Novel or New Boy?

By LuvBooksGal

1.1K 41 41

Melanie Taylor is a nerd and funny, semi-popular teen at the same time; sometimes shes in the spotlight, but... More

Novel or New Boy? Ch 1
Novel or New Boy? Ch 3

Novel or New Boy? Ch 2

335 12 14
By LuvBooksGal

Hey there!!! Thanks everybody for reading chapter one, I never expected to get on the whats hot list! I might not always be able to upload quickly, but bear with me people, I won't leave it until I'm done... now don't forget to...




Just to let you know, you guys narrowly escaped a cliffie!!! I was going to, but then I thought about how I always get mad at people who do that, so I cut you some slack. But be warned! If I get any evil comments, watch out!!! MWAHAHAHAHA Lol, ok, sinister laugh over! =)

Lastly, I have a shout out for XOJAKE4EVEROX, who just happens to be a great writer and one of my favorite fans!! Please read her story, "A Summer Like No Other" when you can, because she should have more fans to enjoy her fantastic first story, and you people don't want to let either of us down, do you? That's what I thought! Well, now I'm done talking, you are free to read... =D


Melanie's POV


The girl slowly crept towards the door, reaching out for the handle, and just as she began to turn it heard -

"What are you DOING up there?!"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I lost my balance on the wall and free fell towards the ground on the wrong side, landing with a THUMP on surprising soft ground... wait a minute... WHY WAS THE GROUND MOANING?

"GET OFF ME!!!" The "ground" said. Or rather, the murderous-looking guy separating me from the ground. "Oops." I mumbled, scrambling off of his chest, and gingerly helping him stand up.

As he stood up and glared down at me, I was hit by how gorgeous he was. His deep blue eyes (still staring me down), dark brown hair, and lean, muscular body erased what few, haphazard thoughts were still in my mind. He immediately passed up Taylor Lautner on the scale of hotness. Quickly staring at the ground to gather my jumbled thoughts, I heard him say, in a more calm voice than before, "Who are you?"

I gulped and replied shakily, "M-Melanie Taylor, I live in the house over the wall I, uh, fell off of." I glanced at him again and quickly apologized before I lost my nerve. "I'm really sorry I, um, fell on you. I usually sit up there to read, since this property has been unoccupied for a long time, until now obviously," I explained hurriedly, glancing at the house behind me, clearly moved into now that I bothered to look, "and you scared me out of my wits, which is why I fell off and screamed, and-"

"OK, OK, I get it," he cut my nervous ramblings off, and ran a hand through his long-ish hair. "I'm sorry I scared you, I'm Jake Peterson." He stuck out a hand and I shook it, my hand lost in his grip. I quickly removed my hand before I passed out, and bit my lip nervously before saying awkwardly, "Sooo... what grade are you in?" I winced at how random that was, and was surprised when he said "Sophmore. I'll be attending Pearson High School. You?" I had thought he was a senior, or a junior at the very least. I snapped out of my contemplations on exactly why I thought he was older than me to answer, "Same. Well, I better go find my book..." I said as a clear attempt to escape him. He nodded and said, "See you at school," before leaving me to figure out a way to get back over the wall, since there were no trees on this side. I muttered "inconsiderate jerk" once he was gone and quickly devised a plan to get back to my yard. I grabbed a branch from my yard's tree that hung over this yard, and swung on it until I could land my feet on top of the wall. I slowly slid forwards until my knees bent over the wall before releasing my grip on the branch. Without a pause, I slid the remainder of my body over the barrier and fell to the ground, landing crouched on my knees. I stood up and brushed off my clothes.

I may be a bookworm, and actually quite klutzy in some circumstances, (especially involving stairs) but that doesn't mean im uncoordinated all the time. I'm a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, have participated in track every year since 7th grade, and have a decent talent for basketball. You would think that with all those attributes I'd be the most sought after girl in school, but my geekiness and habit of flying headfirst down flights of stairs apparently overruled those things...

