Turn of Life

By menaka92

87K 7.1K 2K

Our life is a mixture of love and hatred, happiness and sorrow, twists, blunders and many more...!! Though we... More

Turn of Life
2. Murder plan
5.Sneaking out of hostel
6.Kiran's birthday
7. Birthday celebrations
8.Teasing eachother
9. Meeting them
10. Confusion
11. Last
12.Thank you
15.Pranav's dad
16.Unexpected Proposal
19.The phone call
20. Game
21. Process
22.New Task
24.Unexpected support
25.Long time
27.Irresistable Attraction
28.First day
29.Treating him
31.Prince Charming
32.Unknown feelings
33.Little did I know
34.The day
37.Friends talk
38.Deadly virus
41.Her antics
45.First kiss
46.The proposal
47.Unexpected care and comfort
48.(Un)Pleasent Surprise
49.Secret revealed
50. I know
52.The bet
53.Anything possible
54.A night to remember
55.Her reply
57.Bad feeling
58.The news
59.I like him?
60.The meet
61.New member in the gang
62.Happy? Not happy?
64.The complete day
65.My heart
71.Can't be happening
73.Almost there
74.Peace at the end?
75.Not so romantic proposal
76.The final verdict
77.Fire girl
81.Dean to dad
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5
Epilogue 6
Questions and Answers

56.A day with her

788 57 39
By menaka92

Aditya Pov

I entered the passcode of her flat door and went inside. I kept the parcel on the kitchen slab. I took out her favourite snickers from the cover and started searching for her when I heard a loud sound from her bedroom.  It has been a week since I shifted as Ritu's neighbour and I really think this is one of the best decision of my life. We started growing so close to eachother that we spoke to each other's parents on face time for a couple of times. We know each other quiet well now and that's the reason I know her flat passcode and even she knows mine. We both use eachother flats without hesitation and it all felt just...so right!

I went inside slowly and carefully without making any noise. The view in front of me made my eyes pop out of the socket.

In front of me stood my love dancing on the bed with a towel wrapped around her body. Her back was facing me and she was singing the lyrics of the sing loud and dancing to the exact steps of some desi song.

This girl will surely make me go crazy with her acts.

She was dancing on the corner of the bed, jumping like a mad monkey. She suddenly slipped and was about to fall when I went to her and pulled her in my arms.

She closed her eyes in reflex and clutched my shirt tightly. I chuckled.

She opened her eyes slowly as if she was observing the surrounding for her safety. Hee smiled widened when she found her safe in my arms.

"Oh! Thank god I didn't brake my legs" she said as she released herself from my hold around her hips.

"Thanks Aditya" Ritu said with her heart throbbing smile.

Her gaze immediately landed on my hand where I had the snickers.

"Wow! You got this for me? Aww, that's so sweet of you" she snatched the chocolate bar from her hand and started munching it, looking at it delicately. She moaned at the taste and I found myself losing my control.

"Ri..Ritu" I stammered for the first time in front of a girl.

"Huh?" She looked up to see me and I once again for drown in her eyes. Her wet hair falling on her forehead,her lips with chocolate at the corner of it, her sharp nose, her chubby cheeks, isn't helping me at all.

We stood still looking into each other's eyes. Her eyes bore deep into mine as if she was looking at my sole.

My phone rang, bringing us out of our thoughts. Her eyes widened. I guess she realised her state of clothing just now. She immediately ran to the washroom dropping the chocolate bar in the bed. I chuckled at her act and quickly went outside her bedroom taking my phone from my pocket.

"Hello" I attended the call. It was Shweta.

"Hey bud" she greeted me in extra enthusiastic tone.

"What made my devil so happy?" I asked her and heard her giggling on the other side.

"Nothing much. So where are you?" She asked me.

"Umm... I'm..I'm at..." I stammered again. Ok, this is my second time and this is also because of Ritu. A smile appeared on my lips unknowingly, thinking about her.

"At Ritu's house right?" She asked me and I wasn't surprised at it. I very well know that aunt and uncle must have told her that I'm renting an apartment here.

"So how's she? Can I talk to her?" She asked.

"She's bathing now. I'll talk her to call you once she's done" I replied.

"Idiot, what are you doing there when she's bathing?" She roared. I'm sure if she was here, she might have slapped me. She's very protective towards her friends.

"You dumb! I'm in the living room and she's in the restroom. And don't you know my character?" I questioned her back.

"Yea, I know the ACP's character" she said and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Ok now, jokes apart. Tell me, is anything serious? Why did you call me this early in the morning?" I asked her.

"It's 9 ACP sir, what early morning?" She said.

"Ok whatever, tell me what's the reason?" I asked her.

"Geez, calm down. I wonder who will marry this hot head. She's so unlucky! I already pity her!" Here goes her melodrama.

"Woman! I have some other work too other than listening to your rants. I'm not Harish if you forgot" I teased her. I know that they both finally opened up to eachother in the camp and I'm genuinely happy for her.

