U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

558K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


19.3K 481 97
By curvaparabolica

 A/N: That bicep in the gif o m g 

     His boots were heavy on the steps of the porch as Sweet Pea made his way to the frontdoor of the Andrews household. He knocked on the door and looked through the glass to see Archie's girlfriend opening the door. It didn't take long before Archie himself appeared, surrounded by more of the Bulldogs. "How stupid are you Northsiders". Sweet Pea snarled, already annoyed at the surprise on the redhead's face. "You really think you can come into my house, stick a gun in my face, in front of my boys...". He briefly looked at Reggie as he saw him leaning against the door. 

His hands already clenched into fists at the thought of Reggie and Kate together. The asshole left her anyway. "...Without getting any payback?". Sweet Pea finished. "You have crap timing, bro". Reggie spoke up and the hairs in Pea's neck were standing up straight. "You don't have to call me 'bro', wanna-be-Asian". He hissed back. "Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch". Reggie stepped closer to the tall Serpent, but of course Sweet Pea couldn't be less intimidated than that. "We'll see about that". He replied, looking around to see how many more Northsiders were willing to join the party. "The more the merrier". A grin curled his lips and Archie pushed him back.

"And then you went to fight at the parking lot, real mature". Toni rolled her eyes as Sweet Pea explained why his eye was that bruised. "He asked for it, Toni. You don't just stick a gun in my face like that". He mocked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Enough about that". Fangs came out of the school after he kicked the doors open, holding the paper of today in his hands. "A new article to  blame us some more". The Serpent threw it down on the table in front of Sweet Pea and Toni. Toni was about to grab it, yet Sweets was quicker and snatched it away to read it. The anger welled up in him as he read the article Alice Cooper, Betty's mother had written.

"This recent incident confirms that the real threat is not the Black Hood, but the Southside and its corruptive forces". Sweet Pea spat and threw the paper back on the table. Jughead heard his last words as he pushed the doors open too, to meet the Serpents outside. "Nice article your girlfriend's mom wrote". The tallest Serpent immidiately mentioned. "Yeah, I saw that". Jughead distantly answered. "Dilton Doily said he was stabbed and you jumped him?". His eyes flickered back to Sweet Pea, a nervous underlying hint in his orbs. "The idiot stabbed himself with his own knife". Fangs came into the conversation, his jaw clenching as this was yet another thing everyone blamed the Southside for.

"And we didn't jump him. There was a fight, Bulldogs versus Serpents". Sweet Pea added, his dark hues cold and hard. "And you see this?". He pointed at his bruised eye. "Your boy Andrews gave it to me". His spoke fast and annoyed. "Just before his girlfriend shot a gun into the air. I swear man, what the hell, do they have a thing for guns or something?". Sweet Pea hissed."Wait, what happened?". Jughead almost choked on his breath as he had missed all of this in one night. "And of course". Pea didn't bother to update Jug any further, standing up a bit more straight and a fake smile around his lips. "Northsiders get off scot-free, the rest of us are hauled in by the police".

Jughead sighed softly and looked away, however Fangs spoke up next. "It's payback time". The Serpent said, making some others nod. "What are you guys talking about?". Jug asked in confusion, not sure what they were planning to do. "What... What is that?". He pointed at the drawings on the table. "Is that a pipe bomb?". His brows furrowed together, wanting to desperately hear that it was all a joke. "Fogarty's cousin served in the army, he's going to build us something". Sweet Pea simply stated. "We'll do it after hours. I'll shut the Riverdale Register down". Fangs looked up at Jughead, who was getting angry by now. "You think blowing up a building will make things better?".

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and curled his fingers around the table to prevent himself from bursting out and letting Jughead's head collide with the table in front of him. "It can't get any worse". The tall Serpent snarled. "Yes, Sweet Pea, it can". Jughead bit back. "Let me talk to Archie, let me figure this out". His eyes begging the Serpents to let him try that first. "Man, that's your answer for everything, talk and more talk". His barritone voice was getting heavier by now, causing some to swallow nervously. "We don't even know who you stand with". Sweet Pea shrugged, his eyes narrowing. "Us? Or them?". His jaw slacked and he leaned his hands flat on the table now. "You can't be half a Serpent".

