Shadows From Above - Sequel t...

By JessicaRae95

7 1 1

Sequel to Down From Below - Scarlett and Mouse continue their lives below, with the help of their friends Vin... More

Shadows From Above

7 1 1
By JessicaRae95

Here ya go folks! I have started a sequel to my first Beauty and the Beast fanfic, Down from Below. Thanks to the encouragement of other authors.

This sequel is - hopefully - better than the last story. Gonna steer more toward Scarlett trying to slay the demons of her past, her time kidnapped by Paracelsus, and learning her new life and a lot of Mouse, and more of Mouse as he is maturing... I feel like maybe I forgot him a bit lol. I've added dashes in his words because he talks sort of in third person. But gonna show how that gets better as the story goes on. Hey it's my story lol. Gonna move kinda slow, and get more feeling in the story. So Mouse and Arthur for Thunderhoof (Skippy) and a sequel for all of you other lovely readers. Let the writing begin!


The glimmering phosphorescence of the lake before them shone on the faces of its watchers. Vincent sat almost at its edge, reading aloud from Les Miserables. A young man sat near him, watching intently, as if picturing every word the soft-spoken lion man read. His light hair hung in his eyes, but didn't seem to bother him as his faraway expression revealed he was not mentally in the cave. Near his feet sat a young woman, her copper hair shimmering in the phosphorescence, eyes set upon the contemplative face of the young man. She stroked the soft fur of a raccoon that lay curled into a tight ball on her lap, whiskered face covered by a fluffy tail. A peaceful scene. One wouldn't be able to tell that only days before, terror had dampened the joy of the underground tunnel. Everyone sort of ignored its occurrence, however. It was as if it had never happened. Vincent read on calmly, his eyes on the words, but his mind on the young couple sitting nearby. They were both young, inexperienced, and had a lot to learn.

They were interrupted as a kind faced woman wearing the clothing of Above came down the tunnel into the cave room. "Hello, everyone."

Vincent closed the book gently and smiled. "Welcome, Catherine, to our starry hideaway." He stood and took her hand and they embraced in a hug.

""Well, thank you Vincent. Father told me you would be down here." She hugged Mouse and knelt to hug Scarlett.

"Hello, my dear. I have brought you some things to wear for the party tonight." Scarlett stiffened at the touch and hug but spoke politely.

"Thank you, Catherine. I really appreciate that." Her face held a distant smile and she absentmindedly hugged the raccoon, who chattered at being woken so abruptly. He curled back up again and tucked his nose in Scarlett's hand.

Mouse looked at Vincent, bewilderment clear on his face. "Party?"

Vincent smiled again. "Not everyone knows yet, Mouse, but Fathers Birthday is today and we are all having a surprise party for him in the Cathedral room in a little while."

Amid the scattered happy exclamations, Scarlett smiled and spoke suddenly. "He has been in such a grumpy mood today. I'm sure he thinks everyone has forgotten."

Ever since her rather tumultuous entry into the world Below, Scarlett and Father had been close. The only person closer to him was Vincent. Father was very protective of Scarlett as he was about all of the Tunnel dwellers under his care. But somehow, he and Scarlett connected in ways not everyone seemed to be able to accomplish. To many, he appeared harsh and difficult. And at first even Scarlett had seemed to think so. But she seemed not to care and spent many hours quietly reading by candlelight in his library.

Catherine laughed. "Well, he will soon be cheered up. I met Winslow on the way here and he has taken all the candles there to be lit and Jaime and Pascal are taking down the food Mary has prepared."

Vincent put his arm around Catherine and pulled her close. "Very well, let us go see if they need any help. Mouse, take Arthur and put him in your room."

Mouse frowned. "Arthur-not-welcome- at party?"

Vincent smiled gently and laid his free hand on the young man's shoulder. "No, Mouse. Arthur's is always welcome. But I do not want him setting his fur on fire with a candle."

Mouse nodded quickly, his love for his pet very evident in the way his eyes widened in horror at the idea. "Vincent-right. Mouse make-Arthur-stay-in-room."

Vincent patted his shoulder. "Good lad. Catherine, why don't you take Miss Scarlett to the women's chambers and help her get ready."

Scarlett shuddered but no one could see it in the blue glow of the lake. But Vincent felt the shaking of emotions and pulled her close for a hug. "Go with Catherine, my dear. We have a party to get started."

Catherine and Scarlett walked in silence, Scarlett a little behind. The last time she had been to those chambers, she was recovering from her near death experience Above. And now she felt as if she was replaying it all over again. The scars, the cool water washing away the feeling of unworthiness. She shuddered again. She didn't want to go there. But a small piece of her was beginning to notice Mouse differently. He was always being such a gentleman and she found herself blushing at the idea of dressing up for the party.

They passed the library where Mouse had waited for her, and a little ache in her heart reminded her of how she wished he was there too.

"I have a lovely emerald green dress I brought for you Scarlett. You are going to look just stunning for the party," Catherine spoke gently, trying not to startle Scarlett, because she looked as if her mind was somewhere far away.

Slowly, Scarlett became aware of the room again, and the gentle splashing of the water running out of the natural spring.

She smiled stiffly at Catherine and nodded. "I do appreciate your help, I really do. I just-" She hesitated, then shook her head.

Catherine laid a hand on her shoulder. "We are all here if you need to talk."

Scarlett nodded. "I know." She laid her hand over Catherine's and squeezed it. "I know."

Mouse paced outside of Vincent's chamber, startling when the giant man came out, dressed in his best. Mouse clasped his hands together. "Vincent - can- Mouse - ask a- question - please?"

Vincent nodded once. "Go ahead, Mouse."

Mouse hopped from one foot to the other, excited. "Mouse- like- to- prop- propo- marry -Scarlett."

Vincent smiled at the excited young man, then motioned for him to enter the chamber. Mouse hesitated, then entered, sitting down on a chair. He looked slightly confused at the lack of excitement.

Vincent sighed and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Mouse, I am going to talk to you as man to man. You are quite a man now. Mouse, Scarlett - is broken. She's had nothing but trouble in this life. Her family tried to kill her, Paracelsus has tried to kill her, and I feel in her heart that she thinks she is broken beyond repair."

At this comment, protective anger appeared on the young man's face and Mouse tried to retort, but Vincent held up a paw. "Mouse, what is it that you love about her?"

Mouse looked away, and his face relaxed. "Calm-strong-beautiful-amazing-mature-"

He looked at Vincent almost pleadingly. "Mouse love Scarlett."

Vincent sighed and walked calmly away then turned and walked back. "Mouse, it will be a major change for both of you. One, you will have to stay Below more. Going Above will put you at risk, your family at risk, and" he hesitated. "And all of your community at risk."

Mouse cocked his head and thought for a moment. Understanding dawned on his face. He nodded. And the expression in his eyes showed that he understood. He knew in his heart he could do whatever it took. He wanted Scarlett to be his girl. No matter what.

"Mouse ready." He spoke bravely. He stood and grasped Vincent by the shoulders. "Mouse care -very much. Mouse protect Scarlett with- life." Vincent clapped a paw on Moises shoulder and nodded. "Then you have my blessing. But you might want to talk to Father once we are all down at the party."

Mouse nodded and sprinted away, throwing over his shoulder: "Okay, good! Okay, fine!"


Scarlett leaned her head back against the rocky edge of the pool, the steam of the hot springs creating a becoming blush over her face. She swung her arms through the water lazily, keeping herself balanced. Catherine was busy nearby, preparing the outfit she had brought, letting the steam soften any wrinkles in the chiffon fabric. Scarlett felt her chest tighten as she thought of everything that had transpired since she was last in this room. The great chasm of the cathedral ceiling created by the rocky walls yawned above her and any small noise echoed playfully. She winced at the volume of the echo when she spoke.


Catherine turned from the dress and walked over to the edge of the spring. "Yes, Scarlett?" She sat down beside the water and swung her feet into its swirling steamy depths. "Something on your mind?"

Scarlett looked up at her. "How did you - get over- getting attacked. How did you move on?"

Catherine smiled gently and a faraway look came over her face. Pensively, she gazed across the bubbling spring and sighed. "Scarlett, I didn't 'get over it'. Vincent encouraged me to go back out into the world. He let me stay Below until I was well. Then he encouraged me to go back where I belonged. I was scared. I didn't want to go back to work. I was afraid every moment, jumped at every shadow. But gradually, through Vincent's love and encouragement, and his believing in me, I began to live again."

"I don't ever want to go back up Above, Catherine, like you did." Scarlett spoke softly, running her hands through her hair, now tightly curled from the steamy heat.

Catherine smiled. "I don't think Father wants you to go back, Scarlett. There are people here in these tunnels that care about you, and love you, Scarlett. Just let them in."

Scarlett smiled slightly and nodded. "I'm sure going to try."

Catherine smiled back at her and held out a hand. "Here, let's get you dried off and ready for the party."

Scarlett stared at the offered hand and hesitated. "Okay," she spoke softly.

She stood, carefully to avoid slipping and reached for the towel Catherine offered her. Quickly wrapping it around herself, she padded over to the dry side of the room. Catherine began rummaging in her own bag, preparing to get ready herself. She turned in time to see Scarlett standing there, biting her lip, towel wrapped tightly around herself. "Scarlett, are you okay?"

Scarlett hunched her shoulders. "Remember when you said you would be here if I ever wanted to talk?"

Catherine nodded slowly. "Yes?"

Scarlett slowly let the towel slip from her shoulders, revealing scars, both from her first experience above, and newer ones. They had to be from her experience with Paracelsus. "Scarlett..." Catherine's voice trailed off cautiously and she stepped closer. "Are you really okay?"

Hot tears sprang to Scarlett's eyes and ran down her face, mixing with the water dripping from her copper curls. "Catherine, how is Mouse going to love me? I'm not perfect. I wanted to give him perfection, but I can't. Paracelsus did nothing but remind me of what those men that killed my father did to me and I hate it. I hate what I am! I'm ugly, I'm not pure, I'm all scarred..."

Catherine pulled her close in a hug. "Scarlett," She tried to speak, but her heart was breaking. "Scarlett, Mouse knows that."

Scarlett pulled away. "He-he does?" She looked so scared that Catherine hugged her again.

Nodding, Catherine whispered gently in Scarlett's ear. "Mouse is nobody's fool. He sees. He may not speak much, but he notices stuff. He loves you, though, Scarlett. He always has. And trust me, he is not going to let Paracelsus take you from him." She hesitated. "He hurt you, didn't he."

Scarlett nodded. She suddenly shook herself and raised her chin. "I am not going to give up, Catherine. Mouse believes in me, and you and Father. And Vincent, and Winslow, and Mary. That all of my friends believe in me, that alone is enough."

