Kill Me With Love

By imsorryimnothappy

122 1 0

A story about a girl that loved her brother's, Jaime Precaido, friend way too much. A story about love, lost... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chaper Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eleven

10 0 0
By imsorryimnothappy

I smiled as I saw my brother and the rest of the boys on stage. Vic looked back at me and smiled as he sung. It's been 7 months since I last talked to or been around Austin. Alan has texted me that he's going to eventually have kidney failure with how much he's been drinking since I've left. I felt bad, but I know not to be in a relationship with someone who has a liking for that much alcohol. I still cry about loosing the babies. 

The boys came back stage after their last song. I smiled as I hugged them, "You did great, as always." Jaime smiled, "Vic? You wanna tell her?" I looked at them confused, "Tell me what?" Vic hugged me then held me at arms length, "We want you to play the next set with us, as the singer. You know the songs just as well as us. It'll be perfectly alright. We're playing again in 10 minutes. So will you?" I nodded as I smiled, "Of course."

I went out on stage and stood in front of the mic. "Hey! I'm Max, you know, Jaime's sister. Vic's girlfriend. Austin Carlile's ex girlfriend?" They all screamed as I finished. I smiled, "So for this set, Vic wants me to sing instead, is that all right with you guys?" I heard screaming once again. I looked back at Vic, "I'll take that as a yes." Mike started playing, then Jaime, Tony, and Vic. I smiled as I started singing Bulletproof Love.

After we finished I sat down in the tour bus and downed a bottle of water, "I don't see how you guys do this all the time, multiple times at Warped." Vic shrugged, "You're not used to it, and those cancer sticks really don't help." I smiled, "Have you seen me even pick one up since I got pregnant? I haven't smoked since actually." Jaime high-fived me, "Good job little sis!" I smiled as I tried to catch my breath.

I smiled as I got into my bed and checked my phone. I got a couple text from Alan and a whole lot of tweets from random fans. I scrolled through the tweets and smiled even harder. I'm not as terrible as I make myself out to be. I checked the text from Alan. "Austin said you sounded great." "Austin said he really misses you." "Austin hasn't drunk in a week." "You should pay us a visit sometime. Austin said it's alright if you bring Vic." I smiled as I texted back, "Tell Austin when it's been a month since he last put a bottle of alcohol to his lips, then I'll come visit." Alan texted back 10 minutes later, "He said he's working on it. :)" I locked my phone and stared into the blackness of my bunk. I heard a whisper from Tony, "Psst. Max, you still awake?" I opened up the curtain, "Yeah Tony?" He smiled, "You played amazingly, maybe you should sing for us more often, it'll help with you loosing your breath so quickly." I smiled, "If Vic lets, I'll do it after every show with y'all. I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind. More time to see you guys." Vic came in with his toothbrush in his mouth, his hair wet, and only in gym shorts, "What about me?"

I shook my head, "Nothing. Goodnight baby, I love you." He went back in the bathroom to rinse his mouth. He came back and kissed me softly, "I love you too sweetheart. Sweet dreams, just come wake me up if you need anything." I smiled and nodded, "Okay." He climbed into his bunk under Tony. 

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