Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings...

By Kitchenator

9.6K 372 26

Welcome to book 2! Requests are currently closed. The only rights I hold are of my own character creations, a... More

Haldir ~ Battlefield
Bofur ~ Blank
Aragorn ~ End
Dwalin ~ Awkward Greetings
Haldir ~ Perfect Morning
Fili ~ This Is How It Should Be
Messy But Beautiful
Thorin ~ We're Here Together

Beorn ~ Slowly

2.6K 56 5
By Kitchenator

Request by Winter_lovin

At first, the blade in your leg didn't entirely register, but as the orc pulled it out, you roared in pain, managing to kill it before collapsing, blood pooling forth.

You swallowed hard and fought to focus, tearing at any material you see to tie it off, eye's watching the battle and fire around you.

The risks had meant so little to you back then, something that seemed so far away, you hardly thought about, but struggling back to your feet now, in was sinking in like a heavy stone.

You were lucky in a sense, that it had been the last orc near you, but you could still see the other struggling and wanted to help, but a shakey step forward, using your weapon as support, was almost too much.

A warg was coming for you, teeth bared and you tried to brace yourself as much as you could.

The blow hurt, fire roaring through your leg as you buckled, barely holding onto consciousness as you fought off the warg.

You don't think you had ever cried in relief before, but as an eagle swooped in and saved you, that was exactly what you started to do.  It didn't matter in that moment if you were afraid of heights, or even if you enjoying the sensation of flying, all that mattered was the broken sobs, glad that no one could hear, as you clutched your leg, trying to get the pain under control.

Adrenaline kept you moving as the eagles landed, Oin having long enough to bandage it more effectively than what you had on the field, before the treacherous trip down began.

The other's quickly realised that you were going to be very unsteady, so you got stuck in between Dwalin and Bombur, both ready to help if you slipped or your leg buckled.

You felt nauseous by the time you reached the bottom, but you waved off any concern.

You couldn't stop now, leg injury or no.

You were surprised when one of them handed you a makeshift crutch, concern in their gaze, but you were relieved to find it helped. It wasn't comfortable, but it helped.

Then you had to run.

Weak and strained, you wheezed as you run, trying to keep your body in your control even as terror flooded it at the sound of a roar and the clear sounds of orcs on your trail. The crutch being no good for running, you threw it away and fought to keep up with the others.

The house would have been a relief had you not been in so much pain, almost instantly collapsing against a wall, face incredibly pale as you breathed hard, barely registering the large bear trying to get inside, roaring at everyone as they pushed it back.

Oin had been first at your side, quickly looking you over and seeing the tremble in your body and calling for help with trying to keep you down as he looked at your leg.

He didn't need to bother though as you finally collapsed, it all being too much.

"She needs to rest, master dwarf, the healing skills of my people may be a little lost, but that does not mean I do not understand. There will be no walking on that leg for a while, and while I know you are reluctant, she is safest here."

You stirred at the sound of the voice, one you didn't recognise but you found oddly soothing.

"Beorn, we thank you for your hospitality and help, but we cannot possibly just leave her here, it would be over stepping our bounds and-"

Oin was cut off. "You are not for I have offered. She will need help and rest over the coming weeks and continuing along your current journey is certainly not going to allow that. She will be lucky to keep her leg if she does that."

This made you open your eyes and you blinked in the light, sunlight streaming in through the window and you found yourself oddly comfortable, it slowly dawning on you that you were on a rather large bed.

You sat up, a little stunned and stared at Oin and a rather large man that you assumed must be Beorn.

Oin smiles. "Finally Y/N, how are you feeling?"

You frown a little, looking down at yourself, finding your leg heavily bandaged and it came back to you what had happened. After what was said, you wiggled your toes, just to make sure that it was all still working.

"Okay," Your voice was a little hoarse. "I think."

Oin looks at Beorn. "See, she will be fine, she's stronger than what you give her credit for."

Beorn glanced at Oin before locking his gaze on you, something that made you swallow, recognising the fierceness that this man could behold and yet, also seeing his gentleness. "If you feel up to it, try and stand."

You looked at your leg again before staring at the side of the bed and shuffling carefully over. Slowly, you lowered yourself to the floor, testing your feet on the ground you allowed yourself to apply more and more pressure until you were fully standing.

It didn't last long though, pain bolting up your leg and you had to quickly take the pressure off.

Beorn nods. "She can hardly stand, let alone walk master dwarf, she will be safe here, it'll be quite alright."

Reluctantly, and after much talking from Beorn and Gandalf, it was agreed to leave you behind. You didn't like it, not in the slightest, but you also knew that you would be more of a hindrance than a help should you continue.

You watched them go with a feeling of apprehension in your stomach, Beorn promising to return quickly.

You still couldn't quite believe, injured or not, that you'd agreed to be left behind with a stranger.

Beorn was true to his word, returning with his horses and coming and ensuring that you were alright.

It took a little while to get used to Beorn, it wasn't that he wasn't friendly and took good care of you, but it was always in the back of your mind that he had the capable to turn into a bear should he so desire. He understood your caution, but it never stopped him from being civil.

Slowly, even with what your friends were going through in the back of your mind, Beorn got you standing and then walking again, admittingly with a bad limp for a while, but he seemed to always be there if you slipped or your leg gave out.

