I Can Love You More Than This...

De 1dniallhoranlove

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When Jessica, her best friend Ana, and Jessica's boyfriend, Tristan leave their home in Wisconsin in a rush o... Mai multe

Ch.1 After the Concert
Ch. 2; What A Ride
Ch.3 Photoshoot! Part 1
Ch.4; Photoshoot Part 2
Ch.5 'The Father'
Ch.7; The One?
Question for Readers

Ch.6 Swimming

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De 1dniallhoranlove

~Ch.5 Recap 'The Father'~

 We all agreed to stop talking about it and that we got the point. But Ana wanted to tell us one more thing, "Louis." 

I looked up from my hands in my lap at her questioningly.

"Jessica only acted that way because that was what he did to her one time. She had just waken up from a nap and he was standing over her bed and threw her over his shoulder and then..yeah..I think you get the rest."

I finally understood and nodded. I needed to be alone. I walked out the door and sat next to Jessica, pulling her onto my lap again. She didn't wake but she did stir and mumbled something in her sleep. I couldn't really make it out but a couple seconds later she did it again. "I'm sorry, Louis." She kept saying it over and over again. 

I whispered in her ear, "It's okay, Jessica. You're fine, I promise. I forgive you," I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep next to her a few minutes later.

Ch.6 Swimming

 Jessica's POV

"Guys, I think we should cheer her up when she wakes up!" Niall whisper-yelled.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that!" Harry whisper-yelled back. Forgotten about what? 

I had just woken up finally but didn't wanna open my eyes cause I am too embarrased about what Ana told them. 

Louis said, "No, guys, let's just wash it off before she wakes up. I don't want her to be mad at us, again." Mad at them? I could never be mad at them! It's not their fault what happened to me back in Wisconsin. Okay, I really wanna know what they are talking about now. I opened my right eye, slowly, as they were talking about me not going to be mad but that I would acually laugh. I saw that I was still on Louis' lap but in a bed instead of the couch. I looked ahead and saw Niall and Harry sitting at the edge of the bed. Niall looked at me and yelled, "Look! She's awake!" 

I quickly closed my eye and acted like I was sleeping again. 

Louis' voice, "No, she isn't, keep your voice down, Niall."

"But she had one eye open," Niall said accusingly. 

I heard a toilet flush and a door open and Zayn said, "I open one eye when I'm sleeping sometimes."

"What? No you don't!" Niall corrected Zayn.

"You don't know what I do in my sleep,"Zayn replied back, "Unless...Do you watch me when I'm sleeping?!"

"What? Uh..n-no, why would I do that? People who do that are wierd!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore; I had to laugh. I held it in for another few silent seconds and then bursted out laughing, grabbing onto Louis' blue and white striped shirt, burrying my face in his chest. Louis jumped from my sudden outburst, "Jessica, are you okay!" I laughed even harder and tried saying something but failing miserably. "Y-Yes, yes...I'm..o-okay." I said through laughs. Niall started laughing along and said, "See! I told you she was awake! But no one wants to listen to poor, 'ole, little Niall," He said the last part with a pout. 

"Oh my gosh, you guys are hilarious!" I said, finally getting over my laughing-spree. I looked up at Louis with a smile on my face to see him smiling down at me. He finally started to laugh and so did Harry. I finally realized Ana and Liam weren't here. "Where are Ana and Liam at?" 

"Oh, they decided to go down to the pool, " Zayn said. 

"Oh my God! There's a pool!?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!" I scolded them.

Louis said, "We didn't wanna wake you. Oh, by the way, you're cute when you sleep." I looked away, hiding my blush and smile. Getting up and off of Louis I said, "Thanks." 

"Mhm" he replied.

"Okay, let's go down to the pool right now!!" I yelled excitedly.  Running over to my bags, which were next to the sofa on the floor, I rumaged through it looking for my new swimming suit I had bought in California before the 1D concert.

