Magic Revealed

By KindredCoffee

591K 21.9K 9K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... More

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Stuff To Do
Returning Home
Shut Up Gwaine
Thank You For Everything
Creating and Maintaining
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Short and Sweet
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I

Quite Alright

12K 424 286
By KindredCoffee

By the time Gaius had finished the antidote Merlin had passed out. It had been two hours since he'd first woken up and his strength gave out about thirty minutes before the antidote was finished.

Arthur hadn't said much after their talk instead content to ensuring Merlin was taken care off. Merlin didn't complain anymore afterwards and seemed just as worried about Arthur, who couldn't seem to go a few minutes without some sort of physical contact, and was restlessly waiting for the antidote.

When Merlin had fallen asleep Arthur almost panicked but realized the warlock seemed to just be asleep. Lancelot who apparently had been woken up by Mordred had come in and seen how agitated Arthur was and offered to go see how the antidote was coming so the king didn't have to leave.

When he returned the rest of the castle was beginning to stir and sun light was seeping through the window. Lancelot told Arthur that the antidote was almost finished and to just make sure that Merlin had a steady heartbeat until he brought it up.

When Gaius did finally bring the antidote Arthur stood impatiently by the bed side as Gaius tipped it into Merlin's mouth.

He took a deep breath, "Alright. It should work." He told Arthur looking as worried as the king felt, "He might not wake up for a while though. The poison effectively shuts down the most organs so his brain pretty much shut itself down in self-preservation. It's keeping the bare minimum going."

"Will he be okay?"

"I believe so." Gaius said, "I don't think it would have caused any brain damage, or if it does it'll be a result from the coma. And physically I think that wound will scar, it's too deep not to, but it'll heal up nice. You did a good job binding it and Mordred put one of the medicines they had with them on it so it should heal right up with no problems as long as he keeps it clean."

Lancelot coughed, "Good luck with that."

Gaius grimaced, "That's true, unfortunately. Especially since he'll want to start moving as soon as he wakes up. Do try and keep him there won't you?" He scowled at Merlin, "Boy's too stubborn for his own good."

Lancelot looked to Arthur, "Mordred asked Gwaine to get Merlin's things. I'm not sure where he is but he'll probably be up here soon."

Arthur nodded, "Good. That's good."

"How long have you been up sire?" Lancelot asked with concerned as Gaius began packing up what little things he'd brought.

"A couple hours. I couldn't sleep and then Morgana got a message from Mordred saying that Merlin got himself hurt and well, here we are."

Lancelot nodded, "How exactly did he get hurt?"

"Don't know. I sent Mordred and Percival to get some sleep. They looked like they were going to fall over."

"Yeah I noticed that when they came in. Percival just flopped down on his bed and started snoring. I'd never seen him do that before."

Merlin started coughing and opened his eyes, looking around at them. "What?" He asked in confusion.

Arthur's nervous energy returned, "How are you feeling?"

"My head's fuzzy." Merlin mumbled.

"Do you remember how you were hurt Merlin?" Gaius asked in concerned. 

The warlock thought for a moment before answering, "We were attacked... I heard Percival yell so I turned around to see what was happening and helped disarm his attacker with magic. But someone shot me in the back while I made sure he was alright. I managed to disarm and knock out the bandits on my side of the clearing..." He lifted a hand to rub his head, "I don't remember much after that." He glanced at Arthur nervously, "I woke up and talked to Gwen and Arthur... And then I guess I must have fallen back asleep."

Arthur surpressed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure what he would have done it Merlin hadn't remembered their conversation from before.

Gaius nodded, "So your memory is fine then. That's good."

Lancelot frowned, "How'd you manage to be the only one hurt?"

"One bow I guess. Most of them went after me as well which didn't do me any favors."

Lance nodded, "Percival was dead tired. Mordred less so."

"Percival used magic a few times while fighting." Merlin mumbled, "Something like that would tire you out without practice. It was rather impressive."

Lance blinked in surprise, "That was fast."

Merlin nodded and tried to push himself up before flopping back into the bed, "You know, I think I'll just lay here for a bit." He said sheepishly.

"Oh you're not going anywhere." Gaius said sternly, "You're not moving until the poison is fully counteracted and I say your fit to move."

Merlin scowled but froze when he saw the look on Arthur's face. He sighed, "fine. But at least let me read my books."

Gaius nodded, "I'm sorry to leave so quick but there's a young woman down stairs that seems to have a case of food poisoning gone very wrong. I'll check on you again later Merlin but please stay in bed."

