U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

558K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


19.2K 514 100
By curvaparabolica

     His lips brushed over the shell of her ear, his slim and slender fingers dancing over her delicate skin and rode up the material of her skirt. A moan tumbling out of her mouth as his big palms closed around her thighs, squeezing the squishy skin. His mouth hovered over hers again, capturing hers in a deep kiss that messed with her mind in so many ways. She was his. Her head was tipped back as his mouth assaulted her neck, sucking the lilac bruises to the surface of her skin and painting his canvas to leave his signature on the bottom. His fingers, his hands, they never stopped crawling closer to her aching core.

Her heart drummed in her ears, pumping adrenaline through her blood. His lips were pure sin against her skin and she only wanted more, more, more. But he was teasing her so bad and a needy whine slipped past her lips. A smirk was plastered on his face, knowing she was addicted to him. His hands felt her bare thighs, her hips and his fingers hooked into her panties, letting the elastic band snap against her skin. His fingers dipped between her thighs and-...

"Honey! Don't you need to go to school?". Kate abruptly woke up as her mother opened her door to scream into her room. She was about to yell back that she had her alarm set, but she suddenly heard the annoying sound of the thing on her nightstand. The thing was ringing for half an hour already, yet she had totally slept through. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm late as hell". Kate cursed and threw the alarm off its stand while swinging her legs over the edge of her bed. "Language, please". Mrs. Pearson rolled her eyes and went downstairs to prepare some breakfast for her daughter.

Kate hoisted herself in a pair of jeans, swinging a shirt over her head and combing her hair while searching for her shoes. She took a look in the mirror and she had a slight breakdown as she saw her flustered face. Her dream, she had dreamed about Sweet Pea and god it was about to get hot. Or well, it already was hot, but it was about to get even hotter. Kate closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "You're not letting that boy ruin your head". She muttered to herself and tied the laces of her worn out pair of Dr. Martens. She rarely wore them to school or somewhere else, but she didn't have the time to change them.

Kate swung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her jacket off the coat rack, swinging by the kitchen to grab the tupperware lunch box her mom had prepared. She flew out of the house and took her car to get to school, driving maybe a bit too fast to get there in time. By the time she barged into school, the bell rang to indicate the start of the first period. She was sweaty, she looked like a mess, she probably didn't have the right books with her. How great was this start of the day? She briskly walked to the classroom she had chemistry in and sat down next to Veronica. "Girl, you look wrecked". Was the Lodge girl's first comment.

"That's because I am wrecked". Kate replied without looking at Veronica. "Rough morning?". She guessed. "Tell me about it". A sigh tumbled out of her mouth and she grabbed a random notebook to at least keep up with those. She leaned her head on her hands as she watched the teacher draw something on the board, her mind not staying at the chemistry explanation, but drifting off to the dream she had again. It made the blood flow quicker through her veins and her cheeks were on fire without her having any intention to it. "Ronnie?". Kate leaned over to her friend and she rose her eyebrow for Kate to speak further.

"Did you ever have like, a really weird dream about a boy?". Veronica's face showed some signs of amusement. "Well, I strangled Archie in a dream once, he was flirting with Valerie". Kate shook her head. "Not that kind of weird, it's ehm...". Veronica rolled her eyes. "What? Just spill it, Kate". She hesitated to tell Veronica, however she couldn't hold it in. "A dream where hot stuff happens". Kate muttered and Veronica burst into a fit of giggles. The teacher shot them a look and a couple of students turned around to them. She quickly stopped the laughter and Kate hid her face behind her book. 

"With who?". Veronica curiously asked. "No one special". Kate muttered back. "Anyways, no, I never had that before". She slipped out another giggle and Kate wanted she had never asked her friend that question. The dream about Sweet Pea simply kept haunting her mind and she hoped she could get rid of it throughout the day. She luckily had a period off, so she could take a seat in the lounging room and connect her earphones with her iPhone to stream her favourite series on Netflix. Jughead strolled into the room as well, looking around, probably to find Betty. His eyes fell on Kate and he remembered she was there too, at Southside High. 

He had vaguely heard something about it, some bickering behind Sweet Pea's back about a Northside girl carrying his jacket. It had made Jug a bit suspicious as Sweet Pea wasn't one to shed his skin that easily, especially not for a girl. "Hey, Kate. Have you seen Betty around?". He asked to start a conversation and Kate looked up at him for the first time now. She shook her head and took her earphones out to show him she was listening. "Okay, thanks". He nodded at her and she replied with a gentle smile, about to continue the episode she was watching. "Kate? What were you doing at Southside High a couple days ago?".

