All Doki Doki Literature Club...

By paradoxical_madness

202K 3.3K 1.3K

Every poem from DDLC starting from Day Two( as that's where the poems start in the game), all the way to ever... More

Hole in Wall
Save Me
Eagles Can Fly
Amy Likes Spiders
Because You
I'll Be Your Beach
Ghost Under the Light
The Raccoon
Ghost Under the Light (2)
Dear Sunshine
Act Two
Hole in Wall (2)
Save Me (2)
Open Your Third Eye
Natsuki's Request
Act Three
Happy End
Special Poems
Hxppx Thxxghts
Can You Hear Me?
Nothing Is Real
A Joke
Just Monika
A Dream
Things I Like About Papa
A Dream (2)
Ending Note
Special Ending Note

The Lady Who Knows Everything

6.4K 121 26
By paradoxical_madness

The Lady Who Knows Everything

An old tale tells of a lady who wanders Earth.
The Lady who Knows Everything.
A beautiful lady who has found every answer,
All meaning,
All purpose,
And all that was ever sought.

And here I am,

a feather

Lost adrift the sky, victim of the currents of the wind.

Day after day, I search.
I search with little hope, knowing legends don't exist.
But when all else has failed me,
When all others have turned away,
The legend is all that remains - the last dim star glimmering in the twilit sky.

Until one day, the wind ceases to blow.
I fall.
And I fall and fall, and fall even more.
Gentle as a feather.
A dry quill, expressionless.
But a hand catches me between the thumb and forefinger.
The hand of a beautiful lady.
I look at her eyes and find no end to her gaze.

The Lady who Knows Everything knows what I am thinking.
Before I can speak, she responds in a hollow voice.
"I have found every answer, all of which amount to nothing.
There is no meaning.
There is no purpose.
And we seek only the impossible.
I am not your legend.
Your legend does not exist."

And with a breath, she blows me back afloat, and I pick up a gust of wind.

Monika poem 3, Act One

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