He stood up straight again, patting Fangs on his back as a sign he was going to leave. "Don't let the Jones guy mess with your head that much". Fangs muttered as they walked back to their motorcycles. "He's just clingy, Betty must be jealous of me". Sweet Pea replied, losing the angry vibe as soon as it came. Fangs huffed and rolled his eyes at his friend, getting onto his bike. "You going back to the quarry?". Pea yelled over the rumbling sound of the engines. "Yeah, what about you?". Fangs asked while adjusting his helmet. "Think I'm going to drive around for a bit". The fellow Serpent replied and Fogarty saluted him, driving away from the school's square. Sweet Pea looked which direction he took and then drove away as well.

     Kate was surprised this morning by an invitation of Kevin to go on a run in the late afternoon, as he had heard somewhere that Kate liked running as well. Yes, she did, mainly from her own problems and to get the last bag of chips at the store, but okay. "What is the actual reason you invited me to go on this run, Kevin?". Kate asked with a smile as they ran over the pavement. It was a quite late afternoon and they hadn't spoke much, also because the running took a lot of their breath away. "I just wanted to get to know you better, Kate. Form my own opinion about you". He explained and she chuckled softly. "I'm not judging you for seeing that Southsider by the way". "I'm not seeing him! Jesus". Kate let out and her cheeks heated up, causing Kevin to laugh.

"I have my sources within that Serpent circle, girl, don't be afraid of me not knowing any new gossips". Kevin giggled. "I've been seeing one too, he moved out of town a couple weeks ago". He said and sounded a bit sad, which made her feel for him. "Aw, no, Kevin. That's sad. Did you two have a long relationship?". Kate asked. "Not really long. Joaquin was a bit scared the Serpents wouldn't allow him to. Some strangs things happened in this town, Kate, but I'm not going to ruin your positive vibe". He laughed and Kate was quiet for a bit. "I'm going to the Whyte Wyrm tonight, Sweet Pea invited me". "Sweet Pea?". Kevin asked, his voice a bit higher pitched.

"You mean that 6 foot 5 hunk with that delicious neck tattoo?". Kate burst into laughter and she had to stop running. "Oh my god, Kevin". She shook her head. "What? It's true". Kevin shrugged and started to run in a slow pace around her. "Make sure to do it save". He wiggled his eyebrows, making her raise hers at him. "I'm not one to do it on the first date". She replied and gave him a gentle push with her shoulder. They ran further and reached Kevin's house, stopping on his porch. "Want anything to drink? You could use some water because of all the drool you lost over Sweet Pea". Kate put her hands in her sides and tried to give him a monotone face, but failed as she let out a breathy laugh.

"Thanks, but I'll pass. Have to get ready for tonight". Kate smiled and waved at Kevin, taking a deep breath before continuing her run to her house. She didn't have her earphones plugged in, so she heard the motorcycle from miles away. Her gut feeling told her it was Sweet Pea and she was pretty sure as the biker drove slower when he neared her. "Are you some kind of stalker?". Kate turned her head to meet Sweet Pea's darker eyes. They sparkled in amusement at her words. "If you want me to be your stalker, then your wish can be granted". He replied, a typical answer. "No, thank you". She breathed.

Sweet Pea looked at her as she ran on the pavement next to him, long legs moving her forward and his lip was caught between his teeth as his eyes wandered upwards to her cleavage in the tight top. "Want a lift?". He asked and stopped abruptly in front of her, blocking her path. "Do I have a choice?". She asked with a smile on her lips. "Not really, you were heading home, right?". He asked, taking his helmet off for her to take. "Now how would you know that?". A teasing tone was audible in her voice and even curled her lips upwards. "I might be your stalker, now hop on".

