
By XharoldsbabeX

192K 8.2K 2.8K

Red-eyed vampires have taken over the world and have captured all humans. Or so they thought. Ellie and her s... More

Vacation Styles
Ch. 19 *The Search is On*
Ch 20 *Reading Letters and Lips*
Ch. 21 *Nothing for Me, Something for Her*
Ch. 22 *Three Days*
Ch.23 *Begging for Forgivness*
Ch. 24 *Too Soon*
Ch. 25 *Fights, Friends, Foes*
Ch.26 *Unplanned Escapes*
Ch. 27 *Point Down*
Ch. 28 *Alone*
Ch. 29 *Into the Woods*
Ch. 30 *Brothers*
Ch. 31 *Jealousy Comes From Love*
Ch.32 *Good Terms*
Ch.33 *Black and White*
Ch.34 *No Love, No Life*
Ch. 35 *Sacrafice*
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Very Important
Thirty Eight
Thirty nine
Fourty three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
To be continued...


5.2K 190 32
By XharoldsbabeX

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I open my eyes, causing my head to spin more than it was before. I quickly close my lids, hoping that the room will stop spinning. My hand comes up to my head trying to soothe it, but it only reveals how weak I am. I drop my hand back at my side, for it feels too heavy to even hold up.

"Ellie?" I open my eyes and turn my head to the side of the bed where my name was being called from.

My visions a bit blurred, but blinking how I am is helping Louis' face form. He is wearing his white coat that he was wearing when he interrogated me, but his hair looks messier than before. Almost as if he was running his hands through it and tugging at the ends, causing some parts to stand up.

I whimper when Louis starts to split into two images. I close my eyes again and manage to bring both of my hands up to cover my face.

"Thank god you're alive! With how much blood he took, I thought you were sure to be dead." He says all too loudly, making my head start to pound.

"What happened?" I ask, even though I know exactly what happened here.

Harry was sucking my blood, and he didn't stop! He almost killed me! And what's worse is at first I was encouraging him to draw more and more. I don't like that compelling shit. This can't ever happen again. I need to find out where Esmay is and find a way to escape this place. It doesn't seem impossible which is good. I just need to find someone to help me.

Louis answers my question and tells me what I already know, but I just nod along- taking it in again.

"You are going to need to stay in bed for a couple of days so your body can restore the lost blood." He informs me and I keep my eyes closed, hoping my nausea will go away.

If anything it's getting worse. I let out an annoyed huff before pulling my body up. Louis sees me struggling and grabs my shoulders, helping me up. I lean my back onto the headboard. A state of pure dizziness occurs, but then it goes away a little. It's still there, but I feel a lot better now that I'm sitting up.

I open my eyes and look over to the small table aside from the bed. The glass of water Zayn brought that Harry set down is still there luckily. I slowly reach my arm and bring the cool water to my mouth.

Thank god Zayn had to come back with the water. If he didn't I would probably be dead right now. I gulp down the water until it's all gone. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before Louis takes it from my hands and sets it back down on the table.

"Thanks" I mumble and he smiles before nodding. I drop my head and feel something foreign on my neck. I raise my hand to my neck and feel another bandage stuck to my skin. A slight sting occurs when I touch it, so I quickly drop my hand. I look up to Louis and I can see the sympathy in his eyes. I force a smile, as does he before he looks down at his feet.

There's a moment of silence and I quickly remember my plan to ask Louis about Esmay.

I cough bringing Louis' attention to me. I let out a small breath before closing my eyes. "I know you told me not to ask you, and you said that you can't tell me but." I trail off and open my eyes to a confused Louis. "Can you please tell me where Esmay is?" I plead, but his slowly nods his head.

"Ellie, you know I can't." He sighs in defeat before making the bed dip from him sitting down on it.

"Please." I cry and I can see the sympathy in his eyes. He turns his head back towards the door then back to me.

He scoots closer to me and leans in so he is right in front of me. "You can't tell anyone I told you Ellie." He whispers and I quickly nod my head in excitement. Yes! He's going to tell me! Thank god for Louis!

"She is in one of the rooms, slowly recovering." He quietly says.

"She's here in Shadow!?" I yell and he puts a hand over my mouth.

"Yes. Be quiet!"


