The Heart Thief

By forevertoofar

304K 14K 1.5K

Millie Jenson is heading to 32 and she is still single. Her life lacks excitement and love. The love she's be... More

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15.2K 643 99
By forevertoofar



          I love New York.

          Something about it kept luring me back to it. Perhaps it was the chaos of sirens wailing in the distance and car alarms blaring at the most inconvenient hour of the day. It might have been the shouting and laughing on the concrete sidewalks or the chaos in the streets. In any case, it was just something missing from home.

           I was hooked by the city after just one visit four months ago, so much so that I begged my older brother, Blake, to let me run our company in New York while he ran the one in London. Since he wanted to return home, it wasn't challenging to persuade him, so I packed my bags and relocated to New York, bringing my best friend, Isaac, with me.

          Isaac and I rushed to my penthouse as soon as we landed and the lovely city welcomed us. I was utterly worn out, but he wanted to go out and have a good time tonight, and I wanted to sleep so that I could get up early to go to work. I had a lot of work ahead of me, including introducing myself, getting to know the staff, and firing anyone who needed to be fired, but in the end, the asshole won me over.

          Club Zero, which we frequented whenever we were in the city, was described in various magazines as the hottest club in New York. The club was difficult to get into unless you had connections, making it strictly exclusive and the type of place you would want to unwind without anyone worrying about what you do. Isaac and I were frequent and well-known customers. Customers who were well-known for picking up women.

            When we entered the club, he was as excited as a child at Christmas, scanning the dance floor, the bar, and the VIP area in search of the woman he wanted to fuck tonight. I gave him a forward push while shaking my head. People were dancing, bumping into each other, and swapping body sweat while the dance floor was illuminated from above by revolving lights. The little man down there jerked when I saw two women rubbing against each other, both of whom were hot. Everyone spotted them, not just me.

          "Damn," Isaac swore with a slow whistle. "I'm taking them home tonight."

          "They're clearly together, you dumbfuck. Won't give your ass a chance." He called for a waiter as we sat down at our table and rolled his eyes. The waiter set the two priciest cocktails on the table and scurried off.

          "Pretty sure that won't be a problem," he answered, looking around the club. "It's well packed tonight. You reckon they knew we would be here?"

          I chuckled and chugged down my beer. "How's Samantha?"

          His face turned sour and he scowled at me. "Really, Roman? You wanna talk to me about Sam tonight?"

          "Before we left, she came to me and made me promise to talk about her all the time so you wouldn't forget her so quickly," I admitted, knowing Isaac would hate that. Samantha was the woman who was completely in love with him, but the asshole avoided commitment and love. He didn't believe in being with the same woman twice. He was more interested in picking them up and dumping them the next day. No woman had ever denied him anything. He had tousled black hair, slanted blue eyes, and sharp angles —everything women wanted in a man, and he took advantage of it. Every coloured light in the club caught his profile as if he were standing onstage, demanding everyone's attention.

          His eyes widened before he rolled his eyes. "Last time I checked, you're not her best friend. Why on earth would she do that?"

          "Because she loves you."

          He scowled again. "Love. What's that?" he asked sarcastically, darting his gaze to the dance floor. "Can't find it in my dictionary, and whatever that's not in Isaac dictionary, it's bullshit to me."

          I took another swig of my expensive cocktail, which was Ono champagne, letting the liquid flow down into my throat. I let my gaze wander over the body of a woman who had just walked in, wearing the most wicked grin as I took in what she was wearing. She was dressed in the shortest black dress that left nothing to the imagination. Her six-inch killer heels lengthened and sexified her legs, and her blonde bleached hair cascaded down her shoulders.

          "You know, Roman," Isaac called, catching my attention with a sly grin. "You act like I'm the bad bloke sometimes, but you and I are just the same. Women are nothing to us but a piece of meat to sink our teeth into without any commitments." His face was the very picture of deviousness, and just as I opened my mouth for a response, he added, "The only difference between us is that you believe in love."

          "And I don't let my dick speak for me," I tossed, earning a chuckle from him.

