Magic Revealed

By KindredCoffee

602K 22.1K 9.1K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... More

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Stuff To Do
Returning Home
Shut Up Gwaine
Thank You For Everything
Creating and Maintaining
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Quite Alright
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I

Short and Sweet

9.9K 442 233
By KindredCoffee

Arthur had been in his rooms when Gwen had burst in, "Arthur! Morgana just got a letter from Mordred. He says they'll be back soon. Merlin was injured last night and so they rode all through the night so he could get back this morning."

Arthur was on his feet in an instant and headed out the door with Gwen. "Did he say how he was injured?"

"Poison arrow k think it said? I rushed down here to let you know." Gwen explained.

Arthur got to the court yard and stood on the steps with Gwen by his side. It was early morning, the sun barely in the sky. The only reason he'd already been up and dressed was because he had been having trouble sleeping and decided to go on a walk after waking up for the third time.

It was about and hour later that he heard the sound of hooves on cobblestone. Three horses came into the court yard. Arthur immediately started toward them, telling Gwen to inform Gaius that he would been needed in his chambers when he saw Merlin slumped over the back of his horse. As soon as they came to a stop Percival and Mordred we're getting off their horse and helping the king get the warlock off the horse.

"How long?"

"We got attacked at midnight last night." Mordred quickly explained as Arthur gently took Merlin completely into his arms and they started off toward the castle, leaving the guard by the door to take care of the horses.

"You two look dead on your feet. Go get some rest. I'll make sure Merlin is taken care of. That's and order Percival." The big knight scowled but nodded.

Mordred nodded as well, "Tell Gaius that I believe it's Singen Poison."

Arthur managed to get Merlin to his rooms and layed him down on his bed. A few minutes later Gaius appeared with not only Gwen but Morgana as well.

"Morning Sire." He said briskly. He quickly pulled up Merlin's shirt and cut off the bandages with practiced hands. He studied the wound and Arthur remembered what Mordred had told him.

"Mordred said he thinks it's Singen poison." He informed the physician.

Gaius grimaged and nodded, "He is correct. It explains the marking around the wounds." He  gestured to blue  splotches on Merlin's skin. Ill have to make the antidote. For now give him a drop of this in water every hour until I come back." He handed Arthur a small vial.

He then turned to Gwen, "Do you think you could come get new bandages my dear? And Lady Morgana I may need an extra pair of hands with the antidote."

"Of course Gaius." Morgana nodded and the three of them disappeared out the door. Arthur grabbed a goblet of water from his table and put a drop of the liquid Gaius had given him into the water. He gently opened Merlin's mouth and held his head steady as he poured it slowly into his mouth. The warlock seemed to have a fever and was clammy to the touch.

Merin spluttered slightly but swallowed it down. Arthur scowled and sat on the edge of the bed, "I tell you not to get yourself into trouble and look what you do." He muttered.

A couple minutes later Gwen reappeared, arms full of bandages, "Can you bind the wound?" She asked Arthur hastily. "Gaius said that I should get some cold water to try to keep his temperature down."

"Right." Arthur took the bandages. He knew enough about wounds and had gotten injured enough times to know how to bind a wound.

Gwen left to go get a bucket of water and Arthur began binding the wound.


The king looked up in surprise to find Merlin looking at him from tired eyes, "You're awake!"

"I don't remember falling asleep." Merlin said. "Singen poison. Mordred said it was Singen poison."

"Gaius said that as well. He and Morgana are fixing up and antidote right now."

"It'll take a long time." Merlin mumbled as Arthur finished bandaging his side. "Probably why he had you bandage it instead of doing.... It himself." He took a deep breath, "Really tired."

Arthur grimaced as Merlin winced in pain as he tried getting comfortable. "Try not to move too much." He told the warlock.

"I know that." Merlin said, "But I need my things. I wrote down everything that I learned from-"

"It can wait Merlin." Arthur said, "I thought I told you to stop getting hurt!"

Merlin smiled weakly, "When do I ever listen Arthur."

Arthur groaned and moved on the bed so he was next to Merlin, "King's orders. I told you to come back safe."

"I'm dying not in danger." Merlin huffed and then grimaced in pain.

"What does the poison do?"

"Shuts down all your organs. Slow death by heart failure eventually. Don't worry it won't kill me. At least permanently that is. I don't think. I'm not totally sure."

Arthur took a deep shuddering breath, "You are not allowed to even come close to dying Merlin."

"Well I just guess I should hope Gaius has everything he needs for the antidote." Merlin laughed half heartedly. He saw the look on Arthur's face and frowned. "Hey. What's wrong? Arthur? I'm not going to die. I promise."

Arthur was shaking slightly and Merlin gritted his teeth as he pushed himself up into a sitting position despite Arthur's protests. "What's wrong?"

Arthur swallowed, "Merlin... I can't- I don't know-"

Merlin looked completely baffled. For once Arthur couldn't seem to explain himself. "Are you alright Arthur? I've never seen you like thi- mhm!" He was cut off in apparently the only way Arthur seemed to be able to express why he was so upset. Apparently his solution to his inability to explain his feelings was to just show them.

Merlin tensed slightly a the kiss. He was completely disoriented and wondered if he was actually still asleep and the poison had gotten to his brain a little faster than it was supposed to. Then he relaxed, realizing it was just so Arthur to resort to showing his feelings instead of using words and that there was no way that this could be a dream because it just felt so real.

Arthur pulled back and looked Merlin in the face and the warlock could see every emotion written on the king's face: worry, fear, apprehension, and then over it all hope.

Merlin took a deep breath. "You would choose now to tell me." He said quietly. And kissed Arthur gently. He might have kept going but the pain in his side flared up and Arthur immediately noticed and forced him to lay down.

"Merlin...." He said slowly, his voice showing just how nervous he was, "Please I don't know how to-"

"I know." Merlin mumbled. His eyes heavy as he looked up at the blond. "But I'm not going anywhere."

Arthur smiled looking relieved, "Good."

Gwen hurried back in the room with a bucket of water, "Sorry I took so- You're awake!" Merlin turned his head to look at Gwen.

"Yeah. It's that cold water?"

"Yes." Gwen nodded as she brought it over.

"But I'm already freezing."

"Merlin, you have a fever." Gwen said sternly, "We need to cool you down."


"No buts!" Gwen said and soaked a rag and handed it to Arthur, "Make sure he keeps this on his forehead. I'm going to go see if Gaius needs any more help."

"Thank you Gwen." Arthur said as she left.

Merlin sighed, "You're going to force me to leave it aren't you?"

"Smart." Arthur said and placed the rag on the warlock forehead. "And you're going to leave it until Gaius says you don't need it anymore."

Merlin scowled, "I'm freezing, tired but can't sleep, injured and poisoned. Can we just lay off on the-"

"Merls keep the damn rag on your face." Arthur grumbled, "Or I'll dump the whole bucket in you."

"I'm not changing the sheets." Merlin mumbled he stopped complaining when Arthur took his hand. "Alright. I'll leave it." He grumbled.

Arthur leaned forward and gave him a kiss, short and sweet. "Thank you."

"You're an ass. You know that, right?"

"Merlin." Arthur groaned.

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