The Dawn of Night | A Warrior...

By Blue_Sun_Moon

3.6K 222 60

A Warriors fanfiction that revolves around the lives of four young cats as they face all the obstacles brough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 22

70 5 3
By Blue_Sun_Moon

"Alright, Beaverpaw. Attack me."

"A-Attack you?" Beaverpaw stammered.

Falconwing purred with amusement. "Your mentor just asked you to do something," he told the apprentice.

Sunstorm watched as the young apprentice ran at Falconwing and tried to bat at him with his paws. But Falconwing stepped easily to the side.

"Too slow," he meowed. "Again."

Beaverpaw's tail lashed with determination as he slowly stepped forward, then pounced. Falconwing prepared to step aside again, but Beaverpaw saw it coming; he leaped onto his mentor, turned, and pinned him down.

Falconwing stood up and licked the dust off his chest. "Much better." He nodded approvingly.

"I'm hungry," Beaverpaw panted. "Can we go back and grab the rabbit I caught earlier and then head back to camp?"

Falconwing stretched. "I suppose so," he agreed. "Does that sound good?" He turned to Sunstorm.

"Of course." Sunstorm padded after them, a strange feeling making her belly lurch as she followed him. They seemed to be growing closer every day.

They made their way toward Snakerocks where Beaverpaw had temporarily buried his fresh-kill. The apprentice dug it up and the warriors found their holes where they had buried their own prey. The sun was high in the sky as they headed toward camp, the light breeze ruffling their fur.

"You better go take some fresh-kill to Bluestripe and Willowtuft," Falconwing told Beaverpaw. "Then you can eat."

The brown tabby nodded and grabbed a water vole along with his own rabbit and headed toward the nursery. The queens were talking with each other. Acornkit, Flintkit and Patchkit, Willowtuft's kits, were almost weaned by now, but Swallowkit and Cherrykit were gently nursing next to their mother.

"Food," Willowtuft purred. "I feel like I haven't eaten in a moon."

Beaverpaw dropped the water vole in front of her and she began to eat it. Her kits began to nibble at it excitedly. Then Beaverpaw gave Bluestripe the rabbit. The queens thanked him and Beaverpaw headed toward the fresh-kill pile, choosing a squirrel, then padded toward the apprentices' den.

Scarpaw was eating a starling. "I learned some battle moves today," he mewed. "You should have seen! I bet I nearly took Forestfrost's ears off!"

"I went hunting," Duskpaw meowed proudly. "I caught this quail all by myself. It practically leaped into my paws-"

Beaverpaw sat down and began to eat his squirrel.

"Is it true that Falconwing is with Sunstorm all the time now, Beaverpaw?" Duskpaw interjected suddenly.

"Mostly," Beaverpaw answered.

"I didn't think Falconwing seemed the type," Scarpaw mentioned. "He was always the fierce one who was willing to sacrifice anything for his Clan. I don't think anyone expected him to find a mate."

"How do you know they're mates?" Duskpaw shrugged. "Maybe they're just good friends."

Beaverpaw glanced toward the warriors' den. The two cats were indeed together.

"Have you seen Bluestripe's kits?" Beaverpaw asked. "I just saw them earlier. They look just like their parents."

"I haven't," Scarpaw murmured. "But Willowtuft's kits are going to be apprenticed soon. They're like five and three-quarter moons or something."

"ThunderClan is growing fast," Duskpaw meowed wistfully. "I can't wait until I'm a warrior."

"We're barely apprentices," Beaverpaw pointed out.

"Oh, who cares? I hope Flintkit and Patchkit will make good denmates, anyway. It's loud enough with you two in here," Duskpaw sighed.

"Is not," Scarpaw growled.

"You snore."


"Oh be quiet, you two." Beaverpaw grinned. "You two sound like a bunch of old badgers."

Sunstorm took a bite of the mouse she was sharing with Falconwing and felt that strange feeling again. He must have noticed, because he spoke again.

"Are you alright?" he asked her. "You've been quiet."

"Me? Oh, fine." She purred and wrapped her tail around his. "I've just been thinking..."

"Thinking what?" he asked sharply.

