Only You

socialifeswag द्वारा

2K 14 2

When Ali's best friend, Harry Styles, comes back home for a little break since the X Factor tour, he starts d... अधिक

Only You
1: I've Missed You
2: Dog Days Are Here Again
3: You're 'The Flirt.'
5: It's a Special Occasion
6: Perfect Doesn't Even Being to Describe This
7: Who Comes First?
8: The Jealous Type

4: Cooking Up A Storm...literally

231 2 1
socialifeswag द्वारा



I woke up, but didn't move a muscle. My head rested on Harry's chest; his arm wrapped around my back and side. I was thinking of going back to sleep when Harry's groggy morning voice broke the silence, "My mum came in here earlier. She said just come up if we want her to make something for lunch."

"How'd you know I was awake?" I tilted my head up towards his, but we were too close for my eyes to focus on his face, so I just laid my head back on his chest.

He cleared his throat,"Um...your breathing...changed..."

I couldn't stop my cheeks from forming a smile and I was pretty sure he felt it against his body.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not very long. My mum came in here around nine, but I fell back asleep. Then I woke up about twen-...a few minutes ago."

"What time is it now?"

"Around noon. It's raining so I don't think we're going to do much today. We should go to the supermarket, though. Maybe pick up a few things..."

"Things as in...?" I trailed off and waited for him to answer.

"I miss your brownies and cakes. They were really good and I haven't had them in forever. Plus, we can get a bunch of random stuff to make."

"Oh, great. You're in a food mood," I joked.

It did make me feel god that he missed my baking. I like cooking also, but baking is my favorite. I have a huge sweet tooth and I'm trying to find a good college to study culinary arts at. After Harry knew he wouldn't be home for a while, I took his spot in the bakery. I love going there on weekends to the smell of fresh bread and pastries, plus it reminded me of the first time I met Harry.

"I'm not going to comment on that. You hungry?"

"A little bit," I admitted.

He looked down and kissed my forehead, "Good."

Harry smirked and stood up. I didn't realize how close we were to the edge and as soon as he stood up, I rolled off the side and hit the floor. Harry busted out in a laughing fit and I turned over and did my best to glare at him. He held out his hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Always so clumsy," he mumbled, but I knew he meant for me to hear.

"That wasn't even my fault."

"You're still really clumsy."


 "Harry, people are staring at us!"

We causally walked in to the local supermarket to get any random junk that Harry wanted plus some stuff he wanted me to make. We walked down the cake aisle with a cart and stood facing all the choices of brownie mix.

Oh, I forgot to mention, we were in our pyjamas. Well, Harry had clothes on. His pyjamas consisted of nothing, but we both had on actual sleep pants and a t shirt.

"Let's get.....hmm," Harry was clearly making the decision of his life, so I didn't say anything. But I did grab one mix that I wanted; cookie brownies. Those were my favorites, bottom layer of brownie, top cookie...mmmm.

"Okay, I've decided that I want the ones you already got, so we can move on..."

Harry picked a bunch of stuff off the shelves and threw them in the cart. I figured we might as well get a bunch of eggs, butter, milk, and vegetable oil because I didn't know what would be made and what wouldn't...I hope he has enough pans.

I was in a fruit mood, so I got some strawberries and whip cream topping to go with it. Harry got sodas and chips. I felt like we were having a party, not just hanging out and making food.

"Do you think we've got enough?"

Harry didn't catch my sarcasm, "Um, I think so. We can check out now."

We got a few dirty looks from older people because of our attire, but I didn't care. As long as I was with Harry, I was doing just fine.

I rolled the cart out in the rain to Robin's car. He let us borrow it, but I had to drive because Harry still didn't have his license.


As soon as we got back to the bungalow, Harry wanted to start baking. He pulled out pots and pans and put away the cold things in the fridge. He left out a few different things for us (cough, cough, me, cough) to make. Brownie cookies, pound cake, and these pretzel, MNM's, and Hershey Kisses, things...I forgot what they were called.

Harry hooked his phone up to the iHome in the kitchen and began blaring tunes and we started mixing while the oven preheated. I added as much pound cake batter to a small pan as I could, but had some left. I put it in the oven and started the timer. Harry said something, but I couldn't understand him over the music.

