The White Rabbit

By no_nonsenceny

29.9K 1.1K 183

Jace has a terrible secret. With only his abusive father and a small rabbit given to him from his dead mother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

1.6K 69 9
By no_nonsenceny

   "Jace! Come get breakfast!"
    I run down the stairs, my footsteps probably being heard a mile away. In my hurry I trip over myself and fall down the rest of the stairs. My parents must have heard the noise because the second I hit the ground, they come running to the living room.
    My mom kneels next to me and cradles me in her arms. My tears stain her bright pink shirt but she doesn't seem to care or even notice. "Oh my baby, are you okay?."  I sniffle a little bit other than that, I nod.
   My dad kneels next to my mom and looks at me. "Try to be hit more careful, bug. We don't want you hurting yourself."
   "Sorry," I say. He smiles. "It's okay. At least you're alright. They both stand, my mom still holding me. "Now then," she starts. "Time for breakfast." We all walking into the dining room and when we enter my eyes widen.
   The entire room is filled with blue and red balloons. Our mahogany table is covered with a bright blue table cloth and on it, sits the biggest cake I've ever seen. Standing over the door leading to the kitchen is a birthday banner that reads 'Happy 8th Birthday Jace!!'
   I look at my parents in shock and they smile down at me. "Happy Birthday Jace." She leans down and kisses my cheek. When we sit down my dad scoops a bit of icing on his finger and rubs it on my nose. My mom and I laugh and we all begin to eat. At that moment, everything is perfect. Nothing could ever ruin this.