"Well, I think the Clan is starting to think we're more than just friends."

Falconwing let out a little mrow of laughter and looked into Sunstorm's eyes. "I thought you felt the same way, Sunstorm," he mewed earnestly.

"R-Really?" She had never considered that. "I mean, if you really want to-"

"Of course I want to." She felt her pelt brush against his. "I don't care if the Clan spreads rumors anymore. They always go away."

Sunstorm felt comforted as she lay her head on Falconwing's. Suddenly she felt like this had been waiting to happen all along, almost as if StarClan had planned them to be together. She felt her worries melt away and her eyes close for just a moment, breathing in the warm scent of Falconwing's fur. But then she realized something and opened her eyes.

"Where's Moonwhisper?"

Falconwing straightened. "I don't know," he admitted. "I haven't seen her since sunup."

"I feel like she's always gone this time of day," Sunstorm growled and her tail lashed. "You don't think we should look for her, do you?"

"Look for her? No. Maybe Stormshadow sent her on a patrol or something. She'll turn up."

"Should we ask him?"

"If you like. But I bet she's only hunting or something." But he could see she still looked worried.

"No, I won't ask him. I'll just keep telling myself she's hunting."

It was nearly sundown when Moonwhisper arrived. Her pelt was strong with the scent of wild garlic as she padded through the tunnel, and her jaws were full of them. Darkpaw ran up to her.

"Here, Darkpaw," she meowed, giving them to the apprentice. "I found these. Emberfur uses them, right?"

"Yeah," he replied, confused. But he took the garlic nonetheless and headed toward the medicine cat den.

"Hi," Moonwhisper mewed a bit lamely as she grabbed a piece of fresh-kill and sat down near the warriors' den. "Did I miss anything?"

"No," Sunstorm replied. She did not feel nearly as awkward being so near Falconwing now. "Were you really collecting herbs that whole time?"

"What? No. I went hunting, but it must be getting to be leaf-fall - I didn't find very much. But I stumbled across some wild garlic on the way back home."

"Oh." Sunstorm nodded confusedly.

"I'm going to bed." Falconwing licked Sunstorm's ear and headed for his nest inside the den. Sunstorm felt the warm feeling rise up inside her as she bade her sister goodnight as well and went to join Falconwing.

Her nest was next to his. She set her paws inside the nest and sat down, tucking her forepaws underneath her chest. She stretched her hind paws underneath her and pressed her face against the soft lining of the nest. She heard Moonwhisper walk in and opened her eyes a crack to see her take an expressionless glance at Beecloud, then lie down.

The next morning Sunstorm awoke early to find Moonwhisper leaving the den. Sunstorm could not help herself and padded after her. As they pushed through the tunnel Sunstorm hung back so her sister would not smell her and followed her by scent only. But she had hardly reached the Owl Tree when she heard a rustling.

Sunstorm spun around, ready to pounce, when a mottled brown cat made his way through the bracken. It was Falconwing.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Shh, not so loud." She swiped her tail over his mouth. "I'm following Moonwhisper."

"I'll go with you," he offered. Sunstorm nodded and they padded off together.

Beecloud could smell Moonwhisper's scent as he padded along. Where was Moonwhisper going? He could smell the scent of WindClan territory growing stronger and stronger as he passed Owl Tree and headed up near Fourtrees. He crossed the stream and found himself near the WindClan waterfalls. Where was Moonwhisper going, and why?

Falconwing crept under the bushes. Sunstorm was just behind him.

"There she is!" Falconwing whispered when he stopped. His voice was shocked.

"Great StarClan! She's with a WindClan cat!" Sunstorm hissed in his ear. He just nodded grimly. "What should we do?"

Falconwing didn't answer. A rustle in the bushes across the clearings told them that another cat was there. The two cats looked around quietly. It was Beecloud. His eyes were blazing and Sunstorm scented waves of hatred and sadness flowing from him. He seemed to whisper, agony flowing plainly off of him. For what seemed like a moon he watched Moonwhisper and the WindClan tom talk, his ears flattened, tail-tip touching the forest floor. He seemed unable to speak.