Vincent carefully lit the candles in the Cathedral, a crystal cavern with a towering ceiling that only special occasions took place inside of. The light sparkled off of each crystal, creating a shimmering, dancing light. It was beautifully decorated. Mary was arranging the last of the flowers that Dr. Peter had brought from Above. Winslow was setting up another table for the food. Others of the Below family were rushing around trying to get everything finished.

Catherine stepped into the Cathedral. "Vincent, look who we have."

Vincent stepped down off of the ledge he was balancing on and turned. There stood Catherine, in a flowy cream colored gown, emphasizing her hourglass shape and slim neck. She looked stunning. His heart fluttered for a moment. "Hello, Catherine. You are a dream."

Catherine smiled. "Thank you, Vincent. You look quite handsome yourself. Notice also, our beautiful lady?" She motioned to a slim girl standing just inside the Cathedral door, clasping her hands nervously. Her copper hair hung in gentle curls, shining in the amber light of the candles. Her mismatched eyes sparkled hopefully. The thin figure was draped in a dark green gown of a satiny material thin enough to flow gently but not thin enough to be risqué. The neckline was low enough to be becoming but still reserved. The short sleeves revealed a lot of the faded scars she had tried so long to hide, but she looked at him hoping that was not what he would see. His heart skipped a beat again, as he realized that she was a woman now. "Scarlett, you look lovely," He said gently, pulling her into a soft hug.

She looked up at him with a relieved smile and curtsied. "Why thank you, Vincent." She clasped her hands together again. "May I go fetch Father now," she asked.

Vincent looked around the room and, satisfied, nodded. "Yes, my dear."

She laughed and daintily rushed away. Vincent smiled. He had never seen her being so careful to be ladylike. He put his arm around Catherine. "You never cease to amaze me."


Jacob sat in his library, looking around him at the cozy place he called home. He was tired. It was hard taking care of an underground city, entrusting the outer borders to Pascal and Winslow. At any moment, an intruder could breach the careful boundaries of the World Below, and it could spell disaster for those he watched over. He stood and paced the floor, thinking of Mouse and his frequent visits Above. Mouse did not seem to understand the dangers of being seen, although he always became fearful when anyone mentioned his getting caught. Father often wondered what had happened in Mouse's life before his settling in Below. His slightly halting speech made him hard to understand and his immediate distrust had made it difficult to get to know him. Mouse reminded Father of an abused child he had met one time. And he felt sorry for Mouse. He saw some of the same tendencies in Scarlett and it made Jacob sad. If Mouse even wanted to consider marrying Scarlett, Father knew he would have to give up his life Above. There was no way it would be a good idea to have them traipsing back and forth together. On the other hand, one could argue that Catherine seemed to have mastered the act very well. Father shook his head. He couldn't get it straight in his mind. He was getting too old for this.

"And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. William Shakespeare."

Jacob turned quickly at the soft female voice speaking. He became as if frozen in place, mesmerized by the sight. Scarlett stood at the entrance to the library, hands clasped tightly together. He took in the angles of the gentle pale face, slightly taught with care lines that he didn't like to see on such a young person. The mismatched right blue eye and left brown eye held a fear in them, perhaps of rejection, but a little bit of merriment sparkled in the deep centers.

"Well, Father, are you going to say anything?" Scarlett spoke playfully, as she entered the library gracefully and held out a hand to him.

Father shook his head and spoke, a slight catch in his deep voice. "Scarlett-you look absolutely beautiful." He pulled her close in a hug. She held onto him, almost desperately. He felt the tension in her body and he spoke softly into her hair, resting his chin on the top of her head. "Nancy, look at me."

She hesitated when he used her given name, and pulled away, hardly daring to meet his gaze. He spoke again, softer. "Nancy..."

She looked up at him, taking in the silver hair, kindly weathered face and dark compassionate eyes gazing down at her. He grasped her upper arms in his large hands. "Don't listen to whatever it is you are thinking, my child. Nancy you are no longer the sewer rat running around homeless, and being chased after. You are home now. You have become a beautiful young lady, and I know life has been cruel to you." He looked down at the arms he held and gently ran his thumbs across the fading marks. "Very cruel."

Tears gathered quickly in her eyes, and she started to pull away again. He laid a finger on her lips and shushed her. "No, Nancy, stop running. You are better than that. Let us help you. We all love you." He brushed the back of his pointer finger over her cheek, wiping away the tears. "Come now. Don't go getting your eyes all puffy. Maybe you'd better go find Mouse. He needs to see you all- dressed up."

Scarlett's face paled at the mention of Mouse's name. Her eyes traveled to the scars that covered her arms and Father grasped her and shook her slightly. "Nancy, stop it. That does not change what Mouse sees in you." Scarlett looked up into the gentle face again and spoke. "Promise?"

Father nodded. "Promise."

Scarlett smiled and then pulled him into a hug again. "Thank's Father." She smiled up at him. "Father, I have been sent here on a mission."

Father knit his brows in thought. "And what is that mission, dear child?"

Scarlett laughed - a sound he couldn't remember having ever heard before and it warmed his heart. "It's a secret, Father."

Jacob shook his head and chuckled. "I'm supposed to go somewhere with you I take it?"

Scarlett laughed. "Yes."

Father bowed. "Then lead the way, my fair maiden."

Scarlett curtsies then offered him her hand. He offered her his elbow and together they headed down the tunnels toward the cathedral.

Passing the entrance of the phosphorescent lake room, Scarlett remembered Mouse. Was it possible that he actually loved her? She thought of the kiss they had shared and a becoming blush spread over her cheeks.

"Thinking thoughts you would care to share?" Father asked, patting her hand and smiling sideways at her with a teasing smirk.

Scarlett jumped and for a second looked guilty then she blushed again and shook her head. "No, Father." She replied.

Father chuckled. He had some idea of her thoughts and smiled knowingly, causing her to look away embarrassed. Father pulled her close. "He cares about you Scarlett."

She smiled. "I know."

At that moment, a strange rumbling came to their ears. Father paused, listening intently. The look of grave concern on his face frightened Scarlett and she clung to him tightly. The rumbling became louder, and Father grasped her arm roughly and began to run down the tunnel. Little pebbles and sand began to fall around them, and then the whole ceiling caved in with a terrible commotion and cloud of rubble. They were trapped.

When the dust cleared, Scarlett found herself flat on her back gazing up into darkness. Her head hurt terribly. She reached up a hand and felt a massive knot on the back of her head. Her hand came away sticky and she knew it was blood. Great. That was gonna really hurt later, she thought to herself. Slowly, she sat up, coughing from the thick cloud of dust billowing around them. She could see nothing around her. Carefully, she felt around in the darkness. No large rocks lay on any of her extremities and for that she was grateful. The initial shock over, she realized Jacob was not making any sound. "Father?" She called out, tentatively, voice shaking slightly in repressed worry. A few pebbles fell from above at the sound. But silence continued after them. No response.


Scarlett began to panic and crawl around the enclosure, trying to get an idea of how much room she had, sweeping her arms around trying to find Jacob. "Father!" She shouted desperately. Her voice did not echo, confirming her fears that there wasn't much room in the rubble mountain around her. The rocks scraped her knees and hands as she climbed over them. "Father!" She paused and listened intently, holding her breath. Even breathing sounded loud. She coughed from the dust, and sat down, brushing away the tears that formed. "Father!"

A firm hand grasped her shoulder in the darkness.

"I - am - here, child," Father spoke, his voice halting from having the wind knocked out of him when they fell. She couldn't see him in the darkness, but reached out and found his hand.

"Oh, Father!" she grasped it tightly. "I was so afraid you were unconscious or buried in the rocks."

Father chuckled, "No, my dear - takes a lot more - than a rock slide to kill old Jacob." He pulled her close, their backs against the rocky wall. "Vincent will find us I'm sure, child." He felt her thin figure shaking and wrapped a strong arm around her. "Come, child, stop your shaking. We will be okay."

Scarlett cowered against him, silent, as thoughts of her entrapment in the lower tunnels with Paracelsus began to nudge their way into her mind. She shook her head, trying to get rid of them. The pain reminded her that she had hit her head and she gritted her teeth. Father heard it, and with one hand, held her head against his chest. His experienced fingers felt the swelling knot where she had fallen and sighed. "You may have a concussion, child. Try to stay still, and rest, Okay?"

Hot silent tears fell down her face. She had tried Catherine's advice. She tried to befriend Father, tried to woo Mouse. But here she sat in the darkness, with a terrible headache, an increasing fear and claustrophobia, and she was now covered in rock dust and unfit to be seen. Father felt sadness tug at his heart, and he kissed the top of her head.

"All will be well, Nancy. Trust me."

She shivered, and whispered, "I don't like the dark, Father."

Father sighed again, sadly, and held her tighter. "No, I suppose not."

Scarlett clenched her fists. She had shoved everyone away since her time in the dark tunnels. It was her own fault. The bond between her and Vincent had been broken for a long time. She had felt him try to connect sometimes, but she had shut him out. Now in the darkness, she searched her heart. She only hoped he would hear her.


Vincent set up a few more candles near the main entrance. "There," Catherine said to him. "It looks absolutely lovely. Everyone has done such a good job. Father is going to be so pleased."

Vincent stepped back and put an arm around her. "Yes, Catherine. It does. Everyone has worked so hard. You look lovely too, by the way."

Catherine laughed and hugged him. "Thank you Vincent. Wonder what is keeping Scarlett?" At that moment, a loud rumble shook the tunnels above them. Vincent frowned. "That doesn't sound good."

Catherine frowned. "Probably not. Vincent, do you think we should check it out?"

Vincent nodded. He handed her his last candle and smiled. "You find a lovely place for this while I take a look." He winked at her, and she blushed and smacked his arm.

He laughed and began to climb up to the higher tunnels, searching for the source of the noise. He was almost to the crystal cave when he felt a gentle nudge in his heart. "Scarlett?" He whispered softly. He felt her sorrow and also a slight urgency. He began to follow her heart like a beacon and it led him to a tunnel. Well, what should have been a tunnel. A pile of rocks taller than a man met him. With a lion like growl he began to toss rocks behind him. He had quickly made an opening and looked in to find Father and Scarlett both. Father looked up at him calmly. "Hi Vincent."


"Vincent, if you hadn't come along when you did, we would have been in a rough place," Father spoke with conviction as he bandaged up Scarlett's head. Vincent looked deep into her eyes as he replied. "Well, in just glad you are well, Father. It could have been so much worse." He knew Scarlett had renewed the bond between them, and he also knew it hadn't been easy. For inside her, he felt all of the sadness that she had kept buried away. He could feel it eating at her, gnawing like a rat. But she wasn't ready to let it go. She looked at him, and that silent communication told him to step back. He nodded, almost imperceptibly and turned back to Father.