I turned around to ask him what he said, and was hit in the face. With cake batter.

I licked it off my lips and said, "Really?"

A devilish grin was plastered to his face and mix was still on his hands. I shrugged it off and went back to my bowl. I was going to get him back, but he had to be off guard. Plus, my batter wasn't mixed, so I couldn't throw it. I tried to stir as fast as I could and stuck my hand in the bowl. Harry's back was facing me so I snuck up behind him and got my batter on both hands. I reached around him and put the batter all over his face. He laughed, "It's on."

"Like Donkey Kong!" I yelled while running back to my bowl.

Another round of cake batter hit me in the back so I flung some back at Harry. It got all over the front of his shirt as he fired more and more at me. I ducked and threw back, getting some in his hair. Pretty soon, the kitchen was a mess. I was running out of mix so I tried to run away, but of course I slipped on mix that landed on the floor and so did I. Harry took the oppurtunity to take advantage and pelted me with cake batter. He got down on the floor and made sure to get the batter all over me.

The timer started buzzing, so Harry paused and got the cake out.

"I ran out," he said, showing me his empty bowl.

I stood up and got the strawberries and whip cream out of the fridge. Harry got us both small plates and cut both of us a slice of cake. I cut up the strawberries into pieces and put them over our cake and drowned it in whip cream. We both started eating while still completely covered in mix. Harry wiped his hands and turned the music down just a bit.

"Well, that was a load of fun!"

"Minus the part when I ran out..."

He held his plate close to his face so I reached over quickly and pushed his plate into his face. I let him to the same to me. We both had whip cream covering our mouths and I laughed. Harry stepped in close and leaned his face in.

I felt his breath on the side of my face as he said, "You have a small strawberry," then he kissed my cheek. When he pulled away, he barely moved his head back. I stood still, frozen in place like a clump of ice.

He moved in closer; his lips hovering over mine.

"Is this okay?" he whispered.

"Mhmm," my voice came out as a whimper.

His lips planted fully on mine. His soft, full lips were on mine. I tasted the whip cream and kissed back. It was slow and I didn't want it to end. I was pushed against the fridge and heard something fall inside. It was over all too soon, though.

"I'm still hungry, let's finish cooking, then continue this later," he pulled away and took a breath.

My chest was still thumping a million miles a minute.

"Yeah, we should also clean up the kitchen..." I couldn't focus on anything, my mind was all over the place. What....what just happened?!

I put the brownie cookies in a pan and set them to bake. Harry found a mop and began cleaning the floor around where I was standing while I wiped up the counters with cleaner and paper towels. It didn't take long for the kitchen to be back to normal except for the overwheming smell of cake.

"You go take a shower, I'll watch the brownies," Harry said.

I went straight into the bathroom and threw off my dirty clothes. I had the water between warm and cold and it woke me up. I didn't realize it for a minute, but I was playing with my lips. I tried to hurry, but I was too distracted. It took me longer than usual for me to wash my hair and body. It felt like thirty minutes had passed by the time I got out and dried off.

I wrapped the towel around myself and walked back into my room. One of my bras and pair of lace Pink underwear was laid out on the bed. I put them on, but  where was my bag?! I knew I left it at the end of the bed!

"Brownies are rea-woah..." Harry walked in on me...only in his boxers.

"Okay, I understand why I don't have clothes on, but where are yours?!" I asked, feeling self conscience and crossing my arms.

"I decided to take a shower...but I don't feel like putting any clothes on...oh, and I hid your bag," he bit his lip trying to hide his smile.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the kitchen, leaving Harry in the bedroom. The pan of brownies was on the stove so I got a knife and cut a small piece. As I was taking a bite, Harry's arms wrapped around my waist and turned me around to face him. He leaned in again and kissed my cheek.

"Harry! I'm eating," I whined.

He held his hands on my waist and stood there, "Hurry up, then."

I ate really slowly, teasing him. I could tell he wanted to rip the brownie out of my hand and throw it across the room. As soon as I finished my last bite, he kissed me on the lips. He pulled me close by my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my mouth still on his. His skin was hot with my stomach was pressed up against his. I don't think it was physically possible to be any closer.