It made for more than a few awkward moments.

"Beorn?" You asked one evening as the two of you sat and ate together, something part of a regular routine that the two of you had built up. He didn't answer, just looking at you expectantly. "Why did you let me stay?"

He gave his head a curious tilt. "Why do you ask?"

"Well..." You didn't want to offend the skin changer, but this had been nagging you for a while. "I mean, from what I've seen of you, you like the quiet and you like your privacy. I can't imagine having me here is easy for you."

"On the contrary little one," You weren't entirely sure when the nick name had come about, but you weren't about to argue with it. "It has been nice to have agreeable company."

This made you smile, giving a small laugh.  "While I'm sure it has, it doesn't answer my question."

Beorn stares at you for a moment longer before looking away.  "I could hardly allow you to travel like that, as I said to your friends to begin with." His gaze returns to yours.  "You cannot say that you haven't enjoyed it here?"

You nodded slowly.  "Of course, the quiet has actually, well, been nice.  I'm used to noise and people, and I think it's honestly been better for my healing than anything else ever has been."

He smiles.  "You have time to focus on regaining your strength here little one, and while you certainly still have a bit to go, you are more than welcome to stay as long as you like."

You felt your cheeks heat up a little at this, nodding in thanks as an almost awkward silence fell between the two of you, continuing your meals in silence.

Then word came from Radagast about impending battle, asking for help.  You were just about ready to jump back in and help, when Beorn stopped you.

"You must stay here," He said, rather firmly.  "You are not ready."

"Beorn, these are my friends, I cannot just-"

"Your leg is still healing."

"I can manage."


You froze at his gaze, fear, concern and warning fighting to win behind his eyes.

"Beorn..." Your voice came out quiet, almost timid.  "If I can't go, you can't go."

A small smile tugs at his lips as he bends and kisses the top of your head.  "That is for me to worry about Y/N.  You will be safe here.  I will return as quick as I can."

Before anything else could be said, Beorn shifts into his bear form, something he'd never done front of you before, and took.

Your feet carried you a few steps forward before you stopped, hand out stretched, heart hammering, words lost in your throat.

A million thoughts raced through your mind, thinking about what you should do, what could happen to him and what was going to happen to your friends.  Without warning, you felt tears begin to prick at your eyes as you went forward a few more steps, your leg buckling.

You let yourself sit there until it got dark, keeping hope that he would come back, even though you knew that a battle would take time.

It was only because of the cold that you dragged yourself inside, getting the fire going and slowly easing the shake in your hands.

It didn't make sense to you, you couldn't eat, almost sick with worry about what could happen, but you couldn't understand why.  You knew about the risks of battle, that friends could easily be lost, could be hurt, was it simply because you weren't there?

Your thoughts went to Beorn, staring at where he usually sat in the evenings by the fire.  Most of the time, the of you would share comfortable silence, although occassionally he would answer questions about himself and his people, should you ask, and then you would answer his questions in return.

You fell asleep there in front of the fire that night, curled up uncomfortably on the chair.

The next day, you figured there was no point in moping, that you should really continue with the tasks that you watched Beorn do everyday, but he wouldn't let you help with.

It was exhausting and you kept having to be careful of your leg, but the animals were calm around you, which made it easier, even if you were a little unsure of what you were doing.

That night, without even thinking, exhausted at you were, you found yourself curling up in Beorn's bed, quickly falling asleep.

Your routine continued like this for some time, using the tasks to keep your mind well away from what could be happening.  The morning a red sun rose, you made sure that you threw yourself into work that day, panic threatening to eat away at you.

By nightfall, you could no longer control the tears.

Days ticked by and there was nothing more that you wanted than for Beorn to return, partly for news and partly  because you desperately wanted to see that he was alright.

Again, you found yourself buried in his bed, blankets wrapped tightly around you and crying yourself to sleep again, the stress eating away at you.

Something made you stir a little while later and you whimpered a little, feeling the cold, before warmth surrounded you.

You drew in a sharp breath, eyes fluttering open in the dark.  "Beorn?"

There is a low growl and you feel yourself pulled closer against him, your back to his chest, as he nuzzles into your neck.

"What are you doing in my bed little one?" He grumbles.

You shiver.  "I missed you..."

There is another low growl before he rolls you over so you could meet his eyes.

"Y/N..."  Beorn brushes your hair away from your face.  "You did not have to fret for me."

You break away from his gaze and imstantly gasp, healing wounds along his chest.  "Clearly I did."

He grabs your hands as you go to touch them, holding them quickly to his cheeks and closimg his eyes.  "They are mostly healed."

Your thumb strokes his cheek.  "Beorn..."

He looks at you again, his gaze gentle, and for a moment, you didn't want to call it for what it was, of what had happened between the two of you as he looked after you and you had got to know the skin changer.

"I-" You went to speak, but Beorn stopped you with a gentle kiss, one that was almost as hesitant as it was wanting.

He pulled away and you smile at him, making him smile back.

"You are tired Y/N," Beorn settles next to you again and pulls you close, letting you buryong against his chest.  "We can speak more in the morning."

Surrounded by warmth, comfort and safety, you didn't so much as argue as you fell back asleep with a smile on your lips.

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