Lancelot looked over at Arthur, "Do you want me to-"

"Yes." Arthur said, knowing exactly what the knight was asking.

"All of them?"

"Do I look in the mood for meetings of any kind?"

Lancelot nodded, "Alright. I'll tell Leon he needs to look over the stock reports."

"Thank you." Arthur said and the knight headed towards the door. He paused, "Merlin, the others have been worried about you so don't be surprised if they drop by once they learn you're back."

"Alright. Thank you Lancelot." Merlin said.

The knight shut the door and Merlin heaved a sigh, "I don't think I've ever felt this tired before."

"You were practically in a coma!" Arthur exclaimed, "Of course I didn't know that till after Gaius told me. I thought you'd just fallen asleep."

Merlin rolled his eyes, "What happened to my stuff?" He asked looking around the room.

"Lancelot said Mordred asked Gwaine to get it?" Arthur said, sitting next to Merlin on the bed the same way Merlin did when the king couldn't sleep.

Merlin seemed to relax a great deal as Arthur shifted closer to him. "That camp was something else Arthur."

Arthur looked down at Merlin, "Merlin, did they order the attack?"

"I believe so. Definitely seemed like." Merlin grimaced, "Did Gaius leave anything for the pain?"

Arthur looked around, "No. Do you want me to go ask for some?"

"There is some in my room. It's in the locked drawer of my desk."

"The one that no one other than yourself can open?"

"I changed it before I left. You can open it. It's a small blue bottle. Please don't go rooting around the other stuff in there."

Arthur raised his eyebrows but got up and headed to the door ajoining their quarters. When he went inside he opened the drawer slowly before pushing aside papers to find the bottle that Merlin had mentioned. He found it but not before finding a image seemingly inlayed  and colored in stone on the bottom. He recognized the scene, even if he was confused on how Merlin had made it.

He pulled it out as well, careful not to drop it before heading back into his room. Merlin raised his head and scowled when he saw Arthur carrying the stone tablet. "I said don't go through my stuff. What do you do? Go through my stuff."

"It was kinda hard to miss." Arthur shot back and handed Merlin the bottle and watched as Merlin carefully drank some of it down. Then he held up the tablet in a silent question.

It was the knights, along with Merlin and Arthur sitting around a campfire laughing at something. The image was caught in the perfect moment, everyone grinning or laughing and clearly happy as they sat together.

Merlin shrugged, "I wanted to try that spell and I needed a moment to focus on. And that was what I chose." He looked up at Arthur slowly and the king saw a nervous look that he was unaccustomed to seeing. He didn't like it. "Arthur I-"

Arthur sat down the edge of the bed, "Merlin I'm sorry. I know that was a lot of stuff thrown at you all at once and your hurt and that couldn't have helped and-"

Then it was Merlin's turn to cut the other off, "Arthur shut up. I'm just wondering... Actually, I'm not sure what I'm wondering. It's just, like you said, a bunch of stuff at once and I'm just a bit out of it."

Arthur sighed, "Sorry." He dropped his chin to his chest, looking down at his hands which were figiting in his lap. "You really need to be more careful Merlin."

"Arthur I'm fine!"

"You have a hole in your stomach."

"Just a slight set back."

Arthur grabbed one of Merlin's hands, "Merlin. I meant what I said earlier. I don't know what I'd do if you died. So please be more careful!" He didn't stop looking at his lap.

Merlin paused staring at Arthur for a moment before nodding, "I'm not just recklessly putting myself in danger Arthur. I do try to be careful."

Arthur looked Merlin in the face, "I said more careful, Merlin. I know you try but you put others before yourself and that gets you hurt."

"You forget. I get hurt. They'd get killed. I don't suppose Mordred or Gaius told you how quickly that poison was supposed to take effect?" Arthur shook his head and Merlin sighed. "Arthur if I was anyone else I would have been dead.... six hours ago? Around that anyway. I don't want to get hurt but if it means that others are safe, so be it."

Arthur swallowed and looked down at Merlin, "I'm never going to accept that completely, you know?"

"You're just an overprotective pra-" Merlin began to grumble but was cut off when Arthur leaned down and kissed Merlin. The warlock stopped complaining and kissed back and when Arthur pulled back a few moments later, grinning, he scowled, "You really need to let me finish my sentences." He said half heartedly.

"Why? This is so much more fun." Arthur said and kissed Merlin quickly before standing, "I'm going to go get you some food. Don't get up. You hear me?"

"Can you at least get me one of my books?" Merlin grumbled, "You always get held up by something when you go to get food."

Arthur scowled, "Which one?"

