Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


64 13 77
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Hey! What's up? Well I can tell you that this story's gonna go up soon.

^^How many of you can relate with Marcel??


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Later that afternoon>>

So I'm pretty sure now that Zayn wants the abortion. It broke my heart. As much as I want Zayn to be safe and have a good life, I felt as the child that he was carrying was also mine. I helped make that. And I should be able to keep it. But it's Zayn who's been affected by it the most. And he should be allowed to make his own choices with his own body. My mom got to come home early and she said that she would go with me to the hockey game tonight. So that was a plus. And we're having my favourite cuisine, Italian food. We were going to go to Olive Garden later, once I get my homework done. Jesus Christ, who knew that solving the formulas for thermodynamics was so tedious.

"You finished?" Mom asked. She was in her more casual, yet sophisticated clothes. A pair of skinny jeans, a pink sweater and black, thick heeled boots, about three inches. She was brushing her short bob-cut hair in the mirror in the foyer.

"Yeah, I'm done now, I think we can go now." I said. I wanted to go to Nando's, but that was too far away and we needed somewhere closer if we were to make it to my hockey game on time.

"Okay, get your coat on and your bag in my car, and let's go." She said, putting on her mascara. She got on her beige, frock coat on and started the engine. My mom got a new red sedan from Dad just after they divorced, and it looks really expensive, but it wasn't.

"Hey, so what's going on lately? I'm sorry that I haven't really been able to speak to you very much, with work and everything." She said.

"Oh, well, there's something that's on my mind." I said, solemnly.

"Oh, and what's that?" She said, with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Can I tell you when we're eating?" I asked. She looked at me with a perplexed look. I learned in psychology that food lightens mood.

"Of course, baby." She said with understanding. Gosh, I love my mom so much.

We parked outside and trotted to the restaurant. We sat down and started with our appetizer. I ordered a chicken and gnocchi soup, three bowls of them, since the soup and salad were unlimited. My mom got the salad, being the health nerd she is.

"So, are you ready to tell me what this is? It sounds quite urgent." She asked, as she was sipping her Porta Vita Bianco.

"Well, it's about me and Zayn," I started.

"Oh. did something happen between you two?" She asked, spreading her wine vinaigrette over her caesar salad.

"Well, it's something like that." I said, sipping some of my soup.

"And?" She asked.

"Mom, I got Zayn pregnant." I said, conjuring all of my courage. As accepting and understanding that my mom was, I don't know if this was too far.

She responded by staring at me, eyes wide as her wine glass.

"Well, I never thought that this would happen, I've only dealt with a very few male pregnancies in my pharmaceutical career." She replied. I was surprised with how calm she was, she didn't judge, she just responded calmly and with an open mind. "How exactly do you feel about it? What is the main problem that you see in this situation?" She asked. But just then, the waiter came up for our dinner order. I ordered a chicken giardino, and she got a eggplant parmigiana.

"So, what a coincidence, huh, anyways, what is the main issue in this situation?" She asked.

"Well, I think Zayn's going to get an abortion, but I don't want him to, I feel as if he's going to murder my child." I confessed. I finished my second bowl of soup.

"Well, you see Niall, I understand your concern and how serious this issue is. But you have to look at it from Zayn's point of view also, from what I know about him, I can conclude that he is very scared, worried and drained because of all of this. He has a lot to deal with and a child is just simply another thing added on for him." Mom explained.

"I, I guess I can see that." I said. I tried picturing what Zayn would be going through. He would be called a fag, a slut, a fuckboy, a whore, a slag, and pretty much shamed by the school. And his parents would force their values down his throat and strip him of all of his dignity. He has everything to lose.

"So, just simply support him, don't judge him, show him that love that I know you have saved for him, now's the time to give it to him." She told me.

"So, you're not mad or angry at me?" I asked. She didn't as much give me a scold for banging Zayn.

"Well, even if I was, what would anger do about this? It's not gonna fix anything, I know that from experience." She told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Remember when I told you that I got pregnant at seventeen, before I got pregnant with Greg?" She asked me.

"Yes, you told me that you gave your baby up for adoption." I said.

"Well, I didn't I got an abortion, I only told you that story because abortion was a controversial issue and that you were young at the time for me to tell you what it was." She told me.

"Oh." I said. I had a lot to process. When I thought I had another older brother or sister, I didn't. "And what happened?" I asked

"Well, I didn't want it, but I needed to, I was going into college and if I had kept the child, I wouldn't have been a pharmacist, honey, do you know how much studying we have to do? All of those medications and drugs, we have to memorize? Talimogene-laherparepvec for melanoma lesions? Onabotulinumtoxi nA, abobotulinumtoxin A, rimabotulinumtoxin B, incobotulinumtoxin A for hyperhidrosis? Isavuconazonium-sulfate, a drug for invasive aspergillosis and invasive mucormycosis? I wouldn't have been able to know any of those if I had to be cradling a baby at three in the morning." She told me, I could barely pronounce what she had just said.

"Oh." was all I could say. Mom continued.