          "Hello, boys."

          We both looked up, and there, in front of our table, with a flirty smile, was the girl I had been eyeing moments earlier. With a hum of appreciation, she gently turned her sight to every part of me. How could she not be pleased with what she saw? Women only take one look at me to desire me. Though I was selective in who I chose, I never had trouble finding women. I was, shall we say, a picky man. I had a high-end taste that only a select few could satisfy, and this woman was only two points away from not being my type. Her smile and legs were the only things that saved her. They were both fucking stunning.

          "Hey," I answered in a voice I knew would make her go crazy with want. She approached me in two steps, setting her bag down on the table before settling onto my lap and encircling me with her arms.

          "I'm Juliet, and you are?" she asked as she traced her finger down my face to my lips, stopping to rub her thumb over them seductively.

          "Definitely not your Romeo," Isaac coughed out.

          I circled my arms around her waist and drew her closer to me and replied with a cheeky grin. "Roman."

          "Roman," she repeated, leaning her head down to my face before our lips met. This kiss was decent, but I wasn't going to declare it was the best one I've ever had. Knowing that I didn't experience any sensation during the kiss didn't come as a shock. Empty. Boring. Forgetful. Nevertheless, I anticipated that she would keep up with me for the whole of the night if she could.

          She pulled back and smiled at me. "Best kiss?"

          "Definitely," I lied through my teeth and Isaac snorted. My thumb began moving in ever so light circles up and down the side of her neck, each tender caress soothing and aiming to melt her.

          "Do you want to get out of here?"

          "Mate, we just got here," Isaac grumbled under his breath. "We didn't do anything fun yet."

          I got up on my feet, and my face split into a grin. "And I'm leaving with Juliet here." I slapped his back with a resounding whack. "Enjoy your night, brother." An opportunity to leave the club early came in way sooner than I had expected, but I was glad it did.


▬▬▬ ❖▬▬▬

          I awoke and tossed around in a bed that wasn't mine. I couldn't decide which was worse: the bloody phone vibrating, the arm thrown over me, or the fact that I had spent the night in a stranger's home.

          Isaac was to blame. I would have woken up in my comfortable bed instead of this hard bed that was too small for the two of us if he hadn't made me leave the house last night. But I also followed a tight rule. I never invite a woman over. I didn't want them to find out where I lived and start paying me unauthorized visits. Clingy women were not appealing. Over the years, Isaac had his share of clingy women, and it was enough to put me off.

          I slowly picked the small arm from my body and placed it beside her, scrambling off the bed immediately. I found my shoes by the bathroom door and put on my shirt, jeans, and socks. I caught sight of the girl, whose name escaped me at the moment, sound asleep. I crept out of the room, hoping not to wake her up with too much noise. I wasn't about to lecture her on why a relationship between us would fail, and frankly, I didn't want to talk to her.

          Because I'd had so many one-night stands, they'd all try to justify why a relationship was a good idea. They all seemed to be good at it. We had a fantastic night, but that was the end of it. A relationship was never promised. She wasn't even my type. My one-night stands were never anything more than that.

          When I dragged my feet into my house, Isaac was already up and having breakfast when I walked in.

          "Walk of shame?" he taunted with a knowing chuckle.

         My jaw muscle twitched, but I ignored him and went into the room. I quickly got dressed, changed into comfortable clothing, and left the room to have breakfast. On the way here, my stomach had been complaining.

          He grinned as he watched me pick up a bowl and a spoon and add milk to my cereal. I sat down on the stool and started to eat. Isaac smiled and reached for the cereal box, but I grabbed it and purposefully put it out of his reach.

          "Oi mate, what's this?" he inquired, one brow arching.

          "Get your own damn food," I said. "And your place too. It's way too early for your shitty behaviour."

          "Me?" he asked, shocked as he tried to play innocent. "What did I do to you, Roman? But forget that, how was your night with....uh? What's her name?"

          "Mary." Then I realized I had fallen into the trap he set for me. "Asshole."

