Edds Adventure {Incomplete}


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{I'll put one when it finishes} More

.·:*¨༺The Return༻¨*:·.
.·:*¨༺The Invasion༻¨*:·.
.·:*¨༺Closing in༻¨*:·.

.·:*¨༺The Big Surprise༻¨*:·.

71 1 1

I sat on the the couch and began channel surfing.
I thought what would happen if Matt's mirror where to do something else like the last time; then I hear a loud crash, I panicked thinking it was Tord again.
I ran to where the noise was coming from, stopping right in front of Matt's door and I hear.. laughing?
But one voice seemed more panicked then the other.

I open his door and I see matt talking to Matilda, Tamara looked more calm but ell just looked in shock; she turned to look at me and blushed.

"Matt what did I tell you. I knew something like this would happen." I groaned.
"Why are you three here anyway?" I said in a concerned tone.
"We need to get out of here!" She panicked.

"Why?" I questioned, whatever is happening seemed serious.
"Their coming!" She cried; before I can ask who future ell, Matilda and Tamara rushed through the mirror.
My eyes widen in shock and everyone started panic..well except Tom and Tamara. They didn't really seem to care about the situation.

They take am at Ell. They paused in shock to realize, this wasn't their world. They just stared for a while.

Then a loud crash occurred three other men ran into the room we were in. They to was at a lose of words.
It was future Edd and Future Ell staring each other down, as if it was some kind of prank or joke.

Neither of them had any words to say. F.Ell and F.Edd at the same time spoke.
"what is your business here?!" They yelled; tamara just laughed.
"You sound like an old married couple." She said; Taking a sip of Smirnoff after.

"Shut up Tamara."
F.Ell and F.Edd said after shooting a glare at her.
Ell and I began to glow a light green pigment, The glow had felt warm..and friendly, and Ell and I realized the light wasn't anything to be afiad of.
Although for everyone else the light was blinding because of how Brightly it was.

We let out a unsettling scream; the light dimmed and faded away.
Ell and I open are eyes in stared at each other; shocked to see that we had received supernatural powers.

"What..is this?" F.Edd said questionably.we all stood there just as puzzled and confused as F.Edd was; unable to give him a straight forward explanation.

Suddenly we heard a loud roar outside. It sounded like a mixture of human and.. monster?
F.Edd and F.Ell. ran to the windows to see what the commotion was;they where shocked to see a monster Tord roaming the streets. 

F.Edd and F.Ell rushed down stairs and out the door; taking aim at M.Tord . suddenly  a huge explosion occurred  and F.Edd and F.Ell were pushed back; shielding their eyes from the light of the explosion. after it cleared they looked in horror. it was the Au leaders..red leader Tord and Tori, purple leader Matt and Matilda, Green leader Edd and Ell, Blue Leader Tom and Tamara. F.Edd and F.Ell scarcely dropped their guns putting their hands up afterwords.

I looked out the window from the house and shock, then paused for a moment.''wait if those guys are here then shouldn't the others be here to..?'' i questioned. ''well most likely yeah, but where could they be. and where would we even start to look for them.'' Tom added. Matt looked out the window.''i don't think we should worry about that now..BECAUSE THEY ARE COMING IN THE HOUSE!!'' Matt yelled in panic as the the Au leaders approached the house.

 F.Tom and gave a look to F.tamara.'' tam you and i will attack the left wing of the house, Matt and Matilda will   attack from the right. GO GO GO!!'' F.Tom ordered;  they all rushed to the front of the house before the Au leaders can enter. before taking fire F.Tom gave them a look. to assure them that they have this under controlled.  Ell grabbed Matilda, Tamara and i grabbed Matt and Tom. And we flew out of the roof. ''so much for our new place.''Tom said. in disappointment.

"Yeah! and all my mirrors.'' Matt cried. Toms eyes widened. "MY SUSAN, NOO, EDD TURN BACK.'' Tom cried and pleaded. ''i'm sorry Tom but its to dangerous.'' i added. Tom just began to ball. ''yeah..'' Tom let out a disappointed sigh.''lets go.'' Tom crossed his arms. i couldn't help but to feel bad for him. 

what felt like hours. we soon reached a cave far from our house.''i think this is far enough..'' i said. ''yeah we'll be safe here. for now anyway.'' Ell added. Ell and I dropped our friends gently on the hard stony ground. ''i wonder if future us is okay..'' Matilda worried. ''yeah they could be hurt or worse!'' Matt gasped."They can be imprisoned with no mirrors to look at their hair!'' Matt dramatically screamed.  Tom shrugged it off. ''i'm sure their fine..' Tom said still upset about leaving his guitar Susan. Tamara tried to cheer him up with some Smirnoff she managed to take before leaving. but tom was surprisingly uninterested. 

we laid on the ground; trying to make ourselves more comfortable. ''hopefully everything changes back soon.'' i said before drifting off to sleep. 

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