An Unexpected Twin

By Lilly-JoElliott

30.9K 1K 154

Cascading blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes... Not what you'd picture as a Petrova Doppelganger. But the thing i... More

A secret that was never whispered
Goodbye London Hello America
Stupid Vampire People
The Mystic Grill sucks ass
Your mothers weird.

The Mystic Falls sign looks better in flames.

4.9K 194 19
By Lilly-JoElliott

Amber's POV

The first thing I came aware of was the thick aura of smoke filling my nostrils. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, it took a moment to focus but when I did.... Oh lord, nothing would be able to quench to hatred and boiling anger that radiated from the pit of my stomach.

I didn't wince when I slowly got to my feet, the shattered glass that covered the ground around me dug into my hands as I pushed myself up. Not two meters away was my once beautiful car. It was turned over, parts of her had torn off when it rolled several times, spread out in all directions. I had flown through the front window, with my lack of seat beat on and all.

"Who..." I whispered, I turned quickly, hearing the distant screeching of tires. My look became deadly, I walked toward my totaled car, flicking my hands, the little shards of glass flying everywhere. After a tug, the boot flew open, after I grabbed the duffel bags I left my baby. I smelt the car petrol and the familiar heat of fire, I knew my baby was going to explode.

I sighed, when I heard the explosion. I'd be about five hundred meters away now, taking one last pained glance at the blackened, burning, smoking car, I made my way toward the town. I had half the heart to burn the sign saying 'Welcome to Mystic Falls'.

"What kind of an asshole hits me and drives off?" I said aloud, wiping the blood from my hands, "I mean, the stuff I heard about this place, every ones so caring and in your business. Sure, the Vampires may cause a bit of havoc but come on! Who hits a car with their own for no apparent reason?"

I kept talking to myself for the rest of the walk to town, well, the nearest house anyway. As I walked down the driveway I continually rubbed my hands together, getting the excess blood off my palms, my cut hands had long since healed by now. Just as whoever's house started coming into view, I ducked to the side, covered by the large trees, I crouched down and pushed both my duffel bags under a large root, concealing it.

My heels never made a sound as I reached the large, oak door. Just as I was about to knock, the door swung open, revealing a man. He brown hair and matching eyes, he looked rather rugged and slightly dirty. My nosed twitched, he smelt of dog and death.

The mans eyes widened and before I had a chance to speak, he yanked me inside at inhuman speed, of course I'd have stopped him, but I was sincerely surprised by this mans actions.

"What the hell." I growled, as he pushed me into a large living room. I stumbled slightly, I may have healed physically from the crash, but my body was tired.

"Look what I found, Klaus." The man said, before walking away.

I watched him, glaring holes into his head, before I registered what he had said. Slowly I turned around again, for the first time I realized I wasn't alone in the room. Two men stood before me, one wearing an expensive suit, he had dark short brown hair and matching eyes, and the other had dark blonde hair, nearly brown, he wore more casual clothes.

Both were very handsome, and dangerous.

I smelt the danger radiating from them, automatically I straightened my posture, glaring at them slightly. "Who might you two be?"

"Why did you change your appearance?" The blonde one mused, his British accent was clear as he tilted his head.

I gave him a confused look, "I haven't the fainest idea who the hell you two are, nor do I care. I only came here because some bloody asshole hit me and my car rolled. Not twenty minutes I've been in this place and complete strangers accusing me of changing my appearance!" I raged, throwing my hands in the air, "for the love of god, this is why I left America in the first place."

Blondy suddenly appeared in front of me, making my assumptions of him being a very old Vampire correct. I didn't flinch like he expected, I just put my hands on my hips and stared. "You right there blondy?" I mused.

"It's not possible." He whispered, grabbing a lock of my curly blonde hair. I scrunched my nose up and took a step away from him.

"Well goodbye." I said, turning, I started in the direction of where the exit to the mansion was. Regardless of my car situation, I still had a Vampire problem to deal with.

The man grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into him, "you are not going anywhere, sweetheart." I struggled in his grasp, "my name is Klaus, whats yours, love."

I paused, "you can't be him."

"So you've heard of me?" He smirked.

I turned my head to the side, looking at who I presume was Elijah, "you must be Elijah. And yeah, I've heard of the Originals, because I'm a dammed Doppelganger." I growled, I kneed Klaus in his private area, making him loosen his grip on my arms as he bent over. "You know whats another thing? I'm not being a blood-bag."

I turned and ran for my life, literally. It was weird though, because not ten seconds later, darkness over clouded my vision.


I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. "It's not good to move deary," I looked up to see a middle aged woman, with greying hair and dull, blue orbs. She smiled at me and looked down. I followed her gaze and realized what she had meant.

"Get these needles out of my arms or so help me god I will rip your god dam head off." I yelled at her, making the lady flinch back, my voice got louder and more deadly, I moved violently against the restraints, "I'll kill you for this! Do you hear me! I'll bloody kill you!"

"Your so much different from Elena."

I turned my heated gaze from the lady to Klaus, who sat on one of the couches not two meters from me. He had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Elena? Who in what universe is Elena?"

"We believe its your sister, your twin." Elijah answered, appearing behind Klaus. "I don't like what is happening to you as of now, but Niklaus believes if our thoughts are true, the only way is to see if you are an actual Doppelganger. That your blood will turn a Werewolf into a Hybrid."

