TE AMO... dicontinued for a w...

By anklebiter

930 6 5

was dont blame our love on me being blonde..... kaida is a vampire slayer immortal princess. when she invites... More

fight fight fight. just gonna av 2 wait
random part of da story
meeting the family


126 2 1
By anklebiter


''why the flip did you tell my frickin maid to bin my makup?'' i growled smashing his head into the ground.

''two things hun. 1 i like to be on top'' he flipped me over so my back was pressed against the ground and he has lying on top of me. jeez keep it to yourself boy. I aint interested.

''and 2 is i wanted this reaction from you'' his perverted grin reached his face. I felt his hand grabbing my leg and pulled it up around his waist whilst the other rubbed my jugular vein.

''oh honey people are watching'' i whined. I loved teasing him. He plays his game i play mine twenty steps ahead. See im 14 not stupid. I know im under aged - technically if i was mortal- for the whole relationship intimacy but i love to tease.

''look its 7:30 and i have to be at school by 8:40 so i have an 40 mins. My room ten mins'' i smirked against his neck as i whispered in his ear.

''fine by me princess perfect'' ha that's what he thought. I ain't that gullible.

''kk babes'' i purred and pushed him of me. i ran into the house and straight to my room.

''have you killed him yet?'' my father laughed

''nope i have something better in mind'' i stopped to hug him and started to walk of.

''ok hun. But tonight at 8 your goin to the auction. If your gonna kill anymore slaves or maids might as well get one who doesn't make so much mess'' oh crap. Vampire.

''kk pappy c'ya later'' i ran back to my room. Yay my room was clean no body hallelujah.

''right secret emergency make up kit'' i whispered. No one knew about my SEMK i quickly changed into a small black dress and put on some eyeliner and red lipstick. I heard the door open so i threw my makeup bag under my dresser.

''WOW. Your HOT'' ha he looked like a cod with his mouth hanging open.

''come here'' i said walking towards him and hugged him. Before i could think of anything else i had my back pinned against the wall and alex had pressed his lips gently to mine. Ha SUCKER . he carried my in a bridal style to my king size bed and laid me down. IDIOT. MORON. STUPID. BOY

I wrapped my legs around his waist and flipped us over so i was on top. I leaned down and kissed his lips. - not - as i pressed my lips to his i placed my hand under my pillow and quickly brought out a pair of hand cuffs. In a swift movement i handcuffed his left hand to the metal headboard.

''i aint that easy child'' i hopped of the bed. Oh crud. My uniform was in the wash so i had to pay some money to wear my own clothes oh well. If i wanted to i could pay £100 a year and wear my own clothes. As a matter of fact i will do that from now on.

''babes c'mon let me go'' alex's annoying voice snapped me out of my trance.

''nope'' i called. I closed my wardrobes doors and flipped on the lights. After ten minutes of tossing clothes every where i settled for black converse a black tutu, neon pink leggings and a black tee with paramore written in pink. And for the finally a black 'who's afraid of the big bad wolf ' hoodie.

''baby cakes please give me the keys'' alex was getting angry now.

''hot mama'' he cooed as i walked from my closet and picked up my bag.

''yeah but not yours'' i giggled and walked out of my room.

''MUM DAD ALEX IS HAVING SOME TROUBLE IN MY BEDROOM HELP HIM WILL YA. IM GOIN SCHOOL'' i called running down 2 flights of stairs. I ignored the butler when he tried to give me a black umbrella and ran straight to my Lamborghini. ''princess'' sam the driver held out the front passenger door.

''just get in'' i growled. And opened the door to the back seats and slid in. Looking out of the rain streaked window fighting back the tears. Alex makes me so mad and then i play his games and then i get upset with myself. I heard the other door open. Jaque my personal body guard had joined me in the back seat of my car. Yup my car and i cant learn to drive it till im 16. Funny considering i don't age.

''come here'' jaque wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap and cradled me into his chest. It was funny because jaque was 20 and had been my guard for 2 years but he was more like a brother. I could always speak to him about anything.

''now tell me what this is all about'' jaque wiped away a tear from my cheek.

''alex just makes me...soo mad.. and then i stoop to his level'' i buried my face in my hands.