At that moment, Mouse came charging into the infirmary, his eyes wide. "Scarlett, Father!" He frantically spoke each name, while ducking between the various members of the community standing in the room. Vincent held up his paw.

"Now there Mouse. She's okay and Father is too. See?"

A look of relief crossed the young man's face. "Good, ok fine. Mouse worried when he hear on pipes." In the awkward silence, Scarlett summoned her courage.

"Hi Mouse."

He finally looked at her. Her face was covered in grime. But her dress was beautiful. She looked like an angel. The dress wasn't too dusty, and its effect was not lost. He smiled crookedly. "Hi Scarlett. Mouse glad your not-well, much hurt."

Scarlett smiled. "Thank you Mouse."

Vincent smiled. "Well, Father, there's something I need to show you."

Father nodded. "Seems like everyone does. Miss Nancy, what were you going to show me?" Scarlett smiled.

"Vincent will show you."

Father shook his head. I will go. But Miss Nancy must stay here and rest. She has a concussion and that needs some quiet time." He didn't notice the sadness cross her face or Vincent's. Mouse spoke up quickly.

"Mouse stay with Scarlett."

Vincent and Scarlett looked at him and smiled. Vincent clapped him on the shoulder. "Thanks Mouse."

Mouse grinned awkwardly. "Ok, good, ok fine."

Father shook his head. "Okay, you two lovebirds, stay here till I get back. No horse playing. I want you to rest." He glared playfully but firmly at Scarlett and she smiled. "Yes, Father."

After the men had gone, Mouse turned to Scarlett. "Father say you rest. Come to chamber." He picked her up off of the infirmary table and carried her to the couch in the back of the room made from tapestries and blankets. He laid her on it, and tucked a pillow under her head. Shyly, he sat down next to her.

Scarlett smiled up at him, the awkward grin on his face. "I've missed you Mouse."

Mouse reached over and tapped her chin. "Missed you too. Wait here while Mouse make hot water for face."

Scarlett laughed propped her head on her chin and watched him work at the fireplace. "Mouse, are you saying you don't like my face?"

Mouse looked up at her from where he knelt by the fireplace, and Scarlett felt her breath catch in her throat. The fire was flickering on his calm face turned toward her, and he looked so mature. Gone was the little boy Mouse. There was something so grown up about him. The way his jaw angled like a man, his confidence creeping into his voice, with less stammering. Something had changed about him. She couldn't place it. Unless... She swallowed hard and her heart fluttered. It was the way he was looking at her. Mouse was no longer a boy. And she was no longer a girl.


The flickering fire cast an amber light over Mouse and Scarlett. He smiled crookedly at her through his shaggy hair and turned away to pour water from the teakettle into a bowl on the hearth. He tossed a cloth over his arm and picked up the bowl. Walking over to where she lay, he sat down and looked her in the eye. "Mouse loves - your face."

She swallowed hard and felt as if her throats would close up. "Mouse-I - he-"

Mouse placed a finger over her lips to shush her and whispered, "I know."

Scarlett closed her eyes and turned her face away. How could he possibly know the pain, the scars, the terrors, things taken that were not his to take. How could Mouse understand.

Gently, Mouse cupped her cheek in a hand that was no longer childlike, but firm and strong. He turned her face back toward him and spoke softly, leaning closer till she felt his breath on her face. "Mouse know. That why you hid days- from Mouse. You blush - cower. Scarlett wear- long sleeves, when short, always - hide with hands. Scarlett think - not beautiful. But," he ran his hand across her forehead, brushing back her copper hair. "Scarlett beautiful."

She gazed into his eyes, not daring to believe the compassion and love she saw there. "Mouse, how can you understand."

Mouse ran his thumb across her chin and bit his lower lip. He stood quickly and for a moment, she shrank back, afraid she had angered him by her seeming disbelief of his heartfelt affirmation. He hesitated for a moment then, seeming to come to some personal decision, discarded his vest and removed his shirt in one quick motion. He stood before her, thumbs hooked in his belt, arms muscular and strong. For a moment, that fluttering in her heart took her breath away again. Then, she realized that scars of varying sizes, pale as they had healed a long time ago, were emblazoned on the ribs and shoulders of the young man. "See, Scarlett, see? Mouse not perfect. Bad men see Mouse. But bad men not make Mouse bad. Mouse run. Hide like Mouse. Father help. Mouse strong now. Scarlett too. Be strong. Leave past. Set Scarlett free." The gentle plea of desperation was not mistakable in his voice. He knelt beside her, clearly agitated at his stammering. "Mouse want Scarlett feel free. She beautiful. Not listen to thoughts. Bad men not make Scarlett bad. She hurt. But she now free. Free to be herself."

Scarlett blinked back the tears. Gently, she reached up and ran her hand down the side of his face, across the smooth scars on his shoulders, touching, remembering. She looked up at his gentle eyes, seeing the question. He had bared his soul to her. Much had gone unsaid or explained but she could fill in the blanks. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Mouse, I want to be free."

He smiled that kind crooked smile. He slipped his shirt back on (a slight tremor of disappointment ran through her mind) and sat beside her again, setting the bowl of water next to him.

"Rest as Father said. Mouse watch over Scarlett." He gently began washing the dust from her face and arms, carefully, tenderly. She watched him for a moment, the way his shaggy hair hung in his eyes, small smile always on his face. Her eyes grew heavy and the throbbing in her head made her tired. She must rest. Only for a moment.

"Vincent, If you had not come when you did, I don't know what would have happened. Pascal has alerted the others to the unstable tunnel and Winslow has mapped out an alternate route until he can get it cleared. Being trapped in darkness is not my idea of a good time."

Vincent smiled at Father who had ranted ever since leaving the infirmary because he didn't want to leave Scarlett too long and because it was a long trek to wherever they were going. The last turn, and then there they were. The tunnel dwellers shouted surprise, and Mary came holding a cake. Peter was there and the children. Father didn't know what to say, so Kipper and the children grabbed his arms and clamored for him to come see the food. Catherine slipped her arm around Vincent.

"Do you think it will be okay?"

Vincent knew she wasn't talking about the party. He shrugged and pulled her closer. "I hope so."

Scarlett awoke with a start. For a moment she thought she was alone. But then she saw Mouse, by the fireplace, working on some kind of invention. He had a small hammer and was tapping something very tediously. He looked up at her as she stirred and smiled. "Scarlett get rest?"

She nodded and stretched lazily, a sudden pain in her head halting the stretch. She rubbed her head. "Ow."

Mouse looked up again, concerned. He stood and picked up what he had been working on and stuffed it in his pocket. Hands still in his pocket, he walked over and sat down next to her. "Head hurt?"

She nodded and he frowned. "Want Mouse get Father?"

Scarlett shook her head. "No. It's a concussion so it's supposed to hurt. I will be okay."

Mouse nodded and stared at the floor. He bit his lip again and Scarlett frowned.

"You ok?"

Without an answer, Mouse suddenly stood and knelt by the couch. "Scarlett, how long Mouse know Scarlett."

She gazed into his eyes. "About four years."

Mouse nodded. "We not strangers?"

She smiled. "No."

Mouse took a deep breath. "Mouse honored if Scarlett - marry Mouse."

Scarlett gasped as he held out a ring. She smiled. It was totally Mouse. Three strands of polished wire braided together and curved to form a ring, the ends twisted together like a cage and inside it, a crystal from the lower caves. She looked into his eyes again, saw the uncertainty and a little fear in them. She took a deep breath.



"You asked her what?" Father paced the floor of the candle-lit library in obvious consternation.

"Mouse asked Scarlett marry Mouse." Mouse replied confidently.

Father paused and shook his head at the young man. "What are you thinking, my boy?" His voice was gentle but very uncertain.

Mouse cowered a little, his shoulders dropping in defeat, reminding Vincent of the first time he had seen the scared young man. Mouse had not expected to be interrogated. "Mouse-loves-Scarlett." Mouse said quietly, gazing at the floor.

Vincent, standing in the shadows, smiled kindly. "Mouse, we are only concerned for your safety. Your continued trips above will be endangering to Scarlett and the community. I know you do like to go above. I think it would be unwise to continue. But if you go above, she must stay here. Both of you will bring attention to Below."

Mouse nodded. "Understood."

Father sighed and rubbed his face with a calloused hand. "I know I'm so going to regret this." He looked at the gentle face of the young man and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "You have my blessing."

The look of excitement that lit up Mouse's face made Father's heart melt. For a moment Mouse couldn't speak. Then unexpectedly, he threw his arms around the older man saying "OK good, OK fine!"

Father chuckled and steadied himself as he had almost been knocked over. "Easy there, my boy. You just make me proud, Ok?"

Mouse nodded and frowned. "I will, Father."

Scarlett wandered around the candle room, watching Mary and Rebecca working industriously on the candles for Winterfest.

"You are nervous, child." Mary said as she pulled the candles from their final bath of wax.

Scarlett sighed and sat down on a sack of wax shavings. "I am Mary. Mouse asked me to marry him."

Mary stopped what she was doing and gazed at the young woman. She smiled and spoke calmly. "And what is your heart saying, Miss Scarlett?"

Scarlett sighed. "I told him yes."

Mary chuckled and sat down next to Scarlett, pulling her close. "Do you regret it?"

A becoming blush crept over Scarlett's face and she smiled. "No."

"Then what ails you, child?"

Scarlett frowned. "Mary, my life is a disaster. It's been horrible. I'm struggling to let go of the past and move forward. I feel like I'm- I'm-"

"Not worthy of his love?" Mary asked kindly.

Scarlett hunched her shoulders and wrapped her arms around her knees. "Yes."

The older woman laughed lightly. "Always remember this, Scarlett. When a man asks for your hand, he means it. If he didn't love you he wouldn't bother."

Scarlett smiled and in the light of the candles flickering across her face, something akin to hope shone there. "You mean that Mary?"

Mary smiled. "Yes, child. I certainly do."


This part of the story takes place sometime later, on it is part three, entitled "A Heart of Glass."

Soft candlelight flickered around the eclectic cave room. Odd pieces of machinery lay neatly around on shelves carved into the walls. A neatly made bed couch designed of tapestries, blankets and some furs made one end of the room inviting. The other side was a table covered in bolts, nuts, and tools. A young woman sat in a rocking chair at one end of the room, her bright hair shining in the candles, her blue eye and brown eye focused on the knitting in her hands. A tall slim young man sat at the desk, bent over his most recent invention.

"It- not -working, Scarlett." Mouse frowned at the pile of machinery in front of him. "Just stays-stuck." His curly hair fell into his eyes as he leaned down to pick up a wrench. "Just - not going -to come off." He tugged at a bolt on the small machine with all his strength.

