I'm a supermodel lookalike, s...

By colourfulsockpuppet

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(2) I'm a supermodel lookalike, so what happens when I'm forced to marry her boyfriend?
(3) I'm a supermodel lookalike, so what happens when I'm forced to marry her boyfriend?

I'm a supermodel lookalike, so what happens when I'm forced to marry her boyfriend?

1.9K 22 3
By colourfulsockpuppet

New story, hope you like it! (: Comment and vote please! (8

<3 Nicole!

I'm a supermodel lookalike, so what happens when I'm forced to marry her boyfriend?

Chapter 1.

The sun glared overhead, and I glared back. Pfft, this was so not what I needed, I thought, and stuffed my headphones into my iPhone, humming along quietly.

Let me give you a short introduction of myself. I'm Charissa Taylor, currently 17 years old, and I live in Manhattan. I have a younger brother, Keith, and my parents are divorced. Keith and I stay with our mum; Dad took off and never came back.

Sometimes on the street I get spotted and people will start calling out, "Are you Abelline Evans?" It's already become so often that this happens, that I don't actually care anymore.

Abelline Evans does, admittably, look like me. But obviously, there is a difference. My eyes are topaz, hers are green. Not that most people seem to care, frankly speaking. Most people take one look at me and shove at pen and paper at my face.

Abelline is one of the most successful supermodels of all time. She's gorgeous, and I really admire her, though my friends think that it's silly, because we look almost like twins.

She's also the object of many men's fantasies, considering that she IS drop-dead gorgeous. My mother envies her not because of her looks, but because she has the hottest guy on earth round around her little finger. I'm not even kidding.

His name is Joel Brown, and he is of course, a movie star as well. My heart beats faster every time I see posters of him around, or even hear his name.

I'm in love with him.

And I'm sure the rest of the world would agree with my opinion.

The music blasted in my ears, and I continued to hum quietly to myself.

The phone started beeping all of a sudden and I picked it up, annoyed.


"Charissa! Where are you?" Mum's voice rang in my ears, and in the background I could hear her telling Keith to go and tend to Kunama, my horse.

"I'm on my way, Mum. I just stopped by Starbucks to get some coffee."

"Well, hurry, dear," she sounded irritated, "I need to go out and Keith cannot be left alone!"

I rolled my eyes, wishing that she could see my expression. For Christ's sake, he was 16! Only a year younger than me. And he was a guy.

"May I point out that he's 16? He can very well take care of himself."

"Do as I say, young lady. I don't want our house to be turned into some party zone, do you hear me? And for the last time, hurry home." She snapped and hung up on me.

Bitch, I whispered to myself silently. Could I not get an afternoon off for once? Keith wasn't a baby, he was 16!

I quickened my pace though. My mum was not someone you wanted to be near to when she was mad. She threw random objects at you, so long as they were near to her.

I shuddered at the memory of her lifting up a roller chair and throwing it at me surfaced in my mind. The bruises didn't go away for a while; but fortunately she did lay off. After a few weeks though, it started again.

As irritating as Keith was, I really didn't want him to get hurt by our bipolar mother. I plugged the headphones out of my ears as some people approached me, waving their pens in the air.

"Oh my goodness is it really the Abelline Evans? Please I HAVE to have your autograph! I'm like, your biggest fan, seriously. You're so pretty! I can't believe that I'm actually meeting you! This is like a dream come true, my friends totally won't believe this when I tell them! Could you please sign for me?"

The blond girl smiled shyly at me, and I felt really bad. How was I going to tell her that I wasn't Abelline? A group of children lingered behind, staring at me and smiling slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Abelline. You've got the wrong person." I told her as kindly as I could and smiled slightly.

Her face was downcast, crestfallen, and I immediately regretted my words. But how could I go around pretending to be someone I wasn't? That was really shameless and out of the question.

"Hey, little girl, I'm not Abelline. I just happen to look like her, that's all. My name's Charissa, and my Mum's waiting for me at home, and if I don't go home soon, she'll be mad." I pleaded, and she shook her head defiantly.

"You are Abelline!" she insisted, tugging at my mid-thigh sundress, when she was pulled off me.

Oh, whoever you are, I am enternally indebted to you.

"Thanks," I smiled and looked up. The shock I received was electrifying, I felt like someone had drained all the energy out of my body. His smile froze me, and I couldn't move. His eyes mesmerized me to no end, I couldn't breathe.

This was the face I'd dreamt of meeting since I was 10.

This was the man I cried for when he didn't win his Oscar.

This was the man my heart constantly broke over how Abelline cheated on him time and time again.

This was the man my heart yearned for.

I looked up to the eyes of Joel Brown.

"Abelline?" He murmured, putting the child down and grabbing my hand. "I'm so sorry, I promise that won't happen again, but you don't have to shun your fans and pretend that you're not you. Please darling, forgive me."

Darling... Mmm, was he really saying what I thought he was? Wait a minute - Abelline?

"I'm NOT Abelline," I stressed, "I know I look like her, I get that a lot, but seriously, I'm not her. Please let me go," I pleaded, wriggling out of his grasp, something I'd thought I would never in my life do - run away from Joel.

He was my love.

And yet I could still run.

I ran and ran, all the way back home.

"Abby!" I heard him calling, but refused to look back, scared that he might catch up and of what he might do to me, since he thought that I was Abelline.

As I ran, I dug in my tote for my keys. Wrenching them out, I stuck them in the keyhole and unlocked the door, practically falling into the house.

The sight I saw didn't particularly help the situation.

Keith was crouched on the floor, as my mum repeatedly struck him with a wooden chair. "Stop it now," I growled, not meeting my brother's eyes, "I'm here, I got caught up by some people asking for autographs. I can take it from here." Even to me, my voice sounded menacing. I hoped it had that effect on my bitch of a mother.