I finally found it and my blue polka-dot towel and went to the bathroom to get changed. I closed the door, locking it. I stipped off my clothes and threw my swimming suit on. It's a blue and white striped, two-piece. I only got it cause it reminded me of Louis. He wears striped shirts all the time. I found a ponytail on my wrist and put my hair up in a messy bun, not even thinking about glancing in the mirror. I grabbed my towel and literally ran out of the bathroom. Well, at least I tried to anyway. The door wouldn't open, "Guys! The door won't open!" I yelled, trying the doorknob again. "Guys! Open the door, I'm getting really mad right now. And you know what happens when I get mad." I smiled to myself.

Harry yelled back, "Yeah, we know! Ana told me that you can do a lot worse than kicking me in the balls when you get mad."

"You know what? That was an accident! I didn't mean too! I didn't wanna get caught..." Oh shit...I hope Louis and Zayn didn't catch on. 

"Get caught doing what?" Zayn yelled back through the door. Eavesdropping on you two fighting.

"What? I didn't say anything like that," I tried, acting innocent.

Then Louis spoke up saying slowly, "Jessica, unlock the door...then turn the knob." Oh... I unlocked the door and turned the doorknob as told and it swung open, easily. 

"Ohhh..." I said, my cheeks starting to turn warm. I looked at Louis who was staring at me like 'duh!' I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up, Louis. I forgot I locked the door," I said and stormed out of the bathroom. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized no one was in their swimming trunks yet. "Guys!"

"What?" they all asked innocently.

"Don't 'what' me, go get ur trunks on!" They all looked at my face and bursted out laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" I questioned.

Niall and Zayn pointed at my face while laughing and holding their stomachs. Louis just stood there trying to hold in a laugh and said, "Umm.. Jess...You uhh, might wanna go look in the mirror before you leave. Just.. just sayin'," Then, he bursted out laughing. I stormed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My jaw dropped and I could almost literally see steam rolling out of my ears. I clenched my fists and yelled, "HARRY!"

"Hey! Why do you think I did that?" he yelled back. I tried scrubbing it off with a wet washcloth. Some of it came off, but most of it didn't.

"Because, you're...you're...I don't know, I just know you did it!" There was bright, silver sharpie all over my face. I had now somehow grew a beard and a mustache and a unibrow. My cheeks and forehead had dots all over it, to make it look like I had a bunch of zits on my face. 

"Harry, I'm gonna kill you!" I said, storming out of the bathroom.

"Don't come out!" They all yelled in unison, but it was too late. I already saw that Harry had his pants halfway down, Niall's on the ground, and Louis threw a towel over Little Louis. I quickly covered my eyes, and cried out, "What the hell! I was just in the bathroom with the door wide open and you don't even warn me that your getting your swimming trunks on?!" They all laughed awkwardly and said sorry. I threw Niall my towel so I could open my eyes. After a few seconds, I moved my pointer finger a bit to make sure it was safe to open my eyes. It was so I opened my eyes and charged towards Harry. He screamed like a little girl and ran out the door. I followed even though I knew I still had sharpie on my face. I didn't care if anyone saw it on my face right now because they would know why I was chasing Harry. I heard Louis calling my name and running after me. A few doors opened in the hallway and people poked their heads out. Some laughed and then closed the doors and others yelled saying keep it down. I felt Louis running right behind me and then he caught me around the waist bringing me to a stop. "Don't run after him causing people to look out their doors, Jessica!" He scolded me.

I frowned and turned around facing Louis, and asked, "And why not?"

"Because, for one, its 10:30 at night and most people are probably sleeping, and two, no one can see you with us because that would just cause chaos, then." 

"Oh my gosh, it's 10:30 at night?" I asked and he nodded his head. 

"Yeah, you slept for most of the rest of the day."

"Oh, okay, sorry." I looked down and started walking back to the hotel.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Back to the hotel. Apparently, I can't be seen with you guys," I said, starting to walk away again. Louis ran to catch up with me and grabbed my wrist gently, stopping me. 