Her mouth ran a bit dry at his next question, however her eyes flickered back up to his to answer it. "Sweet Pea gave me his jacket after we ate something at Pop's because it was cold outside". Kate simply answered and his eyebrows quirked upwards. "Sweet Pea gave it to you". He stated and she nodded slowly. "Is that a special occasion or something?". She asked in confusion, however Jughead had already turned around to walk out of the area, making her shake her head and focus on Netflix again. Jughead pushed the doors of school open, not really caring he had another period after the break. 

His feet quickly brougth him to the Wyrm, finding Sweet Pea seated outside as he leaned against his bike, a cigarette between his lips. "Jones". The taller Serpent huffed and blew out some smoke, right in Jughead's face. "Keep Kate out of the Southside business, Sweet Pea". He crossed his arms over his chest and it made Sweet Pea simply cock an eyebrow at Jug. "I can make my own decisions, thank you". His eyebrows moved into a slight frown, showing off that he was already annoyed by the sudden entrance of Jughead. "I mean it, she knows nothing about it all and it's better to keep it that way. She shouldn't come on the Southside".

Sweet Pea let out a chuckle and threw his cigarette on the ground, crushing it with his foot. "Listen, Jones. You may act like you're with us Serpents and all, because you're dad is the Serpent King. But that doesn't mean we see you as one of our brothers. Go back to your Northside friends". His words were harsh, but Pea didn't really care. He turned his back to Jughead as he put his food on the first step of the stairs that let to the entrance of the White Wyrm. "And if you're so desperate to keep Kate out of it all, break things off with Betty than too. I thought you were smarter than that, Jug". 

Sweet Pea's jaw clenched as he pushed the door open, his fingers tingling to ball his hands into fists and swing them towards Jughead's face, but he managed to keep himself together and walked away from him. Fangs looked up at his friend and fellow Serpent as Sweet Pea returned from his smoke. "You look heated". Fogarty mentioned and Sweets shook his head with a sigh. "Not worth talking about. Are you giving me another beer or what?". The grin returned on his face and Fangs rolled his eyes, however asked for two beers more. "How's Kate doing?". Toni dropped as she came to sit on the barstool between the two.

"Yeah, how's Kate doing, Pea?". Fangs wiggled his eyebrows at Sweet Pea and looked at him over Toni's head. "She's stunning". She slipped out and it caused him to throw her an angry look. "She's out of your league, Topaz". Sweet Pea huffed and took a sip of his beer. "If she's out of my league, then she's totally out of yours". Toni swatted his arm and Fangs laughed at her comment. "Now we're talking about her anyway, can you pick her up this Friday evening?". Toni blinked at his request. "Do you trust me with your girl?". Sweet Pea ignored her remark and spoke further. "I think she feels a bit more at ease if you talk a bit with here and that way she doesn't have to go alone". 

"Why can't you pick her up yourself, loverboy?". Fangs asked with a toothy grin and Sweet Pea offered him a shrug. "I have some business to do before I get at the Wyrm". Toni noticed he didn't have a lot to say about it and just nodded. "Sure, I'll do my very best to make her feel at ease". She replied with a smirk and Sweet Pea shot her a warning look. "Hands off". He grunted and Fangs and Toni briefly exchanged a look now. "Shall we get going?". The tall Serpent already stood up and didn't even wait for Fangs' response. He picked his leather jacket off the coat rack and draped it over his shoulders.

Sweet Pea was about to lit another cigarette when his eyes fell on the red haired boy with an aerosol. He dragged it in a circular motion over the wooden and it made Sweet Pea frown. He nudged Fangs in his side and the other Serpent looked over at him. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?". His legs made big steps to lessen the distance between him and the Northsider. "Back off, I'm not here for you". Archie replied and continued to darken the paint he sprayed in a circular motion. Sweet Pea reached out to make him stop it, pushing him slightly back. "Oh yeah? Then who's this message for? Aw, hell, don't tell me it's for the Black Hood". He snarled.

"Do you believe this guy?". Fangs scoffed in addition to Sweet Pea's words. "And they say we're the trouble makers". Archie looked from Sweet Pea to Fangs, yet said nothing and just put the aerosol back in his backpack, pushing through to walk away from them. "Whoa". Sweet Pea and Fangs closed the space for him to escape and pushed him back in front of them. "Southside Serpent Country, you can't come here and tag our turf". The look in his dark hues hardened. "So, why don't you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt?". It was a question, yet it sounded more like a demand. 

"Get out of my way, or someone will get hurt". Archie came closer to Sweet Pea, almost having to lay his head in his neck to look the Serpent in the eyes. Sweet Pea fought the urge to burst into laughter, although a grin showed through. His hand got a grip on the knife he always carried, the blade flashing out of it's holder and glistened right in front of Archie's face. "You just made a big mistake". He warned, the grin only getting wider as Archie's eyes looked nervously down at the knife that was dangerously close to his face. The next thing was something neither Fangs or Sweet Pea had expected. The redhead pulled a gun out of his bag and pushed it into Sweet Pea's face. "Who just made a big mistake?". The Serpent took a step back.

