Found Alpha Eyes Book Three (...

By KatieCow

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Bryn and Lane had been through just about everything. They thought they had lost each other and their pup, bu... More

Chapter One: Family
Chapter Two: Date Night
Chapter Three: Lose of Control
Chapter Five: Playing with Humans.

Chapter Four: A Night to Drink too

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By KatieCow

Sorry its taking me so long to post. I'm busy with work and I don't want to force this story. I really love Bryn and Lane and I want to give it my all so thanks for sticking around to read.

This chapter does get a little steamy but nothing really bad. For those who like the hot steamy sceense I will be posting this chapter in my "Secret Chapters" so feel free to ready but be warned.

Thank you so much for reading. You guys are the best. And what do you think of the new cover? Yes no? Please let me know!


Everything felt dizzy and I wasn’t sure where I was. After I woke the first time I kept falling back asleep. I was pretty sure they were drugging me but my half asleep brain couldn’t think of a reason for them to drug me.

                Finally I woke and my mind seemed clearer. Lane was sitting on a chair at the foot of my bed and I moved to sit up. “What the hell?” Steel cuffs locked my arms and legs down. I tried to free them but it was no use. “Lane what is going on?”

                He sighed. “You don’t remember do you?”

                “Remember what? Lane why am I cuffed? And what the hell has been going on?” I looked around and saw I was in a small room with no windows and only one door.

                “You lost all control Bryn. You were fine one moment and then Shayne and Alex pissed you off and you took off. We searched nearly an entire twenty-four hours till we found you.”

                “What?” Shock filled me. “I don’t remember that, any of it.” I shook my head. “Lane will you please get these cuffs off me?” I felt like a trap animal and my wolf was getting restless.

                Lane looked stressed and I wanted to comfort him. I knew as soon as I touched him I could help calm him. “Bryn…”

                “No! damnit Lane get me go! I am your mate, your Luna!”

                Breaking he got up and unlocked my cuffs. Quickly I wrapped my arms around his neck. “What happened to me? I never lose control and I can’t image how hard that was for you.”

                “I can’t take you doing that again.” His arms crushed me against his chest. “I was so scared I was going to lose you.”

                “You won’t lose me.” I pulled back so I could look up at him. “I promise you won’t lose me.”

                “You can’t promise me that.” Lane’s voice was rough and I knew he had been both physically and mentally drained.

                “Yes I can.” I kissed his lips lightly. “Because even when you were dead we still found each other. Not even death can keep us apart. We will get through this like we get through everything.”

                He chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ear. “You know I like it when you wear your hair down.”

                “I know, that’s why I wear it down.” I used to wear it up back with the Lun pack but now I was able to style it and I knew how much Lane liked it down.

                “Well it seems as if someone is back to normal,” the pack doctor said as he came in. “Luna I’m glad to see you up and smiling. We’ve all been beyond worried about you.” The pack doctor was a tall thin man with a big smile. He wasn’t like most wolves. He didn’t fight and he wasn’t as big as most but then again he was a doctor.

                “Any idea what’s wrong with me?” I asked as I pulled away from Lane.

                No one spoke and I hadn’t seen Alex and Emily enter the room till he spoke, “Bryn how much did you turn off when you left to find Lane?”

                “What?” Everyone was confused at the question but I knew what he meant.

                “I turned everything off.” I shook my head. “I was cold inside. Nothing mattered to me. Everything was dark and distance. It was like I wasn’t myself, only a shadow of what I was.”

                Lane wrapped his arms around me. He felt my sadness to not be able to get past the fight. No matter what we tried Rail seemed to have found a way of haunting us even dead.

                “This is going to sound crazy,” the pack doctor started. “But what if we let the Luna’s dreams play out, not to the point where she would hurt herself but what if her answers are in her dreams?”

                Everyone was silent as we thought it over. “I don’t know,” I said. “I got pretty close to killing myself last time and there was no answer. All it is, is Lane dying by wolfsbane and then it spreading to me. There’s not point, no one else but us and wolfsbane.”

                “So is it her turning off her humanity or something to do with wolfsbane?” Shayne asked as he entered. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt but what if the answer is simple?”