"Jessica, don't be like that, I just don't want you to become bait for the poparazzi. We can go swimming now if you still want to. It's late, no one will be there..." he coughed and finished saying, "andthepool'sclosed."

"Well, if the pool is closed, then we can't go anyway." I turned around and Louis stopped me again, stopping right in front me causing me to run into his bare chest. Whoah, he has a nice chest. I realized I was staring and looked up at his face instead. He gave me that smile that made girls drool over him. 

"Stop doing that!" I scolded him.

"Doing what?" he asked back innocently.

"That...that smile."

He laughed and asked, "Why not?"

"Just be-because," I turned around and started heading for the pool. Louis ran up beside me, walking in sync with my feet. 

"The pool's closed, we can't go anyways," he mocked me. I sighed and looked up at him.

"Who cares, YOLO!" I yelled and started running towards the pool doors. 

"I'm gonna beat you to the doors!" I sang loudly, turning my head to look at him. I didn't see him anywhere behind me and then he said from ahead of me, "Yeah, sure you are, love." 

My jaw dropped and I said, "What the.... How'd you get ahead of me?" 

"Uhh.. I passed you, duh," he stuck his tongue out at me. I glared at him as he got to the door and opened it.

"After you, Jessica. Oh and don't run, it's slippery." I slowed down to a jog as I got to the door. I was about to walk through when Louis went in first.

"Hey! Didn't you say 'after you, Jessica'," I mocked in his low voice. 

"That was a total fail on your part, Jess. You didn't even sound like me." Louis smiled.

"Shut up, I'm not supposed to sound like you, I'm a girl."

"Are you sure?" Louis said, walking backwards. 

"Yes, I'm su-, Louis look out!" He walked right into a big, blue basket of dirty towels, back first. I laughed so hard.

"Louis, you're face! It was priceless!" 

He got out of it and in the process brought a few towels with him, one on his shoulder and another on his head and one on his arm, and then slipped on the wet ground. Falling on his bum, I gasped and ran over to him. "Louis, are you okay?" I asked, truly concerned. He started laughing which made me start laughing and sit on the ground next to him. Louis took the towel off his head and pushed it into my face. I squeeled, "Ewww...Louis!! What the hell! This stinks, someone else had used this towel, you know!" 

"Yeah, I know, that's kinda the point," he said with a smile. I tackled him and we both fell head first into the pool. Thank God it was the 7ft. part of the pool. We would've hit our heads on the ground underwater if it was the kiddy-pool side. I splashed around and then finally came up to the surface of the water. I started laughing and didn't see Louis anywhere once I wiped my eyes free of the water. I started to freak out and then I breathed in a breath of air to go underwater to look for Louis, when someone shoved my head underwater. I quickly swam back up and turned around to see Louis laughing. "Louis, you're lucky I breathed before you pushed me under!"

"Sorry, and I wouldn't have done that if you didn't take a breath."

"It's 'kay, I would've done the same," I smiled and then pushed Louis underwater. He grabbed my waist, though and brought me with him. I opened my eyes underwater to see him staring back at me too. I smiled at him underwater and he smiled back. He pulled me towards him and looked me in the eyes. I nodded, knowing he was asking if he could kiss me. I have never kissed anyone underwater before. I didn't really know how to do it. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer. My heartbeat was speeding up and then he leaned his head towards my face and kissed me slowly and passionately. I wasn't sure how to kiss underwater so I just kissed him like I normally would above water. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I started running out of breath and pulled away. I surfaced and so did Louis. I wiped my eyes again and looked at Louis, smiling. He smiled back and said, "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" I blushed a shook my head 'no'.

"Oh, well, what was I thinking? Jessica, you look beautiful tonight."

I smiled and said shyly, "Oh? Just tonight?"  

He chuckled, saying, "No, every single day" I looked down and smiled. 