"What the hell, man". Fangs pulled on Sweet Pea's arm to pull him further back. "Who just made a big mistake!". Archie yelled and Fangs jogged away from him. "Come on, man! Let's go". He called over his shoulder and Sweet Pea looked at Archie before he ran after the rest of them. 

The rain started to pour out of the skies and it made Kate sigh as she had wanted to go out for a run tonight, but the weather made the plan a lot less attractive. She had taken a shower and was dressed in a warm sweater and some pyjama shorts to curl up in bed and listen to some music, while the rain tapped onto her window to fill in the background. Kate changed her mind as she looked down at the paint on her nails that had come off a bit, deciding to sit down at her desk and get the remaining paint of and coat her nails with a new layer. She opened her window slightly to let the smell out of her room, hoping the rain wouldn't come in. 

Kate hummed along to the song she heard through her earphones and started to pick a colour she wanted to paint her nails with. She held her breath as she heard something loud, yet the wind had become stronger too, so she guessed it was just the house squeaking or something. She gasped as her window was shoved further open and Sweet Pea's figure hovered over it, climbing into her room. "Sweet Pea, what the hell!". She whisper yelled. "My parents are home!". She added and quickly helped him inside, closing the window as he sat on her floor. "Sorry". He mumbled and she looked down at his face to see the bloodstains on it and decorated with a black eye.

"Don't ask". He huffed and his breathing was still rapid. Kate's eyebrows rose at the sight of him like that, totally soaked by the weather and it looked like he got into a serious fight. She slipped out of her room to take the box with some plasters and anti-infection spray to clean the wounds. Just to be sure, she twisted the lock on her door. Kate got him seated on her desk chair and stood in front of him with a towel to dry his face first. "What happened?". She softly asked as she used a soft wipe to clean out the cut on his jaw. "Fought with those Northside jocks because the Andrews guy shoved a gun in my face". His jaw clenched at the sting of the wound.

"Archie pulled a gun on you?". Kate looked at him with big eyes, filled with worry. "He was spraying red circles all over the Southside. I couldn't just let him go without any payback". Sweet Pea scoffed as if it was the most normal thing on earth. He hissed as her fingertips touched the bruised skin of his eye. "So you came to me because I'm obviously the person you want to see first after you fought with someone". Kate hummed and he took a moment to look at her. His eyes took in the way some strands of her hair framed her face as the rest of it was wrapped up in a bun, the way her eyebrows rose every now and then and how beautiful she was with her skin free from any kind of make-up.

Sweet Pea swallowed hard and looked away from her face. Truth was, as soon as they heard police sirens, he was raging inside his head. He needed to calm down again and the thought of her was the thing that made his heart beat at an healthy pace again. He had brought himself to her house without thinking. "Toni will pick you up this Friday". He avoided to answer her previous words and Kate looked briefly into his eyes. "Toni?". She asked, a bit disappointed Sweet Pea didn't come to pick her up himself. "Mhm". He hummed back, not bothering to give any explanation. 

He stood up and let himself fall on her bed. "Sweets, you need to leave". Kate placed her hands on her side as he closed his eyes. "I'll leave later". He muttered back. "That's my bed". She stubbornly said and peaked at her through one eye. "There's enough room for two". He replied and her cheeks heated up. "Don't you dare to fall asleep right now". She tried to sound severe, but the tone in her voice only made him chuckle. She tried to shove him off her bed by grabbing his arm, yet it felt like she tried to move the Great Wall of China. She groaned loudly and put out the lights, lifting the sheets to sleep on the very end of the bed. 

"It smells in here". Sweet Pea mentioned after a couple minutes in complete darkness. He probably smelled her nailpolish. "That's because you're in here". She replied, still annoyed he didn't plan on moving one bit. "You're cute when you're annoyed, pumpkin". Kate ignored his comment and turned her back to him. "I didn't expect us to share the sheets this early". He continued, laughing about himself. Kate had to admit that was a bit funny, but she kept quiet as she didn't want him to enjoy this too much. "Don't get used to it". Kate said. She felt him shift in his spot, however he stayed on his side of the bed. 

"Too bad I'm really comfortable right here". He yawned and playfully let his finger glide up her spine, causing a shiver to run through her body. "I'm going to kill you if my parents find out you've been here". "Kinky". That made her snort and Sweet Pea had a grin on his face as he managed to make her laugh at least once tonight. 

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