"She's in Shadow, but she won't be for long." He keeps his voice low. He looks back at the door again as if someone will hear us.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when she first got here, Jack Teller, another Vampo, was taking her up to a room and she kept resisting. She ended up punching him in the face and tried to run. Jack got pissed and attacked her. He left a shit load of bites on her and she lost a lot of blood. I stopped him before he could kill her and I took her up to a room and helped her. Harry found out and was just going to send her to the drainers, but I felt bad and convinced him to let me help her recover before sending her to Storage." He explains and my heart drops. I'm happy to know that she is here, but hearing that she isn't well and almost got killed makes me sick to my stomach.

"Thank you Louis for helping her." I say before leaning in and giving him a hug. I bury my head into his shoulder, but my head starts pounding again so I quickly release him and lean back on the headboard. "Shit. I feel so sick."

"The kitchen is preparing you a big meal. You'll need to eat all of it." He states and my stomach turns at the thought of eating right now. I feel too sick to do anything and eating is definitely something I don't want to do.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"Yes, Ellie. Your body needs the nutrition." He states before being interrupted by a knock on the door. "That must be the food." He says while scurrying over to the door.

I really don't want to eat, but I'm just so glad that I know that Esmay is here. Not for long though- Louis words repeat in my head. I need to find what room she is in as soon as possible before she recovers.

I watch as Louis rushes to open the door widely. He lightly groans before closing the door and only leaving a small opening.

"I don't think it's the best idea for you to come in here right now." Louis says to the person behind the door- that he apparently doesn't want to come in.

I tilt my body, attempting to see who it is. I hope it's not Harry.

My head begins spinning even worse and I support my weight on my arm that's pressed against the side table. I tune my ears fully into the other side of the room. A muffled voice sounds behind the door-talking to Louis, but I can't make out who it is.

I lean forward further and my arm starts to shake from being too weak to hold me up. The figure behind the door comes more into view, but I can only see black pants because Louis' head is covering the rest of whoever it was.

"Yes, she's fine, but I don't think you should see her. She's recovering." Louis speaks and before the person behind the door could answer my arm gives out and I make a large thump as I fall off of the bed and hit the table. "Owh." I cry out as I see the door forcefully swing open, making Louis jump back and letting a very concern looking Harry inside.

He fast walks toward me with his brows furrowed and his lips a hard line. "What are you doing?" His voice comes out concerned with a hint of anger.

I look up and his shadow covers me completely from him hovering over me.

"I fell." I whisper before grabbing the hand that he put out for me.

He effortlessly picks me up, helping me stand up straight. I look up to his gaze and my knees shake before giving out. I lose my balance and fall hard into his chest. He quickly wraps his arms around me- catching me before I hit the ground again.

"Fuck." He mumbles before reaching his arms under my legs and picking me up bridal style.

Without thinking I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head into his chest. I am completely frightened of him, but right now it feels good in his arms. Almost as if he is making me feel better. My dizziness has gone away slightly and I'm so happy for that.

I open my eyes as I feel Harry start to walk. I thought he was just going to plop me onto my bed, but I watch as his face fills with concentration while making his way towards the door. My body shakes from being touched by him. All I can think about is him almost killing me and wondering if he'll loose control again.

"Where are you going?" I hear Louis say and I look to see that he is following Harry outside the room- right behind us.

"I'm taking her to my room."

My stomach drops at his words. Shit! He can't take me up to his room. I open my mouth to scream no, but Louis beats me to it.

"No, Master! She needs to rest. You can't take any more blood from her."

I feel Harry jolt a stop and spin around. Louis stops in his tracks and his eyes widen from the look of anger Harry is giving him.

"I know!" Harry booms causing Louis to shriek and take a step back. "I'm not going to touch her!" He yells and I scrunch my head from the pain my head gets from his loud voice.

I feel him look down at me and his hot breath fans over my cheek before looking back up at Louis. "Bring her dinner to my room. Don't worry I'm not going to touch her." He repeats more calmly and relief runs through my body- I'm sure Louis' as well. I'm happy he said he won't touch me; hopefully he won't touch me ever again.

I feel Harry whip back around and stride down the long hallway. I keep my head dug into his chest as he makes his way towards his bedroom. He stops and I hear a ding before he enters an enclosed space. I don't look up from his body, but I am assuming that we are in an elevator when it starts to move upwards.

