Unexpected Guest

By Love_Basketball1

101 14 15

A girl name Stephine came to town and start a new life since her old town was a terrible place. Once she had... More

Getting to know me
Surprise Surprise!

Dog vs Cats

17 2 0
By Love_Basketball1

Stephine's POV
Oh god what ever I had just done was awesome but seriously I would've just man up and fight him. I'm running from someone that is my age are you kidding me right now. I better not let him catch up to me or things will seriously get ugly.

No ones POV
While Stephine is running the boy is just jumping building to building until he finds a place where he could catch her. Stephine on the other hand is freaking out so she just kept on running. Then she turn into the corner until there was a dead end. She panted really hard and fast and just laughed.

Stephine's POV
I am so tried man, I ran so fast that he couldn't even catch up to me hahaha he really thought he could catch up to me. I just laughed and just shake my head, but my victory has come to an end when I saw a shadow on the wall in front of me and I just scoffed
" You really think you can fool me that much buddy think again." When I turned around I saw no one. I just looked so confused right now, but I don't understand I thought that he was right behind. While I was thinking where he had gone I didn't know that a certain someone was behind me, then I felt an arm around my waist. I was just about scream but another hand put it on top of my mouth so my screams would be muffled and barley heard.

Then that person pulled me back to the dead end. I tried to push that unknown person away by kicking punching even biting . But that didn't even effected to that person a bit and it made me so angry that I was weak to this other person. First I had to deal with this stupid kid that wants me to steal Pokémon and now here I am with another person and oh how I wished I didn't leave my house. My thoughts were interrupted when I got slammed on the wall but my mouth was still covered and I gave a death glare and couldn't believe who it was. It's that stupid kid again.

He looked at me and he said " That was just to easy, I thought we were playing just like Tom and Jerry and unfortunately the mouse in this kind of situation would not get caught or would escape easily." Then he started laughing and I was getting so angry right now and I started thrashing, kicking, and tried to punch this guy as well. But it didn't work but I still didn't give up, well not until this kid brought up the knife close to my neck and I just stop my movement. Right now I am just scared and confused why does this stuff happen to me.
" You know I really don't want to hurt you to be honest I just need a buddy. But when I remove my hand you promise that you do not scream OR trying to find an escape." The kid said I nodded my head quickly so nothing can get worse for me especially in this situation. He removed his hand away and backed up only a little.

No ones POV
I backed up a little just in case she doesn't escape again and she can see my face as well. I looked at her and she looks frightened, I feel kinda bad so I put the knife away to at least calm her down and she did. But I have to make sure she doesn't tell anyone about this especially the police and an idea popped up in my head.
" Hey let's make a deal... how about I come and live with you and you and I can know a little bit of each other and you won't tell anyone about this ESPECIALLY the police then I won't have to hurt you got it. I said seriously she nodded her head quickly, then I came closer to her and said " use your mouth kitten." She gave me a death glare and said " Yeah yeah I got it, um can you give me space this is getting really uncomfortable especially in this kind of position." I just laughed and said " Why so I could let you escape from me again", " No I swear it's uncomfortable on how close you are to me can you please back up." I looked at her to see if she was lying but she isn't so I backed up completely so she can have her space like she wanted.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her so she can take me to her house. " You might want to tell me where your house." I turned around and she looked shocked and I just roll my eyes. " Look I just need a place to stay for a while okay no need to get scared little mouse." She got mad when I gave her that nickname and I saw her cheeks red, I stopped and turned around completely to face her and looked at her worried. I started grabbing her face and looking if she is getting sick or something. When I touched her checks her face has gotten more red.

Stephine's POV
Can he stop touching my face I hope he doesn't know that I'm blushing. By the looks on his face he looks freaked out I wonder why. Then he said " Hey you okay your face is burning up, are you getting a fever, are you getting sick." I shook my head and said "No my face is biting up because of the wind." I lied he took a big sigh and relaxed. " Glad your not sick I thought you were it was freaking me out" he said.

" Why are you getting so worried about me all of a sudden, it's so creepy." I said then he said " Well I don't want my new buddy getting sick all of a sudden." I just nodded then he grabbed my hand again and we both started walking and he asked where the directions are to my house and I told him then I asked him something " Hey if we are going to be " buddies" can I know your name at least." He looked at him and said " I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours", I got pissed because of this stubbornness and I just rolled my eyes " My name is Stephine Ketchum, now tell me yours." He just chuckled and said " My name is Ash-Ash Ketchum nice to meet you Stephine hope you and I will become great friends." He said sarcastically I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking with him right next to me to my house. This is the day of my life I hope things can get better hopefully.

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