Merome: The Dank Story Of Us

By Hurricane098

98.8K 3K 1K

Ok, Ok... I'll make a description later! I promise.... It's Merome and Skylox and Drama. I think it's good so... More

Merome: The Dank Story Of Us
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty §With Q&A§
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine (Re-Uploaded)
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Hello. Author Note -.-
Chapter Forty Two
Authors Note Part Two :p
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Twenty One

2K 66 6
By Hurricane098

Ty P.0.V.

Once Adam and I rounded up everybody and got the luggage into the back of the van, we were off! Adam was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Quentin was behind me and Jason was behind Adam, and in the third row was Ian by himself.

We were chatting about random things and catching up because when everyone visits home we usually don't chat or record. Its all pre-recorded so we don't have to miss 'family time'.

"Sooo, did anyone see the stream that Adam and Ty won't tell me about?" Ian asked while nagging about how we won't tell him anything. We want Merome to tell them, not us.

"Nah, I was at the movies with Annie." Quentin stated. Ok good he doesn't know...

"YEA IT WAS CRAZY!!!" Jason yelled which caused me to jump. I looked over to Adam and he had a nervous look on his face.

"What exactly was crazy?" He asked in a serious tone. Everyone except for Adam, who was driving, had their eyes glued to Jason. I watched too, nervous that he was going to talk about the kiss. I mean, what if they start asking 'What happened after the kiss?'!? What do Adam and I say!?

"Well, you guys were there but I'll go ahead and explain it to the rest of them." Jason replied in a 'know-it-all' tone. "Mitch and Jerome fell asleep so they had to do a challenge and their challenge was to kiss!" Jason exclaimed which caused the guys to smile widely.

"FINALLY!" Ian yelled which caught me off guard and apparently Adam too. Adam looked over to me at the same time as me and we exchanged a confused glance.

"Did they admit their feelings for each-other?" Quentin asked

"I don't know... ADAM AND TY WOULD!!! They turned off the stream right after!" Jason said. I suddenly felt all eyes on Adam and I.

"Uhh.." I didn't know what to say, I looked over to Adam for help but he was still thinking. "Well. Umm, w-e turned-" Adam suddenly thought of something and interrupted me.

"WE'RE HOME!!!" He yelled as we pulled into the driveway. I didn't even notice that we were so close to the house, I could have just said that! Adam and I unbuckled and were just about to get out but we noticed no one following our actions.

"You didn't answer our question, so I guess we'll just have to find Jerome and Mitch!" Ian yelled and everyone jumped out of the van and grabbed their stuff and ran to the door. I slowly got out and noticed that they were still at the door.

"GO IN ALREADY!!!" Adam yelled which made me laugh a little bit. Quentin looked at us like we were crazy and yelled back.

"IT'S LOCKED!!" I laughed and then got out my key...

Jerome P.0.V.

It's about an hour into the movie and Mitch fell asleep in the first few seconds. He's so cute when he sleeps so it dosen't really bother me. I was scrolling though Twitter when Mitch started to snuggle into me.

I put my phone down on the bed side table and got comfortable with Mitch now in my arms. I shut my eyes only to be awoken by yelling.



That must be Ty and Adam back from the airport. I carefully laid Mitch on the pillow next to us and I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake him. I opened up my door and walked out of the hall and to the stairs.

"Your home!!" I yelled as the guys walked in the door with their luggage. I ran down the stairs and helped them in the door. Ian suddenly stopped and so did Jason and Quentin.

"Where's Mitch?" He said to me which made me remember we have to tell them about us. How do I forget so easily!

"He's sleeping again." I said laughing a bit. They turned and looked at each-other and then ran upstairs towards Mitch's room. Ty, Adam, and I ran behind them to see what their doing.

"WAKE UP!!!" They yelled when they entered. The stopped and then looked around for Mitch, who was no where to be found. I entered the room and they gave me confused looks.

"Umm, where's Mitch?"Jason said as everyone kelp looking for him. I started laughing when I remembered Mitch was in my room.

"He's sleeping!" I said while trying to control my laughter.

"WHERE is he sleeping!!" They all yelled at me and I couldn't hold it anymore, I started laughing like a maniac.

"You...didn't ask..WHERE!!!" I said laughing, "He's in my room, duh!" They all suddenly smiled at me and I noticed what I said.

"Of course, of course.. I'm sorry, I totally forgot about MEROME!!!" Quentin yelled and I blushed and looked down, trying to hide it.

"DUH!" Ian yelled and then they were out of the room and running towards mine. I quickly followed them and when we got to my room, I found my cute little Canadian, still asleep where I left him.

"So, Jerome. Why is Mitch sleeping in your bed, huh?" Jason said as he pointed to me and Mitch.

"Well, we finished a few videos and I was watching a movie while editing and Mitch came because he wanted to watch the movie too, and he passed out..." I think that's a good lie.

"So nothings going on between you too?" Quentin asked as he sat down in my computer chair. I blushed and he must have noticed. "OOOHHH DOES JEROME HAVE A LOVER!!!" He yelled which made Mitch roll over.

"GOOD MORNING MITCH!!!!! WAKE UP THE GUYS ARE HERE!!!" I yelled as I hopped on my bed and shook him. He rolled over and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hi Jerome." He said in a sleepy voice. All of the sudden the Jason and Ian jumped on the bed and started singing.

"MITCH AND JEROME SITTIN' IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" They sung in unison and I just started laughing.

"Good morning and goodnight." Mitch said and then laid himself on my chest.

"Miiiiiiiiiiiitchhhhhhh" I whined, "Get off of meeeeeee." Everyone stopped and stared at my as I tryed to wake Mitch, but to no avail, he was already fast asleep.

"That's soooo cute!" Jason chirped and then walked out. Soon Ian and Quentin followed and it left me with Adam and Ty.

"That was fucking close." Ty said as he closed the door. Adam sat on my computer chair and then Ty sat on his lap.

"What?" I asked.

"In the car they wanted to know if your a couple and we want you guys to tell them so we didn't say anything and now they are trying to ship you two together..." Adam said. I was excited that they wanted me and Mitch together but the worst part is that we still have to tell them.

Mitch suddenly sat up and looked at me. "Sorry..."

"For what?" I asked as I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

"Sleeping on you. I thought the guys would leave if I fell asleep, so I did! And they left!" I smiled and hugged him.

"Oh Benja, we gotta' tell them soon." I cooed in his ear.

"I know, I love you.."

"I love you too..."

I heard a few awe's from Adam and Ty who were in the room and smiled...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This would have been uploaded earlier but that bug made my stuff deleted and yea.

I went to my podiatrist and he said that I don't need surgery on my foot! Yay!

Also I've started drawling Merome doodles again, lul.

ok bYe bYe

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