Deadly In Love (A JB fanfic)

By justin_blzzle

104K 2.3K 231

Bad things happen to bad people; I'm a bad person. But I don't care what happens to me. I'll do what I want w... More

Deadly In Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 61

758 18 0
By justin_blzzle

(Christie's pov)
"We're one more step closer to finding Christie Lewis. Police are trying to track down Christie or Justin. So far, we've only got the names of the kidnappers friends. They go by names of Xavier Smith and Khali Sharieff. Local stores and restaurants are also keeping an eye out for them. I don't know about you, if I were them, I would just give up and turn myself in. There is no chan—" Justin switches the channel.

"Great, now how'd they get our names?" Khalil glare at Justin, like this is his fault. "I don't fucking know," Justin glares back even colder.
"God dammit! what the fuck are you trying to do here Bieber?! Are you trying to get us arrested?!" Khalil shouts furiously, shooting himself up from the table. "No! I'm trying to protect you! I'm trying to protect her! But I'm only one person! It's not as fucking easy as it looks! I'm just as tired as you guys! I'm trying not to think about it, and you're not making anything better!" Justin irascibly snaps, jumping up from the couch. At that moment, I feel bad, terrible actually. I'm just making everything harder for Justin. He already had a ton of weight on his shoulders before I even met him. Now, he has to deal with a load of problems which I basically dumped on him.

There's a long silence, filled with many regrets. Justin wildly heads to the front door, but Za stops him. "Dude, don't take the risk," Za warns calmly, but Justin glares flatly at him.

"I've already did," he mutters sharply, then walks out the door.

"Son of a bitch," Khalil hisses in frustration. "We're just gonna let him walk off like that?" Za throws his hands in the air, an act of annoyance. "What's the point in trying to stop him? He's the most stubborn guy I know,"
Khalil impatiently sits down at the table. Za glances at me, then walks over to me. I don't know what to think. I mean, Justin was fine only a few minutes ago.

"Why did he get mad so quickly?" I stared at the floor, hoping he'd return. "Because he's always had a short temper. He's gets mad at little things," Za sits next to me, and I nod gently as he leans back.
"He still does drugs right?" I know he still uses, even though he said he wouldn't. But he's been putting me first lately, so at least he's controlling it, I think. "Unfortunately, yeah, but don't get mad at him. He can't help it," Za answer truthfully. "I know," I awkwardly play with my hair, hoping he comes back soon. I'm already scared for him and it hasn't even been 10 minutes.

(Justin's pov)
Fucking shit! Why the motherfucking hell is this so damn hard? I've always avoided police. The last time I've actually got in trouble was when I was pulled over with Christie in the car. That dumbass officer was probably the one who made up the lie of me kidnapping her. Like I would ever do that. Well, I would actually, but I'm talking about my girlfriend here. And how the fucking hell did they find out Khalil and Za's names? There's basically nowhere to go, except where police aren't looking. That's almost impossible, because I've been sitting in this alley for only 5 minutes, and I've seen more than 3 police cars drive by. Good thing I'm sitting behind a garbage can.

I pull out the weed in my pocket, then light it up. Oh fuck, I've been needing this shit for a long time. To intensify the high, I pop a couple pills of meth that are also in my pocket. While I'm at it, I pull out the heroin and the needle. This is risky, but it's so worth it. That feeling of serenity is always worth it.
I inject myself before dropping the needle on the ground. The rush finally hits me. I feel dizzy and lightheaded along with hyper and fuzzy. The last thing I remember is falling backwards from my sitting position. I think I hit my hit head, but I don't feel anything, nor do I care.

-morning 6am-
Something cold and wet stirs me awake. What the fuck? It's was raining. How long has it been raining? How long have I been here?
I'm completely soaked, but I hoist myself up. An intense shock of pain runs along my back and head. I instantly collapse back on the ground, hitting myself again. I groan painfully before trying again, forcing myself onto my feet, losing balance a little bit.