"Hmm, yea. Ok listen, we have to meet up as soon as possible" she said seriously.

"We? I mean who all? And why?" I asked her.

"I have only one mouth, so slow down, will you?" Gosh! Her drama is never ending!

"We in the sense Preeti, Kiran, Priya, Ritu, you and I. We all have to meet regarding Yash's case. I have something very important to tell you guys" she said.

"Ok but I think Preeti and Kiran are out of India right?"

"Yea, they are returning tonight. So we'll meet up tomorrow. I'll message you the time and venue after discussing with the others" she said.

"Tomorrow is Sunday and I planned to stay with my beauty sleep but you devil, you ruined it. You are a true devil, do you know that?"

"I know I am spoiling your Sunday. So instead of sleeping tomorrow, why don't you get your beauty sleep today?" She asked.

I would like to do that but today I promised myself to take Ritu out today. So not possible. But I'm sure it'll be more fun that my sleep.

"Or is someone going on a date?" She added and how does she know that? I didn't even tell Ritu about it.

"I know you idiot. Remember we were close to eachother in our childhood? Of course why will you remember? You have got someone special who occupied whole of your thoughts and mind, or should I say heart?" She teased me and I kinda blushed a little.

True devil!

"Shweta, this is enough. I'm hanging up. Meet you tomorrow" I said ending the call, not before hearing her giggles.

I sat on the sofa waiting for her. I was thinking about Shweta and what she said just now. She said it's something related to Yash. What might be hidden now? I have almost research everything about him and to be honest I found no fault or anything that rose my suspicion. I arrested him on doubt only because of Shweta and her friend Kavya. I feel very pity for Kavya. She had to go through so much in her life in such an age. I don't understand why is god so cruel when it comes to girls like her.

I was in my own thoughts when I heard someone behind me closing the door. I turned to see the love of my life Ritu. She was looking so gorgeous that I can't take my eyes off her.

She was wearing a pink maxi dress which covered her from head to toe. It has beautiful floral print and she just looked like a doll, a pretty doll.

I was lost looking at her when she clicked her fingers in front of me. I shook my head to ignore my thoughts about her and payed attention to her.

"What are you thinking so seriously?" She asked and still my eyes are glued to her. She's just like an angel arrived from heaven in a pink dress.

"An angel" I blurred out and her face got a tint of pink shade.

I realised what I said and just cursed myself under my breath.

"Umm.. actually I was.. I was thinking about Shweta" I said and the next moment I regretted it.

"What? Why were you thinking about her?" Anger was clearly visible in her tone and I felt happy to see her getting jealous. I do have some effect on her, isn't it?

"No, not about her. About what she said" I cleared her unnecessary thoughts and doubts.

"What did she say?" Now have was back to her sweet self. I just love how she changes her voice from second to second. So cute!

"She wants to meet us tomorrow regarding Yash" I said and she nodded.

"What about Yash? Did he do anything again now? I swear I'll kill him if he hurts my Kavya again" again her tone was angry. God! I just wanna pull her cheeks now. She's too cute to resist.

"No, he didn't do anything. And I don't know what she wants to talk. Let's see tomorrow. She asked us to join her. She'll message me the details of the meeting after she discusses with the others" I said and she nodded.

"So let's go?" I asked her.

"Umm, where?" She asked innocently.

"Let's go out somewhere, of you are free. Otherwise no pressure. If you have nay work then, maybe I.." she cut me off.

I was rubbing my nape with my right hand. This is the first time I'm asking a girl to hangout with me. I have never been so close to any woman other than my mom.

"I'm free now, so let's go" she said and held my hand. I felt electrified that moment. That's the moment I realized she's the one for me. No one ever can give me suggestions feelings. I love her madly and deeply.

"Oops, one minute" she said and left my hand to run inside her room.

I suddenly missed the warmth of her hold. She's definitely so much into my system that I can't live without where anymore.

I promise to make you fall in love with me Ritu.
I promise to take care of you like the most precious diamond I'm the world.
I promise to cook for you in weekends.
I promise to make you the most happiest girl in the world.
I promise you to love you the way you deserved to be loved.

I love you Ritu!

I was brought back from my thoughts when I saw the most beautiful girl on the world hopping towards me with the chocolate bar in her hand. She's truly a kid, my first kid.

"Let's go" she held my hand again and I felt alive again.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked her as she was licking the chocolate in her hand. I chuckled at her and she pointed me to hold the bar.

I held it and she tucked her hair behind her ear but it kept falling on her face. I kept the chocolate bar on her hand back on her hand and helped her with her hair. I clipped it on the side and she thanked me with a smiled

We rode off to the nearby cinema theater in my ford figo and reached the place within half an hour. We listened to songs on the way and she sang along pleasing my ears. When did I become this lucky?

We reached the place and booked the ticket for Insidious: the last key. I came to know that it's a horror film and thanked God for it. It's going to be a long day and the best day I guess.

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