"The one I left on my desk."

Arthur quickly got the book and handed it to Merlin before heading to the door, "Now stay in bed!"

"Mmhm." Merlin mumbled something and Arthur glared back at him as the warlock flipped through the pages. Merlin glanced up to find the king scowling at him and sighed, "Fine! For now anyway."

Arthur headed out the door and ran straight into Gwaine who appeared to be carrying Merlin's bag. "Hey Princess! Is Merlin alright? Sorry I got a bit side tracked talking to Percival. Took long enough just to get him to wake up."

"He's fine, in my room and awake if you want to talk to him. I'm going to get him some food." Arthur said as he righted himself. 

Gwaine peered at Arthur, "Did you yell at him for getting hurt again?"

"No!" Arthur cried indignantly. 

"Hm. You should have. Go get him some food, I'll keep him company."

Arthur started off down the hall, "Make sure he stays in bed!" He called to the knight. 


Arthur came back to find Gwaine laughing about something while Merlin was trying not to laugh in an apparent effort from hurting himself. Arthur set the tray off food he'd gotten from the cook down on the bed, "What are you two laughing about?"

"Oh nothing. Except that I can't get over the fact that Percy can actually use magic." Gwaine said, taking a deep breath so he could stop laughing. "It's just so strange. He's like a big dog. Happy all the time and very loyal but you just can't seem him being dangerous until someone threatens his friends."

Arthur frowned and Merlin coughed, "I'm gonna tell him you said that." He muttered, trying not to sound amused and failing.

"Hey! I meant it in a good way!" Gwaine complained. Arthur rolled his eyes and handed an apple to Merlin as he sat cross legged on the free side of the bed. Gwaine had set Merlin's things down on Merlin's chair and had taken Arthur's chair so it was really one of the only places to sit now.

Merlin began munching on the apple while listening to Gwaine talk about the weeks he'd been away. Occasionally he'd ask a question but he mainly just listened to everything that the knight had to tell him. Gwaine mentioned Arthur's foul mood which earned him a glare and a laugh from Merlin who called him a prat for dragging everyone down with him just cause he was in a bad mood. 

Gwaine apparently had gotten kicked out of the tavern, again, and was told not to come back for a month. Arthur sat listening, eating the sausages he'd snatched from the kitchen. He'd used the trip to the kitchen as a way to inform George that he was no longer needed. Thank goodness.

When Gwaine and Merlin finished catching up Gwaine the knight head towards the door but paused glancing back at Arthur and just smiling that mischievous smile that Arthur recognized as his 'I know something that you don't want me to' smile. Or his 'i know something hilarious' smile. Arthur wasn't quite sure if they were different. Arthur scowled at him and the knight ducked out the door before Merlin could notice.

Arthur turned back to Merlin, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot." Merlin grumbled. "I'm fine." He told Arthur after seeing the look the king was giving him.

Arthur sighed, "Alright, alright. I leave you alone." He said and looked at Merlin's things in his chair, "So did Gwaine get all your stuff?"

"Yeah." Merlin lifted his head and flicked his hand to his bag floated towards him. Arthur started to protest but was cut off by Merlin, "If I can't move then I'm going to use my magic thank you very much."

Arthur paused and sighed but didn't say anything. Merlin attempted to get the bag open but it was too awkward lying down. He looked to Arthur, "Can you help me sit up?" He said, clearly frustrated.

Arthur scooted over and helped Merlin sit up and lean back against the headboard. "Better?"

"Yeah." Merlin started pulling things out of his bag. He handed several papers to Arthur. These are lists of locations and objectives that Heldin had told Merlin about while talking to him. 

Arthur scanned the page, "You got him to tell you all this?"

Merlin shifted pushing at the pillows so he was more comfortable, "I'm a good actor and I know how to tell good lies."

"Merlin you're horrible at lying."

Merlin raised his eye brows, "But I'm rather good at telling the truth. And honestly, If I told someone that my father was driven from Camelot, died after deciding to help, and was betrayed by the king wouldn't you see how that would pretty throughly convince them?"

Arthur swallowed, "Point taken." He said. He felt a little guilty though he knew that wasn't what Merlin was getting at.

Merlin leaned back, "Heldin wasn't quick to trust me. I'm honestly surprised I pulled it off."

Arthur moved so he was sitting right next to Merlin so they could both see the pages, "So he's planning to attack once he feels he has strong enough magic to get through the walls? Has he not heard about the dragons?"

"He thinks it's only four baby dragons." Merlin laughed. "He's not going to be happy when he finds out."

