I See Fire | The Starlight Se...

By Fangirling_in_221b

429 20 2

"If this is to end in fire, then let us burn together. Watch the flames climb into the night, calling out for... More

{Character/Story Playlist }
{ Before You Read | Author's Note }
Chapter Two | Mirkwood
Chapter Three | The Arrogant King...But Don't Say It To His Face Though.
Chapter Four | I Wish You Luck

Chapter One | A Short/Long Life of I Told You So

71 6 0
By Fangirling_in_221b

She had always lived a reckless life, but in the end, Ashwin was still made of bone that could be broken and flesh that could be cut. And now, as Ashwin lay propped against a log on the forest floor, her hands clutching her wounded stomach, this realization had come far too late.  

The man had followed her for miles, until she had been driven into the darkness of the woods. But where had he gone? And all of this over a dagger, the same dagger that she had stolen. Well, is it stealing if it originally belonged to you? The dagger was placed carefully deep into the pocket of Ashwin's satchel, wrapped in a piece of velvet fabric. 

"Come on, I can do this -" She gasped for breath, struggling to sit up. The pain felt like hot iron stinging every part of her lower body. After a few moments of struggle, Ashwin collapsed once again against the log. "Maybe I can't do this."

Her vision began to swim, making the dark forest around her look like a whirlpool of black and grey. Ashwin knew that she didn't have much time, a few minutes maybe? She also knew how many people would tell her I told you so if they could see her now. Ashwin had always been told how she would die a horrible death with the life she was living, that there was no guarantee of returning home. Would anyone find her body? Would anyone even look-

"Don't. Move." The deep voice filled Ashwin's ears through the fuzz that had overcome her mind. The lower half of her body have been growing numb, but Ashwin could definitely feel the cold steel blade being pressed against the side of her neck. "I will not hesitate."

"I couldn't if I wanted to..." Ashwin let out a deep, hoarse cough and whimpered. A single tear ran down her face, clearing away a small bit of dirt on her pale colored cheek. She leaned her head back, ignoring the blade entirely, and closed her eyes. "Now if you wouldn't mind I would like to be left alone to die in peace."

Could the situation get any worse? 

 Of course, the situation, could in fact become worse. And worse it became.

  Ashwin didn't want to open her eyes, as if she were afraid of what she might see. The cold blade left the side of her neck, and the rustling of fallen leaves and twigs cackled around her, as if it had been stepped on. She knew, no, she could feel that the stranger was only a few feet from her face. Her hands, now sticky with dry blood, tightening around her stomach. 

 "You're.... Hurt." The man's voice had lost its edge, he almost sounded concerned.

"Really?" Ashwin opened her eyes slowly, her vision fading in and out. She let out a hoarse cough, feeling a trickle of blood go down the side of her mouth. The man kneeled beside her. In the darkness, and through her blurry vision, Ashwin was able to make out a few features. "I didn't notice...."

Long strands of platinum blonde hair fell over the man's shoulders, tied half up and half down in a single braid down the back his neck. He had a strong jawline and defined cheekbones. His pale white skin and blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. "My name is Legolas Greenleaf-"

Legolas Greenleaf's word's became fuzzy in her ears as Ashwin's head fell forward, and her mind fell into unconsciousness. 

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