Hollow {STARTLED -- BOOK 2}

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Adam's blind, Angel's dead, Ty and Jason have disappeared, and Skybrine's escaped. For the remaining members... Daha Fazla

|| Authors Note ||
Chapter 1: A blind man has no use
Chapter 2: The Messenger
Chapter 3: The Dream
Chapter 4: We Need To Leave
Chapter 5: Useless
Chapter ?̴̹̣̩̈̃͒̎̓͑̌̂̈́̚̚: Freed
Chapter 7: The Journey Begins
New Cover / Title!
Chapter 8: Early Morning
this exists now.
Homo Superior : Teaser
Chapter 9: Kim Olsen

Chapter 6: Ty

120 10 3
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The heat didn't bother him... not anymore at least.
When he had first arrived, it had been nearly unbearable, but now it was comforting... because he was so, so cold.
And the pools of burning lava were so, so warm.

Jerome's P. O. V

Jerome watched as Mitch stormed off, chest tightening a little, while his eyes flashed guiltily. He heard Seto sigh and Jerome glanced back at him. Adam was staring after Mitch, no expression evident on his face.

"We should leave as soon as possible." He spoke softly, and both Seto and Jerome looked at him. Seto blinked, before sighing once more in a "not this again" kind of fashion.

"You aren't coming Adam. If Mitch can't then you certainly aren't either." Jerome growled, sitting back against the table. Adam didn't react to what Jerome said, and he was facing Seto, ignoring Jerome. "Did you hear me? Or are you deaf too?" He snapped, earning a slight flinch from Adam. Seto glanced over at him, a warning look in his eyes.

"Jerome... Why don't we go get the others ready." He suggested, gritting his teeth a little.

"Fine." Jerome stepped away from them, before turning to head out the door. As he did, he saw Adam smirking a little out of the corner of his eye. He stopped, looking at him again to get a clearer look, but Adam was staring back at him with a neutral expression.

Jerome felt a shiver run down his spine as he stared back at him. Seto noticed Jerome watching Adam, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Jerome? Are you alright?" Jerome shifted his gaze back to Seto and nodded slowly.

"Yes." He answered simply, before glancing back at Adam for a split second. A moment later, he turned and quickly exited the house.

After he closed the door he stood there for a few moments. He could've sworn he'd seen something.

Jerome shook his head. He was just thinking that way because of the guilt. He sighed and stepped off of the steps, nearly tripped as he did. He glancing around for Taylor and Ian. After a minute, Jerome spotted Ian, and he made his way over.

"Hey baker boy." Ian immediately looked up, practically throwing the bowl of soup he was holding in alarm.

"Jesus--don't sneak up on people like that..." He took a deep breath, before setting the bowl down carefully beside him. "So what do you need?"

"Gather your stuff, we're going out." Ian opened his mouth to say something, but Jerome quickly cut him off. "And please..." his shoulders slumped slightly, "don't ask any questions." He finished with a sigh. Not waiting for Ian, Jerome began to wander off, looking around for Taylor. Ian sighed, before he walked off to gather a few of his belongings.

Meanwhile, Jerome was having no luck spotting their ginger friend. He glanced around a few more times, before Ty approached him.

"Hey Jerome." Jerome turned around, slightly startled. When he saw that it was just Ty, he relaxed.

"Hey Ty." Suddenly Jerome paused. Wait.


Jerome blinked, and when he opened his eyes again, Ty was gone, along with everyone else. He jumped back, eyes wide in alarm.

"Holy shi--"

"Jerome!" The voice was faint, and Jerome had a hard time distinguishing who it was. He looked around, becoming a bit panicked.

"Jerome!" The voice was closer now, and he was able to discern who it was calling his name.

"Seto?" He looked around once more. "Seto?!"

Jerome barely finished his last word before everything suddenly went dark.

It seemed like only a second passed before Jerome suddenly bolted up. He was sweating like crazy, and his eyes were wide.

Someone's hands suddenly grabbed him.

"Relax." Seto was beside him, and Jerome looked over at him, relaxing only slightly. After a moment he looked down at the ground, before glancing around at the area where he was sitting. He was right outside of the cabin, at the bottom of the steps.

After a moment his head began to pound, and he winced, bringing a hand up to his head. He assumed that his head had been hurting before, but he'd been in shock and hadn't noticed. He groaned. "What happened?" He asked, glancing back at Seto. A few others had crowded around them, eyes wide. Jerome scanned them, instinctively looking for Ty.

"Where did Ty go?" He looked back at Seto, who carefully took his hands away. Seto tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Ty? What do you mean where did Ty go?" Seto moved back a little to give Jerome room. "Ty's been gone for months Jerome, you know this." Jerome began to try to stand. "Jerome stop." Seto put his hands once more on Jerome's shoulders.

"He was just here..." Jerome gritted his teeth, the throbbing of his head worsening as he tried to stand.

"No. He wasn't, and you wouldn't know. You tripped down the steps and hit your head." Jerome suddenly stopped. "You've been unconscious for two hours."

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