                “Simple?” Emily asked.

                Alex shook his head. “I don’t think this is simple at all. I wish it was but I know the signs of a Rouge but I do have to admit the wolfsbane is strange.”

                I shook my head. “Can we please stop talking about this? There is too much and I’m not sure I can wrap my head around any of this.”

                “Of course.” Emily gave me a reassuring smile. “How about we go see the boys?”

                “Is that such a good idea?” Shayne asked. “I don’t mean to upset your Bryn but you did kinda go crazy.”

                Emily glared at him. “There is nothing like a mother’s love for her pups. Seeing the boys will do Bryn more good than you calling her crazy.” I’ve barely ever seen Emily mad so her glaring at Shayne made me smile. He deserved it.

                I was so happy to see the boys when we got to Jim and Emily’s house. The boys were giggling when Lane and I came in and demanded to be picked up. They were such good boys that my heart swelled with happiness.

                “Lane can we go home? I just want to go home. I’m tired and want to be somewhere with good memories.”

                He nodded. “Of course.”

                As we made our way home I felt Lane’s worry about me. I knew he was trying to keep it to himself but since we never closed our minds to each other I always felt a piece of what he was. “Hey don’t worry, we’re gonna get through this.”

                Lane chuckled. “You know I find it amusing we switch so much. When you’re down I’m positive, and when I’m down you’re positive.”

                “That’s because we’re what the other needs. I’ll put all my feelings aside to help you and you will with me. We’re made for each other. You know this silly.”

                “Yes I do.” He slid his hand in mine. “And I couldn’t be happier with my mate. I promise we’ll figure out what’s going on with you and then we’ll be a happy normal family.”

                I laughed as he kissed my hand. “Lane I don’t think we could ever be a normal family, not with the power we have. You can order any wolf and I can make humans do whatever I want. How on earth could we ever be normal? Besides who wants to be normal? Normal is boring.”

                Lane chuckled. “How about we’ll be the crazy family we want to be?”

                “Sounds like a plan, now take me home Alpha.”

                Squeezing my hand he rolled his eyes but make the last turn and pulled the car up to our beautiful home. I already felt better, maybe this had been a onetime thing. At least I hoped it had been. I worried what would happen if it happened again.

                I spent the next months with the pack. Almost every waking moment I was with them. A group of us girls would go out for lunch nearly every day and then more of the pack would be with me. Alex figured the more time I spent with the pack the less Rough side effects I would have.

Everyone was so sweet in looking out for me since my secret was out. They all wanted to make sure I was ok. It felt like all these people did was protected me. I remember when I first came to the pack. They all protected me from Richard and they were doing it once again.

                “Hey you ok?” Sarah asked. She was leaning back in her hair rubbing her belly. She was only nineteen but pregnant and couldn’t be happier. Zack was a sweet loving mate and I was happy for her.

                “Yes,” I replied. “So how are you feeling? You look like you’re about to pop any moment.”

                She laughed. “I feel like.”

                I looked over at Caroline who was looking out the windowing looking as if she was somewhere else. It was hard for Caroline. She got along with Kylee and me but not with many of the other women. She was a loner and I could understand and respect that but most of the women wondered why she didn’t stay with the pack so much.

                “If you want to go then go. You don’t have to stay here.”

                Caroline glanced over at me. “Alex thinks it would be a good idea if I tried to get along with the women more,” she replied.

                I rolled my eyes. “He’s more of a loner than you are and he’s Lane’s Third.” Caroline made these outing better. We were more alike than we would be with any of these women. I loved the pack and the women and I would do anything for them.

                “Exactly. Little shit making me be a female while he gets to do whatever he wants. Stupid men.”

                Biting my lip I tried not to laugh but Kylee caught my smile. “What are you two talking about?”

                “Oh nothing.” Caroline grinned. “Just how boring this is.”

                Kylee rolled her eyes. “I know they are. How do you think I felt having to put up with them by myself? Bryn till you got here they all looked to me.”

                “Now that’s a scary thought,” I teased.

                “Why don’t we ditch these bitches and go to a bar.”

                Both Kylee and I turned to look at Caroline. “What?” I asked while Kylee grinned. “I’m in.”