Scarlett, his copper-haired new bride, laughed and came to stand beside him. "Hand it over Mouse and I shall help you." Mouse laughed and laid down the wrench. He looked up into her smiling face and snickered. "How much help - are you - to be? If Mouse - can't get - apart, how are -you?"

Scarlett stuck out her lower lip in a pout. "Mouse are you mocking me?" He laughed and tried to tickle her. She shrieked and ran away. He ran after her and in seconds, they were laughing and chasing each other around the room. Mouse, who was much quicker than Scarlett, managed to grab her and pin her to the wall. Mouse wasn't rough, but the feeling of being trapped snapped something inside her and she cowered against the wall. Mouse frowned. He pulled her away from the wall.

"Scarlett - okay? Mouse not mean-to scare you?"

She shook her head and forced herself to wrap her arms around him. "I'm sorry, Mouse. I'm sorry."

"Mouse sorry." Mouse rested his chin on top of her head and rubbed her back.

He felt her shake her head. "No, Mouse. I know you won't hurt me. Just for a moment, all I could think of was him."

Mouse's jaw twitched as he thought of him. Paracelsus. The bane of the world Below. Scarlett had spent some time in his underground world and seemed to have never been quite the same. His brow furrowed in thought. Mouse loved Scarlett. The idea of such memories tormenting her bothered him. It had caused some tense moments in their new life together and he silently sorrowed that their marriage would always be haunted. But he knew in his heart that he had married her, aware of all the sorrows she carried. From their days on the streets together, to her time recuperating from her injuries in the lower Tunnels, to their dating days in the Main tunnels. He knew he was marrying a shattered bride. But wasn't that fitting? He was always going above to find pieces of this and that, and making something new.

"Mouse fix it." He said firmly. "Scarlett?"

She looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest. "Yes, Mouse?"

"Scarlett, all will - be okay. Mouse know - you hurt- and Mouse want you- know he will - always love you - and never hurt Scarlett - ever."

Scarlett sighed and nodded. "I know Mouse. I just wish I could bury my past somewhere and never have it come flashing up before me. I know you wouldn't hurt me, Mouse. I really do. Its just, sometimes, I see him again and it knocks me for a whirl." She reached up and took his face in her hands. "Mouse, please help me. I love you, and I don't want our marriage ever to hurt because of my past."

Mouse smiled kindly. "Mouse never let that happen."

Scarlett smiled back. "Can I have that kiss now?"


"And that, my dear Vincent, is how you win a chess game." Father set down his Knight and leaned back in his chair, a smug smile on his calm face. Scarlett laughed at Mouse's expression of confusion and brought more tea to fill his cup. "Mouse, I have yet to see anyone that can beat Father. Other than Vincent," she added as the gentle lion like man strode into the library. Catherine was at his side.

"Scarlett, that is clever deduction," Vincent laughed. "Mouse, I must predict many more losses if you wish to play against Father. He is very good."

Mouse shook his head. "Mouse good with wrench -screwdriver. Not good with Knight and - what called a - Rook?"

Scarlett put an arm around his shoulder. "Well, good then. I married a handyman, not a chess competitor."

Mouse pinched her nose and she playfully swatted him.

Father stood. "Hi Catherine. Welcome again." He gave her a fatherly hug. "Is everything okay?"

Catherine smiled. "Yes. I came down to spend some time here. We just finished a huge case and I got Nancy's- Scarlett's files squared away. Its only a few weeks till Christmas, and I wanted to see if Mary needed any supplies for the dinner."

Father smiled wisely. "I'm sure she would appreciate that, Catherine. Scarlett, would you mind seeing if any more wax is needed for the helper's candles?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yes, Father!" She hurried away, with Catherine, leaving the men alone. Father sighed and sat back down in his chair and began to stir sugar into his tea. "So, my boy. How is married life?"

Mouse thoughtfully rearranged the chess pieces. "Mouse - not sure. She is amazing." His eyes lit up and he smiled up at Vincent. "She's beautiful - kind - loving." His face darkened and he frowned.
"What's wrong then?" Father asked kindly.

Mouse twisted his hands. "Well, Scarlett - is haunted."

Vincent laid a hand on the young man's shoulder. "You mean about - the past?"

Mouse nodded quickly. He stood quickly and turned his back to the men. Father and Vincent looked at each other, unsure what to do. Mouse turned back toward them, anger plastered on his normally calm face, fists clenched. Fierce tears burned in his usually gentle eyes. "And when - Scarlett- is afraid- and crying - makes Mouse-want kill-those men!"

Father felt so sorry for Mouse. He knew from his many years of seeing life pass by that this was hard for Mouse. He remembered when Mouse himself had first come Below. He was jumpy, didn't talk much, and was such a nervous wreck, that Father was really hard on him. Mostly because he didn't know what to do with him, or how to help Mouse. He stood and embraced the younger man in a tight hug. "Love her through it Mouse. Time heals everything."

Mouse nodded. "Thank you Father."


"How are you getting along, Scarlett?" Catherine put her arm around the younger woman as they walked.

Scarlett shook her head. "Catherine, I am really struggling."

Catherine stopped and turned to face Scarlett. "Why, what's wrong?"

Scarlett shook her head again. "It has nothing to do with Mouse. He is so understanding, and gentle. It's just sometimes I have flashbacks and it just incapacitates me."

Catherine sighed in understanding. "Have you told him everything that happened while you were in captivity?"

Scarlett nodded. "He became so angry about Paracelsus that it scared me."

Catherine smiled as she remembered some of Vincent's righteous indignation at those that harmed her. "Let him protect you, Scarlett, always just trust him. Time will heal everything."

Scarlett brushed a few quick tears away. "Promise?"

Catherine smiled and nodded. "Promise."


It was nearing Christmas. Voices could be heard along the halls and the sound of tinkling bells mixed with the chimes of Christmas music that rang on the pipes. The holidays were in full swing Below.

"Mouse! I need your help!" Perched atop a rickety stepladder, Jaime looked like a human octopus. She stood on one foot, the other stretched out before her holding a coil of lights. One hand was reaching high above her trying to connect the lights with the power socket Pascal had put in place, and the other held a coil of garland. Mouse dropped his armload of candles and ran to her aid. In the background, Mary was icing cookies at one of the long tables and humming a Christmas tune, which was being tapped across the pipes by Pascal. A sort of pipe organ.

The children of the tunnels hurried here and there, laughing and chattering with glee. On the stone balcony at the top of the cathedral room, Father stood with his arms crossed, watching the festivities. His face was pensive, and a joyful sparkle was in his eyes. He loved his little community. They were all his family and he enjoyed seeing them so happy.

"I don't know why I can't help them." Scarlett spoke mournfully. "Christmas is my favorite time of year!"

Father turned to where the young girl sat at a long table, stringing popcorn, her young face petulant.

Father chuckled and walked over to where she sat, a blanket draped across her shoulders. "Because, we don't want you to get sick do we?" He asked, leaning onto the table, eyebrows raised in question. His kind eyes laughed at the grimace on her face as she replied, "No, Father, I suppose not."

He patted the top of her head. "There, there, my dear. Trust me, you are not missing much. They are quite chaotic down there. I do wish Vincent was here. He could definitely help. I am afraid someone will get hurt. Your flu isn't quite gone yet and we don't want you having a relapse."

Scarlett laughed and shook her head. "I will keep resting, Father, do not worry. Where is Vincent?"

Father smiled. "Vincent is gone to get Dr. Peter and Catherine. They have both been gathering additional supplies. Mouse wanted to go above to get Christmas lights, but Catherine thought some real ones might be beneficial. Dr. Peter is bringing something for your cough as well as gifts for the children. I really do hope we have a calm, quiet Christmas. It has been rather hectic lately." Father added the last part quietly, as he leaned his elbows on the railing. It had been rather crazy lately.

"I am sorry, Father." Scarlett spoke quietly, her head lowered, so that her hair covered her face and he could not see her eyes.

Father whirled to face her. "Dear child! I was not referring to you!" He quickly strode over to her and sat down beside her. "Hey." He tilted her chin to face him. "Hey. Please do not blame yourself. It has been wonderful having you here. Its just hard for an old fellow like me to keep up with all the new developments." His eyes crinkled for a moment in merriment. Then he took her hand in both of his. "Does that make sense, child?"

Scarlett nodded, a bashful smile crossing her face. "Yes, Father. I understand."

Father nodded. "Good. Now I must see to the decorations over there before Jamie falls off of that ladder and breaks her arm or worse. Please stay right here and rest. I shall send Mary up for the popcorn garland shortly."

Scarlett nodded again as he patted her knee. She watched as he slowly descended the stone stairs to where the chaos reigned. Kipper was running thither and yon with various ornaments and Mouse was trying to reach the garland that Jamie was hanging on the wall.

Tiredly, Scarlett sighed and shook her head. It had been such a long journey to get to this point. Her marriage to Mouse had not been quite as smooth in the beginning as she had hoped, but they had sorted things out as best as they could. They loved each other dearly. But shadows of the past had haunted both of them and it had taken a lot of concern and care of the whole community to get them past it. Scarlett smiled as she listened to Mouse and Father discussing the garland. Jaime seemed miffed at their obvious lack of faith in her garland-hanging abilities.

"Mouse try - get garland to - stay." Mouse offered.

Father chuckled. "Mouse, there is no way I want either of you to try. Someone is going to get hurt balancing on that ladder in such a crazy fashion. Lets wait until Vincent arrives then we will get it finished. Jaime, why don't you arrange the candles. We won't light them until the night of the dinner."

Jaime sighed. "Yes, Father. We already counted them and Mary thinks there should be enough. I will place them in their designated locations. Shall I arrange the colored ones anywhere specific?"

Father thought for a moment. "Perhaps, just mix them up. Make it festive. I have faith in you, girl. Just do as you wish."

Jaime smiled. "Thank you, Father. Right on it."
She hurried away, and began arranging candles. Father turned to Mouse and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You, my boy, had better tend to your bride. I am sure she is a bit lonely up there stringing popcorn by herself."

Mouse's face lit up and he nodded. "Yes, Father."

Father smiled and watched Mouse bound up the stairs, and then pull himself together enough to walk up the last few steps like a normal man.

Father gazed around him at the warm glow of the room, the happy singing faces. And in his heart, there was such intense pride for his little family. It was going to be a great Christmas.

If only everyone that lived in the tunnels at that moment agreed with him.


"Hey there."

Scarlett jumped and turned to see Mouse standing beside her. She quickly brushed a few tears from her face and smiled. "Hi babe."

Mouse slowly sat down next to her. "Hey, Scarlett -okay?" His face quickly lost its smile and was replaced by a worried frown.