"Awhh! You guys are so adorably cute!" Ana squeeled. She was walking towards us with Liam walking next to her. I wonder if she saw us kiss or just him calling me beautiful. I looked inbetween them and saw them holding hands. I smiled and gushed, "Yeah, I think someone else is adorably cute too!" I laughed. Ana blushed and we all looked at their entertwined hands. She quickly let go and crossed her arms, awkwardly.

"Okaaay, this is awkward," she said with a smile. Liam chuckled.

"Ummm..how much did you see?" I asked Ana and Liam. 

They both smiled knowing smiles, showing me they saw most of it.

Then I thought of something, "Hey, where's Harry? He ran down here, right?" 

"Yeah I think so," Louis said, "Remember, you chased him down here." We both laughed and Liam and Ana were looking at us with confused looks. I explained everything to them.

"Did you do this too?" I asked Ana and Liam, accusingly. 

Liam said, "Well, Ana told them not too and then they didn't listen to her so she told them to draw a musta-, ow! Okay, okay, sorry," Ana cut Liam off by slapping him in the chest. 

I glared at Ana and she tried to save her butt by saying, "Well, Liam told Harry to draw a p-"

"Ana!" He yelled at her, jokingly. She smiled and finished saying, "a p-pencil on your cheek!"

My jaw dropped and I flipped them all off jokingly before going underwater and swam all the way to the other side of the pool. Once there, I sat on the little seat at the side of the pool, crossing my arms and legs. I stared at them and glared until they started talking about something else, other than me. I heard feet pattering on the ground behind me and I squeeled quietly when someone pushed my head lightly, but hard enough for me to fall into the water. I looked around and saw Harry laughing while he jogged towards the exit door. I smiled evily and got out of the pool, running towards the exit. I knew it would be locked and he would be trapped. He grabbed the doorhandle and pulled on it. It didn't even budge. He tried again, and it still wouldn't budge. He looked over his shoulder and saw me running towards him. I laughed at the face he made--a tie between scared and shocked--and then he took off running towards the 6ft side of the pool, jumping in and running towards the others. Niall and Zayn were now there with the others. Niall was floating on his back and Zayn was just wading aroud the pool. 

I jumped into the 6ft. area and found that I couldn't touch the bottom since I am only 5ft. 4in. 

"Harry! This is so not fair!! You are way taller than me, making it easier for you to run away!" He looked over his shoulder, laughing and yelled back, "Jessica, that's kinda the point!" 

I glared at him and he stopped running, giving me time to catch up to him. I decided to swim underwater so he couldn't see me coming. I swam to the right for a 'lil while and then swam back towards him so I could sneak up behind him. I surfaced the water and saw everyone watching Harry and I. I put a finger to my lips, telling them to not say a word. The all nodded slyly.

Harry then said, "Hey, where'd she go?" and turned around. I quickly went underwater so he couldn't spot me. He started walking towards me until he was right in front of me, I jumped out of the water and pounced on Harry. He screamed his girly scream again, making everyone burst out laughing. Ana fell off the side of the pool and into the water from laughing so hard. Louis swam towards me as I dunked Harry underwater for a few seconds. I thought Louis was gonna help me out but I was so totally wrong. He grabbed me around the waist, smiling at me evily. 

"Louis, I thought you were gonna help me out!" I yelled at him as he picked me up bridal-style and walked to the stairs at the side of the pool. 

"Nope, you thought wrong, babe. I can't break my bromance with my 'lil Harry Berry!" I started slapping Louis' shoulder and yelling at him to put me down. He was now walking towards the 8ft. side of the pool now. "Louis William Tomlinson, you better not throw me in! Put me down this instant, or..or..."

"Or what, Jessica Reed?" 

"Or..or..I'll get back at you!"

"Oh my gosh! Guys! Help me, Jessica's gonna get back at me!" he yelled at the others mocking being terrified. 

"That's not funny, Louis!"

"Everyone's laughing so I guess it was," he said cockily.

"I'm not laughing, so that's not everyone," I said, crossing my arms. 

Louis asked quite quickly, "Areyouticklish?" 