                “What will the guys think?” I eyed both of them. “I doubt they want us drinking without them.”

                “Screw them.” Kylee winked. “We all know they go out drinking and now that Bryn isn’t pregnant anymore we can. Come on it’ll be fun.”

                I smirked. “Hell yeah.”

                All together we got up and left. Some of the women wondered where we were going but we didn’t answer, we just left.

                “So Kylee,” Caroline slurred with a grin as we sat around our table. We had been drinking for hours and having a blast. “Now that Bryn has had pups when are you going to have pups? You seem like the mother figure more than Bryn.”

                “Hey now!” I gaped.

                Kylee giggled. “We’re working on it. We try any time we’re alone.” She turned a deep shade of red when she realized the words that came out of her mouth.

                I raised an eyebrow. “Oh well now Kylee do tell. How is the trying going?”

                She giggled again but this time came with a hiccup to which Caroline and I busted out laughing. We hadn’t planned on drinking this much but we were having too much fun.


***Lane’s POV***

                I felt warmness spread through my chest and groaned. Reaching to Bryn I rubbed my temple. From the looks of Ryan and Alex I figured they were realizing the same. Our crazy mates had pulled off a new stunt.

                “We should probably go get them,” Ryan said as he leaned back in his chair. We had been at the pack house all day working and I felt as if my brain was going to fall out. “I can tell Kylee is drunk off her ass. I’m taking the other two are too.”

                “Of course.” Alex nodded. He was the only one who looked amused. I had been surprised at how relaxed he and Caroline were. They acted as if they had been mated for years. Alex showed no sign of hiding his feelings for Caroline. They were all for PDA and he was never afraid she would do something because he was right behind her. It was sweet but somewhat strange. Most males felt very protective of their mates but Alex knew she could take care of herself. Like now she was drunk off her ass and he looked as if he wanted nothing more than to be drinking too. Maybe it was because they didn’t really grow up in packs. I wanted to be freer with Bryn but after everything I didn’t think it was possible.

                I rolled my eyes. “Twenty bucks says they ditched the other women to go drink.”

                As we stepped into the bar my eyes went right for Bryn. She was laughing and her voice filled my eyes. Even though she was drunk she was still beautiful and smiling. Color had crept into her cheeks and she looked like she was an angel as she swayed on her bar stool and sung to a song that was playing.

                “Boo the fun police.” Caroline threw peanuts at us as we made our way to them.

“Come on we’re having fun! Don’t make us go home,” Kylee whined. “It’s girl time!”

“Yeah girl time!” Bryn giggled and I had to fight back a smile. I hadn’t seen Bryn acting this young in a while. She was only twenty but acted more like my age most of the time so it was good to see her acting so carefree. “Join us!” She got up and jumped on me. “I want to see you drunk.”

I wrapped my arms around her and felt her warm body rub against mine. My wolf wanted her but I wouldn’t, not while she was this drunk. “I think that’ll have to happen another time. We need to get you home.”

“But it’s only…” She looked around for a clock. Her eyes popped open when she found it. “It’s only six! I don’t want to go home.”

“What about the boys?” I asked as I sat her back down on her stool.

That seemed to calm her till Caroline spoke. “Emily is watching them. Let’s go out to a club or something. They’re taken care of.”

Bryn bounced up and down. “Oh can we? Please Lane? Pretty please with a cherry on top.”

I finally broke and laugh. She was just so damn adorable. “Alright but you three need to sober up a bit.” I kissed her head and wrapped my arms around her, locking her to me. She curled closer to me and sighed. Nearly every little thing she did made my wolf growl with hunger.

“Why do we have to sober up? I’m having fun baby.” Her gold eyes batted up at me. “You need to have fun with us.”

She hardly ever called me pet names in public so I knew even without being inside her head she was drunk off her cute little ass. “Babe you know I won’t get drunk because then I can’t protect you,” I whispered in her ear.

“But I don’t need protecting.” She turned on her stool and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m a fighter too. You’ve seen how I fight. I’m a cold hearted killer.”

