Love Hangover

By Bookworm1993

118K 3.7K 1.8K

"I wonder… can you handle me Malfoy?" She whispered into his ear. "The question here, Granger is, can you ha... More

Love Hangover


29.7K 1.1K 366
By Bookworm1993

Hermione looked back at the guests. Especially at one in particular. "I… I don't know." Hermione said.

There were harsh whispers from all corners.

"Hermione what's wrong?"

"Ron kiss me."


"Ron please, just kiss me. I need to know."


Hermione closed her eyes as Ron leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips.

"What the hell's going on?" Nott asked Blaise.

"I'm not sure."

A single tear fell from Hermione's eye.

Ron pulled away. "Hermione…"

"What'd you feel Ron?" She asked her voice barely above a whisper.

"Um, it was great?"

Hermione closed her eyes. "The truth Ron."

"Hermione, this isn't the right time for this!"

"No it's not but it's better now than when it's too late."

Ron grabbed each of her arms. "Hermione you're talking nonsense."

"Ron did you feel any sparks? Passion? Love…"

"Are you feeling cold feet?" He asked softly.

"I don't know, maybe." Hermione looked up at him sadly.


"We can't do this Ron. I love you and that's why I have stop this," Hermione's voice began to quiver. "Before we make our lives miserable by lying to ourselves. We're just not meant to be. I'm so sorry Ron." With those words said and done, Hermione picked up the train of her dress and ran. She ran all the way out the doors.

Draco along with many others stood out of their seats. But unlike the rest, he ran after her. He was gloriously happy. She didn't go through with it! He ran past the doors but found that the runaway bride was nowhere to be seen. She had apparated away.

3 months later

Hermione was sitting down at one of the local cafes in Muggle London. She unconsciously rubbed her stomach as she waited.

Sipping the tea quietly, she looked at all around her. There were couples surrounding her. Hermione smiled behind her cup at the young couple sitting a couple of seats away from her. The two didn't even look sixteen yet. They were looking at each other with goggly eyes.


Hermione looked up from her tea to see Harry and Ginny.

She smiled automatically. "Harry, Gin." She said softly.

"Oh my gosh!" Ginny exclaimed then ran over and hugged her friend. "How could you leave like that and only send postcards! You don't know how worried you made me." Ginny chastised.

"I'm sorry Gin." Hermione said sincerely as she stood up a bit, but the table cloth still covered much of her body.

"Oh Hermione." Harry sighed before wrapping his arms around her.

"How's everyone been?" Hermione asked.

"You mean Ron?"

Hermione nodded sadly.

Harry gave a small smile. "He found out he's a father."

Hermione's face scrunched. "What?"

"After you left, the doors opened again and a girl with a three year old boy came running in screaming I object."

Hermione blinked. "Three years?"

"Yes, he apparently slept with a girl during the war and unknownst to him, she got pregnant. It resulted in a baby boy."

"Oh my god."

"They're set to marry in two months. You're invited." Ginny said.

Hermione blinked trying to process what they said. "Wow. That's… does he love her?"

"He loves the two of them. Tommy and Melanie." Ginny said.

"That's amazing." Hermione muttered.

"So what was this news you had to tell us?" Harry asked.

Hermione bit her lip.


Draco walked down the street like every other day for the past three months. He passed the same place where the wedding of the century didn't happen, when Hermione Granger became the one that got away… twice.

Looking forward he saw a familiar blonde. Like him, she walked this route just about every day. Today instead of the usual suit, she wore a tight figure hugging skirt and a crisp white shirt, the top two buttons undone. The outfit reminded him of that night…

As he passed the beautiful blonde, he felt the woman press against him, then something being slipped into his pocket.

He made sure that he walked another two blocks before finding what the woman had slipped into his pocket. It had her name and a key with an address to a hotel on the street.

He chuckled, he couldn't help it. The woman sure had audacity. He threw the paper in the nearest trash can and pocketed the key. He'd return it to the hotel tomorrow when he walked the route again.

Draco looked up and felt like as if his heart stopped. Across from him, inside the store was a woman. A petite brunette. Her back was to him but it was that same back that haunted his dreams at night.

He ran as fast as he could.


Hermione heard the bell twinkle, signaling that someone was coming in. She ignored it as she continued to look around the store.

"Hermione Granger." Draco drawled when he realized that he wasn't hallucinating. She was really there.

Hermione whirled around, eyes wide as she looked at the person that had just come in.

Draco took a step closer as he rememorized her face.

"Draco what are you doing here." Hermione gasped, unconsciously putting a hand on her stomach.

Draco followed her motion. His eyes widened as he stared at where her hand rested.

Hermione stopped breathing as he watched stare at her stomach then looked around the store.

Draco stared at the cribs and prams in the store. Then he looked at the small jumper in Hermione's hand. Then he looked back at Hermione. His eyes trailed down to her stomach. Which months ago was flat, he would know. Now there was a slight bump.

"Granger… is there something you need to tell me?"

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