''what did he do and what did you do for revenge?'' jaque chuckled.

''well alex told pertulia to bin my make up and she did so she's dead. I broke the 3rd story window for the 5th time. Me and alex tumbled around for a while. I said some things he thought his luck was in because he's a sick pervert. And now he is handcuffed to my bed unless my mother or father has un cuffed him'' just telling jaque this made me feel a little better.

''ha.ha.ha. good for you. I guess he's angry right now'' jaque started to laugh.

''hey its not funny. He makes me so angry and then i get upset because i went down to his level. Ugh'' that's when jaque became the big brother again. He started to tickle me.

''ok *pant* ....stop....*laugh* ...it tickles...*pant* you win.....i give...*laugh* ......stop'' finally jaque stopped tickling me and i could catch my breath.

''better?'' he asked with a mischievous grin on his face.

''yes. Thank you'' i kissed jaques cheek and went to sit back where my bag was.

''that's what im here for'' he chuckled. Then it occurred to me.

''i should ask my parents to adopt you and then you wont have to be my guard you can be my overly annoying over protective brother'' for some wierd reason i wanted him to be my brother.

''nice thought but what about school? Your parents would get you another guard'' he had a point.

''but if you decided to still watch over me in school at least i wouldn't have to call you guard i could call you jackass or jaque or even brother. Thats a lot better than guard'' i hope he doesn't have a come back. But i aint that lucky. ''we don't need a piece of paper to show we are brother and sister because you are already like the sister i never had'' crap he had another point.

''does this mean i can call you jaque and not guard because i consider you more as an over protective brother'' i giggle quietly.

''and i can call you little sister'' holy crap what have i got myself into? If there is a god she hates me right now.

''i guess'' crap why did i have to say that?

''good. Now we have arrived'' *sigh* i just love school (hint the sarcasm) i stepped out of my car and then i was surrounded by people pushing me and pulling me so i could stand next to them and speak to them. i may be an immortal and have super strength but in school and in crowds i freeze. By know i was frozen on the spot to scared to move. Being small with loads of tall people crowding you is not a good thing. ' look at her outfit soo cute' i heard a preppy girl sigh. 'princess do you want to hang with me at lunch?' another girl asked. 'hey babes wanna go out some time' the school man whore asked. Ugh. Why did they like me. im a emo and did i mention i had warts on my hands well now you know. If it wer'nt for the fact that i was rich and the princess then i would have no friends.

''jaque...i cant move....help....to many people'' i called for jaque. Everything went blurry when i was pushed to the ground. I stayed there because if i moved the dizziness would come over me and i would throw up.

''princess....kaida.....lil sis'' jaque called.

''help'' i yelled trying to get up but i couldnt.

''move the hell out of my way before i knock you out of the way'' jaques voice came nearer and before i knew it i was picked up by a set of muscular arms but they wer'nt jaques. Who the hell had picked me up?

''give her to me'' i felt jaque infront of me but i couldnt open my eyes to see.

''no. Just make room for me to carry the princess through. It's ok i promise not to hurt her'' a lads voice was close. I felt myself being held in a bridal style against his chest. I could feel the muscles through his shirt.

''fine'' jaque grumbled and we started moving. the voices where gone now but we were still in the parking lot. I could feel the wind around me. i could finally open my eyes. i looked up to see a boy looking down at me. he was about 14 messy black hair that fell into his eyes. the boy looked down at me to reveal beautiful green eyes. i looked away before i could get lost in his eyes. they were so beautiful and mesmerising. I felt a laugh rumble in his chest and then we stopped moving.

''kaida are you ok?'' jaque asked.

''yes ill be fine once i can stand'' the boy set me on my feet i lost my balance but he caught me.

''what is your name?'' i asked the green eyed boy.

''mat'' his voice was like velvet.

''thank you mat. I don't think i have seen you around before'' he was a new kid. I felt it in my bones

''no i am new here but i have seen you'' he whispered the last part so jaque couldnt hear.

''is today your first day?'' what is with the questions Kaida?

''yes. I was collecting my time table when i saw the commotion. I came to see what had happened when i saw you fall'' he came from the office to see what was going on and then picked me up and carried me to safety. Such a gentlemen.

