mommy dearest (demi lovatos d...

By strugglingdaily

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Written by Kaity More

mommy dearest (demi lovatos daughter)


2K 85 22
By strugglingdaily

Aleeahs POV:

I really hate everyone here, it's freaking dumb and the system they try to use is pointless.i don't get why we have to do this whole adoption day thing where someone comes, looks around at us like we are some pet show and they leave with one or none. All the other girls get picked, never me, like never.

I went home one, forever ago and I thought that that was the last time I was ever going to see the ugly orange carpets of my girls home, I was wrong. Within a day of getting there, the house was a mess. They had twin babies, my foster care was free babysitting for me and all the month money for them.

I complained and complained until they yanked me out of there, and by the way, by forever ago I mean a month ago. I did spend my eleventh birthday with them, they gave me a cake and some weird present I couldn't figure out how to use.

I felt a little bad since they tried to make me feel good on my birthday, but I'm to badass for that so I just pushed those feeling things away.

Anyways, back onto my story, every two weekends, we have an all day show day where we get dressed in anything pretty we have and are marched into the formal living room where we aren't usually allowed in to be shown off. We talk to the people who come, smile, laugh and try to look like model kids.

I never can, I always break out laughing at one of those rich peoples clothes, all weird and smart looking, I like jeans and a baggy sweater, that's all, but I'm forced into a dress, for the love of god.

This Saturday, it's a little different, the owners finally got sick of me complaining and said I didn't have to go to the one today, which gave me time alone in the back room or play area as the little kids say. I could sneak into the office and go on search for my file.

I am pretty badass, but I've always wondered about my mom and dad, or whichever one I have, why'd they give me up? I didn't know, I also didn't know why I couldn't remember the first 5 years of my pretty much worthless life.

So, when everyone was out of the room and the blinds where closed, I dropped the x box controller and dashed to the office, picking the lock carefully with a pin from my pocket.

Inside the office was clutter filled and messy, but I knew where to look. My name starts with an A and there's only a few A girls in this hell hole so I would be on the first cabinet. The problem was getting up there

We aren't allowed to see or look in our files until were eighteen or we get emancipated or whatever, but it didn't want to wait that long.

I grabbed her wheelie desk chair and pulled it up in front of the draws, looking up at it. I am really short and it looked like I was about to climb a mountain 6 billion feet high, but it wasn't that big.

I got up on the chair and steadied myself, pushing myself up onto my toes to pull open the drawer. It opened with a soft click and I turned around to look if anyone was coming, the coast was clear so I grabbed the six or so files into my hand, pulling them out.

I placed them down on the lower cabinet next to the A-E ones, aka the F files and searched threw them for my name. I had almost given up hope when I reached the bottom and my name showed up. I whipped open the folder, scamming the pages when I heard a door open behind me. Shit.

"Aleeah! What do you think you're doing?!" The owner screeched, grabbing at my hips. I shook and hissed, trying to get her off while trying to read the papers.

One shake to hard and I went tumbling down onto the ground, the papers with me.

I knew I hit me head, I could feel the pounding inside my skull and the blood dripping from the wound above my eyebrow, but it grabbed the papers from the air, searching for the right information, but I found none until she started to collect them, mumbling crap I ignored when I saw it.

Birth Mother.

I snatched the paper from her, reading threw it and my mouth dropped open.

My birth mother was that singer, Demi Lovato?

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