"What? Yes, I'm ticklish, but what does that have to do with any--, Ohhhh..." I said, mouthing the word 'ohhh'. "Please don't, Louis! Whenever someone tickles me I kick and soon enough somone's been kicked or something." I said, trying to persuade him to not tickle me. He smiled evily at me, saying, "Okay," and then started tickleing my sides. I started wiggling around, laughing and trying to get lose from his arms. Louis said, "See, now everyone's laughing!"

Niall, Zayn, and Harry ran over, Niall grabbing my ankles, Zayn taking me under the arms, as Harry and Louis tickled me all over. Everyone was laughing and I saw Niall and Zayn look at each other, having a conversation telepathically. Niall nodded at Zayn and I started being swung back and forth as Louis and Harry moved out of the way, falling on their bums, laughing hysterically. I was swung back and forth about five times before Zayn and Niall took turns counting down from five.

 Niall started, "Five...."

Zayn started, "four...."

Niall, "Three...."

Zayn, "Two..."

Then they both ended yelling, "ONE!" I was being thrown through the air and within 10 seconds, I felt my body hit the water, and heard a huge splash, as I saw everyone get splashed with water, before I was plunged underwater. I forgot to take a breath so as I resurfaced, I started coughing up a little bit of water. Louis jumped in, with a worried face and swam over to me, "Jess, you okay, love?" I coughed again but nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm *cough, cough* fine," I reassured him with a smile but then coughed again. 

"Uhh..you sure?" 

I laughed, nodding my head again, "But you, Mister, are not okay."

"Oh shit!" he yelled, trying to swim away but I caught his arm and pulled him around. Before I could push his head underwater he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was taken off-guard but wrapped my arms around this neck, anyway, tugging on the back of his hair. He groaned and then one of the boys coughed, breaking me and Louis apart. 

"What?" Louis said a little to harshly to Liam, whom had coughed to break us apart, "I was giving her CPR, she wasn't breathing." Hah! Nice coverup, smartiepants, I thought. Louis looked back at me with a playful glare. 

"Oh, did I say that out loud?" I said, smiling, "Opps..."

We stayed at the pool for a little longer than we should have. It was almost dawn and I said, "Uhh..guys, it's almost dawn. Don'tcha this we should get back to the room before the manager or whoever comes in here? I don't really wanna explain why we were in here all night." I said with a small laugh and yawn. 

Liam said, "Yeah, let's go guys." We all climbed out of the hottub and grabbed our towels to dry off. My towel wasn't here, though. Niall had it last, he must've forgotten to bring it. 

"Hey, uhh, Niall? Where's my towel?"

He slapped his forehead and said, "Oh, shit, I'm so sorry, Jessie. I forgot to bring it down with me after you threw it at me. Here, use my towel," he suggested, holding his towel out to me.

"No, no it's okay, really. I'll just dry off once we get up there." 

"You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure, Nialler," I smiled back him. He smiled and then started drying off. We headed to the doors and walked down the hallway to the elevator. I didn't even realize I chased Harry down a flight of stairs earlier! As we were nearing their hotel room, I started shivering and crossed my arms. A blue towel made it's way around my shoulders and I looked back to see Louis wrapping it around me. I smiled gratefully at him, mumbling, "Thanks." 

"No problem, love," he said, smiling that smile back at me.

"See, you're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"That smile."

"What, you don't want me to smile at you?" he teased.

I laughed and said, "Well, I...you...shut up," I teased back, but failing miserably by stuttering. 

"I like your suit, by the way, Jess," Louis said. I looked down at it and realized again that it was Louis' favorite pattern and colors.

"Thanks, you have the same colored pattern on one of your shirts. That's why I bought it, it reminded me of you," I said with laugh. We were at the very end of the line; Zayn and Niall were leading the way, Harry was right behind them and then Ana and Liam holding hands again, then Louis and me.

"Oh, really?"

"Oh, great. Now I upped your ego," I said, with a giggle. A giggle? Come on, seriously, Jessica? You never giggle. I thought to myself.