[A/N: I actually am a 1st degree black belt in TKD, but will be a 2nd or 3rd by 10th grade. I'm going out for track next year, and I do play a bit of basketball, though I'm not great at the moment. Now carry on. :) ]

As I looked around my yard, checking for any witnesses, I remembered my book. Slapping my forehead, I began searching for it on my side of the yard, hoping it wasn't over the wall. Thankfully, I saw it in one piece among the roots of the tree. Sighing in relief, I picked it up and decided I had had enough excitement for one afternoon. It was time for me to interrogate my mom on the Petersons and watch some good old TV!

Jake's POV [YAY!]


I watched in admiration through my kitchen window as Melanie swung her slender body over the stone wall. Sighing, I turned around to meet the wide green eyes of my 9 year old brother, Trey. "Who was THAT?" he asked in childish surprise. I rolled my eyes and replied, "A neighbor. Her name is Melanie Taylor." Trey nodded solemnly, and just when I thought he was going to start singing 'Jake's got a girlfriend, Jake's got a girlfriend', he said, "Ok," and walked over to the fridge. I stared at him for a moment, wondering when he got so mature. Shrugging it off, I wandered up to my room.

As I opened my door into my poster-plastered room, I caught a glimpse of Melanie sliding the glass door of her house closed as she entered. Seeing her again brought back the muddled train of thought that I had been on before bumping into my brother. I sat on my bed and thought about the only girl I knew in this town. I started grinning when I remembered her falling off the wall, screaming like a banshee. Then I rubbed my back and scowled for a moment before thinking back again.

I had just finished putting up the last poster in my room when I saw a teenage girl sitting on the wall around my family's property. I had stared at her for a moment before walking down the stairs, through the kitchen, and into my new backyard. I winced when I remembered how harsh I sounded when I asked her what she was doing. That brought me back to the spectacular fall and scream, with her ending up on top of my chest. After I groaned and yelled at her a bit, she blushingly helped me up... and I saw her clearly.

I had dated quite a few girls, and she was more unique than any of them. She was embarrassed at the moment, but I somehow knew that she wasn't normally silent. She seemed... quiet, in a way, in her posture, though that could have been the aforesaid embarrassment, but also energetic. I had always excelled at reading people, and she was no exception. Only after I thought of all those things was I struck by her looks. Smooth, shoulder-length brown hair surrounded her somewhat round face, and extremely dark brown eyes looked back at me. She was exceptionally tall, only a few inches shorter than I, and had a general build of a gymnast, with a fairly slim body, hinting at remarkably strong muscles. I was swept away, but only by the outside and the things I had been able to pick up on. For all I knew, she could be a mean brat without a brain. But I seriously doubted that.

Startled out of my reverie by a knock on my door, I jumped up as my door swung open and revealed my mom. She smiled at me over the pile of laundry she carried, and I automatically smiled back. Setting down her load on my bed and exiting the room, she called over her shoulder, "Dinner should be ready in twenty minutes, Jake. And I hope you're planning on studying tonight. Your first day of school is tomorrow. Bus comes at 6:55, and it picks you up at the end of the street, so get up early."

I groaned and flopped back on my bed. School. I would soon be ogled at from every angle, just because I was coming in halfway through the school year. This should be fun. Then I remembered Melanie, and I smiled widely. Actually, school might be fun after all.


So what did you think??? Was it bad, good, amazing? I'm sorry if I didn't do very well for Jake's POV, because I don't know how guys think, really. But I hope you guys liked it anyways, because I had a good time writing it! How do think their first school day together will go? Any ideas would be great, cause I've got nothing! Well, some, but not much... anyways! Please, please, PLEASE vote, comment, and fan, because I will be forever happy if you do! Or at least until the next chapter! Lol, well, I better go now, because its really late. The things I do for you people... well, me really, but same difference! See ya next chapter, and I'll gladly answer any questions you have! Bye now! :) Adios!!

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