          He roared with laughter. "I knew you forgot her name, you bastard!"

          "Does her name matter if I'm never seeing her again?"

          "Couldn't agree more with you there," he returned, then a huge grin appeared on his face. "I had a great night too."

          I groaned. "I really don't want to know. There are some things which we keep to ourselves, and your nightly activities are one of them."

          His smile deepened and he slapped the table with his palm, this time even barking a laugh. "I went home with those two hot girls that you so eloquently pointed out wouldn't be interested in me. I knew I should have bet on that," he ended with a disappointed look.

         "I'm glad we didn't. My ego can't handle another loss."

          A minute later, he threw a question. "Aren't you supposed to go to work today?" he asked, glancing at his watch.



          "I'm not going." I got up to keep the bowl in the sink. "Don't feel like it." He stared at me in disbelief and I elaborated, "Do I look like I'm in the state to go to work?"

          "And if Blake calls for an update?"

          I shrugged. "Then I lie. It's not like my brother is going to ask our employees if I went to work today. He will never know unless your ass slips up, and I know he doesn't have eyes in the company."

          "Mate, are you talking about the last time I accidentally slipped up that you didn't go to work for a week because we were in Italy?" I glared at him in answer while he chuckled. "But don't forget you had a blast there! You should thank me, not bring it up and complain all the bloody time.

          He was right.

          "We did," I agreed with a mischievous smile on my lips, the thought of those wild days we had in Rome crossing my mind.

          "Italians." He groaned like he was in pain, much to my amusement. "We should go there again. Camilla will be excited to have us. I really adore that woman. She managed to evoke every feeling in me that I thought I never had. She is electrifying."

          "She's the only woman you want but can't have," I reminded him. "You can't keep up with her."

          He nodded sadly, pushing his own plate aside. "True, mate, very true."

          "For someone who doesn't believe in love, you sure sound like someone whose love got rejected."

          "Oh yeah, it's really love if you want a woman," he replied, his voice heavy with sarcasm. "I'm just attracted to her. I'm sure you're familiar with the word, Roman."

          I rolled my eyes, deciding to have pity on him, and changed the subject. "Since you're currently out of job and left your hotel in the hands of your terrible sister who is terrible at everything–" He gave a loud snort. "would you like to work for me?"

          "You? Be my boss? Fuck no, dude. I'd rather jump off a building than call you boss."

          "Point taken, asshole." I strode to my room to get my wallet and car key along with my phone. "I'm going out. Don't wait up, darling."

          He groaned. "Fuck off."

          I laughed and entered the elevator, which took me to the first floor. I walked to the garage where my brand-new, gleaming Porsche, which I had just purchased the previous week, was kept. My Aston Martin, the beauty of my life, was among the cars I left behind when I left London.

          With nowhere in particular to go, I just drove around. I drove about the city for a while before deciding to park my car in the closest coffee shop since I needed to get some caffeine into my system.

          A few women walking down the street smiled shyly at me, so I smirked and winked at them before entering the cafe. She entered the room just as I had finished placing my drink order and took a seat on one of the free chairs. I discovered that I couldn't take my eyes off of her, much to my surprise. She had beautiful eyes, which caught my attention right away. My attention was drawn to her large, striking brown eyes that dominated the rest of her round face. They concealed so much that piqued my interest.

          I had a strong, irrational impulse to shield this woman from whatever was bothering her and to shatter and destroy it completely. She wasn't anything special. I was shocked by how much she had interfered with my thoughts, even though I wouldn't have given her a second glance if I had seen her anywhere. How my eyes devoured the most magnificent creature I had ever seen. This woman, in her simple dress and jacket, with her long wild mess of unruly curls.

          I kept my gaze fixed on her as I observed her giving her order while grinning, just before turning around and slamming her head into a man's chest. I felt as though a knife was being twisted in my chest, and my stomach was sinking. I was aware that I appeared to anyone who would give me a second glance as a creep, but I didn't care.