"It would have just been suffering for me, and the baby, my ex boyfriend at the time, he left me in the dirt. And my parents supported me the best they could, but after the first three months, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get it removed." She told me.

Our food arrived and I thought about what she had said. If she hadn't gotten her abortion, she would be stuck on welfare and scrubbing floors for a living. She wouldn't be a kind, generous, understanding woman like she is now, she would be tired, short-tempered and cranky. I thought about it.

"So Niall, please, think, I think that this is the correct option, has anything else gone down?" She asked. I explained everything, how I reacted wrong the first time that he told me. I told her how we made up and his visit with Dr. Joe Calderone and his words.

"Yes, I think I know him, he's not my gynecologist, but I have worked with him, I carried out his prescriptions before." She told me. "He is a very hardworking man, he does lots of pro bono work, and helps impoverished young women often prostitutes or sex workers, and gives them free checkups." She told me with a bite of eggplant. "I know that he will do his best to help Zayn."

We finished our dinner and I took all of the breadsticks with me because they're so damn good while mom quickly finished her glass of wine. She wanted another, but she was going to be driving and didn't need to be driving drunk. Mom paid the bill and left a tip. We pulled up in the parking lot.

"Have fun, I'll be cheering you from the stands!" She smiled. I smiled back and grabbed my bag. I went in and got changed. I was a bit late, but the game still hasn't begun yet.

"Hey Zayn, how are you?" I asked.

"Eh, I'm okay, did you read the booklet?" Zayn asked.

"Um, no, not yet, I'm probably going to read it with my mom tonight though." I said.

"Did you tell her?" Zayn asked. I nodded.

"She totally understands, I'm sorry that I doubted you, I now understand what you're going through." I said. Zayn pursed his lips and hugged me.

"That's all I asked for." He whispered. "Thank you." I smiled. Love never felt so emotional.

We got out on the ice. The cheerleaders were out on the side. They were wearing green sparkly bikinis and Olympia made a total fool of herself. She looked like she was a fish out of water. She must be so cold, and the other girls too. We played and I saw My mom talking with Doniya. They looked like they would really get along well. Just hope she doesn't share Doniya my embarrassing photos.

When we were done, I tried to regrouped with my mom. We had won the game.

"Hey! Niall wait up!" A voice shouted. It was Olympia.

"Oh, hey Olympia, what's up?" I asked. Hopefully it was nothing.

"Hey, congratulations at the game, how do you shoot so powerfully?" She asked, blinking her long, mink lashes. She was wrapped in a fur shawl that made her look like a streetwalker.

"Just practice." I shrugged.

"Who do you practice your shooting with, Ni?" She asked, staring down.

"My team?" The way she was talking to me made me uncomfortable.

"Hey, you know what? Why don't you come over to the school party on Friday night?" She asked.

"Um, no, I go out with my friends on Friday nights." I refused.

"Aww, well, I guess I'll see you around, honey." She flirted.

"You know, why don't you ask Liam to the party?" I asked, "He loves parties." I'm trying to get this weasel off of me before it gets too tempting.

"Ooh, sure, that sounds fun, hey, and if you ever change your mind by Friday, you're always welcomed." She winked and ran off to find Liam, giving me a twerk before she left. Her ass was jiggling and flopping and to be honest, it turned me on so much. But I had to look away.

"Hey!" A voice called me again. I turned around, it was Zayn, Harry and Louis.

"Hey!" I replied.

"I told Louis, he is totally understanding." Harry explained. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm fine, what about you, Zayn?" I asked, "You did good on the ice." I complimented.

"Thanks! About the baby, I don't know what I'll do, I think I'm going to talk to Dr. Calderone and Doniya some more about this." Zayn told me.

"Oh, okay, how are you going to hide this from your parents?" I asked.

"It's gonna be a group chat, I'm going to chat at night on Friday, so sorry, I'm not gonna be able to go out.

"Oh, well, um okay." My heart dropped. But this was important for him, so I understood.

"Thanks, good night, boo." Zayn smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and watched them walk off. I then regrouped with my mom.

"Hey! Congratulations on the game! You did very well!" She praised.

"Thanks!" I thanked.

"So, Doniya, she seems like a very noble young woman, I really like her, she seems like a good supporter." She started,

"She is." I replied.

"Well, it's nice to know that Zayn has a supporter." She smiled, "I'm so proud of her, how she is willing to risk everything for Zayn." Mom added. I was confused. What did Doniya have to lose?

Oh yeah, so how was this chapter? Do you think Maura and Doniya will have any affect on Zayn and Niall? Tbh, I think Doniya is more of a mother to Zayn than his actual mom is in the story. 

Sorry if the accents aren't quite right, I normally type things in a British style, but this takes place in the USA, so it takes some adjusting. 

QOTD: I wanna know you more. If I were to meet you irl, what would be the first thing you would say/ ask  me or tell me about yourself (and no, things like 'hi' 'hello' and what is your name does not count) 

Just a random picture of Louis just because I can :P

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