Scarlett nodded, and turned to put her head on his shoulder. He pulled her close and hugged her. "Something - not seem right. Tell Mouse?" he whispered in her ear.

She nodded and looked up into his concerned face. "I am just really, really grateful to be here. Everyone -is so kind - and caring, and I - I feel like it's all a dream. And I will wake up and it - won't be real."

Mouse rubbed her arm comfortingly. "Mouse - understands. Felt the -same way once. Vincent gave - Mouse advice. If it -is dream, then -live it. Enjoy it to the fullest - the greatest regret- will be having - not live dream - as well as- you could. Then - draw upon - the strength - to live on."

Scarlett smiled. "That does sound like Vincent."

Mouse kissed her forehead. "Feel better?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yes. I have the popcorn done. Could you take it to Father?" She smiled up at him and he squeezed her hand.

She watched her husband hurrying to the aid of those below and laughed inwardly. He was such a bundle of energy. The streamers of popcorn trailed behind him in a comical stream. The massive tree below in the Great Hall was slowly becoming adorned in festive array. The children were laughing and shrieking, and Jamie was once again on the ladder trying to arrange decorations. Father hovered below, complaining that she was going to get hurt and Mouse was strewing the popcorn garland haphazardly on the tree while Mary scolded in her gentle voice at his random placement.

Sighing contentedly, Scarlett leaned her chin on her arms and closed her eyes. How did she get so lucky to find a man like Mouse? True, he had a slight stammer, and he was a slightly nervous fellow. But his heart was made of gold. He made all of her nightmares fade away at night when she woke up frightened and he was there, speaking calmly to her shattered nerves, in the darkness. She would reach for his hand, only to find it already grasping hers. And he would hold her until the shaking dissipated and she fell asleep again. She watched as he leaned down and deftly lifted little Kipper onto his shoulders so the little guy could hang ornaments higher up the tree and she smiled. If only she could give Mouse that kind of happiness. A small smile hovered on her face as she stood and went over to the balcony to watch him.

She had been very ill with the flu back in the end of October. For the past six weeks, she had not felt well and Father had insisted she rest. Without anyone else's knowledge, Father had invited Dr. Peter to come to help get ready for Christmas, for the sole reason of examining Scarlett himself. Father could not do everything with his limited supplies and he was worried that she wasn't feeling 100% better. Scarlett did not dare hope, but she was wondering within herself if she was pregnant. It all seemed to add up yet the very idea scared her. Yet, made her feel complete. A contented sigh escaped her lips and she turned to go down the stairs.

"Oh, no you don't, child." Father moved quickly to stand at the foot of the stairs. She laughed at the worried look on his face. His eagle eyes were always noticing everything.

"Father, I think I shall be fine. I just want to come and see." Scarlett pleaded, pouting at the seriousness of his frown. "Pleeaaassee?"

Father shook his head and held out his hand. "Very well, child, but please do not climb on anything or pick up anything. That dizziness and unwellness worries me a bit."

Scarlett descended the stairs and took his offered hand. "Why thank you, Father. Free at last." She spoke bemusedly.

Father shook his head. "Young people." He mumbled in dismay to himself.

A sudden flurry of exclamations and happiness suddenly filled the room as Vincent, Catherine, and Dr. Peter Alcroft arrived with boxes and packages of Christmas odds and ends. The joy in the room was so happy. Father made his way over to Dr. Peter, keeping one eye on Scarlett who was helping Catherine untangle a strand of lights.

"Peter!" Father extended a hand to his fellow colleague and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Jacob!" Dr. Peter smiled kindly and returned the handshake. "What seems to be the trouble? Pascal said you wanted to see me?"

Father motioned the doctor to follow him out into the hallway. His voice was lowered in a hushed tone. "It's Scarlett. She has been terribly ill back at the end of October. Her and Kipper were both ill. Kipper seems to be very well now, but Scarlett seems to have sort of remained - well - not herself. She feels well sometimes and sometimes she just feels really ill."
Dr. Peter frowned. "Do you think it's too damp down here and she's just kind of hanging onto it?"

Jacob sighed and turned to look into the Great Hall. "Watch her, Peter. Does she look ill?"

Dr. Peter watched Scarlett and Mouse playfully chasing Kipper who finally tripped over the garland he was carrying and fell into Mary who chattered like a hen at everyone to pick up the garland before someone got hurt. Scarlett and Mouse immediately began helping, and when the garland was out of the way, they sat down at the table to ice cookies with Mary, sharing a quick kiss that started more chattering from Mary, albeit of the more friendly kind.

Peter shook his head. "No. She looks rather healthy to me. Sort of pale but not terribly so."

"I think she is pregnant."

Peter looked quickly at his friend in concern. "You do?"

Father smiled knowingly and nodded. "Peter, I have seen that look before. She's in a completely different world. The nausea, the dizziness, the random spells of feeling unwell. But yet there's just this glow about her. I really think she is and I think she knows it."

Peter replied carefully. "I do see your point, Jacob. Mouse is the father?"

"Yes. He has changed so much since they got married. I am very proud of him." Father watched Mouse proudly, as he gave a cookie to Kipper and got swatted by Mary.

Peter smiled. "Well, if that is the case, it may help Scarlett finally get over her - shall we say - tumultuous past?"

Jacob sighed. "I hope so, Peter. I desperately hope so."


"Yep, just as you thought, Jacob!" Dr. Peter walked out into the library, setting his medical bag onto the table where Father and Mouse were trying to play chess. Neither one was paying much attention to it. At the cryptic comment, Mouse looked up at the doctor in consternation. He looked from Father back to Dr. Peter nervously. "What - wrong with-Scarlett?"

Dr. Peter sighed and knelt down beside him. "You, young man, are going to be a dad."

Multiple expressions crossed the young man's face in an instant. A mixture of fear, concern, and then complete and utter joy that was beautiful to behold. He threw his arms around the kind doctor, exclaiming in rapturous tones. Then he sat back and frowned. "Will Scarlett be okay?"

Dr. Peter nodded and smiled. "So far, so good, my boy. Take good care of her."

Mouse nodded quickly. "Mouse will do!" And he stood and ran away to see Scarlett, almost knocking over Dr. Peter in his haste.

Dr. Peter sighed and sat down opposite Father. Father noticed the furrowed brow and leaned forward, resting his chin on clasped hands. "What's wrong, Peter? Out with it. I know that look."

"Well," Peter hesitated. "I'm just being honest with you, Jacob. That girl has been through something terrible. She is definitely - well, she's been beat up somewhere in the past. More than once. It's weird, but I feel like I have seen her somewhere before...Anyway, I really worry that she may not be able to handle the stress. She seems like a nervous person."

Father nodded wisely, a pained expression on his normally calm face. "Well, Peter, our Scarlett has an interesting past. I feel I must be honest and explain it all to you." He motioned to the game board before them. "Care for a game of chess?"


Catherine and Vincent sat by the fluorescent lake together, quietly watching the shimmering water. They had finished in the Great Hall and everything was ready for the candle lighting ceremony the following week. Cullen and Winslow would keep an eye on things to make sure everything stayed pristine for the ceremony until the date it happened. The couple had slipped away from the festivities and were enjoying their rare moments of quiet time together.

Catherine finally spoke. "I don't want to tell her."

Vincent pulled her close. "You have to. They will be looking for her. You will be placed in a very bad place if they find out that you know her and you'll be in danger."

"Vincent," Catherine shook her head. "It's stupid. She has been gone for months and she is finally happy. Why should we stir up the past?"

Vincent sighed. "I understand, Catherine. But the agreement was to send her to a therapist. Naturally, they expect her to surface again. She has to go back and testify or her mother will be released and start an investigation as to why her daughter is missing. And you will be responsible!"

Catherine sighed and rubbed her face. "You are right, Vincent. You are right. I know."

Vincent spoke quietly. "But I know you don't want to awaken the sleeping giant and neither do I. Father will be very distressed."

"I know." Catherine tossed a glowing pebbly into the water, creating a shimmering light on the ceiling of the cave. "I wish she could just disappear."

A thoughtful expression crossed Vincent's face. "We might be able to arrange that."


"She can't go Above." Father said calmly, stirring sugar into his tea. The two doctors were sitting at the chess table where Mouse had left them, a half finished game indicating that they had spent most of the time talking.

"But Father," Vincent spoke quietly. "She has to. If her mother starts hunting for her and finds us here..."

Father looked over his glasses at the two people standing before him and then glanced at Dr. Peter who was studying the chessboard, oblivious to the conversation.

"She cannot go Above and that is final."

Catherine tried. "But Father..."

Father finally smiled and looked up at them, sitting back into his chair and removing his glasses. "Miss Nancy is going to be a mother."

Catherine and Vincent's face's lit up. "What?" They both looked like a bomb had gone off. Both men laughed at the shock on their faces.

Father stood and went to the couple, placing a hand on their shoulders. "Yes, my children. Miss Nancy is going to have a baby. In about six months, if Dr. Peter calculated correctly." He looked so proud, prouder than anyone else had ever seen him.

Dr. Peter laughed. "Jacob, are you insulting my arithmetic? I graduated with high honors in that class."

Father waved him away, playfully and turned to see Catherine and Vincent both looking glum. Catherine shook her head. "No she can't go above."

A grave look crossed Father's face. "She must be made to disappear. I can not have her getting hurt again."

Dr. Peter smiled. "I can arrange that, my friends." He looked crafty, but there was a concerned gleam in his eye.

"But - Father - I have to testify." came a calm voice from the doorway. The adults turned to see Scarlett standing there, and Mouse who had one arm around her. "I have to do what is right. If I don't, she will come after me and you will all be destroyed. I couldn't do that to you all." She looked around the dimly lit room. "Not after everything that you have done for me."

Father strode over to her, taking her face in his hands, his face paling slightly. " My dear child. I cannot send you back up into that lion's den again, I cannot see you bleeding and in pain one more time." His eyes held so much emotion that Scarlett felt fearful. She took a deep breath and laid her small hand on his arm.

"Can I talk to you, alone, Father, and you too, Dr. Peter?" She looked up at Mouse for permission, and he nodded kindly.

Both men looked at each other and then nodded simultaneously. "Sure, child." Father said quietly, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Vincent, Catherine, and Mouse watched them go to the library. Father walking quietly, Dr. Peter, awkwardly shuffling after them and Scarlett looking back every few steps, to make sure they were still there.

Mouse turned to Vincent. "Mouse very happy." And in his eyes hovered something they had never seen before. There was light there, and joy, and could it be? Love. Love shone there in the form of shimmering tears.


