cloud 10

By Jordynnimani

252 6 3


cloud 10

252 6 3
By Jordynnimani

"For those that chant the saying "I'm on cloud nine" or anything of the sort, i'd advise them to revel in that euphoria, indulge for as long as they can and take note of every moment because things will never feel better than then yet the descent from that cloud will hurt, so much so, it swallows the happiness you felt for it to be digested and forgotten."

"Thank you Ms.Manson"

Dr.Grant told me as i concluded my presentation and took my seat. He continued to speak, complimenting the classes' efforts. I watched as two orange painted nails tapped on the desk in front of me " that was really good Avani, it was pretty you know?" before i could thank her the professor had dismissed class and she was on her way. Making my way out of the building i reached in my purse for chap stick and instead i found my car keys, reminding me just in time that i had drove myself to school today. Chauffeur- a role Kendrick usually played taking me to and from school was left  to me today, it was more so a mutual decision although Kendrick never said i had too i knew it'd be for the best in order to avoid a developing argument.  All week he's been showing up past his normal late time with the car either reeking of drugs and or alcohol both i know not from his use or homies filling the car to capacity. dealing with such on Monday all the way through Thursday i'd had enough and asked what the heck was the problem, thus me driving myself home this Friday. Before leaving i texted my bestfriends an invitation, more like a demand to come through. Sev had plans with her boyfriend and Di replied quickly "on my way". She was arriving just as i was pulling up to my apartment, one that K and I relatively shared. "wusgudwusgud" i told her locking my car doors as she unlocked the one to my house. "alright let me change my clothes real quick and we can be out" i screamed to her as i made my way to my room. changed and damn near ready to go i went to the bathroom for a final glance, the smell of stank simply put, consumed me. i mean the kind you pick up at parties the kind where its a concoction of cigarettes, sex, alcohol, and marijuana. This ended my assumption of Kendrick not being home, i raced to his room where i found him in a deep sleep on the carpeting in the center of our hard wood floors. I approached him silently then crouched down "K" i shook him, "Kendrick" i shook him harder when his eyes opened i saw vulnerability, an expression of regret but what flattered me the most; appreciation. i helped him up and into his bed, pulling out a t shirt for him to change into while i took off his jeans leaving him in his boxers.

"Di I'm sorry, he's back there sick i cant leave him like that"

she understood completely and told me if i needed anything to give her a call. i stood at the door of his room admiring him, he was fast asleep by the time i returned. i watched as his chest rose and fell, his skin smooth and ironically radiant, Kendrick slept on his back messily, one hand in his hair behind his head and the other arm thrown over the additional pillow-that was my place. i had rid of the clothes i had on and replaced it with just  a t-shirt and crawled next to him, gently laying my head on his chest  simultaneously his arm wrapped itself tighter around me. i held my breath, waiting till his and I's were in unison, let it out then kissed his chin. the mystery that plagued my mind each time he and i shared a bed was how cohesively our bodies fit with one another,knowing that tonight would produce no new insight i allowed my mind to idle, enjoying the wave-like ride of his chest, like a baby being rocked i fell quietly to sleep.

Kendrick's POV

I wanted to allow Avani to rest, she deserved too. coming home from school, cancelling  her plans just to tend to me like a child when I'm a grown ass man. At least that's what i was raised to be, the years one spent on this planet doesn't constitute their adulthood or readiness for the world, its the experiences and teachings that do that. i learned early, being that i was exposed to real world problems at a minor age. whether it be my father, uncles, or my mom and her friends someone was in front of me not censoring or sugar coating situations for my sake. "you better wear a condom nigga, not gone be bringing no mothafuckin babies in this house"

"KENNY. what're you telling my baby? he's 8 he don't understand all that"

"what you laughing at?' A asked coming into the kitchen just as the toast popped. "nothing just thinking back bout when i was little" i told her. she took the toast out of the toaster and asked how i felt, i didn't want to talk about last night right now but i did however want to apologize and thank her. " I'm good. you play a big part in why too." i kissed her once, "and I'm sorry you had to cancel plans yesterday but I'm thankful you did" i kissed her again. "what was i gone do just let you lay there all stank?" she paused to laugh "you are welcome though. now I'm just waiting for you to explain yourself" she stared at me over the brim of the cup as she drunk, waiting for my reply. " besides the fact that i'd rather not talk about it right now, i still need time to get my head back together soon as i do ill let you know" i knew saying this to her was a stretch, she's an educated, rational girl not one that goes for bs excuses so soon as those words left my mouth another line was already being drawn up. her expression read that of being displeased "cool cool" she said sarcastically with a nod picking up her toast and making her way past me to leave the kitchen. i caught her arm as she walked, surprisingly she turned around to face me. Avani was prepossessing. her brown skin glowed in the morning and her lips swelled to a complimenting pucker, i found admiring humor in her crazy morning hair but what i cherished the most was her spellbinding eyes. they were brown nothing too light also not dark, they were brilliant and lingual regardless of the time of day. she spoke with them and right now as they held my gaze i swear they asked me to kiss her..

My shirt was gone first, then her panties, her shirt and lastly my boxers. leaving each article where they fell carelessly. i attacked her shoulder and felt her legs fail to support her as i did so. a trail from  shoulder to naval is what i followed as heavy breaths and escaped moans is what i heard. A's good for that, limiting herself to just breathing, never understood it but i found enjoyment in pushing her past said limits. Her hands traveled from each surface of my body to another every time we had sex, as though she was regaining familiarity, today was no blue moon. I had my palms pressed deeply on either side of her into the couch pillow, balancing myself above her. i noticed that the hands wrapped around my forearms that were at first rubbing against my tattoos with her thumb were now the same hands who's nails were persistently clawing at my skin, i was always thankful A didn't have long nails for this reason. from there she took initiative moving from beneath me to on top, time passed as energy lessened and pressure built, breaths were short, the air was damp and for only one brief second Avani's eyes fell onto mine before she closed them in desperation, throwing her head back with only one good give left in her and collapsed on top of me. we said nothing but my mind wasn't synonymous to the room, I continued to decipher what they said in that very brief moment..

I need time to grow

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