Another ding sounds before I hear the elevator doors slide open. Not too long later Harry pulls out keys from his pocket and opens the door in one swift motion. I take my head off his chest and take in my surroundings. His room is much bigger than mine. It's even bigger than my living room back at my real home. His bed looks humongous- probably a king size. It has a headboard that looks much more expensive than mine. His room was connected to a bathroom, but there is actually a door attached to it. Lucky him.

He places me onto the bed and my body dips into the soft mattress. I lift myself up, finally gaining some of my strength back. I scoot back until my back hits the headboard and I bring my knees up to my chest in fear. Even though he said he wasn't going to touch me anymore, I'm still terrified of him. I look up from the bed and watch as Harry strides over to the wall that has a phone hanging on it. He madly takes the old fashioned phone off of the base. The string that connects them together dangles down as he dials a number. I want to open my mouth and ask him why I am up here and what he's doing, but instead I stay quiet.

"Where the hell is the food!?" Harry yells into the phone and I jump back from his sudden outburst.

There's silence from Harry listening to the person on the other end of the line.

"She needs it now! It better be up here in the next minute or all of you will be sent to the drainers!" I can hear his breathing increase. He runs a hand through his hair as he slams the phone back onto the base.

"Master, I'm fine. I can wait." I say, trying to soothe his nerves. I don't like when he is mad, it makes me more scared of him. Why is he even so worried about me? I'm sure he has done this to a bunch of humans before. He narrows his eyes at me before making his way over to the side of the bed. My legs grow weak, probably from his stare.

"I- I really am fine, sir. I-" I stutter as he looks at me deeply- red eyes burning right through me. He runs his eyes down my body, scoping me. His eyebrows furrow when his eyes meet my thigh.

I look down to see what he's staring at and I memorize the welt that Liam left on me. He looks up to me and his eyes turn a darker red. I gulp from his angry look before opening my mouth, but nothing comes out. I don't know what to say. He looks back down and my leg and reaches his hand to it. He runs his fingers over the bruise and goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Who?" His voice deep, making me too scared to speak. I really shouldn't be scared though- Liam should.

"Foods here, Master!" A voice comes through the door and I recognize whose voice it is. And of course it has to be him. Liam knocks on the door- getting Harry's full attention. He looks at the door, but doesn't move to answer it.

"Tell me who did this to you Ellie." His voice rose slightly and I decide to answer him now before he gets more upset and screams at me.

"Liam." I mumble, looking down at my hands on my lap.


"Sir Liam." I say louder before looking up to meet his gaze.

His eyebrows connect together and I watch his nostrils flare in anger. Liam knocks on the door again, louder. Harry looks over at the door angry before making his way across the room. The door swings open reveling a cart with food and a confused Liam next to it.

"Master, are you okay?" Liam stutters, obviously frightened by Harry.

I can only see the back of Harry, but by the way Liam looks, I know Harry is giving him a deathly stare. Liam looks over Harry's shoulder, landing his eyes on me. I can see the wheels in his head turning once he spots the welt on my skin that he left. Harry turns and takes a quick glance at me before turning back around to Liam. I watch Liam's face turn into complete fear.

Harry reaches out the doorway and grasps the cart of food before throwing it inside. It rolled all the way across the room from his strength and hit the back wall next to his bed.

"Eat!" He growled before slamming the door behind him.

Oh snap. Liam is in some deep shit. I can't say I feel bad for him though. He was a total dick, and I'm glad Harry is going to do whatever he does to him.

I don't move from Harry's bed even though I know I should do as he said and eat, but I decide to just lay down and rest my head on his pillow. The scent of him fills my nostrils and I dip my head deeper into his pillow, allowing me to take in his full scent. God, he smells good.

Wait, what am I doing? No. He doesn't smell good. He reeks like all vampires should. All vampires are supposed to be disgusting monsters that smell of blood and garbage right? What are you talking about?

"I don't know." I answer my annoying subconscious aloud. Honestly I don't know what I am talking about. "I'm just hungry." I mumble to myself before standing up from the bed. Yeah, sure that's what it is.

"Oh my god." Do you ever shut up?" I wine to my inner self as I pull the metal cover off the food.

"Who are you talking too?" I hear a chuckle behind me and I jump before turning around in shock, finding Louis standing in the door way with the door open. He is standing outside of the room which I find odd.

"Uh, nobody." I flush in embarrassment. "What are you doing, here?" I ask, trying to change the subject so he doesn't make fun of me for talking to myself.