   When I wake up,my  body is soaked with sweat. I haven't had a dream about my mom in years. Most of my dreams are filled with terrifying nightmares that makes me not want to sleep at all. I lie back down and feel something under my back. I have to feel around a little bit, but when I finally grab it I see that it's Harry. I stare at the small bunny for a while, just soaking in its look. Even after almost 9 years, it remains as clean as ever. I make sure to wash it almost every Sunday so that it won't get dirty. I hug Harry close to my chest and sigh softly.
    The doorbell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. With Harry still my arms, I walk downstairs to the front door. I wish I didn't even open it when I see they mysterious guy again. He's still wearing a hat but it's pushed up this time. His hazel eyes bore into my own brown ones.
   "My dad's not here," I tell him. He smiles a little. "I know. I'm not here for him this time."
   Anxiety and anticipation runs through me and I begin to close the door. "I'm sorry but please leave." I'm about to close it completely shut but he sticks his foot out, preventing me from closing it.
   "Jace, I just want to talk."
   I glare at him. "How do you know my name? Who the hell even are you?!" He looks away for a second. His eyes travel down to my hands and he stares at Harry.
   "After all this time, you still have him..."
   I stare at him for a while. I slowly begin to open the door and step to the side. "You have five minutes to explain yourself." He smiles and walks in. He looks around the the living room almost as if in awe. I don't know why he would be in awe. Our living room is a plain blue color with only a couch and tv to decorate it. We use to have pictures of the family on the walls, but after my mom died my dad took them all down.
   I motion for him to sit on the couch and when he does, I sit on the far end away from him. "So," I begin. "Who are you?"
   He looks at his hands for second before saying "I'm close to the family."
  "That doesn't explain who you are."
   "My name's Caleb."
    Caleb. That name seems really familiar but I don't know why. It's like a memory is going off in my head, but it's all static. "Why are you here Caleb? And what business do you have with my dad? Why's he always made whenever he talks to you?" The words run out without of my mouth without me trying.
    He chuckles. "You're still a rambler." I don't know why but this statement pisses me off. "What do you want?!" I yell.
    He stares at me, not answering. This only makes me madder. "Would you stop staring at me? It's creepy!" Without think I stand up and go to the door, opening it.
   "If your not going to answer my question, then I'm going to need you to leave." He quickly stands up and grabs my wrist. I try to yank my arm away from him but his grip is so tight that it almost hurts. "Let go of me!"
   He pulls me away from the door. Oh no. He's going to hurt me. He's just like dad. Why would I let him in? I'm such an idiot! Now he's going to hurt me just like dad does. Tears run down my face as I imagine the possibilities. Catching me off guard, Caleb pulls me to his chest.
   "Calm down Jace. I promise I'm not going to hurt you." From where I'm standing, I can here his heartbeat. It's slow and steady. I'm not going to hurt you. This thought calms me. Slowly but surely, I'm back to normal. Or at least as normal as I can be. I look up at him and he smiles.
   "Are you alright?"
    Before I can answer, the door opens. I turn around and see my dad. He stares at me and Caleb in anger.
   "Get. Away. From. Him." He's pissed. I cower away from him and subconsciously move closer to Caleb. This seems to make my dad even angrier and he yanks me away from Caleb. His grip will leave bruises for sure. "Dad that hurts," I whimper out. He glares at me with a look that tells me to shut my mouth.
   Dad turns his attention back to Caleb. "Get out of my house." Caleb doesn't move and stands his ground. Instead he just says "James he deserves to know."
   "You have no right to tell me what he deserves to know! You know nothing!" Caleb gives my dad a glare of his own. It is dark and scary but my dad doesn't seem affected by it at all. "I know that he has bruise marks on his neck. Where did those come from?" My hand instinctively goes to my neck. I thought that I'd covered them up.
   Dad looks ready to kill. And I know that that's what he wants to do. "I'll tell you one last time. Get out of my house." When Caleb doesn't move, dad lunges at him, catching me and him off guard. I hear punches, kicks,  and groans as they both fight on the floor. I can't do anything. I'm like a gazelle and they're lions. Interfering will only cause things to get worse. When my dad wraps his hands around Caleb's throat I can't stand by any longer. I rush forward and push my dad off. He lays on the floor, staring at me in shock.
   "Stop it!" I yell. "Both of you!" Caleb looks at me with what seems like guilt. My dad on the other hand looks furious. "You chose him over your own father. A complete stranger and you help him. You're a disgrace!" I hang my head low. My dad's right. I don't know why but when I saw Caleb in trouble, I felt like I needed to do something. He's a complete stranger and yet I stood up against my dad to protect him. I'm such an idiot. It's my fault that Caleb was even in trouble. Had I not invited him in, my dad would never have even gotten mad. I can't even blame my dad. I should have been more careful. It's all my fault.
"Don't talk to him like that," Caleb yells.
   "Caleb, I think you should leave," I say without looking up. "What?"
   "I'm not leaving you with him!" I muster up the most intimidating glare I can and finally look at him. "Get out." He shakes his head before standing up with my help. You can tell he was in a fight. He walks with a limp and his hair is messy. Not to mention the obvious cut on his lip. It's all my fault. He walks out the door and turns to me. "I'll be back. And I'll help you get out of this hellhole."
   He leaves and part of me wants to run to him and tell him to take me. I don't even know who he is and yet, I feel like I've known him forever. But the logical part of me knows that I have to face the fire that's burning  right in front of my eyes. As soon as I close the door, I'm shoved to ground, the wind knocked right out of me. I look up in fear as my father towers over me.
   Without warning he grabs my hair and begins to walk. My hair feels like it's being ripped out of my scalp as he drags me across the living room. We come to a stop at a small door next to the stairs. My eyes widen. Oh god, anything but that. I begin to kick and scream, begging to be let go.
   "No! Dad please stop! I'm sorry, I'll be good, I promise! Please don't!"
   He doesn't listen as he opens the door and shoves me inside of the small closet. I quickly jump up and go toward the door but he closes it before I can reach it. My fists bang repeatedly against the door as I beg to be let out.
   "Dad dad dad! Please let me out! I'm so so so sorry! I want to get out! Dad please, I'm scared! Let me out!"
  I turn around and look into the small, dark closet. We used to use it for coats and hats. But now, it's just a prison. My prison. The walls feel like they're coming closer to me. My chest tightens and I find it hard to breathe. I try to take deep breaths but only small, quick gasps come out. I wrap my arms around my legs and bury my hands into my arms. My dad's voice calls out. It's muffled because of the door but I can still here it.
   "That man is a disgrace to this family. You should've never known about him. Your mother would never have wanted this." His footsteps move and begin to slowly fade, so I know he's leaving.
   My dad doesn't talk about my mother. At the thought of her I want to die all over again. I want to join her in heaven and away from this hell. My eyes eventually get used to the darkness and I can see things more clearly. When I put my hands down on the floor something pricks my finger and I wince. I look down and notice a small razor. It's not surprising. My dad used to keep razors in his coat for whenever he would travel on business. I pick the razor up with shaking hands. Can I really do this? Rolling my sleeves up, I'm filled with nervousness and fear. What if my dad sees me.
Fuck it. It's his fault for locking me in this shithole of a closet.
I close my eyes tightly and yank the razor across my arm. It only stings for a second. I open my eyes and look at my now, bleeding arm.
The blood drips onto the floor and I imagine it as every problem in my life. My blood is my problems and my arms are my life. As long as I keep bleeding, then my problems will no longer be a part of me.

How do you guys like the chapter? I know it's not the best but I'm saving a big surprise for the next chapter. Tell me who you think Caleb is and his relation to Jace. Until then, have a great day my lovelies!!!-no_nonsenceny

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