I kissed her forehead and kept my thoughts to myself. What Bryn hadn’t thought about was after a she-wolf had pups normally her driving for fighting dwindled unless there was a threat to her pups. “I know you are.”

“Are we really going to go out with them like this?” Ryan asked.

“If we cut them off now, get as much food as we can in them, they’ll maybe last an hour at a club. They’ll crash by nine,” I replied.

Alex chuckled. “I’m in. I think it’ll be fun.” He picked up Caroline and threw her over his shoulder.

Ryan was able to lead Kylee out by holding her hand. Lucky man, I thought. They had been mated for a few years now so Kylee was more willing to listen to him. Where Bryn still liked to have fun with me and try to defy me.

“Come on babe, we have to go.” I picked her up and set her on the ground.

“Can I have a piggyback ride?” I raised an eyebrow but helped her on my back. Smiling I tried not to laugh at how cute she was. She rested her head on my shoulder. “Lane I love you. I love you so much. You’re the best mate ever. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you but I do now.”

“I know babe.” I hiked her further up my back and followed the guys out. This was going to be a fun night that was for sure.

Bryn was sitting on the bed giving me a look that had me wondering what was going on in her little head. After a few minutes of me getting ready I broke. “What is that look for?” Dinner had done nothing to help sober her up and now she was laying on the bed in just her underwear.

She had one leg propped up on her other knee and now pointed her foot at me. “I’m too drunk so you’re going to have to dress me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going to get one of the other girls help up?”

“Hell no!” she growled. “They’re as drunk as me and besides…” She crawled across to the foot of the bed and rested on her knees. “I want to see how you’ll dress me.”  

A growl rose from my throat. I wanted to dress her from head to toe but I knew she wouldn’t let me. This was one of those damn female tests. “Fine but you know I’m the only man you get to dance with.”

Bryn lit up like the fourth of July. “You’ll dance with me!?” She spun to turn on the radio on the bedside table and started to dance on the bed. “Dance with me now!”

She was so damn sexy in her matching pale blue lace underwear. The way her body moved was like liquid as she moved her hair sexy. I would never grow tired of this woman. Pulling her leg out from under her she squealed but giggled as I rolled her under me. “If you don’t stop dancing like that I won’t let you leave this bedroom till you’re a proper mother again.”

Her eyes widened with excitement. “Let’s do it now!” She started to unbutton my shirt but I pinned her wrists down.

“Not now babe, not while you’re this drunk.” I wanted her so badly, to let my wolf lose inside of her.

Rolling her eyes she took me by surprise and freed herself from my grip and rolled on top of me. “Why not? It’s not like I would say no if I was sober. I never say no to you.” She ran her hands up my chest. “I want you now.”

I closed my eyes and pushed her lower down my body so I could sit up but this turned out to be a bad idea. When I opened my eyes I saw the desire in her eyes and her cool breath washed over me. I was gone.

It didn’t matter I had already had a shower and was fully clothed. Picking her up I made my way into the bathroom and set her on the sink while I turned on the water. Bryn stripped off my shirt and picking her back up made our way into the shower.

She gasped as her back hit the cold tile but I quickly took back over her mouth. Moaning she ran her hands through my hair and knotted in the back. Her legs squeezed around me and somehow my pants were gone and I was lost in the ecstasy that was my mate.

***Bryn’s POV***

                “You know even though you sobered me up I still want you to pick out my outfit,” I said as I dried my hair with a towel. I hadn’t thought sex would sober someone up but I felt more alert and awake than ever.

                “I know. You females and you’re damn tests.” He slapped my butt as he walked past me to the closet. I followed behind him and watched as he went through my clothes. Finally he picked out a black pencil dress that had two cut outs around my waist, a cup out over my chest and back. To top it off he grabbed a pair a gold stilettos. “No purse because I know you hate them.”

                “You passed.” I took the dress and slid it on. “Zip me up?” I tossed my hair over my shoulder and batted my eyes at him.

                Lane grinned and came over to zip me up but after he wrapped his left arm around my waist and slid his free hand up my leg and under my dress. A moan escaped my lips as his fingers teased me. It wasn’t long till I was digging my nails into his shoulders and he gave me my release. “I wonder how many times I can give you one of those while we’re at the club,” his husky voice said in my ear.