"You want me to do what?!" The echo of this exclamation bounced down the corridor in mockery of the serious tone. Father's expression of frustration made Scarlett step back instinctively and Father's shoulders drooped. With a groan, he sighed and rubbed his face. "Hey, come here." He motioned for her to come forward, but she hesitated, eyeing him with calculated caution. Father threw his hands in the air in resignation and began to pace back and forth in the hall, his head lowered in thought. Finally he stopped and spoke, his voice gentle. "Nancy, I do not know how this idea is going to work. What if it fails, what if something goes terribly wrong?"

Dr. Peter rubbed his chin thoughtfully. When he finally spoke, there was a hint of confidence that made Scarlett glance his way with a hopeful glimmer in her eyes. "I don't know, Jacob. We might want to discuss this."

Father stopped pacing abruptly, his mouth agape in shock. He rolled his eyes. "Oh no, Peter, my goodness, dear fellow, not you too." Father felt defeated. He turned and held out a hand to Scarlett again. "Oh dear, do come here, child. I am sorry that I startled you, it's just that I just can't take any chances on you getting hurt again."

Scarlett sighed, and, leaning against the stone of the corridor, she absentmindedly rubbed her stomach comfortingly, an instinctive gesture that softened Father's heart. "And that is another reason that this idea is ridiculous." He pointed out as if that sealed the fact that they would not be carrying out this aforementioned dangerous plan.

"I can't keep living in fear that they are coming back for me, Father. I keep expecting them to be right around the corner, coming to take me back Above. I have to leave everything there. I have to leave Above for good. I must be dead to them." Scarlett spoke quietly, face downcast. For a moment there was a hesitating silence. Through the silence came the tapping of the pipes, Christmas carols still being played on the larger pipes, and messages being tapped on the smaller ones. Pascal must have been quite a conductor down there, keeping everything flowing. Father made a mental note to have him play music more often.

Scarlett looked dangerously near tears and Father returned to the present, mentally berating himself for yelling at her. "Come, now, child. I really am sorry. Let us talk to Vincent and the council and see what they think." He reached out and, grasping an arm, pulled her into a hug. "You understand why I am against this, after everything you have been through?" He asked softly in her ear. She nodded, but didn't speak. "There is Mouse too, you know. He's your husband. You must ask him what he thinks."

She stepped back, head lowered, brushing away a few quick tears.

Father shook his head. "Why do I feel like I am going to regret this?"


"You want to go Above and - fake - your death?" Winslow looked so confused that Scarlett laughed outright.

"Yes, Winslow. Just a fake death. I want everyone to think and be convinced that I am dead. Everyone Above."

A quick glance revealed that there were somber faces all around the small council group. Candlelight flickered, giving a grotesque, stark look to the small assembly. Jaime chewed her lower lip thoughtfully and Vincent paced just like his father. "How are we going to go about this, Scarlett? You are carrying your first child and we cannot let you risk danger to you or that child."

"You make it sound as if I do not understand the risks," Scarlett looked around the group, her brows furrowed in confusion. "I of all people know this. I have felt the pain that my mother and her group of friends can inflict. I have felt that pain Below as well at the hands of those that still wish harm, no matter what world we are in." She had not noticed that Mouse had stepped forward until he placed one gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Mouse agree with Vincent."

Scarlett looked up at him. "What? But Mouse -"

Mouse held a finger to her lips to shush her and shook his head. "I know - you mean - well. But reconsidering. It - this - not - worth it. Your mother - may be sad when - she hear."

"Mouse." Scarlett spoke in a dark and steady tone. "My mother tried to kill me."

"Your mother - in jail." Mouse spoke again, never wavering in his tone. "You carry -now - our - child. We cannot- risk that. You must- be braver - that your fears."

Scarlett sighed. She was again so close to tears that Father felt such a desperate urge to wrap her in his arms and never let her go. Catherine stepped forward and gently spoke in the awkward silence.

"You would not be so afraid if Paracelsus had not taken you captive down here. You are afraid of Above. But you are also afraid of Below."

For a moment, both women's eyes met in a understanding gaze, although Scarlett looked a bit guilty. Catherine had hit the proverbial nail squarely on its proverbial head.

"Scarlett, I know. I understand." She smiled. "Vincent helped me greatly in my recovery but it was the hardest thing I have ever done."

"You should have gone back Above." Mouse spoke calmly. All eyes turned to him. In the candlelight, his profile was that of a man. Gone was the shaggy haired boy of the tunnels. He stood straight and tall, and his hand still rested carefully on his wife's shoulder. "You should - have gone - back."

Scarlett turned to face him. "Mouse? Are you really hearing what you are saying? You can't possibly -." Mouse shushed her again, his kind face tense. Scarlett was breathing hard, her head swimming in confusion. Mouse had just said she should have gone back Above. Didn't he want her here? His gaze was resolute. No one had ever seen him quite like that before.

Mouse squared back his shoulders and faced the council. "We have - walked - in fear. We - protected - ourselves - and ones loved- in hiding. We loved - so we sheltered. We cowered - in face -of fear. And fear - tearing Scarlett apart - tearing Below apart."

He looked calm but there was a fire burning in his eyes. "We keep - close watch - on low tunnel. We live - free - like Father wanted. We don't fear - Above. Evil men everywhere. We can - not hide. We survive."

There was a hush over the entire council, then the room erupted in cheers and applause. Father looked as if he was about to cry with pride. Vincent smiled and Catherine nodded wisely. She and Vincent glanced knowingly at each other. Both were remembering Catherine's journey of healing and the many times that Vincent had talked her through rough spots.

Mouse pulled Scarlett close to his chest and whispered. "Mouse - protect you. Mouse teach you - not be - afraid."

Scarlett looked up into his face and there was such a passionate love for her in his eyes that she did not doubt his statement. What they did not know then was he would be put to the test very soon.


"Mouse, where are we going?" Scarlett held to her husband's hand as he led her through the steamy corridors of the upper tunnels. In the distance, the subway rumbled and hissed. The smell of diesel and oil drifted to them from the far away station and above them, New York ran thither and yon in its crazy way looking for fulfillment in the glamorous world of lights and sounds above. Footsteps rang as people clomped on the iron gratings as the community above journeyed on their ways. It was a world that Scarlett had never before experienced. It was the blurred line between Below and Above. And judging by the excitement on Mouse's face, it was his favorite part of the whole community. Far away, the tapping of Pascal's pipes rang as a call to come Below. Through the gratings rang the whistle of the police, the honking of the cabbies, and the chime of a church bell on the far side of town. It was the call of Above.

Mouse helped her over pipes and under steaming lines that led away to the subway, never faltering in his stride. They left behind the clang of the town and reached a place where only the very faintest sound of tapping could be heard. In the grating above, the sounds of the night drifted to them, awakening some distant memory in Scarlett's mind that gave rise to a deep longing in her chest that she had not known had existed. Mouse finally stopped beneath a grate where the night sky shone above in its twinkling splendor and smiled mischievously at his wife. "Ready, go - Above?"

Scarlett gazed at him, her face torn between longing and horror. "What?"

Mouse laid a hand on her arm. His eyes bored deep into hers. "Scarlett, trust Mouse?"


Mouse pushed upwards on the iron grating above them, and scrambled up to the surface, pausing at the top to glance around careful that they should not be seen. The darkness above them concealed their entry to the world Above, much to Scarlett's relief. He extended a hand down to her, and she held tightly to it as he hoisted her to the surface. She paused at the top as well, momentarily overwhelmed by the memories that the world cloaked in nighttime presented to her. Night creatures sang to the twinkling stars above as the whisper of the crisp wind touched the remaining crunchy leaves of the barren trees and the leaves on the ground held their own conversation over beside the icy lake. A coating of ice lent a white glare to its surface and reflected the light of the city that rose above it. They were in Central Park, New York City. All around them towered skyscrapers of humanity winking their little lights at the little park below. Some lights flickered out into blackness as their owners prepared for sleep. The laughter of the subway floated across the great expanse and bounced off the concrete walls, creating its own hushed symphony. It was the music of Above. She had forgotten how it sounded. It had been so long. She hadn't been up here since she had gone to fetch Mouse during her first few months Below. And she hadn't been back since she had been taken by Paracelsus.


She jumped as a gentle voice brought her back to the present. She looked around in confusion to find Mouse was gazing straight at her wondering expression with a kind smile. "You must come- on up - so Mouse -can close - entrance."

Scarlett gazed down at the grating as if it were a foreign object. "Oh. Right." She scrambled backwards, sitting down on the grassy field. She ran her hands through the tender blades. It was all a dream. Any moment she would awaken in her mother's house and the World Below would be only a hazy memory. This ring on her hand would fade into oblivion, and the love she felt would be replaced by a distant longing - a longing for something she couldn't place and could never get back.

"Not- a - dream."

Again, she returned her thoughts to the real world to find Mouse kneeling beside her, his hands resting lightly on his hips. "You - not dreaming." He held out a hand. "Come. Mouse take - around."

She laughed and took his hand. They were Above. They really were Above and nothing bad had happened yet. Yet.

"Father, I think they will be fine." Vincent spoke calmly, trying to bring a steady voice to the swirling emotions in the library.

The chaos Below was perhaps the greatest there had been since the cave in that had trapped Father and Scarlett in the Lower tunnel. Father was pacing with such momentum he would have knocked over Catherine if she hadn't moved out of his way.

"Fine, Vincent, fine! Do you realize that something terrible happens to that child every time she sets foot Above? Mouse should never have taken her. What if someone sees him? He could be in great danger. What if something happens to Scarlett? Or the baby? Mouse will never forgive himself! I shall have him going crazy with grief and I shall go crazy with the stress." Father had never appeared as agitated in his entire life as he did at this moment.

Vincent grasped his shoulder and brought Father's pacing to a halt. "Careful Father. You do not want to run them off. Mouse has gone Above many times. So have I."

Father glowered at him. "I didn't think that was a good idea either, remember?"

"But would you wish I had never gone to Catherine?" Vincent asked quietly.

Father sighed and smiled tensely at Catherine. "No. No, I suppose not. I just worry about Scarlett."

Vincent patted his shoulder. "Try not to worry, Father. Mouse is her husband. We have to trust him now."

Mouse and Scarlett walked slowly by the half frozen lake. It was the first time they had been completely alone since their first meeting Below. There was always someone about, Father, Mary, Vincent, or one of the children. It was a good chance to talk.

"Scarlett - happy?"

Scarlett turned to smile at him, her face slightly reddened by the cold air. "Yes, Mouse. Very happy. I do worry about testifying again. I really don't want to face my mother again."

Mouse pulled her close as they walked. "Mouse - go with you."