''thank you again. Do you know what form you are in'' i asked and started to walk towards the entrance jaque followed behind as mat kept beside me.

''f 13. Miss hatters'' omg my form yay

''ill show you the way. I have the same form room and teacher as you''


''hi my name is mat taylor i am here to collect my time table'' these main office women were slow today.

''ah yes. Here this has your time table on and here is your form room'' the lady handed me two pieces of paper. room F 13 and miss hatters was my form. The joy. I heard commotion in the car park there was a large crowd surrounding some one. i walked over to see a girl fall to the ground.

''princess....kaida.....lil sis'' a man - about 19 - 20- called.

''help'' the girl yelled and tried to get up but failed. Kaida...she was the princess and the last surviving vampire slayer.

''move the hell out of my way before i knock you out of the way'' the man was pushing people out of the way. instantly i moved into the center of the circle and picked her up. 'what are you doing mat. She could kill you if she finds out about you' my conscience yelled at me.

''give her to me'' he was in my face when the man spoke to me and held his arms out.

''no. Just make room for me to carry the princess through. It's ok i promise not to hurt her'' what is going on with me. the person that wouldn't think twice about killing me and im keeping her near me.

''fine'' he grumbled and we started moving. The princess stirred in my arms and opened her eyes. i looked down at her to see her beautiful blue eyes alert Her blond fringe covering her left eye. There were dark circles under her eyes. 'why hasn't she been sleeping?' why am i concerned about her?.

''kaida are you ok?'' the man asked.

''yes ill be fine once i can stand'' i set her carefully on the ground but her legs became unstable. luckily i had fast reflexes and caught her. Then helped her stand once more.

''what is your name?'' i loved the sound of her voice as soon as she asked me what my name was.

''mat'' 'well you could say more you dumbass' what the hell is with my conscience?

''thank you mat. I don't think i have seen you around before'' my body tingled as she said my name.

''no i am new here but i have seen you''i whispered the last part so her brother-was it her brother? Couldn't hear.

''is today your first day?'' i should be annoyed with the questions but i wasn't.

''yes. I was collecting my time table when i saw the commotion. I came to see what had happened when i saw you fall'' 'he came from the office to see what was going on and then picked me up and carried me to safety. Such a gentlemen.' I heard her thought. for the first time i have managed to hear her thoughts. Wow.

''thank you again. Do you know what form you are in'' we started to walk after she asked this

''f 13. Miss hatters'' perfect memory

''ill show you the way. I have the same form room and teacher as you'' omfg she's in my form. My Frozen heart doing flips here.


''jaque i have 30 minutes of form. In that time go get yourself something to eat, drink read a book...do what ever ill be fine.. i remembered my pocket knife and you know i wont get hurt so here'' i handed him £50. ''take it go out for a few minutes and then be back for first lesson. Ill be fine...go'' i demanded

''sis no i aint leavin''

''go before i kick you butt out of this school'' i growled

''fine. Ill be no longer than 25 minutes..be safe'' he kissed my forehead and walked down the corridor.

''so thats your brother?'' mat asked as we walked into form.

''not blood. But ill explain in a minute you need to talk to the teacher'' i pointed to the desk were miss hatter sat.

''ok. See you in a minute'' i think he genuinely like me. i took my seat at the back of the class room. Where the hell is jay? Jay is my only genuine friend i have. I must admit he was cute with his dimpled face brown hair and blue eye. Even though jay was gay he always had his arm wrapped around my waist or shoulder. And believe it or not he works out.

''mind if i sit here?'' mat pulled me back into reality.

''no...i don't mind'' mat pulled out the chair that was empty beside me. i got a few looks but then when they noticed it was me sitting next to him they smiled and said good luck...i don't need luck....im a great fighter and that was t. He'd go out with one of the school sluts.

''so we were talking about you non blood brother'' he smiled. Man he fricken hot when he smiles.

''oh right. Umm... jaque is my guard but we class each other as the siblings we never had'' i blushed at how stupid i sounded.

'' i like it when you blush'' he brushed his index finger across my burning cheek. And i blushed some more.


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