          Brown eyes, huge and panic-filled, locked with the asshole she bumped into, for a split-second widening, moistening her lips I would have loved to claim. She drew in a breath, her chest rising and falling, before regaining control and smiling at the man. Her smile was as bright as the sun. My muscles tightened even more. My throat immediately closed, and my mouth became so dry that I couldn't even give myself the relief of wetting them.

          I felt like a sappy woman in a romance novel.

          She gave the asshole, whom I was going to name an asshole, a bashful smile while looking up, and a wave of bitter annoyance washed over me. They exchanged numbers in front of me, and my gaze was drawn to his wedding band. I was taken aback because she didn't seem bothered by the fact that he was married. It was extremely disappointing. I felt as if someone had kicked my heart repeatedly. I expected so much from her.

          My desire to knock some sense into her surprised me, then annoyed me, enough that I acted no better than a sulking child, refusing to look at her again, refusing to acknowledge that she was even there. When my drink was ready, I paid for it and left the cafe without even trying to look at her.

          Isaac was playing a video game at night, totally immersed in it, and occasionally screaming and swearing at the screen. I was lying on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.

          Nothing has piqued my interest in the last few months. I thought changing my surroundings would help, but it felt like I was back at square one, trying to figure out what the fuck was wrong with me. Simply put, something was missing from my life, and I needed it back now.

          "What's up with you? You've been quiet ever since you came back. Still haven't found yourself?" he teased, trying to stifle a laugh. "You should try yoga or meditation. Brings inner peace or weird shit like that."

          "Fuck you."

          "I'm just helping."

          "I met this woman..." I trailed off, sitting up.

          "Oh, it's a woman problem." He shook his head in amusement. "You young lads like stressing yourself over women. You get peace when there's no woman in your life."

          "I don't have any woman problem, idiot," I snapped. "I saw this woman at the coffee shop today. She was cute until she gave her number to a married man." I was still annoyed about it for reasons I did not even know. It was none of my business what she does, or how she chose to live her life.

          So, why the hell did it bother me?

          "Women these days are — FUCK YES!" he yelled and leaped off the sofa when he won the game. He continued after sitting back down, "– are as bad as men. It's nothing shocking if she gave a married man her number. I went out with a married woman once. The thrill of being caught was fantastic."

          "Your mother thinks you're a bloody good man."

          His body shook with laughter. "Every mother thinks her kid is a good person."

          I chuckled, and after a beat of silence, I added, "I'm starving, and since we both can't cook, let's go out and eat."

          "Aw, are you asking me out on a date?"

          "Let's go before I change my mind about letting you stay here with me," I threatened. "Or start paying rent."

          "I can't give a rich man more money. It doesn't make any sense," he replied as he switched off the game. "And besides, motherfucker, we both know you will get lonely without me."

           I punched him in the stomach.

          He drove us to the restaurant where he ate the last time he was in town. He said the food was excellent, as was the dessert, referring to their hot waitresses. And I had to agree that they were a beautiful sight.

         A hot brunette escorted us to our table, and I vowed to leave with her at the end of the meal. And if she was concerned about leaving early, I was going to find her a job in my company. It wasn't exactly a new thing to me. A few number of the employees at the company in London were those I had affairs with, but when Blake and I switched places, he fired them all — including the one who had claimed to be my child's mother.

          After we ordered, I watched that same waitress walk away, her hips swaying and my dick twitching. She turned and winked at me, so it was deliberate.

          "You lucky bastard," Isaac commented with a grin. "The hot ones are always after you."

          I chuckled, but as soon as I did, my laughter died in my throat when I saw the woman enter the restaurant. In her short black dress, she radiated beauty. Even after she sat down at her table, I couldn't quit staring at her.

          Isaac noticed where my gaze had gone and looked behind him as well. "She's hot," he said and I silently agreed. "Stop staring before they notice."

          "She's the woman I told you about."

          "Fuck, really? What is she doing with a guy like that?"

          I wondered about that too, as I kept staring at them. She was smiling at him now, making me roll my eyes. "Let's change tables." Before he could protest, I walked off to the table nearest to hers.

