Order of Magnitude

By mrdellan

5.3K 410 69

Parvs are just like ordinary humans. They eat, they speak, and they live their lives in active communities. T... More

I. Helpless Captive
II. Home
III. A Brother's Love
IV- First Steps
V. No Escape
VI. Ready. Set. GO!
VII. Miller's Tale
VIII. The Best Laid Plans
IX. Aftermath
X. The Long and Winding Tunnel
XI. Subterra
XII. What Remains
XIII. Home Sweet Home
XIV. Thom's Journey
XV. The Man with No Home
XVI. Home Again
XVII: The Lost
XVIII. The Path Forward
XIX. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
XX. Deadlier Than Cholesterol
XXI. The Great Burger World Mission
XXII. One Phone Call
XXIII. The Plan of a Lifetime
XXIV. The Road to Revolution
XXV. Land of the Lost
XXVI. Unequal Proportions
XXVII. Grim Defeat
XXVIII. Time Keeps on Slipping
XXIX. A Clear Path to Victory
XXX. The Best Laid Plans
XXXI. The Prime Minister's Speech
XXXII. The Spark of Revolution
XXXIII. The End of an Era
XXXIV: What Happens Next
XXXV. Adapting to the New World
XXXVI. The Assembly
XXXVII: To the Victor
XXXVIII. The New Boss
XXXIX. Fightin' Gerald Sloane
XL. BTOF-Delta
XLI. Prisoners of The Lost
XLII. The Vote
XLIII. Alone Again
XLIV. Renewed Missions
XLV. On the Run
XLVI. At the Top
XLVII. To Rouse a Sleeping Giant
XLVIII. Lost and Found
XLIX. The Wrath of the Moon
LI. Domestic Terrorism
LII. The Beginning of the End
LIII. Dansen
LIV: Research
LV. This is It
LVI. But to Do and Die
LVII. The Prime Minister's Speech
LVIII. The March of War
LIX. The War Part 1
LX. The War: Part 2
LXI. The War Part 3
LXII. The War Part 4
LXIII. The Sloane Act
LXIV. The Sad Tale of Hagen
LXV. Full Circle
LXVI. A New World
LXVII. Political Theater

L. Trapped in SubTerra

30 5 1
By mrdellan

     Carlisle clutched his head in his hands. The high-pitched noise was almost more than he could bear, bringing him to his knees as he cried out in pain. "Make it stop!" he bellowed. Unfortunately, Chandra, Turner, Edison and Hagen were in the same position, brought to their knees in unidentifiable pain.

      A memory came back to Turner suddenly, cutting through the agony. His old home, his old community, in tatters. Friends missing heads, just like the one in the lab. The parv focused on the bitter memory, the only thing he could do to drive out the sound inside of his brain. "It's the scientists," he shouted, putting the pieces together. "They've found us."

      "That's impossible," Chandra said. "We're supposed to be safe here. We've never been found before."

      "You must have brought them," Hagen said, rolling around in the dirt. "They followed you."

      Chandra gasped. The army. That must have been it. And if the army was discovered by the humans, then...

      "Our escape is blown," Carlisle shouted out. "We've got to get out of here before it's too late."

      "We can't go out there now, we'll be killed!" Turner grabbed his friend by the shoulders.

      "Then what do we do?"

      "Ride it out!"

      Less than a minute later, a minute that lasted for an eternity to the parvs, the high-pitched noise stopped all at once. From the ground, the group could hear heavy footsteps above them heading off in a different direction until they were gone. Carlisle checked his nose and found it to be bloody. And he wasn't the only one.

      "Oh no," Edison said, wiping his bleeding nose with his arm. "Guys, get out of here while you can. Save yourselves."

      Turner struggled to his feet. "We can't leave you behind."

      "We have to," Carlisle said from behind him. "My army has probably gone home by now. We don't have a safety net anymore. Let's get out of here before it's too late."

      "You go if you want."

      "Carlisle's right," Chandra said. "Don't worry about Edison, we'll come back for him." She tugged on Turner's arm. "Come on.

      Turner hesitated. "You know, it's funny. I said the same thing about Thom. That we would come back for him. And that decision cost us our home and community."

      "Man, we have got to go!" Carlisle pleaded. "Our army will be ready next time. We WILL be back. Come on." He dragged Turner by his other arm. "Now!"

      "Go where?" Jacques asked the group from the entrance. Behind him was the entire SubTerra army. "Turner, did you find another group to betray?"

      "Get out of our way, Jacques," Turner bared his teeth.

      The leader ignored him. "Carlisle, good to see you, buddy. Where have you been? I haven't seen you since you stabbed our friend here. Maybe I should thank you for that."

      "I've got my own army, Jacques," Carlisle smiled. "Not as big as yours, sure, but we are powerful indeed. They are waiting just outside. If we're not there to meet them in the next five minutes, they'll be in here to get us. You guys might win, but you will definitely suffer heavy losses."

      "Don't listen to them," Hagen stood. "Their army is gone. He said so himself. There's nobody coming to free them."

      Jacques looked at his former right-hand man with both amusement and disgust. "Is that so?"

      "And not only that, I've found out something great about that blue-haired freak."

      "Edison? What about him?"

      "He's a biological weapon. That's what the scientists were experimenting on him with. His blood has the power to wipe all the parvs off of the face of the planet... as well as the humans."

      Jacques' eyes lit up. "So, if we find a way to infect the giants with Edi's blood..."

      "We'll be able to win this war once and for all."

      The leader threw back his head and let out a long, hard laugh. "That is fantastic news. Captain Hagen, move these three into that cell and move Edison out. We must prepare him for our next attack. And the prisoners will be executed at dawn!"

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