in my arms. After all this time. It's been nearly three years since I first met her and I can finally call her my girlfriend.

We stop off at Starbucks and Kirstie reels off the order easily. The barista smiles at her and I worry that he's planning to make a move but instead he tells her that we're a sweet couple. 'How long have you been together?' She links her hand with mine. 'Four months.' He raises his eyebrows. 'Wow, I would have said longer. You two look so comfortable around each other.' I smile and squeeze her hand. 'Well we have known each other for quite a while.' 'Aww well, it's nice to see two people look so happy together. Have a nice day.'

When we get back into the car, weighed down by coffees, Kirstie sighs contentedly. 'You seem happy.' 'Well he's right. We are really happy together.' I can't do anything to prevent the grin that spreads across my face. It goes without saying that I've never been this happy before. We argue sometimes but we always fix it and I know that there's no one else that I'd rather be with than her. I'm not so naïve as I was so I know that things can't always be perfect but they're pretty close. 'We really are'

When we reach the parking lot outside the studio I've started to pick up some of Kirstie's nervousness. What if they react badly? I know I've given them enough reason to. I'm pretty sure Kevin'll back me up but the others are so protective of her and Scott's seen how upset I can make her. 'So now you're the nervous one then.' She's smirking at me and it's as gorgeously distracting as ever. 'Not really.' 'Are you sure?' 'I'm sure. I can't keep lying to my best friends about something so important to me. It's been four months now, we can't keep putting it off.' I take a deep breath. 'And, I love you. I can't hide that from them anymore.'

Her mouth falls open. It's the first time either of us has actually said it. We've hinted at it quite a few times but we wanted to take things slow. I wait for her to say something but she just puts the coffees she's holding on the drivers seat and then wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me so passionately that I almost fall over. When she removes her lips from mine she picks up the drinks, locks the car and starts walking across the parking lot without saying a word. I rush to catch up with her. 'So?' 'So, I love you too. Obviously.'

'Hey! There you both are, we were beginning to worry.' 'Yeah sorry about that. We stopped off at Starbucks though.' 'I suppose you're forgiven then.' Kirstie hands Scott his and Mitch's drinks and we walk through to where the others are sitting. I hand Kevin his drink and we all sit down. 'Erm so there's something that I need to say before we start.' Everyone's eyes are instantly on me. 'So for the last four months me and Kirstie have been dating.' Mitch grins, Scott frowns and Kevin looks between Kirstie and I curiously.

'Guys are you going to say something?' She's looking at Scott anxiously so I wrap my arm around her, causing Mitch's grin to widen. 'Well it's about time really. I mean the whole sexual tension thing was getting pretty annoying.' Kevin chuckles 'congratulations guys. I'm glad you're both happy.' So it's just Scott then. Who's seen me make her cry. Who's seen us making out on his bed. 'You're happy?' Kirstie nods. 'And you love him?' We both blush but she nods again. 'I really do.' I wrap my arm around her more tightly and kiss her hair. 'Well then as long as you guys can keep to the no sex on the tourbus rule, I guess this isn't the worst thing in the world.'

'Yay. Group hug.' Mitch leaps out of his chair, dragging Scott up with him. He half jumps on Kirstie and then pulls Kevin and Scott into the huddle. I think back to all the other times we've supported each other and been there for each other like this. I think of concerts and the sing off and that audition and seeing each other again after a break. These four people mean an indescribable amount to me and I'm certain they always will. My wonderful girlfriend and my best friends. I've never been happier. 'Hang on you've been together for four months and you only just told us?'

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