The Good, The Bad, The Ex (De...

By CastlesMadeofSand

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After being arrested by her ex boyfriend for a DUI, party girl Savannah Palmer has to reform her bad girl way... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

519 9 2
By CastlesMadeofSand

A/N: Hola! Hope you enjoy this one, Picture of Justin on the side since I couldn't find a celebrity I thought would fit. Remember feed back is always lovely as it helps me to know to continue or not. Gracias! -S xx

The following morning I had decided I needed to finally start my job hunt. I had already been turned down by several companies, and as I was approaching the last building I felt like a giant loser. I mean first I sit through drug classes last night and basically get brainwashed into thinking I have a problem and how much I suck, and now no one will hire me! I might as well get convict tattooed on my forehead. Society has deemed me that any way so it must be a perfect fit.

I opened the intimidating glass door to the food magazine I will be interviewing for today. My black patent leather heels clicked across the floor as I approached the front desk.

"How can I help you?" A snotty looking gray haired woman spoke to me with distaste.

"Um, I'm here for the 11 o'clock interview with" I paused looking down at a piece of paper "Martha."

"Head up to floor 10, room 5. I'll let her know you're here." She said sighing. I rolled my eyes and as I walked away I could feel her gaze burning a hole into me. I wouldn't know why though, all my tattoos had been covered up and I was dressed to impress!

I got up into the interviewing room after waiting a good 20 minutes and felt like it went really well. That was until they gave me the dreaded 'We'll call you to see if you're a good fit' deal. That's just a polite way of saying 'fuck off' in my opinion.

I walked out of the building and was greeted by overcast weather. I had walked a good bit so far today so I decided to take a taxi to my next destination.

I climbed into the taxi immediately popping off my shoes to let my aching pups take a breather. Not that they are smelly or anything, just sore.

I gave him a familiar address; I was heading over to Bobby's workplace called 'custom ink', a tattoo parlor not a place you'd go to pimp your ride just so were clear.

I scrolled through my Facebook on my iPhone lazily slumped over in the car seat until we arrived.

I paid the man and hopped out quickly running into custom ink. I was greeted by a fat heavily tattooed and pierced bald man that I have come to know as Jimmy.

"Hey Jimbo, what's crackin'!?" I said walking over to him grinning.

"Oh nothing much sweets, you looking for Bob?" he asked smiling back at me. He may look big and scary but he is like a giant teddy bear!

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'.

"You can head on back; I think he's cleaning up his station." He said nodding his head in that general direction before answering the phone.

I nodded back and made my way through the electric blue tattoo parlor. The air smelled of cleaning solution and all I could hear were tattoo guns buzzing about. My body twitched at the sound, I was practically itching for another tattoo. Before I made any rash decisions I stopped myself. After all I needed to be professional and stop being a 'hoodlum'.

I snuck up behind Bobby as he was cleaning his instruments.

"Guess who!"I said covering his eyes with my hands whilst speaking in a British accent.

"The queen of England?!" He shouted answering my question.

"No just me" I pouted letting him see the disappointed side of me.

"What's wrong little beeb's?" He asked patting a spot on his lap.

I plopped down and cuddled up to his muscular body.

"No one wants to hire me." I pouted giving him a serious case of the puppy dog face.

"I'm sorry no one wants to hire your little hood rat self." He said smirking at me.

I lifted my head from his body and punched him in the arm, quite hard I might add.

"Ow, just kidding jeez." He said now holding his arm. I bet there will be a bruise tomorrow, not like you could tell through all of his tattoos any way.

"What am I gonna do?" I said now standing up pacing the cubicle back and forth.

"Hmmmm, let me make a call" He said smiling at me. He pulled out his phone and began calling a mysterious person. His call went something along the lines of'blah blah, help me out man' 'blah blah, deal, I'll send her over now, blah blah.' I didn't pay attention too closely; I was looking at all of the art work adorning the walls.

"Go, now, I'll text you the address." He said shooing me away.

"Wha-?" I looked dumbfounded at his face as he broke me out of my trance.

"Go to your interview, I now owe Justin two free tattoo touch ups, your welcome." He said grinning at me.

I raised my eyebrow at him, kissed him on the cheek and quickly walked out before he made me do something stupid to thank him.

I could've sworn I saw him blush as I left but I decided to ignore it, he's weird.


I pulled up to yet another building after retrieving the address from Bobby, although this one wasn't as new or fancy.

I climbed out of the cab, paying the man once again and entered the building. I was pretty concerned as to where Bobby was sending me to interview at, I had just hoped it wasn't a porn magazine or anything considering that'll look great on my resume and in front of a judge.

Looking around the front desk area I noticed the receptionist had a few tattoos and had the rockabilly look going on. I also took note that there was tattoo art work adorning the walls, similar to the tattoo shop.

"Hello what can I do ya for?" The black haired receptionist spoke after taking a sip of what looks like, beer? What the hell.

"Yes, I have an interview with Justin." I said a little shocked that she was drinking on the job.

"Okay, right this way." She said smiling at me before leading me through a maze of cubicles. I couldn't help but notice that people were mainly talking to each other and joking around, not really working at all. We came to a door covered in logos and graffiti and she opened it letting me in.

"Here we are good luck." She said winking at me before leaving me in the room.

A large chair was turned towards the wall, I cleared my throat and the chair spun fast around revealing the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on.

This is not good; I can't want to do dirty things to my boss!

"Hello there you must be Savannah, have a seat." He said looking me up and down hungrily.

"Yes, and you are?" I asked raising my eye brow and taking a seat. This man may be attractive as hell but I'm not going to let him undress me with his eyes and get away with it.

"Justin Rappazzo, boss man to you." He said staring boldly into my eyes, flashing me his perfect smile.

"Y-you mean I already have the job?" I asked incredulously.

"Well any one that is approved by Bobby is good in my books, plus you're a certified hottie." He said walking around his desk and whispering the last bit into my ear.

A hot shiver ran down my spine and I squinted my eyes at this man.

"Aren't you going to ask me things, I mean you can't possibly just hire me because I'm a 'certified hottie'".I said actually getting a little angry and turned on at the same time.

"Do you have any tattoos?" He asked.

"Yes, several"

"Do you know how to write?" He asked another question.

"No shit." I said back, I'm not stupid or anything. But I guess maybe I should be a little nicer to the man giving me the job.

"Ooh, a feisty one; I like that. You start Monday." He said leaning against his desk with his arms folded smiling at me approvingly.

"Thanks I guess... What exactly is the company?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Oh we're a tattoo magazine. We party hard so be prepared." He said winking at me. I blushed slightly but tried to hide it.

"Erm well thanks" I said awkwardly before leaving. As I exited the building I noticed the familiar smell of weed in the air. Before I was tempted to take a hit I quickened my pace out of the building.

What the hell kind of company is this? It sure won't make my sobriety any easier, but a job is a job... F.M.L.

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