Sunstorm watched, agonizing sympathy flowing up in her heart. Should she show herself? Would it comfort Beecloud knowing that Moonwhisper's sister knew, too? Should she tell Fogcloud or Bluestripe? She pressed her nose into Falconwing's flank and padded in the other direction. Falconwing followed her.

When they were far out of earshot Sunstorm spoke. "I h-had no idea," she meowed softly. "There's no telling where her loyalties lie now, or what she feels for Beecloud. He must be in complete shock..."

Falconwing brushed against her pelt comfortingly. "I know," he told her. "I can tell she's loyal to ThunderClan. She will stop meeting that cat eventually."

Sunstorm had no choice but to believe him. Wanting to get to camp before Beecloud, they both stopped and caught some fresh-kill before promptly heading off to camp.

Beecloud arrived at sunhigh. He did not talk to anyone at all. He moved jerkily, swiping prey off of the fresh-kill with more force than usual, and sitting on his own, far from the other warriors, near the nursery. Even his sister Forestfrost went over to him to try to talk to him, but after a short while she left him alone, looking weary.

"He won't tell me," she told Falconwing as she poked at her quail with a claw. "He's absolutely miserable. He's got bees in his brain." She looked up at them. "You don't happen to know what's bothering him, do you?"

"No," Falconwing lied. Sunstorm was glad she did not have to be the one to answer.

Shortly Moonwhisper came through the tunnel. Beecloud pricked up his ears, but did not look at her. The she-cat didn't seem to notice as she picked her meal and sat near the warriors' den as usual.

But then Beecloud stood up and walked toward the Highrock into Maplestar's den.

Sunstorm felt a chill run through her. She knew what he was going to do.

When Beecloud came out he called for Moonwhisper, who looked confused as she padded into Maplestar's den.

"Yes, Maplestar?" Sunstorm heard her sister meow.

"Beecloud tells me you have been meeting with a WindClan cat. This deserves punishment, as you have broken the warrior code," Maplestar mewed loud and clear, sadness sparkling in her eyes.

"It's true, Maplestar," Moonwhisper meowed miserably. "I've been meeting a cat at the border."

"Did anyone else see?"

"I don't know," Moonwhisper admitted.

Sunstorm pricked her ears beside the Highrock, listening intently.

Maplestar nodded at Moonwhisper's response, sighing. "Moonwhisper. I have noticed you have been gone from camp quite often as well. I'd like to know the truth. Did anyone else see you with this cat?" her leader repeated.

Sunstorm heard a sigh come from Moonwhisper. "I didn't scent anyone else there," the silver she-cat whispered, dipping her head in shame. "You must believe me!" Falconwing looked at his mate as the conversation in their leader's den went on, his eyes wide.

"Are you sure?"

There was a brief silence.

"There may have been witnesses, Maplestar, but I can assure you I was not aware exactly who."

Now Stormshadow spoke. "How are we going to deal with this, Maplestar? Shouldn't she be punished?"

Maplestar paused. "You remember that WindClan cat that asked to join our Clan? Perhaps this is who Moonwhisper has been meeting. Perhaps he was not cast out by his kin at all." There was a long, meaningful silence.

"Yes, that was him, Maplestar," Moonwhisper cut in. "He wanted to join ThunderClan for mine and his sake! He had courage, Maplestar! He did so much and was willing to give up everything because he loves me. And you turned him away. Yes, I have been meeting him. Of course I have. And you can't stop me. I am loyal to my Clan, but I can't stop meeting Ravenfrost." Moonwhisper gulped in a deep breath, and Sunstorm could tell she was awaiting anxiously for Maplestar's reply.

"Perhaps I can't stop you from meeting this... Ravenfrost," Maplestar meowed painfully. Sunstorm could tell that Moonwhisper was surprised through the silence. "But I know that perhaps there will come a time when you will realize that your heart lies elsewhere, and that you will realize you can't meet Ravenfrost and still be loyal to your Clan." Moonwhisper looked ruefully at her leader. Starlight glimmered in her sad eyes.

"What are we to do with her, Maplestar?" Stormshadow interrupted. "She is guilty of treason!"