I heard the rain beat upon the roof. I guess it was still going since this morning. Harry's hands slipped under my bum and he hoisted me up onto the counter. His big hands moved up to my sides, causing me to shiver and have an intake of breath. That's where I was most ticklish, and he knew it.

He breathed a laugh and held my face in his hands. Was this real? Were we both really half-naked in his kitchen?

"I have an idea," he said, pulling me down from the counter. He picked me up and kissed my cheek, while walking towards the back door; he had to put me down to slide the glass door open. He then took my hand and pulled me outside into the rain.

It was only a matter of seconds until I was wet again. Harry's curls began to stick to his forehead whilst he held my hand. He stopped at the edge of the patio and faced me.

"You're gonna get you're Notebook kiss. Just not with Will, if that's okay?"

"You remember that?" I laughed at the memory of the time when I had a crush on Will, Harry's ex-bandmate, for a short time. Harry and I were watching The Notebook and I told him I wanted a kiss like that.

My hair was dripping wet and stuck to my face, too. Harry took a step closer and pushed my hair out of my face. His fingers held my chin up towards his face. My eyes fluttered and lips were parted just ever so slightly.

"I remember everything," I could feel his hot breath on my tongue.

He closed his eyes and the gap inbetween our faces. Harry's warm lips were the only things that mattered at that moment. He lifted me up onto his hips and my hands went immediately to his face. His hands were under me, supporting my weight from crashing to the ground. The rain continued to roll down my body and soon enough, our kisses were mixed in with the rain on our faces.

Harry pulled away and gently set me on my feet. He leaned in for a second for one more slow kiss.

"How was that?" his voice was breathless and he rested his forehead on mine.

"Perfect," I stretched my neck up and pecked his lips.

"Let's go inside before you get sick."

He took my hand in his and led me back inside and I started to shiver from the cold. We went into the bedroom we slept in and Harry dropped my hand. He went into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

I was just standing in the room, dripping wet, when Harry came out and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me into the shower and got in with me.

"What are you doing?!"

"Taking a shower with you..."

"You're not much for privacy," I joked.

"I don't really care at the moment," he pulled me close and kissed me.

I pulled away, "Harry! We're in the shower...get out!"

"We're not naked or anything...we're just warming up..." he bit his lip.

I crossed my arms.

"I'm not gonna do do I say this? I like you, a lot. And I like you enough to where I'm going to do things right, okay?"

By now I was starting to think this wasn't real.

"How long?"

"Have I liked you?"

I nodded, the shower water was tingling my back.

"I'd like to say that day you walked into the bakery and ordered those cinnamon rolls, but it took a week for me to realize that I did. Will was the one that told me when I didn't even know."

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I thought you liked Will!"

"I did, for like, a day. But even then, he was second place to you!"

"Well, I wouldn't change a thing. Our past is almost perfect and right now is beyond perfect."

My voice came out as a whisper, "You're perfect."

"I was just about to say the same," he said through his smile.

He pulled me into a tight hug. I was suddenly warmer than the shower could've made me. His chin rested in the crook of my shoulder.

"I'm going to need my bag," my face was buried in his neck.

He ignored me, "Will you go out with me?"

I was about to answer him when he added, "On a date. Tomorrow night?"

"Mhm. Yes, I will go out with you."

"Good, although I knew you would say yes, anyways," he smirked and pulled away, hopping out of the shower. I turned off the water and got out, too.

 A towel flew and hit me in the face, "HEY! I might change my mind!"

"You and I both know that you won't."

I began drying myself off and Harry had the a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Do you...have your...?" I trailed off, spotting his boxers on the floor.

"Nope," he causally walked out and I finished wringing out my hair.

When he came back, my duffel bag was in his hands. I noticed that his towel slipped extremely low and was threatening to fall off.

I quickly yanked my bag out of his hands and pushed him out of the doorframe. I locked the door and searched through my clothes.

I did want to know. But just not today.


Trying to cut this story short, and I'm getting there.

Not much left! :)

Hope you enjoyed xx

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