"I'm sweaty, Pea". 

"I've seen your unicorn socks". Kate snatched the helmet out of his hands and put it on her head. She swung her leg over the seat and jumped onto the bike to sit behind him. A grin showed up on his face when she tightened her grip on his waist, making him drive away from the pavement. Kate sighed and leaned against his back, finding herself being quite comfortable like this. Sweet Pea turned onto the porch as she had yelled over the loud sound of the engine that her parents weren't home. He turned it off and Kate steadily got back on the floor, taking her helmet off to hand it back to him. 

"Want to come in for some coffee or anything?". Kate asked, her voice a bit softer as she wasn't as confident as she felt before. Sweet Pea looked at her for a moment, considering if he had the time or not, however he nodded anyway. "Sounds good". His lips twitched into half a grin and she nodded, twirling around on her heels to get to the front door. She unlocked it with the spare key in the flower pot, holding it open for him to come in. Kate didn't realise he was behind her that quickly already and she almost bumped into his wide chest, making her gasp. Sweet Pea chuckled lightly and moved through the hallway. 

His eyes darted over the place that was cozy and warm, yet also abstract and cold at the same time. "Do you mind if I'm going to shower really quick?". She yelled from the kitchen and she heard his heavy boots nearing while she prepared some coffee. "Well, depends". He said, a serious look on his face that made her brows furrow together. "On what?". She shoved the cup under the machine and briefly looked as the coffee poured into it. "If I can join you or not". Kate rolled her eyes at the Serpent, turning her head as she didn't want him to see the smile she desperately forced back. 

"I'm locking the door". Kate called as he walked away to wander through the living room. "Don't break my house down meanwhile". She warned and put the cup on the table. His eyes showed sparkles of amusement as he watched her walking out of the living room, hearing her footsteps on the stairs. The pictures that hung above the fire place caught Sweet Pea's attention and her made his way towards it. He looked at the pictures of little Kate, her hair in two ponytails and wearing pink dresses. Kate her first day at primary school, her first day at her first job, Kate after she passed her driving exam. 

He stumbled upon a picture of her and her parents, Kate herself in the middle. Her father held a pair of scissors and just cut through a ribbon, opening their company in Washington. Sweet Pea's look lingered on Mr. Pearson, not sure what kind of vibe he got from the man. He brought his coffee cup to his mouth, taking a couple sips. His heart skipped a beat as his phone rung, making him take the device out of his pocket and swipe the screen to accept the call. "Yo, Sweet Pea, let's roll". Tall Boy's voice spoke and he could barely reply before the Serpent ended the call as fast as he rung Sweet Pea. 

Sweets finished his cup of coffee and placed it on the counter before searching for Kate upstairs. He assumed she was in the room with the door locked, so he was about to knock to say he had to leave due to the call he just got, lifting his arm to knock. At the same time, Kate opended the door and shrieked as she hadn't expected him in front of the bathroom door, clenching her towel more tight around her body. She blinked in surprise, however a smooth grin spread on his face as he planted his hand against the side of the door. He looked at her wet hair that hung down her shoulders, eyes skimming her bare collarbones. 

"I have to go, duty called". Sweet Pea eventually said and she shyly nodded. "I'll see you tonight". His dark hues lingered on her brighter ones. "Yeah, see you". Kate stammered and he lazily pushed himself away from the door, his lower lip tugged between his teeth as he turned around to make his way downstairs and let himself out. Kate watched how his tall figure walked out of her house, her heart still hammering in her chest. She took a deep breath and shook it off, walking into her bedroom to open the closet and pick an oufit for tonight. Kate didn't want to look too girly, hesitating about a dress or just some jeans or...