"You are right, Stormshadow. Moonwhisper, I expect that you will assume apprentice duties for the next half-moon, doing their duties, caring for the elders, and not leaving camp without permission. You will not be permitted to go to the Gathering."

"Very well," Moonwhisper sighed. Falconwing and Sunstorm ducked out of view as Moonwhisper pelted out of the den, a look of heartbreak and humiliation on her face.

"Come on," Falconwing meowed. "We should get going before anyone sees us eavesdropping."

"Should I tell my littermates about Ravenfrost?" Sunstorm whispered as they padded towards the warriors' den. "I don't know if I should burden them with knowing Moonwhisper betrayed us..."

"No, there is no need," he decided.

"You're right." Sunstorm sighed. "But it doesn't feel right being the only one to know."

Falconwing pressed himself against her gently. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright in the end."

Sunstorm closed her eyes and tried to convince herself to believe him.

The two warriors made their way to the warriors' den. Moonwhisper was sitting at the entrance. When her littermates had gathered, except for Bluestripe, who was still in the nursery, she spoke.

"I'm going to have kits," she announced.

"That's great!" Fogcloud praised. But as Sunstorm looked she saw that Moonwhisper did not seem as overjoyed as a queen normally was when she received such news.

Sunstorm's eyes widened. Moonwhisper? Having kits? She could hardly believe what she was saying. But she finally realized what pain her sister must be feeling - she was in love with a tom of another Clan, and she was torn between loyalties. And now she would have kits that would be half WindClan.

It was nearly sundown, but Sunstorm wasn't tired at all. Moonwhisper went to sleep early. Beecloud did not speak to anyone. Sunstorm wondered who was more shocked and heartbroken - Beecloud or Moonwhisper. At first she had thought the former, but now she was not sure at all.

As Moonwhisper slept Sunstorm could see that her sister's belly was indeed round and swollen. She should have moved into the nursery long ago, Sunstorm thought - and she would have if someone had told Maplestar about Moonwhisper's reason for disappearing sooner.

The next morning Sunstorm awoke to the sound of strangled cries. Moonwhisper was sprawled in front of the warriors' den.

"Her kits!" Beecloud gasped. "They're coming! Fetch Emberfur!"

"Kits? What kits?" Laceleaf inquired. But Lavenderpelt was dashing toward the medicine cat den, and in a few heartbeats she was pelting back over with Emberfur and Darkpaw on her tail, both carrying herbs.

"Bite down on this," Emberfur instructed, giving her a stick. Moonwhisper gasped and clamped down on the stick.

"There - keep pushing, Moonwhisper, breathe-"

Moonwhisper's flank heaved, her tail twitching in pain. Her eyes were wide with worry. And then Sunstorm realized. Breathing was just something Moonwhisper could never do well. A ripple pulsed through her sister's body, making her fur shimmer in the weak sunlight. Then a little wet lump of fur slid onto the grass.

"Looks like that's the only one, Moonwhisper," Emberfur murmured. "Darkpaw, start licking the kit. Get its blood flowing."

Darkpaw did not need the telling twice. He carefully picked up the kit by the scruff and pulled it closer to him, then ran his tongue over it furiously in every direction. The tiny kit began to dry and let out a tiny mewl.

"Moonwhisper, come with me. Take the kit."

Darkpaw picked up the kit and the three cats made their way to the medicine cat den. Emberfur took an herb from an ivy wrap and handed it to Moonwhisper, her face looking grave.

"Maplestar told me," she meowed. "Eat this. I'll have Darkpaw take the kit to Bluestripe."

"His name is Drizzlekit," Moonwhisper whispered at once, her eyes drifting toward the bundle of herbs near her paws. She began to chew it. When she had eaten all the herbs Emberfur had given her, she stumbled to the nursery, holding Drizzlekit by his scruff. Bluestripe emerged from the warm den as Moonwhisper sat down at the entrance. The blue- grey queen glanced at the kit, her eyes wide in sympathy. Then her gaze traveled up and locked with Moonwhisper's. There was no hatred in those green eyes, only love and sorrow. Bluestripe picked up the mewling kit and carried him into the nursery, licking her sister's ear as she disappeared into the den. 

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