                I gaped at him. “Lane there will be pack members around.”

                He chuckled and ripped my underwear off. “There will too many other people’s horny scents for them to be able to pick yours out.

                “You’re a dirty little boy.” I turned in his arms and slid my hand over the bulge in his pants. “I like it.” I gave him a light squeeze before leaving.

                The club was loud and I grinned over at Lane who rolled his eyes but let me pull him onto the dance floor. I noticed all the wolves around us. So of course Lane had made sure to bring up back up just in case but it was good for them to get out and to have a little bit of fun.

                “Drink!” I ordered Lane as a woman passed with a tray of shots. He gave me a look but I pushed the shot in his hand. “There is enough back up that you can drink a little. You could do with letting lose.”

                “I did let lose,” he growled in my ear. “In you remember?”

                Popping his hand I started to damn with Kylee who was a few feet away. Lane watched me for a moment before downing his shot and went to stand with Ryan at the bar where they would still see us. Caroline and Alex weren’t too far grinding on each other. I was glad Alex was able to let loose with Caroline so easily. Lane would never dance with me in a club but at least I had Kylee.

                “Hey baby.” Warm hands wrapped around me after dancing for an hour. I looked up to see Lane grinning down at me.

                “Are you?” I smelled the alcohol on his breath and bit back my smile. So Lane had drank a few too many drinks.

                He moved my hips against him. “Don’t you dare say it.” His lips slid along my neck making the temperature in the room rise several degrees. I had never seen Lane drunk before so I was sure as hell going to keep my mouth close and enjoy the night.

                The rest of the night Lane didn’t leave my side. I kept drinks down him. He needed to loosen up for once and I knew I wouldn’t get another chance like this in a long time. Wolf or not he was going to have one hell of a hangover in the morning. As wolves we could drink more but the hangovers came from dehydration and being a wolf couldn’t heal that.

                We danced for what felt like hours but I was enjoying myself too much. Lane was so laid back and dancing with me that I couldn’t be happier. He whispered in my ear all night while he kept his hands at me at all times.

                “You’re all warm and soft,” He said as we made our way to the car. He ran his hands over my bare arms. “It’s like feathers but only warm. I could touch you forever.”

                I smiled. “I know babe.” I helped him climb into the back of one of the pack’s SUVs. Ethan tried to help me half carry him out of the club. He was easily double my weight but somehow I managed and I didn’t really have a choice. Lane complained when someone tried to remove him from me.

                He fell asleep on the way home and I laid his head in my lap and stroked his hair. He looked like a boy again and I smiled. My sweet Lane. He would do anything for me, even drink because he knew I wanted him to loosen up because I knew he needed to.

                “I can’t believe the big bad Alpha Lane is passed out from drinking,” Lauren, Ethan’s mate, said from the passenger seat. “He’s out cold.” Lauren had come for the Lun pack like me. She was a small quiet girl with long blond hair and warm chocolate eyes.

                “Yes he is,” I mussed.

                Once we got to the house both Ethan and I had to drag him up the stairs and into bed. I thanked Ethan and started to undress Lane. Sliding off his shoes I felt him stir. “Bryn where are you?”

                “I’m here.” I let his hand find mine.

                “Lay down with me.” His voice was low and full of sleep.

                “In a moment. I need to get some of your clothes off.” I moved to unbuckle his pants.

                He giggled, actually giggled. Lane Morin, Alpha of the Moonlight pack, giggled. “You’re trying to take advantage of me Mate.”

                “No I’m not.” I kissed his chest as I started to unbutton him shirt.

                He batted his silver eyes up at me in a drunken haze. He had more to drink than I thought but I figured more good done than harm. Reaching up he cupped my cheek. “You look like an angel that fell out of the sky. I love you baby.”

                I smiled. “I love you too.”

                “Good now stop trying to rape me. I know I’m sexy as hell but its sleepy time.” He pulled me to his chest and fell fast asleep. I was trapped in his arms but I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

                “Goodnight.” I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep.


Ha Lane drunk, I kinda had to lol. Big bad Alphas can get drunk too

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