"No, Mouse. You must not go with me. We cannot risk your identity or home being found out. Catherine can make up a good story for me, but you will be in danger if you show them your face. They will hunt you, Mouse. They will kill you if they find you." Mouse stopped her tirade with a finger on her lips.

"Shh." He said softly, patting her stomach awkwardly.. "Mustn't excite baby."

Scarlett laughed shortly and rolled her eyes. "No, I suppose not."

They continued walking on in silence, pausing every now and then to lean on the metal fencing above the lake and watch the twinkling lights dancing on the ice or study the random flakes of snow drifting down through the light of the city to the ground. The ice of the lakes bore the scarring marks of ice skaters from the Above dweller's daytime winter frolics in the park. "Wouldn't it be awesome to ice skate?" Scarlett said quietly, gazing up at the apartment towers above them.

"No, mommy." Mouse laughed, "You - should - not - you're - expecting. Father - kill me."

Scarlett raised her eyebrows. "That is actually true." She chuckled. "And I would not want Father to kill my husband.

"What a cute couple." A dry, thin voice spoke from the shadows of the trees.

Mouse visibly paled and bravely placed himself between Scarlett and the newcomer. He gave her a little push away from himself back toward the way they had come. Several tall, forbidding shadows began to rise up from the darkness.

"Mouse, do you know those men?" Scarlett whispered nervously, feeling that familiar panic rising from her memories.

Mouse did not answer but turned to face her, his hands clenching her shoulders. His usually calm face was terrified. "Scarlett - listen. Run - remember streets? Rabbit routine. Get Vincent. Now!" He gave her shoulders a shake to make his urgent words sink in

Scarlett, also immensely terrified at this curt announcement, shook her head. "Can't leave you!" She could barely speak, and her throat felt as if it were held by a vise

"For the child." Mouse whispered urgently, his face tense with visibly held-back tears. "Save it. Get Vincent. NOW!"

And she ran. The jeers and yells of the men behind her tore at her heart. But she knew she had to listen. Mouse always knew what was best. He was right. She couldn't help him on her own. But she couldn't leave him. She dove into the trees, sobbing. She couldn't leave her husband. "For better or for worse!" She growled to herself and roughly brushed away her tears. She then did the only thing she knew to do. In her heart, she called for Vincent.


Catherine saw the transformation in Vincent before anyone else did. One moment, Vincent sat next to Father around the council circle, his kind face glancing around the group and resting every now and then on Father's tired face. The next moment, Vincent's expression took on a hard and quiet anger. She herself felt the anger rising in his heart and chose to sit quietly as he gently stood, patted Father's shoulder reservedly, and walked away with his tea cup. In the busy chatter, he quietly slipped out of the room. She waited right where she was so Father wouldn't notice his absence as much. But in her heart, she knew he was charging down the tunnel, like a bat out of hell. She smiled slightly. Woe to whomever he was going to defeat.

Scarlett sobbed and ran blindly towards where she had left Mouse. Everything had gone quiet in Central Park. The distant road noise of the busy people Above continued on as if in mockery of the noiseless snowy emptiness that greeted Scarlett's arrival. She looked this way and that, terrified. Mouse had seemed to vanish into thin air. Only his scarf lay boldly stark against the snow and there were a few fiery red smears that indicated it had been a bloody fight and Mouse had not given up easily. There had been so many people in the Park during the daytime that there was no way to distinguish any tracks in the mucky snow. She listened as hard and as desperately as she could but there was nothing. No sound, no tracks, no signs. Scarlett's heart shattered into tiny pieces as she fell to her knees in the snow, arms wrapped tightly around herself, clutching the stained, ragged scarf. She had left her husband in his time of need and now he was gone. Where? She had no way of knowing. She had told herself not to care. She had lost her father. She had now lost her husband too. The only person in the whole wide world that she had ever truly, deeply loved. And she was four months pregnant. Her child was fatherless and she was a widow.


Vincent arrived at the surface, gasping for breath. He saw no one at the entrance but followed the breaking of Scarlett's heart that he felt inside his own until he spotted her sitting in a small pitiful heap on the ground. He glanced around quickly, his sixth sense telling him there was no one else around. He fell to the ground beside her, trying to pull her close under the warmth of his coat. She wrapped her arms around him, shaking uncontrollably. "Scarlett," He spoke quietly, taking in the ragged scarf, the blood stained ground, and the terrible pain he felt in her heart. "Scarlett, are you okay?"

She lifted her head slightly and paused. She laid a hand on her stomach and rubbed gently. "Yes." She whispered. "Yes, I am." Her face held such pain that Vincent swore in his heart that he would kill whomever had taken Mouse. He patted her shoulder and stood. The sudden movement startled Scarlett. She whimpered, and jumped up, throwing her arms around him. "Easy." He spoke again, forcing his voice to be calm. "Easy. I just want to see which way they have gone." He led her to the dense trees and sat her down, patting her stomach affectionately. "Stay here and do not move. Keep baby safe."

She nodded, not raising her eyes to meet his. He was worried about that. She had not made eye contact since his rushed arrival. But he had little time to worry about that. He had to find Mouse. Catlike tread and nose led him to a far side of the Park, where the tracks he could discern ended at tire marks. He growled, a snarl showing his teeth. They had gone.

He was walking quickly back toward the trees where he had left Scarlett when he heard a loud rumbling truck leaving from that direction. A terror seized him and he leapt in the direction of the sound. As he burst through the trees, his heart sank. Scarlett was gone, and only Mouse's even more tattered scarf remained.


"You lost Scarlett?" Father shouted, his face pale with worry and extreme frustration.

Vincent paced the floor like a caged lion. He paused at this outburst. "Well, to be fair, Father, Scarlett lost Mouse then I lost Scarlett. They were taken away in a truck." He snarled quietly and looked at Catherine. "A dark blue truck with the back right fender missing. They headed toward Lower Manhattan. No antennae, rumbling engine, double tailpipes." He added the last part for Catherine's sake. She was busy writing everything down. In the distance, the sound of tapping could be heard as Pascal sounded the alarm. Winslow and William had sallied off to close up the entrances, an emergency procedure that Father immediately requested, once he got over the initial shock that both of his young charges were mysteriously kidnapped just above the surface. No one would be going above for a while. Except Catherine. She was going to put out a bulletin. Joe Maxwell could help her. The determination on her face reminded Vincent of the day she had gone Above after she had gotten well. "Promise me," he whispered, hugging her. "Promise me you will not disappear too."

Catherine laughed gently. "Don't worry, Vincent. I will be very careful."

Vincent sat down next to Father. "Don't worry, Father. Catherine and Joe will find them." His heart ached at the defeated slump Father's shoulders held and the distant sadness in his dark eyes.

"I tried, Vincent." He said softly. "I tried."

Vincent laid a gentle paw on the older man's shoulder. "I know Father. You did."

Scarlett grimaced as the truck she was in bounced over something in the road. Her head hit something sharp and metal that she was sharing the truck bed with. From what she could see it looked like a bike. Her forehead was stinging from the metal scraping her and various scratches and bruises were beginning to hurt after her abduction. She had stayed right where Vincent had left her, but no sooner had he gone then a truck pulled up nearby. She cowered in the shelter of the trees, but before she knew it, she had been grabbed, bound and thrown in the back of a truck, and her abductors had covered the truck bed with a tarpaulin. She could sense that she was alone. Much to her dismay, Mouse was not in the truck bed too. That familiar sense of hopelessness and fear that she had hoped to have forgotten began to creep over her. "I must be strong." she whispered desperately. "I must stay strong for the baby." She could feel it moving around a bit as if concerned about her fear and the rising adrenaline. "I'm sorry baby," she whispered. "Mommy is trying to be strong."

The truck had not gone too far before it rumbled to a stop, perhaps a half of an hour. The familiar sounds of Central Park had faded into the background. The new sounds of apartment living came to her ears. The familiar sounds of the alley life. Her heard nearly stopped and her blood ran cold. A very bad feeling began to creep into her very soul. Somehow, her worst nightmare had come true. They were back where it had all began. The pain, the terror, the blood. It all came rushing back to her, and a fear unlike any she had experienced overwhelmed her. She could hear careful, easy footsteps. Two sets. The tarp suddenly was whipped off, its crumpling, plastic-like sound cutting through the silence and making her jump. Terrified, Scarlett gazed up into the terrible, sneering faces of Paracelsus and her mother.


"We have an all point bulletin out." Joe rubbed his face, sighing tiredly. "Goodness, Chandler. How do all these bad things keep happening to this kid?"

Catherine sat at her desk, chin in her hands. "No idea. But thank's Joe. I really appreciate it. Why did no one let me know that her mother had skipped out?"

Joe crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back on his desk. "We did. We called your phone a million times. I couldn't get ahold of you."

Catherine shook her head, eyes closing in realization that she had missed the calls because she was Below.

"Care to explain it, or no?" Joe asked, tilting his head to one side. "She was under your care and supposedly with a psychiatrist."

Catherine rolled her eyes at him, and stood. "No, Joe. I don't. Come on. We need to find her. Stat. Her mother will kill her. Without a witness, she will walk." Joe stood straight and held out a hand as if to stop her.

"No, no Chandler. She will stay under investigation. The judge is trying to see if she is eligible for parole. He wanted to hear the testimony again. Now that she is AWOL, all that is off the table. She is going to be found, and tried as an escaped felon. With her record, she will get life."

Catherine sighed and picked up her purse. "That's real comforting, Joe. See you later. I've got to go."

Joe frowned and walked toward her. "Chandler, where are you going?"

"I've got to find her, Joe."

Joe grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. There was a concern in his eyes that she had seen before in her father's eyes. Joe brushed a finger across her cheek. "Be careful Chandler. We don't want to lose you too. Actually," he turned away and grabbed his coat. "Hang it all. I'm coming too."


"Well, well!" Scarlett winced at the harsh voice that she remembered from her time in the Lower Tunnels. "We meet again! It must be fate. We really should just stay together." The face above her held such a venomous, scathing expression, Scarlett thought she would throw up.

She glanced at her mother's face, and saw a strange look. Her mother was looking confusedly at Paracelsus. "You've met her before?"

Paracelsus smirked. "Yes I have, Mrs. Wilson." He withdrew a gun from a pocket of his coat. "Pull her out of the truck."

The look of fear on the woman's face suddenly revealed to Scarlett that something wasn't right. Her mother wasn't aware of the evil man's real nature. She grunted as the strong woman hauled her out of the truck then froze. "Nancy?" She whispered, her face strangely kind. "You're pregnant?"

Scarlett nodded, hesitating, as her mother gently touched her baby bump almost reverently. "I have been trying to find you. I wanted to tell you that I was a terrible mother to you and I'm very, very sorry." She touched Scarlett's cheek and smiled sadly. "I didn't expect you to forgive me and I sure didn't mean to kidnap you. It was all Mr. Heathrow's idea. He helps people find people and I wanted to find you so badly-."