She eventually grabbed a black, wide skirt with a knee-length, some Tommy Hilfiger shirt that looked quite cute with it. The black tights had a lacy, flower pattern in it, on her feet her heeled combat boots. She barely had her clothes on as her doorbell rang and she frowned as she expected nobody, at least not for now. Kate dribbled downstairs and opened the door, revealing the small Serpent girl with the pink strands in her brown hair. "Toni". Kate stated with a slight look of confusion. "Kate, you look surprised to see me". She replied, batting her lashes a couple times. "Well, yes, I didn't expect to see you this early".

"Aren't we getting ready together?". Toni asked and Kate's eyes slightly widened as she had never expected she would actually want that. "O-oh, ehm sure, I just...". "I thought I wouldn't want to get ready with you". The Serpent finished and Kate nodded. "But, come in". She quickly said and let Toni inside. "Great, because we really need to do something about your outfit". Toni declared and Kate gasped. "What's wrong with it?". Toni laughed at her response. "Honey, you'd look great for the VIP entry of a nightclub in Washington, not for a simple night in the Wyrm". Kate parted her lips to say something, however she figured that Toni must be right.

The two girls went upstairs and Toni immediately pulled the doors of her walk-in closet open, raising her eyebrows here and there as she dug through the clothing to find something for tonight. Toni stumbled across a denim skirt, which she flung over her arm and found a black top that had a deep v-neck, yet didn't reveal too much and with cross-over strings of lacy material on the back of it. "You can keep the tights and shoes, I like them". Toni hummed and pushed the clothing in her hands, making Kate laugh a bit. "Mind if I go through your make-up a bit?". Toni asked, however she was already opening the drawers of the salon table in Kate's room.

"Of course not". Kate chuckled and got changed into the clothing Toni gave her. She had to admit it wasn't something she'd think of wearing, but she liked the combination and was willing to give it a try. "How many palettes of eyeshadows do you have? Jesus christ". Kate heard her calling and she laughed. "Rich bitch problems". She replied, which made Toni laugh. Toni liked Kate, she had hesitated what to think of her when she met Kate for the first time at Southside High, but she had now decided that Kate was a very nice girl. "Let's listen to some music". Toni said as Kate sat down in front of the mirror too. "Nah, it's fine like this". 

"Okay, I'll pick the songs". Kate shook her head with a smile, she had a feeling she and Toni could get along very well. 

Two hours later, the two were finally ready. It took them so long as they had some necassery snack breaks, however they were ready to go to the Wyrm. "You guys go out at normal times". Kate chuckled and Toni looked at her as she wasn't sure what Kate meant. "In Washington the pre-drinks started at ten and then we'd go out around one or even later". She giggled. "Oh my god". Toni shook her head and watched how Kate locked the door behind her. "Do your parents know you're out with some Southsiders?". She asked. "I'm 'sleeping over at Betty's'". Kate quoted and Toni smirked as she understood.

It was weird to sit on the back of Toni's motorcycle, which was already smaller than Sweet Pea's bike and the girl herself was even smaller than Kate was. Toni drove more careful than Sweet Pea did, so it took them about twenty minutes to reach the Wyrm. Kate unlocked the helmet and looked up at the neon sign of the bar, vaguely hearing the classic rock tunes coming from the inside. Some rough, bearded guys stood outside, a cigarette between their lips. Toni went in front of her to the door of the bar, walking up the small stairs. Kate followed her closely, not wanting to lose the only one she knew at the moment in this bar full of people who will find her the outsider for once. 

"I'm going to the restroom, can you order some liquor? I drink practically everything". Toni asked and with that, she already walked away, leaving Kate in the crowded pub. Kate pursed her lips together and made her way to the bar, feeling as if everyone looked at her. She leaned against the wooden counter and tried to get the attention of the bartender that was working tonight. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt a hand travel down her spine, an arm curling around her. She turned her head to see Sweet Pea next to her, relieved it wasn't some kind of creepy guy. His hand rested on her hip and he tucked her into his chest, making her blush furiously. 

"I can't imagine that he's ignoring you while you look this stunning tonight". His voice was low and husky in her ear. "Now, what would you like to drink, babe?".

And with that, she knew she was doomed for tonight.

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