"Of course it will!" I growled, "I dye my hair and my eyes are blue because of an explosion years ago. Instead of knocking me out, tying me to a chair and taking my blood you could've of just asked if I was a-" I cut myself off, not being able to talk. Did they just mention my... "Wait. Did you say twin?" Elijah nodded. "She's here? Of all places?" I cursed pulling against the restraints again. "Are you deaf? Get these dammed things out of me!"

"Niklaus, I assume you have enough. Remove the needles if you will." Elijah stated, after a pause, the elder lady removed the needles and undid my restraints.

As soon as I was untied I moved at near inhuman speed, going at the woman, I pinned her to the wall behind us, my hand wrapped tightly around her throat. "You ignored my warnings, you will pay the price." I growled, with my other hand, I hit three different points around her neck, causing her to collapse on the floor, unconscious. I stepped back and faced the Originals, "oh you needn't look at me this way Elijah, if you use your hearing, you'll find she is far from dead." I said, I looked down at my arms, satisfied of the fact I'd already healed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to in Mystic Falls."

I turned and walked through the door that was behind me, as I looked around, I decided going to the right was my best chance, but before I got the chance to get that way, Klaus appeared in front of me. "Sorry sweetheart, but your not going anywhere."

"Seriously." I stated flatly, "I'm not yours. Nor am I some weak little girl, get out of my way." Klaus grinned, clearly happy about annoying me. I groaned loudly, "god! Your like some annoying brother who doesn't leave me alone! Go and eat a pelican, leave me be."

"Of all my years, no one has ever dared speak to me this way." He mused, "you won't be leaving anytime soon. Just in the next room, a Werewolf boy is waking up, your blood is on stand by to give to him... It's being given to him and..." Klaus smirked, looking down at me, "the successful growl of a newly turned Hybrid."

My chest went cold, for some reason, I finally realized the situation I'd gotten myself into. "Uh," I started, "well that's great, you know what else is great? Freedom, yeah something I've had up until this last hour."

"Before, Elena was my only blood source, with the feuding between the Vampire brothers that love her, I always knew she'd have a short life span, but now, I have two Doppelgangers, and one doesn't have a group of people willing to die to protect her. In fact," he taunted, leaning close to me, "she seems to be in my house already. So yes, little Doppelganger, you are mine, right until the day you die. So tell me, what is your name?"

"Ambraya." I whispered, "I prefer Amber though, Amber Petrova."

"You use Petrova as your last name?" He inquired, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, I knew about the Supernatural ever since I could remember, this includes my family history, which means I not only know of Katerina, but of Tatia as well. Which is how I know of you." I breathed, taking a step away from him, "I don't want to be your blood-bag."

"You don't have a choice in the matter." He answered, an amused smirk on his lips, "now, how about you explain to me what it is with the different hair and eye colour."

For the first time in my life, I didn't fight, I knew he was the Original Hybrid, a thousand year old Vampire that I couldn't beat on my finest day. Unfortunately.

"There was an explosion," I started, looking away from him, "when I was little. From where I was, I couldn't see what actually blew up, I was harmed by the sound wave that activated afterwards. The insanely loud ringing noise caused me to turn just as the wave of energy hit me, burning the outer layers of my eyes. I was blind for several days." I explained, shrugging my shoulders, "when my eyesight returned, my eyes remained the blue. And with my hair, well I obviously know about the Doppelganger story, so I dye it, I don't need to be mistaken for another person."

"No more dying your hair." He stated, crossing his arms, "and there's something your not telling me about your eyes, they don't just stay blue. They look fake."

"Oh, so very nice of you." I said sarcastically, "what I told you was true, but..." I drawled out, smiling, "they eventually, and I mean three years later, returned to the brown colour. But by then, I'd grown attached to my different eye colour, so I wear contacts." I frowned, I touched my eyes and took the eye contacts off, "I'll make a deal, I'll keep the eye contacts off for good, if I don't need to change my hair."

"Cooperating now are we?" He grinned, taking the contacts from me.

I shrugged, "I'm a Vampire Hunter for a living, I don't ever loose. But I do know my limits. I will refrain from my urge to kill you if you don't use my sister as a blood-bag, I don't care about me."

He stared at me for a moment, "deal." Klaus turned and went to walk away when he turned to face me again, "did you say, Vampire Hunter? and why would you care of a person you never met?"

"First, yes I'm a Vampire Hunter, and I'm good at it, it won't matter how old they are, unless they're an Original, and second, regardless of the fact I haven't seen my sister since birth, she is family..."

"I think its time to host a dinner party." Klaus mused. "Elijah," he called, "contact the Salvatore brothers, I believe we've just found a solution."


As promised, now that assignments and exams are finished for this term, and holidays are in like, five days, officially, I've started finishing writing each chapter for my books. I was originally going to have a longer chapter then this, but I hadn't fully decided where I wanted this book to start off in the Vampire Diaries series...

I think when Stefan is being a dick and has the coffins, apologies to all the Stefy lovers, I prefer the Originals side, always and forever...

Haha, ok, to the few people who actually read this Author's Note, I'd like some comments of your opinions in where this story should be headed, or if you'd like it to start off earlier in the Vampire Diaries series.

10 Votes.


Always and forever, Lilly. { thought I'd put this here, you know, as a pun? (; }

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