          I could hear everything they were saying now.

          "The fuck's wrong with you?" Isaac asked in annoyance as he sat down. "Are you really going to spy on their date? That's low, even for you. This is really wrong."

          "Shut up," I snapped.

          "You look beautiful tonight," said her date.

          Was he capable of any better than that? I had so many things I wanted to say to her. She deserved many compliments, but the asshole wasn't going to give her any.

          "A glass of water, please. I don't drink."

          "So, how are you today?"

          "How's work?"

          "Work is alright."

        Alright? Could he sound any less interested?

Isaac gave me a look when I made a displeased sound.

I at last had her name. Millie. I kept repeating it in my head, desperate to taste it on my tongue.

          "I've tasted every dish on the menu, but I got to say, they have the best steak in the house. I told all my dates to order the steak, but you, I knew you'd like something else. I allowed you to order, but I ordered for all my dates."

          What the fuck?

          "Your dates?" She was surprised.

Given that he was married, nothing he said came as a surprise. That was enough for me to realize he was a terrible man with irredeemable qualities.

          "You're one of my favorites, though. I knew you'd be charming when I saw you. You're calm. I like that."

          I looked at Isaac, and he responded with the exact phrase I was thinking: what the fuck? If Millie had any sense, she would leave the situation as soon as possible. I wanted to step in, get her up from the chair, and protect her from this jerk. It became more difficult to maintain composure the longer they continued.

          "Are you dating them while you're dating me?"

"What gave you the idea that we are dating, Millie? You and me? You're not serious, are you? I don't plan on dating you."

          I sighed, clenching my jaw. "Feel like punching him?" I asked Isaac, who rubbed his fists together with a nod.

"You don't plan on dating me, but you asked me out?"

She sounded distraught and heartbroken. I wanted to embrace her. Woah, Roman, slow down. Where did that come from? What was I becoming as a result of this woman? And the conversation hasn't even begun yet.

"I think you're mistaken. The only relationship we will share is a physical one, like all the others I've met with this week. I'm buying you dinner and being polite, so I could have a chance to sleep with you."

      The frustration within me caused me to take a frustrated breath. The poor woman was oblivious to what she was getting herself into.

"I can't date you when I'm married, Millie."

          "What? You're married? Why the hell did you ask me out when you're married?"

She was unaware that he was married? He was donning his wedding ring. How was it that she overlooked that? But there was a part of me that was relieved she hadn't shown up to the date despite knowing he was married.

My hands clenched into fists. Anger surged in my eyes. I was mere seconds away from standing up and punching him in the face. In a warning gesture, Isaac shook his head.

    "Dude, calm down. Not right now."

He would ask me a lot of questions for which I would have no answers, and I was prepared for that. What made me interested in this woman? What made her distinctively different? Wish I was aware of it myself.

      "Because you're hot. I'd like to sleep with you."

I growled.

       "Roman," Isaac warned again when he noticed my clenched fists. "You will get your chance to." He added with a chuckle, "I'd have to give him credit for being an honest bastard."

          "You're a pig, and I hope your wife realizes what a pig you are."

          She stood up, moved away from the table, and headed for the door while I watched her. I didn't hesitate for a second and got to my feet.

          "Follow him and see where he goes. And Isaac, don't do anything stupid yet."

          "Are you ditching me again?" he asked in disbelief. "This is becoming a habit."

          I rolled my eyes and dashed off, hoping Millie was still there. I felt an overwhelming urge to speak with her. As I left the restaurant, my heart raced with worry that I might lose her just as I had found her. I whirled my head around in an effort to find her.

          The wind was blowing her hair as she stood by the side of the road, thinking deeply. I moved quickly, taking in every nuance of her face, the way she was chewing her lips in thinking, and how totally innocent she appeared to be at that moment.

          "Excuse me, miss."

          It took her three seconds to turn around, her brown eyes meeting mine. I almost succumbed to the urge to swallow.

          "Can I help you?"

          I smirked. "No, but I think I can."

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