The Prophesied Spirit (Book I...

By The_Dark_Warlock

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Highest rank so far : 58 in Sorcery ; 195 in Mythology ; 249 in Paranormal # The Global Awards 2018 (Winner... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 : The Beginning
Chapter 2 : Sudden Attack!
Chapter 3 : Angel In Town
Chapter 4 : Missing or Stolen?
Chapter 5 : A Drastic Turn
Chapter 6 : Forneous
Chapter 7 : The Unfathomable Date
Chapter 8 : Betrayal
Chapter 9 : The Unveiling I
Author's Note :
Chapter 10 : The Unveiling II
Chapter 11 : A Turn Again
Chapter 12 : The Truth Behind The Truth
Chapter 13 : The Evil Jane
Chapter 14 : End Of The Evil Jane & Mystery Revealed
Chapter 15 : Tremendous Escapade
Chapter 16 : The Hidden Mystery
Chapter 17 : Destiny Begins
Chapter 18 : The Plot
Chapter 20 : The Castle II
Chapter 21 : The Dead Prince & The Maze
Chapter 22 : The Maze Life
Chapter 23 : The 1st Gem
A/N : Moment Of Truth
Chapter 24 : A Great Loss
Chapter 25 : Secret Of The Mark
Intro of Book 2
The Crystals Series

Chapter 19 : The Castle I

30 13 4
By The_Dark_Warlock

Angelia's POV :

Apparently at that fucking time, Abe's idea seemed perfect and we split in different directions. I, losing no time, went by myself and after passing through a bunch of ignorant old people, could be now stated as safe, dispersed among the ladies.

I took out some spiecig dust out of my handbag and sprinkled it on my face to change my appearance, but only temporarily. I hadn't any slightest idea of what had happened to my friends. Being an werewolf is really an asset in these times. I hurriedly moved to the jungle nearby and howled for the wolves. Within moments, they came to me and I instructed them to look for my friends. Sitting there, I kept wandering about life with my eyes fixed on the charming sky and my ears on the sweet charming chirping of birds. Breaking my thoughts, one of them came back informing me that my worst fears have been realised. Colin and Jules have been captured and taken to the old Castle. Ace tried to save them but didn't return and there's no news of Mary. Lord knows what happened to Abe and Jane.

I immediately decided not to waste a single moment but to devise a plan to save my friends from our unknown enemies. I call upon five wolves that seemed very trustworthy and asked one to go and get a soldier. Half an hour had passed since he went but didn't return.

Hardly had I decided to send another to get him when my fellow returned with a dead soldier. As his reward, I allowed him to feast upon the soldier as well as the other wolves there, but of course after my best fellow had done. " Each of you will get more rewards, even for your families if you do your job correctly ", I whispered in their ears while cuddling them in my arms. They howled with happiness and the birds flew away in the sky creating a mesmerising view.

I, on the other hand, had removed the soldier's clothes before, and shocking my wolf friends nearly to make them run away, sprinkled some spiecig dust again to make me look exactly like the soldier. I took his clothes in my hands and instructed them to look away but the stupid guys were too scared to do that. I went behind a tree and changing my clothes in a jiffy, I shared my plan with my new cronies. It was a small pack of only five wolves. I instructed the alpha to stay with me and the beta to lead others. We went towards the castle through the jungle way and eventually reached the main door way.

I signaled the beta and he, along with the others attacked the guards creating a diversion for us to swiftly pass. Wasting no time, we entered the castle but lo! It was a dead end! What the heck! I thought to myself and tried to make something out of it, but in vain. It didn't make any sense.

I had to act fast and so, hid ourselves quick. One of the guards, half dead, came inside and and chanted something that made a door visible. On my signal, the alpha killed him and signaled his pack to leave. If the had waited, I wouldn't have been able to save their lives. Fortunately, I was in disguise and mustering some courage, I pushed open the entrance, but was blocked surprisingly by some other guards.

It'd be a lie if I say that I wasn't scared half to death already but I managed to handle myself. Hiding my nervousness, I said, '' Quick! Some wolves attacked our guards. We gotta save them. " They hurriedly ran towards the gate and just as I tried to move forward, the halted me from my back and one of them said, " Stop! Who are you? Don't lie. We know you ain't ol' Jack. "

Sensing danger, my friend started howling from their back and hardly did they turn around when I sprinkled the lynx water on them making them fall on the ground unconscious. I instructed my friend to join his pack and I'll call them when I return. I, then moved swiftly along the hallway, avoiding the notice of the soldiers within.

All on a sudden, some soldiers came towards my direction, running, and I quickly hid myself behind a curtain. Thankfully, the soldiers left without noticing me. " What was that? ", I thought in my head but brushed all the shits off. I was still hiding when my hand felt something like a door knob. I turned to see what it was but only to discover a secret passageway.

Though my first destination was the prison room, but curiosity led me through the newly discovered passage. I just can't figure why I had so much affinity towards dangers and adventures. I just can't resist. The passage was short as well as narrow. For my comfort, I kept crawling instead of walking. Have to mention, the passage was so damn long and it was so hot that I started to curse myself for following this path.

To my utmost happiness, it was finally over but unfortunately, I was stuck there. No, not like that. I was stuck as I heard noises on the other side and feared getting caught. Once again, I compose my spirit and mustering courage, moved forward. I felt another curtain with my hand. Slightly asiding the curtain, I peeped to see what was going on and to my heart striking surprise, it was the courtroom, and guess what, my friends sitting on Royal Chairs. Damn those lucky bastards!