"What are you thinking?" Louis asked, staring at me.

"N-Nothing, what are you thinking about?"

"You," he said, simply. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows.


"Yes, you, Jessica," He said rolling his eyes, playfully. I pushed him but he didn't even falter. He laughed at me. His chest was really warm, I thought while looking at his perfectly molded chest. Stop looking, control yourself, Jessica. Great, now I'm talking to myself inside my head!

"I love how you say what you are acually thinking. It's hilarious."

I frowned and said, "Oh, shit. Did I just say something again?"


"What did I say, then?" I asked, testing him.

"Something about my chest being really warm and then you said to control yourself."

I looked at the wall, hiding my blush. Great, just great.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to stop talking to myself in my head, right?"

"No, not exactly." We reached the door and I asked, "Wait, why were we even in your hotel room earlier?"

"Your hotel room is across from ours," he said.

"What?" I said a little too loudly. Everyone ahead of us looked at me. I smiled, embarrased and looked at the ground.

Louis started singing, "You don't know-ow-ow, you don't know your beautiful, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know you're beautiful-ul-ul, that's what makes you beautiful." I giggled again and we finally reached the boys' room and entered. Niall threw my towel at me as soon as I walked through the threshold.

"Uhh..thanks, Niall." I said with a smile. He didn't even look at me, he just went into the bathroom and shut the door.

I looked at Louis and he shrugged, "Maybe he didn't hear you?"

"Maybe.." Is he jealous of Louis?

"Hey can we maybe trade phone numbers, please?" Louis asked. I smiled and handed over my new blackberry. I had to buy a new one after we left Wisconsin, since Dan had taken away all our phones. He punched his number in and sent himself a message so he could save my number. "Thanks."

"Yep, no problem," I said with a smile

Ana walked up to me and said, "Hey, havin' fun?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I gently slapped her in the shoulder with a smile, "Shut up."

"Yeah Jessica. Are you havin' fun?" Louis asked me.

I hesitated before saying, "No, acually, I'm not," and walked over to my bags to pick them up. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at Louis. Ana and Louis laughed and I smiled. "Goodnight boys!" I yelled over my shoulder. 

"Goodnight, Jessica, goodnight, Ana!" All the boys but Niall yelled and came to give me and Ana a hug. Where the hell is Niall? What happened? I saw him laying on his bed when everyone moved away from giving Ana and I a group hug. I sat down next to Niall and gave him a hug, "Good night, hun," I said and gave him a peck on the cheek. He smiled at me but then looked away right away.

I walked past Louis and breathed in his ear, "Night, Louis." I lingered by his ear until I saw him shiver. I smiled to myself in accomplishment and walked to the door with Ana leading the way. I was about to walk out the door when Louis came up behind me and pinned me to the wall, causing me to drop my luggage and he trapped my arms above my head with his hands. My smile faded as he came closer to me and whispered right next to my ear, "Don't think you're not gonna leave without giving me a goodnight kiss, Jessica Reed." I pecked him very close to his lips and said, "There ya go," with a smile, teasing him.

"That's not good enough, love. Lemme show you how it's done." He rested his forehead against mine and I could feel my heartbeat speeding up rapidly. He let go of one of my arms and let it his hand fall down onto my waist. I leaned into him, staring into his beautiful, crystal blue eyes. Barely in a whisper, I confessed, "Your eyes...they're so blue. They're really pretty."

"Why thank you," Louis said, barely in a whisper too, "I love your eyes, as well." He finally leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek. I closed my eyes and let him kiss my neck, too. He finally trailed back up to my lips. As same as in the water, our lips moved perfectly together. I didn't want to stop. He kissed me another few times, untill we ran out of breath, and he whispered, "Goodnight, love," with a smile. I smiled, looking him in the eyes, as I walked out the door backwards. He closed the door and I leaned against it, touching my lips with my fingers, smiling. I sighed and walked into Ana's and mine hotel room.

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