"I came to make sure you were fine and I brought up guaritore because the chefs forgot to put it in the food. You're going to have to pour it over your food. It doesn't taste very good so make sure to mix it really good." He explains still not entering the room fully.

He scopes the room and furrows his brows, "Where is Master?"

"He, uhh, I'm not really sure, but he's not here." I stutter and watch as Louis looks into the hallway behind him. He turns back to me with an unreadable expression and I look at him confused.

He mouths the words "Come here." And I look at him and I grow even more puzzled.

"What?" I whisper and he fans his hand, gesturing for me to come towards him.

I hesitate, but then slowly make my way towards him. When I reach him, he grabs my forearm and pulls me in close to him. He brings his mouth close to my ear before whispering, "Here." I feel his hand slide against mine and something cold falls into my hand. I look down confused and find a key resting in my hand. There's a number carved at the head of the key. 234 L.S.

I look back up from my hand and Louis is gone. I glance out of the door and see him pushing the elevator button. He turns his hand, meeting my eyes before mouthing, "You're welcome." He smiles at me and disappears into the now open elevator door.

Oh my god. Is this the key to Esmay's room? How am I even going to find room 234 L.S though. I wish Louis could just take me to the room, but I know he doesn't want to get caught. He has already, I'm sure, broken too many rules. A smile grows on face and I quickly step back inside, shutting the door. I fast walk back to the food and do as Harry demanded. I scarfed it down and realized Louis didn't even give me guaritore. Did he forget or did he only come up here to secretly give me the key?

I run to Harry's bathroom and look in the mirror before ripping off the white bandage. It's not there. The bite isn't there anymore. So, the chefs did put gauritore in my food. That means Louis only came up here to give me the key. Which also means he really wants to help me. Maybe he'll even help Esmay and I escape Shadow.

The door creaks open, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look out of the bathroom door and find Harry making his way back inside his room. I fully step out of the bathroom and next to his bed. He looks at me in the eyes before moving his sight down to my neck.

"I see you ate." He states before making his way towards me. I grasp the key in my hand tighter and hope he doesn't notice.

I nod my head and move onto the bed before he can reach me and hover over like he always does. He said he wasn't going to touch you remember?

Yes I remember, but that doesn't make me any less scared off him. I mentally tell her. Luckily not saying it aloud for Harry to hear. I slide my body to the side I was recently sitting on and sit in my familiar position. He watches me and a smirk grows on his face. He turns around and makes his way into a separate room. I'm guessing a closet.

It takes him a minute before he comes back out with only his boxers on. My eyes widen at the many tattoos he has. He chuckles at my response as he throws a black t-shirt at me.

Why is he acting so normal? He doesn't seem so mad like he was an hour ago. I wonder what he did to Liam?

I look down at the t-shirt he threw me and grasped it in my hands before looking back up to him. He's now right next to the bed on the opposite side of me. "Put it on and take off your shorts." I look down at my clothes and remember that I'm not wearing a bra.

"Umm..." I mumble not looking up at him.

"Now." He demands and I look up to see his face full of anger.

I quickly oblige undoing the button on my shorts first. I lift my butt up allowing me access to slide them down my legs. My black thong reveals itself and I quickly pull down my grey shirt, covering the front of my crotch. I look up to Harry and his eyes are glued to my lower half. I glare at him and he looks up to me. I madly throw the shorts on the floor still scowling at him and he looks at me with a blank face.

He turns around and goes to the bathroom to shut the light off. I take the opportunity of him not looking at me and quickly rip off my shirt before throwing on the t-shirt he gave me and placing myself under the comforter in one quick motion.

All the lights turn off except for a lamp sitting on the bedside table on Harry's side of the bed. I turn on my side facing away from Harry. I feel the bed deep from his weight. His body warmth reaches my skin as he scoots in close to me. I feel him connect onto my body- bringing me into a cuddle.

Without thinking I turn to look at him and press my elbow on his chest, pushing him off me.

"Ellie." He warns and I close my eyes before giving in to letting him spoon me. I grip my hand around the key still in my hand. Just do what he says. You're so close to finding Esmay.

Harry's hand runs up my thigh and pulls me closer into his body. He leans his mouth into my ear. "No one is ever going to touch you again." His hot breath fans over my ear and I close my eyes tighter.

I want to ask him what he did to Liam, but instead I stay quiet. I feel Harry completely relax and I just sit in silence waiting for him to fall asleep so I can slip out of his arms and go find Esmay.

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