It's sort of dark outside, but light enough to be morning. Once I've semi-returned to reality, I walk down the alley and through my apartment door. Nobody's awake yet.
I can barely manage to carry myself. I've tripped on my shoes many times along the way, and puked about twice. I shut the apartment door behind me before stumbling to the kitchen. Just as I'm about to enter my room, I trip on my shoes, using a kitchen chair for support. Unfortunately, I continue to fall, bringing the chair with me. Oh well, better than nothing. So I close my eyes.

(Christie's pov)
I hear a loud bang and thump from the kitchen, which makes jot up from bed quickly. Ow, that triggered my bruises. I ignore the pain, then tiptoe out of Justin's room. I'm only wearing a sweater, so I slip on some sweats.'s Justin. Khalil and Za step out of their room as well.

"What the fuck was that?" Both Khalil and Za ask, shirtless.
"Justin," I answer for them. Justin's motionless on the kitchen floor with a chair beside him. Khalil and Za sigh tiredly, then turn on the lights. "Yep, he was high," Za mumbles irritably. "Christie, just get him another change of clothes. He's soaked from the storm outside," Khalil orders, so I nod before going to fetch another change of clothes for Justin.

Once I do, I set the clothes on the couch, where a sleeping Justin is resting. "Don't worry. We've been through this too many times. We'll wake him up," Khalil grabs a water bottle from the fridge, then opens it.
"You're gonna pour it on him?"
I ask quizzically. "He's just sleeping," Khalil pours the cold water on Justin, suddenly making him jerk awake.

"What the fuck—Dammit, get that shit away from me!" Justin smacks the bottle out of Khalil's hands, making it spill on the carpet. "You were high as fuck. What the hell man?" Za speaks angrily, picking up the water bottle. "That's what drugs do right?" Justin winces as he irritably stands up. He looks hurt. "You have a serious problem Bieber. Not even we take it that far, and you know us," Khalil helps him on his feet. "Shut up, it's not a problem," Justin bitterly pulls off his shirt. "You act like you don't even have a life. Bieber, things are different now. You have a girlfriend. People are looking for us. I'm sure Christie doesn't want you taking risks like this." Za's words make Justin glance at me, and I just hide behind my hair. Justin sighs defeatedly yet in annoyance. "I'll work on it," he grabs the rest of the clothes with him before taking my hand.

Once we're in his room, he pulls me severely close. I wince at my bruises, so he loosens his hold a little. He smells like weed and smoke, and he's still all wet from the rain.
"I'm sorry," he whispers softly.
"I don't know what to feel," I admit confusingly. Am I supposed to be mad? Scared? Worried? Happy? Why is he apologizing?
"What do you mean babe?" Justin furrows his dark eyebrows. "I don't know."
I'm frustrated now that I can't describe my emotions. I just take a deep breath and slip into bed.
"I need a shower," he ignores my confusion and walks into the bathroom. I shut my eyes, and sigh.

How come I'm feeling so numb? I can't sleep now, and I'm frustrated. Even when Justin eventually returns and laid next to me, I still can't sleep anymore. As for Justin, he falls asleep in a heartbeat.

It's now 7:45am, and I'm still here staring at the ceiling. I still can't figure out why I feel this way. I'm numb in a way that I don't care about anything. I slip out of bed and into the bathroom. Once I lock the door, I open the drawer. Thankfully, the shaving razors are still there. Biting my lip, I grab one and pull up my sleeve. I can't take this feeling anymore. I need to feel something. Before I swipe the razor across my wrist, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I hate myself, more than I hate anything else. As I shake my head in disappointment, I swipe the razor across my skin a few times. After the moment disappears, I clean everything up before returning next to Justin. He's under a lot of stress right now, and I'm not making anything easier for him. I don't want to be the reason he turns to drugs. I don't want to be his stress. I just thought that maybe I'd have a better life with him than with my parents.

(A/N: It's been a long week, but I'm feeling somewhat better. The surgery took awhile to recover from. With that said, I was thinking about posting more often this week. Maybe every other day or even every day. How does that sound? Next post is tomorrow😊)

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