Scarlett's head swam. "Mom, I have lived most of my life hating you. I loved you and you- you killed my dad."

"No, no, baby." Mrs. Wilson cradled the sobbing girls head in her hands. "No I didn't. I sent Mr. Heathrow out to get you because yes I was an idiot and a jerk. I hired him and the next thing I knew your dad was dead and I was in jail. Yes, I was cruel to you and I deserve prison. But I never meant to get anyone killed. I mean that baby!"

Scarlett nodded cautiously. She was so scared she couldn't think straight. Mr. Heathrow? Paracelsus? Who was guilty? Who wasn't? She flinched as the evil Paracelsus grasped her Mom's shoulder and wrenched her away. "Enough of the chit chat, woman." The last thing that Scarlett saw was her mother falling to the ground and his gun raised in his fist and coming toward her . Sudden pain flashed through her head and she knew nothing else.

"Catherine will you please explain to me what is going on, and why we are going Below?" Joe Maxwell hurried after Catherine, pausing every now and then to catch his breath. "Nancy was supposed to be -" he paused as if he had hit a brick wall. Realization finally dawned on his face. A slow grin lit up his features and he charged on after Catherine's disappearing form. "Chandler, you always were a sneaky one."

Below was still in turmoil. Arthur was under the care of Kipper and the children, and had succeeded in keeping them successfully unaware that there had been a trashed. Except for Jamie, who had always looked out for Mouse. She sat by Winslow, her other favorite and watched the surrounding chaos with round eyes. Father sat dejectedly in his chair, cold tea in his cup forgotten on the table. Mary looked sad and yet, she kept a brave face for the children who kept running to her to settle quarrels, smooth scrapes, and answer questions. Catherine entered with Joe who immediately brought a sense of relief to the whole community. "Alright folks," he spoke firmly but gently. "We have an all-points bulletin out for the - kidnappers - truck. I am going back Above to personally drive around myself and see what we can see. Catherine will go with me. If we hear anything at all, we will have Pascal alert you." He nodded kindly at the random scattered thank you's then walked over to Father. He held out a hand. Father raised worried eyes to look at him. Joe smiled crookedly. "Coming sir?"

Scarlett woke to find herself laying on her back, unbound but in a dark room. She tried to sit up but dizziness overtook her and she winced. Gently, she raised a hand to touch her aching head. A good sized lump had formed on her temple where the pistol had knocked her out and it was sticky with blood. She sighed. Father was going to be fit to be tied. She tried to sit up again, but hesitated when a soft sob reached her ears from the other side of the room. "Hello?" She whispered, all senses on alert for some dangerous repercussion that would come because of her voice. She expected red sirens and blinding light but instead, there was only silence. "I must have imagined it," she thought to herself. She patted the baby bump. "Momma is finally losing it, child." Then she heard it again. An unmistakable sob. She wasn't alone in the darkness.

She whimpered a bit as her muscles protested her attempts to rise but she managed to rise and stagger toward the sound, one hand on the wall for support. She flinched as the wall she touched felt moldy and damp. She realized that it was made of wood. That meant they were still Above. Gritting her teeth, Scarlett crept forward until she nearly tripped over a figure lying probe on the ground. Cautiously she knelt and felt for the face of the figure. With a cry of joy, she clutched it close. She had found Mouse.


"For Pete's sake, Chandler, step on it!"

Catherine drove rapidly through the darkening streets, narrowly missing a collision with a biker. Joe grumbled in the passenger's seat about bikers that hog the road. Father and Catherine tuned him out.

"Father, was it wise for you to come?" Catherine's concern was evident in her voice, but she did not take her eyes from the road. She did not want to hit anyone. But the roads were becoming icy and the snow was falling gently through the freezing air.

Father sighed and shook his head. He kept his cloak over his head, and kept himself hidden in the back seat. "No, my child, perhaps not. But I could not remain longer Below. I do not wish to have everyone Below speaking of the time that Jacob was losing his mind." He smiled wanly at her through the rear view mirror. "I do so feel that way."

Catherine gave him a brave smile. "Don't worry, Father. They will be found."

Jacob shook his head silently and leaned his forehead against the glass of the side window. It was a cold relief to his aching head. He really was becoming too old for this. He hoped they would be found. He desperately hoped so.

In the front seat, Joe was still ranting. "-and never looking around for vehicles that could be running red lights or sliding through intersections. Then before you know it, Bam! You're dead. I say, Chandler, look where you are going!"

A milk truck rumbled across the street directly in Catherine's path and she swerved to miss it, narrowly avoiding sliding into the streetlight. When the car finally came to a stop, he roughly rushed his hand across his face. "Great Scott, we are going to get killed."

Catherine huffed a little and looked across at him. "Joe. Please."

Joe raised his head to see two very displeased people looking at him. He held up both hands. "Look, I am really frustrated here, you guys. I'm sure we all are. Sorry, I am blabbing quite a bit here. But I am just trying to - "His eyes grew large and he pointed past Catherine out the window. "Look!"

Across the street, a truck matching the description of the kidnapper's vehicle sat partially covered in snow. A woman hurried out of the building beside the truck, a very unhappy look on her face. She seemed to be arguing with a man who was following her out of the house. He wore a long coat, the hood pulled up over his face. A gun was visible in his hand. Both of their voices escalated until in a sudden violent motion, the man grabbed the woman's right arm and dragged her back into the building out of sight of the rescuers.

Joe Maxwell looked as if he had seen a ghost. "That is Nancy's mother!" He grabbed his phone and began fumbling with the numbers as if to call the police or backup.

Catherine grabbed it and tossed it out the car window. "Not now Joe. The police will come. We have Scarlett -uh, Nancy- in there, and Mouse. We can't have the police find them just yet. Also, Vincent is sure to be around there somewhere."

Father straightened quickly. "Vincent is out there?"

Catherine nodded. "Yes. Now don't worry about Below, they will be fine."

Father shook his head. "I'm worried about Nancy's kidnappers."

Joe shook his head. "Don't be, Jacob. Don't be."


Where are you Vincent? She searched her heart, every corner, every passageway. Looking, feeling, searching for their connection. He had to come. He just had to. It was terribly cold in the room and so very dark. Mouse had not yet awoken, and it worried her. She knew Father would be so worried sick. So would Catherine. She felt so confused. Was her mother changed? Or not? And why did she keep calling Paracelsus - what was it? Mr. Heathrow? He had to have tricked her mom. He was trying to get her by tricking her mother. Her mother might be in danger! Scarlett felt sick and dizzy from all the worries and thoughts swirling in her head. She did not feel courageous at all, but she knew she had to be the strong one. She gently patted the baby. "Hang on, little one. More adrenaline headed your way. Momma is going to get us out of here."

Careful observance of the room revealed that there were no windows. There were no entrances other than the door. She carefully shook Mouse. "Honey, wake up please, wake up." He did not respond or even stir. Desperately, she crept to the door and tried it. It wasn't locked. Courage took over her fear. No one was going to save them. She dragged Mouse toward it and froze as the door opened. The brightness temporarily blinded her. A tall figure stood before her. Fearful that Paracelsus had returned, she shielded Mouse with her small form and cowered.


A thrill of relief went through her, as she recognized the voice. It was Joe Maxwell. He rushed into the room, flashlight in hand. "We've got you, baby. We've got you." There was sudden roar downstairs, and pandemonium that lasted moments before fading into the distance. Joe chuckled lightly. "well, Vincent is taking care of the bad guy."

Scarlett started to protest but Joe held up a hand. "Not your mom. She is under arrest again. We will get the whole story later. I say, young one! Are you pregnant?" Scarlett smiled.


Joe touched her wedding ring. "My, my. Mouse is such a lucky man. Let's get Father in here and see what is wrong with him." At exactly that moment, Catherine and Father entered the room. Amid the excited reunion, Mouse began to stir. Father was momentarily distracted by the injuries of his tunnel children, and Catherine and Joe could talk.

"Joe, she can't testify."

Joe rubbed his face wearily. "I know, Catherine. I am aware. I really think I can get this to go through now that Mrs. Wilson is in custody again. They are going to lock her up and throw away the key. If we can just get Nancy's statement, I think it will be enough."

Catherine sighed. "Okay, Joe, let me know what you find out."

Joe smiled and patted her shoulder. "Will do, Chandler. Get the kids settled in then report back. I am going to drive Mrs. Wilson back to the station. Will return."

Catherine smiled and waved as he headed downstairs. She turned back to where Father was carefully examining Mouse.

"I tried to wake him, Father." Scarlett said softly, kneeling beside Father. He patted her shoulder. "Never you mind, dear child. He has been drugged but he will come around. He's already stirring. He should be right as rain in a little bit. As soon as Joe returns with the car, we will have Catherine take us closer to the Park." He pulled her into a tight hug. "I was worried for you, child. Very worried."

Scarlett buried her face into his coat. "I know, Father." she said softly, voice muffled by the fur. "I know you were."

Father smiled and pulled her away so he could look her in the face. "But you were going to rescue yourself and Mouse and for that I commend you. It was stupid, and very, very dangerous. But I commend you."

Scarlett smiled. She loved her little family so much.


It wasn't too hard of a story to put together once all the pieces got laid out. Mrs. Wilson, Nancy's mom, wanted to get rid of Scarlett in a quiet way before she could testify. She escaped jail and ran into Mr. Heathrow in the underworld. Paracelsus could barely believe his good fortune in discovering the person he was to take was his very own previous trophy that had escaped his clutches. So he had accepted the job. However, Mouse was an accessory to the crime. he was in the way. he had been grabbed and drugged. Mrs. Wilson was very angry that Scarlett had gotten away, but Paracelsus knew to wait. He was a cunning fox and knew that Scarlett would not leave her husband in his time of need. So Scarlett became his property again. Mrs. Wilson changed her mind when she realized her daughter was pregnant. She was a mother, after all. But by this time, Paracelsus had begun showing his true colors. Nancy's mom had tried to leave, hoping to be able to get help, but as the rescuers had seen outside, that wasn't going to happen. Vincent was after Paracelsus. No one ever knew if he had killed Paracelsus. And no one ever asked. Vincent only told her that she didn't need to worry ever again. So she trusted him.

She and Mouse had a future ahead together. They knew there would be trials and terrible storms ahead. But no matter what faced them, the love and care of their fellow Tunnel dwellers would be strong enough to see them through anything.


Authors note. ya go. The end of the Scarlett and Mouse saga. Not sure where I will go from here. I can feel in my bones that Scarlett and Mouse are ready to rest and raise their child. I may come back to them and see how they are later on after the baby is born.

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