I came out as swiftly as possible. Oh did I forget to mention? Jenny had given me a spell that would make anyone invisible! Shit! Why didn't I recall it before. I quickly took it out of my purse but curse myself! It fell! I was now the centre of attention and the King like figure yelled with annoyance, '' Hey! What do you think you're doing here? " I try to apologise and before he could say something more, I took the stone in my hand and ran away. " It's better not to reveal myself, I decided mentally and made myself invisible. As foolish as I could be, I went inside again.

The King had summoned some guards and sent them to look for me. All I could do was to let out a sigh of relief. My heart was still beating like a damn engine! I wondered of anyone heard that. There were Ace, Colin and Jules only. " Stupid Abe! All these misunderstandings about the soldiers brought me in this condition ", I kept on thinking and cursing him.

Abe's POV :

The soldiers had captured Mary and now surrounded us. " Where's Ace? ", I asked but Mary only shook her head, crying. " Come on, you pigs! You shouldn't have trespassed the kingdom of The Cho.... " one of the guards said before he was cut off by another.

Without thinking for a bit, I took Mary's hand and shouted, " Jane! Tele... ", but she understood already and in a jiffy, we were in the nearby jungle. '' Well, it's more than just nice to have an Angel as your mate right? ", I said winking at Jane, that only resulted her to punch me on the chest with a shy smile in her face. " Ouch! That hurt! ", said I; " You know what, love? I really missed that heart melting mesmerising smile of yours. " I exclaimed as we once again lose ourselves in our eyes.

I held her waist and pull her close to me, too close for her liking and eventually then gave a long romantic French kiss, forgetting everything that was going on. It seemed all that matters, is her.

" Uhumm '', Mary gets my senses back and I apologised to her saying, '' I'm sorry. It's just...." '' No worries. I understand ", she replied before I could finish and started walking. " You stupid '', Jane said as she kicked me hard on my part. " Damn it, Jane! Don't you want kids? ", I snapped. She rolled here eyes and said, " She's missing Ace! " '' Oh.. so?....ooh, silly me....", I kept on muttering; " Damn, I'm a fool. " I kept shaking my head with embarrassment. " Tell me something new ", Jane said before running ahead and suddenly I realised that I was all alone.

I started running and quickly caught up with them. " What happened to you guys? ", Jane asked Mary. " The soldiers took Colin and Jules. We saw that, and Ace decided to go after them. They went to the castle but didn't return ", Mary replied with heartfelt sorrow and teary eyes that really made me emotional....but I was much more terrified! Hearing of the Castle,/Jane and I glanced at each other with fear illuminating in our eyes.

"Damn! What if that old guy was speaking the truth? ", I muttered under my breath while trembling in fear, thinking of my best pals. " Whoever that guy was, that deserted us, but we must go to the Castle ", Jane spoke determined. '' I agree ", I said very much determined myself, but confused Mary just looked at us, unable to process a single word. '' We'll tell you later, Mary. We gotta move now " Jane said as she called some birds.

Lord knows what she spoke with them, but she seemed to understand what they were saying. " Creepy...but cool! ", I wondered. She asked them about the Castle I guess. Well, my guess was right. She suddenly took our hands and within a blink, we were outside the castle. " Dead bodies? ", Mary asked terrified, but I console her saying, '' Maybe it was Ace. Come on! "

I lead them through the entrance but alas! To our disappointment, we were blocked by a dead end. " Ti.. ", Jane tried to say something but I stopped her saying, '' Let me do this love ".

I still had some sensing abilities left and with hope and excitement in my heart, I touched the wall, closed my eyes and um, nothing happened. I waited and waited while Jane was getting impatient, and suddenly something flashed. I could see everything. All that happened here appeared in my supercool vision.

" Oh, Lord ", I said with wonder in my voice as I saw what had happened with Angy here. She lead a planned attack. I ought but to mention that I was simply more than just impressed. To my heartfelt amazement, I just kept on seeing Angy and her pack killing the guards, and technically passing through the entrance. " I didn't know I could sense past too '', I muttered.

" What happened? '', Jane asked. " Oh, no, nothing ", I said causing her a little worry. '' Come closer ", I said to her with blank expression and a tone of weakness, more like that of a senile person.

I touched her forehead as she advanced towards me and I visualised the whole situation in her mind. The effect seemed to have excited Jane more than it should've. It took a great toll on her, considering on her  first time of something being projected in her brain, but after all.....we shouldn't forget the fact that she's no ordinary being but a human borne angel. She'd be just fine.

I leave her stunned with surprise, with a face showing a surprised expression; speechless, thoughtless as I took my hand off of her and said, '' Let's hurry. Lord knows what might've happened with her ", I said rather majestically but only to earn a scolding from Jane. '' Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Let's go! ", she said, freaking out but angry; pushing me hard.

" Uh-oh. Sorry ", I kept blubbering as I chanted the same spell En Horge...ugh krin and the door appeared before us. As I do always, without thinking a bit, I took Jane's hand and rushed towards the entrance and to my goodness, the whole area was guarded by nothing but statues.

We tiptoed towards the main hallway but only to be blocked by a door in front. Taking a deep breath, I look towards Jane and with a smile of excitement and fear, said, '' What could've happened? ", Jane nodded, giving me courage and we passed through the door and bam! The next thing I held before me was I struck on the ground, my head bleeding as I slowly sank into the river of darkness. Everything around me faded to nothingness, followed by the numbness of my organs.

- to be continued -

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