She smirked, and tossed the chair aside. "Well, I'm done her, I won't be back for three weeks. Don't do anything, I repeat, anything to the house, or else."

She grabbed her purse and slammed the door behind her.

Thank goodness she's gone, I thought, and ran over to help Keith. His arms were streaked with blood, I saw gashes along his biceps, but luckily only blood tainted his face, no cuts.

He started to cry. Keith never cried, not even when Mum hit him and me before. He did now.

"I'm so sorry, Keithy, I tried to come back as fast as I could." I mumbled against his hair, stroking it until his sobs quietened down to a gurgle and eventually stopped.

My dress was bloodied, I knew, but so what?

I hugged Keith closer to my body, pressing his against me, feeling a shiver after a shiver pass through his body like an electric current.

I pressed my lips to his bloody forehead. "I'm so sorry, Keith. I should have been the one instead."

He shook his head slightly, defiant.

I ran to the kitchen and yanked out the towel from the rack and wet it. Then I brought it back to Keith and started to clean him up. He looked at me appreciatively, and I smiled slightly back.

I was his sister.

I would take care of him.

I pushed open the door of the clinic, and Keith trudged out. "Thanks, Ris." My eyes still held my apology.

"One day, Keith, I promise you that you won't have to deal with this anymore. We can finally live a life without caution and physical pain. One day we'll be free." I crossed my fingers with one hand, while my other hand held his.

"It wasn't and isn't your fault, Ris. None of it is. You're my older sister, yes, but by one year! And I'm the guy! I should take the blows for you." He flashed me a half smile and my heart melted.

I wrapped my arms around his torso. His body didn't have an ounce of fat in it, just muscle, pure muscle.

"Why hasn't Sarah come to see you yet? She's supposed to be your girlfriend," I snarled, and Keith smiled nervously.

"About that, Ris, Sarah and I were like hookup buddies, we weren't anything serious." He glanced at me, gauging my reaction.

I felt the sun's heat again, thankful that there was a car to drive this time.

"Look, there's something I have to tell you, brother dear. Girl's aren't toys." I gritted my teeth. I hated insensitive and uncaring players, and now my brother was becoming one of them?!?

This was too much for me to swallow.

I hit him across the cheek hard.

"Why have you become just like Dad?" I whispered and crumpled to the ground, finding myself on my knees. I couldn't believe it - after all this time, what I had been drilling into his head and he hadn't even paid attention to me. I was pissed off.

And mostly disappointed.

I felt him crouch down beside me, and I felt like slapping him away. Idiot brother. Insensitive player. Heartless user.

"Ris?" Keith's voice broke. "Shhh, I'm sorry, I promise to quit. But please, don't ever feel this way again. I love you, you know that right?"

I ignored his question. Through my tears, I asked, "Swear?"

He nodded.

I buried my head in his chest and started to sob again. He leaned against me. "I'm sorry, Charissa." He chanted over and over again before I felt myself blacking out.

I turned over on the bed to find Keith snuggled up against me. I loved him so much; I just couldn't bear to see him walk the same road our father had.

I buried my face in his chest and noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Ah, well, boys will be boys.

I couldn't imagine another girl doing this to my baby brother, lying in bed with him and all the intimacy. I needn't elaborate on that topic.

You may question my sanity. Of course I'm still a virgin. I'm no hoe!

I fell back asleep against him, dreaming peacefully.

*Keith's POV*

Halfway through the night I woke up and stretched, then felt Ris snuggled up against me and my heart softened. My poor sister was always getting mistaken for the hot model, Abelline Evans.

Holy crap they really did look alike, except that my sister's eyes were topaz and Abelline's were emerald green.

I remembered the first time it happened, when Ris was 14 and I was 13. Ris and I were taking Cookie, our dog, out for a walk.


"Pay attention, Keith. I don't want her running off." Charissa glared at me while I eyed the group of girls that was passing by and let out a low whistle.

She cleared her throat and I smiled sheepishly.

"I know your hormones are positively going crazy inside you Keithy, but we can't let Cookie run off like the last time." She chastised.

"Sure, sure," I mumbled absently, looking around for a piece of eye candy. Oh gosh, there was a girl whose skirt was 5 inches long! Woohoo, sexy.

I heard Ris sigh and then that girl rushed over in our direction.

Is she coming for me? I smirked and put on a seductive smile, but I was totally ignored as she ran up to Charissa instead.

"Are you Abelline Evans? Oh my gosh you are! I can't believe that I'm finally meeting you this is like a dream of mine! Could you please take a photo with me?" she shrieked, jumping up and down and attracting a lot of attention.

"Excuse me?" I heard Ris's confusion in her voice.

"You are Abelline Evans aren't you?"

She shook her head, while the girl persisted.

Charissa shot a pleading glance in my direction, but how was I to help her? Already many people had surrounded us, trying to get an autograph from 'Abelline'.

"Keith!" she yelled.

Her scream seemed to evoke something in Cookie.

The German Shepherd growled menacingly, baring its sharp-dagger like teeth. The people closest to Cookie backed off a little, then more people cleared away from Charissa.

Now I could see her.

Oh my.

She was terrified.

The dog seemed to feel her uneasiness and lunged for the people surrounding her, baring her teeth and growling every now and then.

I grabbed Charissa by the arm and pulled her away, Cookie following behind us.

-End of flashback-

She looked so vulnerable, so tired and scared as she lay beside me. I stroked her silky hair and sghed softly.

It was hard to believe that she was still a virgin, given her killer looks, but I knew my sister.

I didn't want to disappoint her, like out parents had, and so for her, I would quit being a player. Charissa Jessica Taylor was worth it.

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