"No, I wouldn't think so." Arthur agreed.

Merlin tapped one spot on the paper, "I think of you could manage to get Heldin out of the picture you wouldn't have much to worry about. The problem is he seems to be protected by some shield. I couldn't get within three feet of him and he said it would take a special type of weapon to break it."

"Any idea on the type of weapon?" Arthur asked curiously.

Merlin sighed, "Excalibur would probably work. It can't be effected by magic so it'd probably go right through."

Arthur frowned, "So pretty much it's the perfect weapon if you want to get through magic shields and such."

Merlin nodded, "Precisely. Anyway, I believe that if you could manage to get Heldin to stop leading everyone the whole group would fall apart. They are dependent on his seeming invincibility. It's what keeping them united and with the hope that they could succeed."

Arthur looked over at Merlin and gestured to his bandages, "And how exactly do you suggest we do that without getting hurt?"

Merlin shrugged, "Good question."

"Very helpful Merlin." Arthur grumbled.

"That's what I'm here for." The warlock rolled his eyes. The two of them just stared at each other for a while before Merlin finally asked, "So what now?"

Arthur gently poked Merlin's shoulder, "Now you are going to rest until that wound is healed up and let other people worry about this." He turned where he was sitting so he was facing Merlin. "Merlin. You know I'm not good about being up front with how I feel but I really, really, do not want to mess this up." He said looking Merlin in the face with a stern gaze. He didn't miss how the warlock's ears flared red or the slight twitch of his lips. Merlin nodded and Arthur continued, "And I really hate you being hurt because of me."

Merlin scowled at that, "You idiot. I'm not getting hurt because of you so you don't have to worry about that." 

Arthur sighed, "Either way, I just want to know you're safe."

Merlin looked away and didn't speak for a long moment. When he finally took a deep breath he didn't look back to Arthur. "Do you remember what I said before? Two sides of the same coin. I'm always as safe as you are Arthur. You may worry about me but you have to realize that I get just how much you worry. Maybe more so." His gaze shifted back to Arthur, "You know I really, really wanted to hate you when we first met."

"I can understand that." Arthur admitted, "What changed?"

"We did." Merlin said, "It seems we're good influences on the other."

"I was worried you didn't..." Arthur trailed off not knowing how exactly to continue. Merlin just chuckled, "Me neither. Caught me surprise you did." He seemed a little uncertain which was something that Arthur found rather funny. The warlock tended to act confident almost as much as he now a-days  did so seeing him unsure was certainly different.

Arthur stared at him before leaning in and kissing him. Unlike before it was slow and not rushed. Merlin didn't seem to mind and kissed right back, letting Arthur lead, hesitantly placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder. Arthur only stopped when he heard a slight popping noise, pulling back reluctantly to look at a candle that had seeming burst into flame. He raised an eyebrow at Merlin who noticeably blushed, "Sorry." he muttered and ducked his head. 

Arthur laughed and shook his head, "When this is all over, you are taking a break and not working on anything."

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Like that'll happen. In case you haven't noticed I don't do breaks. I just keep working on something."

Arthur moved his hand to cradle the back of Merlin's head and pull him into another kiss. The warlock smiled slightly but pushed Arthur back, "Hold on a moment. I've got more to tell you. We can get back to that later."

Arthur pouted and Merlin just smirked, "Or not at all." he threatened.

"Alright! Alright!" Arthur exclaimed.

"That's what I thought." Merlin let Arthur get comfortable next to him before leaning into his shoulder. The king shifted, one arm going protectively around the warlock.


"Yes Arthur?"

"I want you to always be you." The king said slowly. "I don't want you to change."

"Well I don't think I'm going anywhere for a while. So i don't think that'll happen." Merlin said quietly. "So lets just get this mess sorted, then we can worry about the rest of our lives. Alright?"

"Quite alright."



I just want to give a quick thank you to EVERYONE reading this. I really appreciate everyones comments and votes. Some you you guys are hilarious and I'm really enjoying reading your comments/conversations with each other. The number of reads on here is incredible guys! Thanks so much. I really hope you all are liking the story and please feel free to give feedback if there is something I can do better.

Also a thanks to one of my readers, who shall remain anonymous, for telling me to watch Sherlock. I finished it in one day and it's probably one of my favorite shows of all time. (Hence the mixed up quote/meme at the top).

I think seeing as I've posted like three times this week and I'm on break as of today I won't post for about a week and a half. Unless I get bored and go one another writing tangent at midnight again. 

Thank you to everyone and I wish you well.

~Low Key

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